The Bite: Past, Present, Futu...

Por BellaLoveLola

27.9K 2.5K 2.7K

Nyah was a bitch. She was overly sarcastic, ruthless, careless, heartless...evil. She doesn't care about no o... Mais

1 • Death
2 • Saved
4 • Mates
5 • Work To Do
6 • Skilled
7 • Monster
8 • Love
9 • Truth
10 • Ally
11 • Righteous
12 • Growing
13 • Apart
14 • Yes, Nyah
15 • Dirty
16 • New Life
17 • Wings
18 • Child
19 • Play
20 • Sorry
21 • The Facts
22 • Mommy & Me
23 • Family
24 • Motherly
25 • Family
26 • Forever
27 • Again
28 • Damned
29 • Slow
30 • Mothers Love
31 • Mother, Dearest
32 • Alpha
33 • New Blood
34 • Changing
35 • Now
36 • Beauty and Beast

3 • Trouble

756 80 102
Por BellaLoveLola


"How could you leave us in the middle of the night?" Indigo yelled at me as I yawned in their faces.

"Because, I am grown. I told you all to leave did you? No" I said eating a piece of heart, I just ripped from this guy trying to rob an old lady.

"Well, what about me?" Chloe said.

"Well, you can stay Chloe, that's fine. But these babies..."

"We are older than her" Ruby said.

"Yes, but you are actually my little cousin so, yeah no. I am not being responsible for you all."

"You are such an asshole, and a dick. Your miserable and probably need sex" Olive said, causeing me to laugh because that was so random.

"Actually little witch hybrid, angel weirdo. I do very well in the sex department thank you very much. I've had plenty of orgasms and orgys since being back, there was even that time when it was twenty of us and those two men...."

I started drifting off....

"More like I fucked them...anyways I ended up eating them all. Look the point is, if something happens to your little cute angel vampire faces I am responsible. I want nothing to do with any of you. With any of them, why do none of you understand that? Plus I don't want to beat Rain ass again."

"You never beat up our grandmother."

"Oh really? Who taught her how to fight? Umm me, little Were Vamps" I laughed.

"We are going to find your parents and...." I shifted on all of them knocking them down.

I stood over them, black and white. Half of my body was covered in white fur the other in pitch black fur. I had white fur circling my eye on the black side.

I growled at them, "never in your life mention my parents again. Do you understand me?" I said to them.

They just stared up at me.

"Answer me now" I demanded.

"Yes, cousin Nyah" they all spoke.

I backed away from them, and looked over to Chloe who was cowering in the corner.


I've sitting in the dark, drinking coffee. Okay, maybe I did some coke, they stressed me out.

"Knock knock" I heard a familiar voice.


"Was wondering when you were going to show up" I said and the lights came on.

She was my mate but I died so, that stopped that. Now, I am free.

"You came to fuck? Do some coke?" I asked.

"You have not changed?" She asked.

"I did, I am a Demon now" I smiled. "You're still beautiful."

"Is there a reason as to why you didn't contact me when you woke? Or how did you even wake?"

"When I died, our bond was severed, you know this we are no longer mates. I don't have to contact you Amaia."

"Out of respect, Ny" she said.

"Out of respect?" I stood up.

"Yes, I was your mate for a century Nyah, I cared..."

"You cared? Because if you cared, you wouldn't have moved on right? You have an pack of your owns, your now mate is the Alpha? Right? You have four kids? And a pet turtle, who has those fucking things as a pet?"

"So, out of respect, I did look for you. You moved on, so have I" I lied.

"You were gone for two centuries, what was..."

"Someone is coming up to my door" I smiled walking out of the livingroom.

I opened the door before Sugar could knock. I can smell her scent for miles, makes me want to go crazy, for whatever reason.

"You brought me flowers?" I laughed.

"I like flowers" she smiled. "I thought it would be nice, if I was taking you to dinner" she said, her hair was purple so, I take it she is happy.

"That is sweet of you, but I personally don't like flowers. You could have brought me come coke, and some food" I said.

"Oh, I love coke, it has the best sugar but it gets me too hyper" she laughed.

For someone who literally eats only sugar, a drink makes her hyper?

"She is not talking about a drink, you fairy" Amaia said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had company. I will..I will come back" she stepped backwards as her hair turned green.

"Or just don't fucking come back? Why the fuck are you with this fairy? This unusual small ass fairy?" Amaia said, then Sugar hair started to turn white.

She was scared.

I use to love Amaia being all crazy, but she isn't mine anymore. So, now she is pissing me off.

"Amaia back off" I said.

"No, this little thing should go, and never fucking come back" Amaia howled at her, jumping towards her.

"Ahh" Sugar dropped the flowers, and dropped to the ground covering herself, shaking and all.

I vastly moved in front of Amaia, I let out a howled that pierced her ears and she covered them dropping to the ground.

"Do, not make me hurt you" I told Amaia as I towered over her.

Amaia looked up at me, then she took off from the porch.

I placed my hand on Suagr.

"I'm sorry, I'll leave. Okay I'll leave" she said.

"Sugar, saccharo" I said calling her sugar in Latin.

I know over six thousand languages, but for some reason. I do not fucking grasp the concept of Chinese. Like how?

"It's okay, trust me" I said as she turned around to face me.

Her eyes were turning green, to match her now hair, I never noticed that.

"No, look. Look don't be sad, she's gone. Okay?" I said and she was still shaking.

"You want a hug? Or some sugar milk or whatever you eat?"

"I have to urinate" she said.

"Okay, sure" I smiled and we were now in the bathroom.

"I don't like that."

"Like what?"

"The smoke and vanishing" she said and her hair started to turn white.

"Okay, I'll stop."

I smiled and placed my hand on her forehead and her eyes turned black. As a Demon now, I have a few new tricks. I wanted to see why she was so scary.

I pulled my hand away from her, and she stares me as if I never touched her, because she doesn't know what I just did.

"I can use the restroom alone" she said.

"Okay" I said.

I left the room, through door.

What I saw, was sad. Her sisters, were mean to her. They abused her all her life, everyday.

I guess, I am kind of a dick to her.

I can be nicer, only to her.

Remus Hotel

"Got damn it, Ny why do you do that?"

I just appeared in black smoke as he was sitting on the bed.

"Do what?" I asked.

"That..." he waved his hands up and down. "Demon shit" he said.

"Aye you got..."

"I'm not getting you drugs, did you eat him?" Remus asked.

I scoffed, "what? No" I said looking away.

"I swear you and Rain and Rosie ass, always eating everything and one."

"I perfer a select type of person, thank you very much kind sir" I smiled.

"Sure, the girls came crying to me. You hurt their feelings, they are very emotional."

My eyes turned red, "did they tell you they brought up my parents?"

"What? Shit no" he said.

He stood up off the bed backing away from me.

"Right, they needed to be corrected, they overstepped to the wrong person" I said.

"I get it, I will speak to them. That Chloe is with them, they're fond of her" he said.

"They can have her, have you heard anything from Hacerse?" I asked.

"I have a plan."

"Details?" I asked.

"Simple, you just be bait. He will find you out in the open, and I mean the person you want anyways is Caine?"

"Maybe I do" I said and he laughed.

"Okay then, let him find you" Remus said.

This is a terrible fucking plan.

Sugar Apartment

I appeared in her room, she laid there with her hair purple. Dreaming peacefully, now or never.

I leaned over her grabbing her wrist. I could smell her blood through her skin. I could see the sparkles through her flesh as her blood traveled through her veins.

I lifted her wrist to my mouth to mark her. Feeling my teeth break through her flesh was in intoxicating. I felt this rush through my own veins, it was almost orgasmic.

I went from marking her to feeding on her.

"What's going on?" She started to wake up, but I touched her forehead sending her in a deep sleep.

I tightened my grip on her arm, watching the blood drain from her.

"Ahhh" I pulled myself away from her taking a deep breath. "Fuck" I said, I could have killed her.

I wiped my mouth with my hand and she was still sleeping peacefully.


I've been out of my mind ever since I marked her. What the hell, I have so many feelings, and I can actually hear her breathing. She is still sleeping, I can hear her heartbeat.

"Hey, Hacerse" I tapped him on the shoulder. "Buddy it's been so long" I said.

"This was not the plan" Remus said.

"Heard you've been up here looking for me?" I asked taking his cup from his hands.

"Rounds on me" I said to the bartender. "Devil got your tongue?" I asked him.

"It's time for you to come home" he stood up.

"Home? As in hell?"

"Caine is not playing this game...."

"Oh, on the contrary my friend. He sent you all up here to find me. So this must be a game" I smiled.

"We all came to bring you home" he said.

I lifted my martini to my lips, "just ten of you? Hmm. I don't think that's a good idea."

They all stood up, all the people in the tavern started to back away, clear out.

"Guys, it's me...Ny Ny, your favorite hell torturer" I smiled.

"It's time to go" Hacerse says holding his Demon knives.

I held my hands out and my blades came to me. "Ready?" I smirked.

It didn't take me long to send all the other Demons but Hacerse back.

I looked down at him as he was bleeding.

"Why would you come for me?" I asked him.

"Your not supposed to be up here" he said.

"Well my friend, here I am" I laughed extending my arms in.

"Caine is going to come up here for you."

"Well, until he does how about when you come back up here, get a womens body and I could probably fuck you" I laughed as I kneeled down stabbing him with my Demon blade sending him back to hell.

When I stood up right everyone in the bar was looking at me.

"Everyone it's cool, this is my job. Drinks on me" I smiled.

"Can we talk to you" I was approached by two bad ass women.

One was tall, smooth skin, like she was a goddess, but she was in fact not. The other was short with a big ass. She was cute.

"How can I help you two?" I asked smelling Sugar.

"We are..."

"He told you to bring me coke? Some weed possibly?"

"No, we woke you" the taller one said.

"Why is that?"

"Because, we need someone to follow" the short one said.

"Umm. Okay you ladies have a good evening, drinks are on me" I said.

The tall one grabbed my arm softly.

"Wait, look I am Jezebel this is Marianne" she smiled.

"Obviously you know who I am. So, nice to meet you..."

"Ny Ny" I heard the triplets.

"Yes" I turned around.

"We don't like them" Olive said.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"We don't know, we can feel it" Ruby said.

"Well, you guy's go back to Remus. I will show these lovely ladies around" I smiled.

"You act like a child."

"You are a child Indigo" I smiled. "Shall we?" I held my arms out for them to grab.

I mean, what's a little fun. They did wake me.


I have been staring at this bite mark on my wrist for the last hour. When did she do this? I haven't seen her in a few days. Did she drug me? I also found out what coke was. Which isn't a good thing.

Why is she like this? Was she supposed to bite me and just go away? Is that mating? I have so many feelings and questions, with no one to answer them.

"Okay, I found something maybe. Even though I am not a fan of Nyah" Flower said.

"I know" I laughed.

"Okay. Well looks like after marking there is a window of forty eight hours to mate before the pain starts?" She questioned as she read.

"Pain? For what what?"

"Say's because....hmmm the..okay okay, because once marking and mating is complete you guys are supposed to be away from each other for too long. So maybe that's why?" She closed the book.

"Well I feel good."

"Well, good maybe the book is wrong" she said.

"I hope so, but it does not even hurt" I ran hand over it feeling the teeth marks.

"It looks painful" Flower laughed.

"Want to go get food?" I asked.

"Sure, I am starving. And bring your book so we can go over a few spells to try" she said as I walked away.

I picked up my backpack, and headed to my room to get my book.

"Ah..Nyah?" I said dropping my bag as she was bleeding.

"Hey, you got some bandages?" She smiled.

"What happened to you?" I asked, with my hair turning blue from worry and concern.

"Ready...what the heck?" Flower said.

"She is bleeding to death, help her" I said.


"I can heal, just takes a while. How you ladies doing?" She stood up, she was so beautiful.

"Good" me and Flower said looking at her.

She leaned into me, "your hair is turning into that passionate color" she whispered and I backed away from her.

"What happened?" Flower asked.

"I met these girls last night right, was going have sex with them and eat them but before that some other werewolves got the jump on me, and yeah. Now I haven't eaten and I am angry" she said.

"We have honey sugar milk, and honey bread" I offered my food.

She looked at me, and smiled.

"Cute, but I need to eat, eat" she said.

"Wait, hold up. You were going to cheat on her?" Flower pointed to me.

"Umm no?"

"Liar, why you having sex with everyone but her?" Flower started slapping her arms.

"Ouch, what is wrong with this angry little witch" Nyah said.

"What if Sugar went and have sex with someone else?"

"Would you?" Nyah asked me as the wound on her face was healing.


"Oh no you don't answer. Your an ass, why would you mark her ignore her but have sex?" Flower asked.

"I don't feel good, will you shut the hell up Flower" Nyah said to her.

"Look you want to go talk?" Nyah asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

"No, you are no...."

Nyah did that crazy smoke thing with Flower. I hate it.

"Where is Flower?" I asked.

"On an island, she is a witch and she will find her way home I am sure. What's the problem?" She asked me.

"The problem?" I asked.

"Yes, are you unable to speak up for yourself or what? Talk shit your grown? Right?"

She was making me feel scared. She is talking to me like my the other Faes did.

"Now your hair is white? I'm only talking what the hell are you scared of?" She said.

"Nothing, I'm okay. I don't have to speak" I replied sitting on the couch.

"Oh, okay. I am definitely not dealing with this bullshit. Not today, not at all. Fuck t..." she disappeared into her black smoke.

I started crying, because that is my only defensive mechanism I have. When I am scared I cry, and cower because what else do I do?

I don't know what I did to upset her.

"She is such an asshole, I hate her" Flower said slamming the front door soaking wet.

"What are you crying for? What did she do?"

"She's upset at me and I don't know why. I just maybe wanted to talk about why is this happening so fast, or why did she have to mark me. I don't really understand any of this."

"Aww, friend. Don't cry, you have to use your words. It's okay, as long as you get your point across to her."

"She obviously prefers the direct approach."

She stood up, waving her hand and she was dry.

"You have to approach her with your head high, hair that is purple and green showing confidence. And tell her, Nyah why is this and that happening right now?"

I laughed because Flower is funny, as she walked around the livingroom.

"Make sure you point your fingers in her face. And tap her nose, she is your mate so she isn't going to hurt you" Flower said.

"Okay, thank you. Where did she take you?"

"That crazy demon dropped me in the damn ocean. Like right in the middle" Flower said making me laugh.

"Oh, so not funny" she smiled. "But, get up and go talk now. You can do this, you are not scared of her."

"She pulled me by my hands to get up. "But I am, she scares me" I said, standing there.

"Trust me, she isn't going to hurt you" Flower said.

"If I die..."

"You won't, okay?"

I just nodded, because what if I die?

Just walking downtown, clearing my head of my extra thoughts before I get to Nyah home.

I just wanted to know why? Why me? Why so fast?

"Hello" I said to a girl passing me.

"Hi" she replied and kept going.

"One, thing is Nyah, is Nyah and you won't last that long" I stopped walking as that women from her house stood in front of me.

"Okay" I said, just standing there.

"Your frail, little, your ears are deformed, your a weakling" she said.

Like why is she bothering me?

"Okay" I replied again and tried to still walk past her.

"I am not done, you frail half human bitch."

"If you want Nyah, I am sure she is at home. I have nothing to do with your issues" I said.

"Oh, please if it weren't for you..."

"You people are weird, I have to go."

"Listen here you half breed bitch" she grabbed me, and my hair turned white.

"Just because she is fucking you do not she actually make you her real mate. Nyah likes to play, but there will never be another bitch besides me. It doesn't matter who I am with or not with. It will always be me" I snatched my arm away from her and she cut me with her nails.

I was terrified...but what would Flower say?

I held my forearm that was slightly bleeding, and painful. "She already did" I held my wrist up to show her the bite mark that was left from Nyah.

It's like her face started changing.

Nyah Home

The black smoke cleared and Nyah was on the floor panting. Did she just use that black smoke thing on me?

"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"I could smell your blood, why are you hurt? Are you okay?" She asked turning over on her back.

"That girl who was here..."

"Why is your hair white?" She asked. "Who did something to you?" She said jumping up from the ground.

"Tell me?" She asked walking towards me.

"The girl who was here last time" I said.

"Amaia?" She said and she grabbed my arm licking the blood off.

"I guess, she was going on and on about...what are you" I asked as I watched my arm heal.

"I'm going to break her neck."

"No, something is wrong with you."

"I'm good, move out of my way, záchari" she said.

"What is that?"

"Means Sugar in Greek, just move..." I pushed her away from the door.

"No, you need to have a seat Nyah. You will listen to me" I stood on my tippy toes reaching far as I could to tap her the tip of her nose.

"Did you just tap my nose like a dog?" She asked.

"Your acting out, you need to have a seat" I pointed to her couch.

"Mmhm, purple and green hair? Eyes? What's that mean?" She asked, walking over to her couch.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"You answer me first" she smiled sitting down.

"I am so tired of playing these games Nyah" I said.

"Okay, fine. Your so serious" she smirked.

I sat on the couch, waited for her to speak.

"We were supposed to mate after I marked you. I was just ahead of myself, I actually wanted to go on the date. But, you know life happens" she said.

"So you didn't mate with me?" I asked, and she looked at me.

"No" she squinted her eyes at me.

I mean, how was I supposed to know. She should be the expert.

"You ever had sex?"

No, but I can see the type of ladies she likes. I'm sure their very experienced.

"Yes" I lied, I never lied before.

"What does sparkly purple hair mean?"

"I'm tired" I lied again.

She just stared at me.

She knows.

"I do know" I heard her voice in my head as I stared at her.

"Huh?" I said.

"I said, I do know. Why lie to me?"

How is she talking to me and her lips aren't moving?

"Why lie to me?" She said placing her elbows on her knees as she leaned towards me.

"You can read my thoughts?"

"Sugar, I can read a lot of things. To answer your question yes. Now answer mines..."

"I never had sex, I just wanted you to not be disappointed in my answer" I said.

"White hair, there is nothing to be scared hair or sad about. If you haven't then you haven't. I shouldn't have marked you that fast."

"Remus, and my little baby cousins were on my back about some prophesy shit, and stuff like that. So, I had to before this other Alpha did you know?"

"Sure" I said.

"Look, we don't have to. I'm okay with it. Honestly."

"Your going to have sex with other ladies?"

"Oh for sure" she said.

"Oh, well okay then."

"I'm just messing with you" she said and started laughing.

I'm not sure what to think, because I am still confused about my own damn life.

"You want some food? I got some beef in the fridge?"

"I don't eat that" I replied.

"I could get you some sugar? Honey milk?"

"Okay" I smiled at her.

"I'll return" she winked and disappeared.

I took a deep breath, and before I could even let it out, here she was back again.

"Back, so you just eat sugar plain?" She was standing there holding a bag of sugar?"

"Yes, or with milk. Or with berries and milk. It's so delicious."

"How do you eat proteins? And shit?"

"I don't know what that is" I said.

"Right you are a Fae and don't have to eat problem, more for me" she smile.

She slowly turned smiling at me.

"Let me see your pussy?"

"My what?"

"Let me see? Is it hairy? Bald? Colored? Sparkly?" She asked.

She want's to see my what? What is she talking about.

She sucked her teeth, dragging her tongue across the front top teeth walking up to me.

"Your pussy" she slapped the front of my gavar.

"Oh, no don't touch there. Ever"

She just raised her eyebrows at me, then walked away laughing and shaking her head.

"What is wrong with her" I said.


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