Genshin World?! [GI X BoBoiBo...

By Baby_DJ38

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BoBoiBoy, Y/N, and their friends accidentally entered the world of Genshin Impact, a game made by MiHoYo. Now... More

More about Y/N ability
The new beginning
Encounters and stealing the Holy Lyre

Genshin World?!

1.7K 47 44
By Baby_DJ38

3rd P. O. V

"Kau fikir tak apa yg aku fikirkan?(Are you thinking what I'm thinking?)"

"Yang kita ada dalam video game?(That we're in a video game?)"

"Yang kita ada dalam video game!!(That we're in a video game!!)"

Fang scratch his head after unexpectedly landed on Gopal and BoBoiBoy, who's now slowly regaining their consciousness.

"Kalau aku betul lah, video game ni namanya... Genshin Impact?(If I remember correctly, this video game is called... Genshin Impact?)" Yaya said with uncertaincy.

Ying walk closer to you and Yaya. "Maksud kau, game yang kau obses sangat tu?(You mean...the game you've been obsessed about?)" She asked as she rest her hand on her hip.

You nodded. "Betul! Gila cool!(Exactly! This is crazy cool!)"

"Tak cool, Y/N. Kita kene cari cara jalan balik ke dunia kita.(Not cool, Y/N. We have to find a way back to our world.)" Fang says.

"Jap, macam mana kita boleh sampai ke sini?(Wait, how did we get here in the first place?)" You asked as you and your friends trying to remember how exactly you end up here.


"Adudu! Dah dah lah asyik kacau misi kitorang!(Adudu! Just stop messing with our mission!)" BoBoiBoy in Quake's form, says at the green box head alien who's stealing their power sphere that they're supposed to retrieve.

Adudu, who's riding on Probe in his vehicle mode and a white power sphere in his hand, waving his other hand and said, "Hah! Jangan harap! Probe, ayuh!(Hah! Like I will! Probe, onwards!)"

BoBoiBoy gritted his teeth. "Ish! Kuasa elemental! BoBoiBoy Taufan!(Ish! Elemental power! BoBoiBoy Cyclone!)"

BoBoiBoy chases after Adudu with his hoverboard.

"Berhenti Adudu!(Stop Adudu!)" BoBoiBoy Cyclone send a few wind attacks at the alien and his companion as they dodges his attacks.

"Hahaha, tak kene—-!(hahaha, you missed—-!)"

"Tumbukan padu!(Power punch!)"

Adudu got punch in the face as he got pushed back and fell to the ground with Probe came to an abrupt stop and quickly change back to his normal mode. "Encik Boss! Encik Boss tak apa-apa ke?(Mister Boss! Mister Boss are you okay?)"

"Aduh, sakitnya...(Ouch, it hurts....)" Adudu groaned.

BoBoiBoy then smile. "Terbaik lah Yaya!(That's awesome, Yaya!)" BoBoiBoy gave the said girl a thumbs up.

Yaya giggled as the power sphere that Adudu hold, are now rolling down to a black haired girl tied in a low twin tail style who's wearing a glasses and behind her, is a guy with glasses and another guy but chubby.

Ying took the power sphere as she thank them. "Terima kasih kerana menolong~(Thanks for helping~)"

"Jom balik ke kapal angkasa.(Let's go back to the spaceship.)" BoBoiBoy said as he hover next to Yaya and the rest below them, nodded.

"Larian Laju!(Running speed!)"

Ying speeding off to where the ship are waiting for them as Yaya follow her closely from behind. The boys mirroring the two, leaving Adudu and Probe behind as they thought they won't chase them. Well, they were wrong.

Adudu got up and told Probe to chase after them in his Mega form and he obliged.

Back at the ship, Captain Papa, Cattus and Ochobot are waiting for them.

"Mana diorang semua ni oi?(Where are they oi?)" Captain Papa question as he look out the window of the control room of the ship with Cattus and Ochobot by his side.

Ochobot scan the area and finally spotted the group. "Tu diorang, Captain Papa!(There they are, Captain Papa!)"

"Panjang umur!(Finally, they're here!)" Captain Papa then move out to greet them but looks like a certain someone is already there to beat him.

"Sampai pun. Pahal lama sangat?(Finally arrived. What took you so long?)" You, who's sitting down on a tree near the ship, said.

BoBoiBoy, who's now returned back to his normal form, sheepishly rubbed his nape. "Hehe, lama sangat ke tunggu?(Hehe, is it that long?)"

You gave him a knowing smile. "Oh, tak lama pun. Cuma....2 JAM SETENGAH MENUNGGU!(Oh, not that long. Just.....2 HOUR AND A HALF OF WAITING!)"

BoBoiBoy gulped down his saliva after your sudden outburst. "Hehe, sorry."


The group follow you inside as Captain Papa finally there to greet the five. Ochobot, you and BoBoiBoy left the group to restore the power sphere power back in the power sphere resting room after reporting back to Commander Kokoci and Admiral Tarung.

"Apa nama power sphera ni? Aku lupa.(What's the power sphere name? I forgot.)" You asked as you leaned at the doorway.

"Kalau tak silap lah, namanya Gamebot.(If I remember correctly, it's Gamebot.)" BoBoiBoy answered.

"Gamebot? Dia buat game ke apa?(Gamebot? It made games or what?)"

BoBoiBoy shrugged at your question. "Ochobot, boleh tak kau bagitau kitorang apa kuasa dia ni?(Ochobot, can you tell us what its ability?)"

Ochobot nodded and give the said white power sphere a brief scan.

"Dari data yang aku kumpulkan, Gamebot merupakan power sphera yang mempunyai kuasa untuk menghantar sesiapa sahaja ke dunia game yang diimpikan. Gamebot juga boleh membuat character didalam game tu menjadi nyata.(From the data I collected, Gamebot is a power sphere that has the power to send anyone into the world of game that they desire. Gamebot can also make the characters in the game become real.)" Ochobot explained.

You raised a brow. "Fuyo, gila cool!(Whoa, this is crazy cool!)"

"Dah berapa lama korang duk sini? Takde tempat lain ke nk lepak?(How long have you two been sitting here? Is there nowhere else to hangout?)" Fang said so suddenly as you jumped forward to BoBoiBoy.

"Aiyaaa, kau ni Fang, tak payahlah terkejutkan aku.(Aiyaaa, Fang, you don't have to startled me.)" Fang raised his hands up like a criminal with his face spoke 'sorry'.

"Hebat jugak kuasa Gamebot ni.(This Gamebot power sure is amazing.)" Yaya commented.

"Alah, kuasa aku lagi hebat. Boleh tukar jadi makanan tau.(My power is much more amazing. I can turn things to food, yanno?)"

The squad only rolled their eyes at the chubby guy namely, Gopal.

"Meow." Cattus meowed as he walked in the room with the other four and quickly climb up to you.

Suddenly, you can sense the very familiar presence of Adudu and his companion as you peek out of the room, only to find Adudu and Probe, running to you and your friends. "Weh, Adudu ada kat luar! Tutup pintu!(Guys, Adudu ia outside! Close the door!)"

They did not question your statement and quickly shut the door closed before Adudu and Probe can come in. "Probe, hancurkan pintu ni!(Probe, destroy this door!)" Adudu order.

"Baiklah, Encik Boss!(Alright, Mister Boss!)" Probe destroy the door as you quickly grabbed the only power sphere in the room, which is, Gamebot.

You accidentally turn on the power sphere without realising as BoBoiBoy trying to stop Adudu and when Adudu and Probe charges at you and your friends, you ready yourself to use your power but Gamebot did not gave it a chance and floated out of your hand. "Genshin Impact, Teleportation, ready to use." Its robotic voice says as you and your friends, and Cattus, got suck into the world called, Genshin Impact.

Flashback end✨

"Kiranya, Gamebot lah yang hantar kita ke sini kan?(So, Gamebot are the one who sent us here, right?)" Yaya question for confirmation as you nod your head. "Ye lah tu.(Yeah.)"

Gopal then place his hand on his hip. "Alah, apa susah-susah, kita gunakan jelah Gamebot tu untuk pulang balik ke dunia kita. Kan senang.(Why think so hard? We can just use Gamebot to transport us back to our world.)"

BoBoiBoy scoffed at his remarks. "Cakap senang lah. Ni, tengok Gamebot ni. Dah habis tenaga. Macam mana nk gunakan kuasa dia kalau dah habis tenaga?(Easy for you to say. Look at Gamebot. It ran out of energy. How can we use its power if it ran out of energy?)"

"Dah, jangan start.(Enough, don't start.)"

"Apa yang aku tau, game ni era dia era yang lama kan? Maksudnya, takde lah bende canggih yang kita selalu gunakan untuk charge power sphera tu. Power sphera perlukan spesifik charge hanya untuk diorang je.(What I know, this game took place in a very old era, right? That means, they don't own the modern things that we always use to charge the power sphere. Power sphere needs a specific charge only for them.) Ying started and everyone sighed.

You left the group and inspect the surroundings. It looks like you and your friends landed where the traveler start their journey with Paimon.

You then spotted something green and yellow as you widened your eyes as you knew what or who that might be. "Eh, Ochobot dengan Cattus pun ada?!(Eh, even Ochobot and Cattus is here?!)" Your friends drew their attention to you when Ochobot and Cattus's name escaped your mouth.

"Diorang pun termasuk ke dunia ni?(They got sucked into this world too?)" BoBoiBoy asked as he scratches his cheek.

Cattus seemingly been biting something pink and Ochobot look out for anyone around but when he saw you, he immediately poke Cattus and pointed at you and he throw away the pink stuff and ran to you and your friends, nuzzling your leg upon arrival. Ochobot came to hug BoBoiBoy.

You then pat Cattus's head and started summarizing the event that happened. They nodded simultaneously after you finished your summary, indicating that you got it all true. You then proceed to tell your friends that it's better if we stick like together like this and they agreed.

"Tapi, bukan macam ramai sangat ke?(But, ain't it too many people?)" BoBoiBoy asked.

You nodded. "Dah tu, nak buat macam mana lagi? Kalau kita berpisah, lagi bahaya. Lagipun, kita ni bukan dari sini. Dan kuasa kita tak sama kat dunia ni kecuali BoBoiBoy. Tapi still, BoBoiBoy takde vision.(So, what else do you have in mind? If we separate, it'll be more dangerous. After all, we're not from here. And our powers are not the same in this world except BoBoiBoy. But still, BoBoiBoy also has no vision.)"

You crossed your arms as you look at Gamebot who's in BoBoiBoy's arms. "BoBoiBoy, masukkan Gamebot dalam beg aku.(BoBoiBoy, place Gamebot in my bag.)" Your bag magically appear and BoBoiBoy place Gamebot inside your bag.

"Kita tak boleh duduk sini je. Jom.(We can't just stay here. Let's go.)"

Your group walked further into the land of freedom and spotted the two main character of this game, traveler and Paimon. Well, traveler as in, Aether version.

"Tu diorang.(There they are.)" You pointed out.

"Nak gi join diorang ke?(Want to join them?)" Fang asked. You nodded at his question and ran down the hill to catch up with the two. "Cepat lah sikit korang!(Hurry up you guys!)" You said as they followed suit.

Aether and Paimon soon enter the forest after Dvalin hover above them and quickly make their way to the forest with your group, following closely.

You heard a mighty roar and assume that Dvalin knew of Aether and Paimon's presence.

You and your friends reaches where they're now, which is, on top of a big rook that Dvalin sat on before, checking the teardrop crystal that coloured in red colour.

You nudges BoBoiBoy and pointed to Aether, saying to greet him but he shook his head countlessly and you look at the rest of your group. They shook their head. "Nampaknya, ni kerja untuk Y/N.(Looks like it's a job for Y/N.)"

You walked forward and took a deep breath before releasing it.

You greet them.


Aether quickly got his sword out as Paimon hid behind aether for protection.

"Who are you?!" He asked as you sighed softly.

"Saya—-(I—)" Realising you're still speaking in Malay, you quickly shut your mouth and cough. "Sorry, I'm a.....a...." You trailed off, trying to think of something to convince him. Then something came to mind. "I'm a traveler from afar, I came here with my friends." You smile as you motion to your friends to come out. They obliged and slowly emerged from their hiding spot. "This is my friends."

Aether raised a brow at your group and you introduce yourselves. "I'm Y/N. This is BoBoiBoy, Fang, Gopal, Ying, Yaya, Cattus and Ochobot."

Aether seemed alarmed by Ochobot as he's kinda weird in his eyes. "What's that? Some kind of mascot?" He asked and you shook your head.

"No, Ochobot is BoBoiBoy's familiar." You wink at BoBoiBoy, telling him to agree with you.

"Ah...ah! Betul-—!(Right—!) I-I..I mean, yeah." He stuttered over his words when realising he spoke in Malay.

"That's a very odd looking familiar." Aether commented which made them sweatdrop. Ain't yours the same?

"So, what can I help you?"

"See, since we're not from here, we wondered if you maybe can be our guide? Travel together?" You gave him a big puppy eyes, hoping that he'll accept your request. Aether, on the other hand, seems hesitant as he don't know if he can trust you.

Aether turn to Paimon, his sword still in his hand. "Should we agree Paimon?" Aether asked his small companion.

Paimon shrugged. "Paimon can't tell. Paimon thinks that they're a good guys but we still can't be sure yet." You suddenly got an idea. "If we come with you, you'll have an entire stock of free food from Gopal." You bribe.

"Y/N and friends, welcome to our party!" Paimon immediately agreed as Aether widened his eyes. "Hey! Who said you're the one to decide?!"

"C'mon traveler, it's free food! What's better than free food?"

"Anything is better than free food!"

The two argue as Gopal smack your head and you glare at him. He back away with a nervous smile.

"Apasal kau pukul kepala aku?(Why did you smack my head?)" You asked.

"Yang kau tu kenapa pergi bagitau diorang?(Why did you told them that?)"

You click your tongue. "Dah tu? Takde cara lain nak bagi kita join diorang. Paimon senang nak pujuk kalau libatkan makanan.(Then? There's no other way to let us join them. Paimon is easy to bribe if it involves food.)"

"Eh kau ni, tu Paimon. Bukan Aether.(That's Paimon, not Aether.)" Ochobot the chimes in. "Aether panggil korang lah!(Aether is calling you guys!)"

"Yes?" You turned around to face Aether, who's folding his arms.

"You can come with us. But don't ever think of trying anything funny." He warned with a glare as your group nodded and Paimon cheers happily. "Yay! Free food!"

"That's all you think?" Aether asked as he turned around and walk away. You and your group follow him.

New series 😃

Sorry for Kaizo simp, I didn't put him here.

Also, this event took place after BoBoiBoy the Movie 2

Thursday, 14 October 2021

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