𝐁𝐞𝐑𝐒𝐧𝐝 𝐂π₯𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐃�...

By justlikeyourstories

109K 3.7K 1.6K

In the final Hurrah of Behind Closed Doors, we follow through what they thought was the perfect lifestyle. W... More

Notes n' Wine
It Felt So Real
Lookin Good, Dr Malfoy
Brunette Locks
Lies Unfolded
Touch Yourself
Its Just A Spell
Cold TiledοΏΌ Wall
That Happens To Be My Wife
Dazed And Confused
Fragile Crystal
Its A Sex Club
Heavy Red Curtain
Personalised Sweater
Where It All Started
Wasted Space
Let Him Heal
Got It On Film
Safe Word
Aftermath Or Aftercare
I See Dead People
Completely Clueless
Picture Perfect
Lace Bralettes
Anything But Purple
Anything But Purple PT.2
Sugar Shrub
Silly Little Interns
Amelia Moore
My Blond Boy
I Smell Your Fear
Nice Shot, Potter
Your Tauma Or Mine?
Pretty And Petty
Little Blue
Knocking Down Knockturn Alley
Believe Me
Department Of Mysteries
Department Of Mysteries pt.2
Breaking Blood
Hardly Working
Tell me, baby
Corrupted Lungs
What You Can't Have
Picnic Break
Patience Is Key
Those You Least Expect
That's All It Was
My Babies

Deep Voices

2.6K 83 49
By justlikeyourstories

AnnaLeigh Malfoy

"Miss me?" I repeated the words back to myself about 10 times, standing in the same spot of the cellar with the parchment in my hand—wondering what it meant.

I ran my finger tips over the red writing, I didn't recognise it, nor as Draco's or mine. I thought maybe it could of been something Draco's parents had left behind or forgotten about but then again, it was clean, undusted.

After a moment of being clueless, I came to the conclusion that it was something Elora or Lorenzo had been into when they snuck in here, trying to prank Draco and I.

I rolled my eyes and scrunched the parchment in my hands, crumpling the words before dropping it to the ground. I reached for the whisky again when a bottle right next to me suddenly burst, spraying shards of glass and liquid all over the floor and some on me.

I squealed and jumped back. Staring at the burst bottle, the red content leaking down the shelf and onto the floor, creating a large burgundy puddle.

"What the fuck?" I whispered, taking a step towards it and inspecting it closer. Why did it burst? Glass was known to explode under extreme pressure or high levels of heat but like I said before, this room was always chilled and the air was clean.

I looked down to my hands and noticed small diagonal cuts along my knuckles from the glass. They didn't hurt, only bled. The crimson dripping down into my fingernails.

I sighed and grabbed the bottle of whisky from the shelf, deciding I would ask Draco about it when I got back upstairs.

I stepped around the puddle and headed towards the door when another bottle shot out in front of me and smashed onto the floor. I took a large step back, now beginning to get scared. We lived in the wizarding world but not even enchanted bottles of Berry Ocky Rot moved on their own.

"Draco?" I called out, guessing he must of been in the room. For what reason? I wouldn't know but I had no solutions. I feared to take another step, not wanting a bottle to land on me or smash Anymore against the floor.

I stood silent for a second, trying to listen for any movement that wasn't mine or another smashed bottle but it was as silent as it was when I came down here. I shook my nerves and took another step, heading towards the door with twice the pace.

Again, another bottle smashed but this time it was coming from the other side of the room. I didn't have much time to question it before another bottle smashed and another, then another and another. It was continuous, each sound of the glass shattering was getting closer to where I stood in the middle of the aisle.

One more bottle smashed from the side next to me and that's when I decided I wasn't staying for what was gonna happen after. I started to run down the long aisle, seeing the open door in the near distance.

I held the unbroken bottle of whisky in my hand, holding tightly as I heard a loud thud.

I stopped and looked to my left, hearing a heavy thud after another. It was slow but ongoing, each thud getting closer to where I stood, it was until a couple of rows over that I realised the shelf's were falling atop of each other like dominos.

I screamed and dropped the bottle of whisky in my hand, now running as fast as I could for the door, watching as it got closer by the second.

I was so close that I could reach for the handle but suddenly the door slammed shut, leaving me in the complete darkness. I started to freak out, wrapping my hands around the door nob and pulling with all my strength to get it open but it wouldn't budge.

The shelf's and bottles of whisky continued to shatter and fall to the ground, leaving this cellar a pool of expensive beverages and old wood.

"Draco!" I banged on the door, yelling at the top of my lungs in hope that he would hear me "Draco! The door is stuck!" I pulled at the handle once more but no luck. I cursed and tried to feel around myself for a light switch, knowing full well that there wasn't one but I couldn't think of what to do.

I was scared beyond my mind, my nerves trembling and my skin sweating. I could feel the mascara run down my cheeks with the hot tears that left my eyes, The cuts on my knuckles starting to burn and sting uncontrollably.

I started to kick at the door, not even knowing if Draco could hear me but I had to do something. I left my wand upstairs and I was never a gem at wandless magic so I was lost with options on what to do.

"Anna" the deep voice was right next to my ear, startling me and making me jump from my skin. I yelped and turned around but no one was there.

The room was now silent again, no more shatters of glass and no more shelf's falling. Not a single hiss of the gentle wind and not another breath but my own.

I backed myself into the door, placing my hands against the wood as I tried my hardest to stare into the darkness, trying to see or make out anything but I couldn't.

It was complete and utter darkness, not a shred of light coming from any crack in the corner or under the door.

"Hello?" I called out into he room, my voice bouncing off the walls with a loud echo "Is anyone in here?" My breathing was heavy and my heart was thumping in my ears.

No response.

I frowned and took a step forwards, any chance to have sight in this room but I was unsuccessful. I stepped back again and reached for the door but it wasn't there.

"What the fuck?" I took another step back but the door was still no where to be felt. It couldn't be, I only took a small step forward, no more and no less. I reached my arms out in front of me and tried to feel around for the door but it wasn't anywhere "Shit, shit, shit"

I started to walk in the direction that I came from, where I knew the door was but each step felt like I was getting further away. Each step was loud and echoed through the room until one last step and fell to the ground.

Slipping on what I could only assume was alcohol. I braced my arms behind myself and held my body from completely landing in the puddle that drenched my pants, the wet unpleasant feeling sent a shiver down my spine.

Now on the cold floor, my knees stinging from the impact of the concrete in the complete darkness—I didn't know what to do.

It was so dark in here that I couldn't even see my hands that sat just inches from my eyes. I looked up and stared into the silent abyss, goosebumps emitting my body from how chilled it had gotten in here, more then normal.

"Draco!" I called out again. Clearly he couldn't hear me or he would of come already. I went to call out again when I heard the shuffle of heavy shoes again the ground from next to me. I flinched and pushed myself away "Hello?"

My voice was accompanied by the sound of hurried steps, like someone was running towards me from the other side of the room. Their shoes click against the concrete echoed through the room just like my voice.

I shook my head and started to push myself back away from the steps that were coming at me rapidly. I tried to stand on my feet but found myself tripping again. They were getting closer and I felt as though I couldn't breath, my throat was getting tight and my mouth was running dry as I continued to crawl as fast as I could away until I was met with a wall.

"Fuck" I pushed myself against it and closed my eyes, cuddling my knees up to my chest and Listening to the steps get louder by each second until they stopped right in front of me.

I tried to slow loud breaths, feeling as though I was the loudest person on earth right now and me being quiet might be the thing that saves my life. I kept my eyes screwed shut and sat in the silence.

And then I felt a faint breath on the side of my neck, low and heavy. Fanning across my ear and making the hairs on my shoulders dance against my face. I whimpered and opened my eyes slowly, turning my face to the side to be met with darkness but still the breath.

Heavy and low.

"Miss me?"

I screamed, an earth shattering scream that broke from my lunges and left my throat stinging. I rushed to my feet and started to run again, I couldn't see where I was going—I didn't care where I was going.

I could hear the hurried steps behind me again, chasing so close to me that they could almost touch me. Somehow, I Managed to find the door again. I kicked and banged, screamed and yelled as the steps got closer to me.

I didn't know who it was and I didn't want to find out.

"Draco, please!" I whimpered loudly "Let me out!" As soon as the words left my mouth, I felt a hand grip my shoulder. I screamed again and ducked to the floor about to shout Draco's name again when Suddenly the door opened.

And I was met with Draco's frame standing in the light "Lumos Maxima" the light from the tip of Dracos wand illuminated my vision. I cried and rushed to my feet, immediately throwing myself in Draco's arms.

"What's happened? Hey, hey—what's wrong, Anna? Tell me" I buried my face into his neck, not daring to look behind myself.

"I-" I breathed heavily "T-The shelf's were collapsing and the b-bottles were smashing on-on the ground and there was a person—Draco,
Someone was in here. It was dark and I-"

"Shhh" he rubbed a hand over my back "You're ok, I'm here now" he hugged "Get behind me" I nodded and stood behind him. He said a charm, sending light to each corner of the room and allowing full vision of the destruction.

Except...there wasn't any.

The shelf's sat tall and in place, filled with the unbroken bottles of drink in their original spots. The ground was clean, no spills of whisky and wine, no shards of glass, just the smooth grey concrete and there was no one else in here except Draco and I. The room was perfect as if nothing happened at all.

"What the fuck?"

It be looking like paranormal activity up in this bitch.

Word count 1866.

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