Always / Kjmila

By mallow122

8.7K 369 161

Kj Apa and Camila Mendes have always had a liking for one another and while filming together for Riverdale th... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four

Chapter twenty two

221 10 7
By mallow122

Kj's POV
"I can't do the scenes with him Cami" I breathe out, my hand slightly tightening around Camila's small one as we step into the apartment building elevator. We escaped the meeting as soon as possible so Camila could have a moment to collect herself and when we got word that we were both not required for scenes for the morning, I thought it was the best time to go collect my things from Clara's apartment. Camila offered to help and also didn't want to be left alone for the day.

Camila turned to me after the elevator doors closed, now taking both my hands in hers "I don't want him here either but you can't make a big deal about this towards Roberto and you know it. The sooner the scenes are over, the sooner he leaves. Please do it, for me?"

I sigh, looking down at her and the small smile on her lips was enough for me to nod and lean down to place a kiss there "Okay, I'll get it done so he's gone. Just promise not to go anywhere on your own for a while"

"I promise. I was actually wondering if- well you don't have to since we only just got together and-" her rambling was silenced by a gentle squeeze of her hands "Hey, don't worry about all that. Just ask me" I smile and I immediately noticed her body relax as she was encouraged to continue "Could you stay with me, at my apartment. Until this is all over? Jack is just- stuck in my head and I don't know how to get him out. I can't even escape him when I'm sleeping anymore and now that he's at work too I feel like it's going to get overwhelming" she admits.

I nod "Of course, I'll stay as long as you need and Jack isn't going to come near you again while I'm here" and I meant it. I couldn't stand the thought of seeing her terrified again like she was the day I found her about to be smuggled into Jacks car.

After getting out of the elevator and going to Clara's apartment, we were both surprised to see the apartment almost completely cleared out. It was like Clara had never been there.

"Did you know she was going anywhere?" Camila asks as she steps into the quiet apartment after me, checking the different rooms for any sign of her.

I shake my head "No" I say, looking over towards her as she held out a note after exiting the bedroom a few moments later. I take the note from her hand and scan my eyes over it, reading it out loud afterwards.

'I'm going home, don't contact me again'
- Clara

"I guess that makes things easier" I scrunch up the paper, tossing it in the nearby trash can. I turned my head to look down at Camila as she slid her arms around my waist "I never asked you this morning. How are you after last night? You did explain a little bit of what happened but why did she lie in the first place?" She asks, her chin resting on the soft fabric of my shirt as she gazed up at me, curiosity coating her face.

I snake my arms back around her, I wasn't sure if the truth was what she needed to hear right now, I didn't want her to know that her little mistake of admitting her feelings on live tv is what caused all of this to spiral out into a disaster. So I will give her a slightly different version of the truth "She was jealous of what me and you had together as just friends and thought something more could become of it. She also thought she needed a better reason for me to stay with her because she was beginning to think I would chose you over her, so she came up with the pregnancy plan. We were already having problems months before this. I don't know why I didn't leave her a long time ago. If I did we could have been together sooner"

She shakes her head and leans up to kiss me softly "That doesn't matter now. Look at us, we're happy and we haven't got any stigma attached to our relationship so I honestly think things were better off this way. Well, in some ways it is" she says softly and I couldn't help but smile. She always sees the positive side in everything and it's one of the main things I love about her.

Without needing a verbal answer I just reattached our lips again, the kiss never breaking until she felt me smiling into the kiss and I mumbled "I love you, so much"

She pulls away slightly, there foreheads resting together "How much?" She asks playfully, keeping her eyes on mine.

"I could show you how much" I whisper against her lips, my kisses trailing across her jaw and I could hear her giggle lightly before I felt my body being pushed away from hers "Down boy, I'm not doing that with you in your ex girlfriends apartment. Nice try though. Let's get your things" she chuckles, walking towards the bedroom before stopping at the doorframe to smile back at me "Oh, and I love you too"

Camila's POV
Hours had passed and it was now evening and after a lot of convincing I finally got Kj to realise it was okay for him to leave me with the girls for a few hours while he went out with his friends. He especially deserved to go out after an exhausting day of moving his things from Clara's apartment to his own and then packing another bag of things he would need for when he was staying with me. He was still very reluctant but felt reassured when I told him we would most likely be staying in the for evening anyway and that he should go and have fun.

That fact also making me feel a lot more safer but that all came crashing down when Mads and Lili burst back into the living room after claiming there applications had been approved and that they needed to go into the centre of the city right away.

"Woah hold on- applications for what exactly?" I ask, moving from my current position to sit up and look at the two excited girls "It's a surprise but we signed you up too! Come with us and we'll show you" Lili says, smiling widely.

I take a deep knowing I should be agreeing to the spontaneous adventure my friends had planned but I could already feel myself panicking at the thought of leaving the apartment to go to a busy area and not having the one person who knew about my situation with me. Although the thought of being in the apartment alone also scared me, I knew I would still feel safer here.

"Would you mind if we went another day? I'm feeling a bit out of it. Must be the late night scenes I've been stuck doing lately" I say hoping the lie will be enough for the girls to agree.

"That's okay, we can just pick it up for you. No drama's" Mads smirks. I knew that smirk all too well now. They were up to something.

"Why are you both grinning like children and what is this 'it' your picking up?" I chuckle, quite interested in what exactly I should be expecting to be brought back to my apartment.

"Never you mind. You'll see in an hour" Lili smirks.


An hour later i was in the middle of texting Kj since he seemed to be having the same problem of missing me as well and I was also trying to keep my mind off Jack which was failing miserably. I had been jumping at shadows and being paranoid over any small noise but hearing kind things from Kj calmed me down.

I was interrupted by the sound of a key entering the door of the apartment and the door opening, followed along by a strange noise of tapping across the hard wood floor that sounded like.. little feet?

I got up from the couch after hearing the front door close "Guys what is that-"

Mads laughs softly after noticing the gasp escape my lips as I gazed down at the three puppies that now roamed about the apartment.

"Let me introduce you to Milo, Olive and Truffle" Lili smiles.

I'm back! I'm hoping to finish this story and also endless before I start working on something new and also before I lose motivation again!

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