The Muffin Man ✓

By danikriss

2.3K 253 244

"Welcome to The Muffin Man Bakery, which has the finest in bread, pasteries, pot, and the freshest muffins in... More

A Day In Sunnyville
The Headless Leprechaun
Just Call Louis
Emma's Day
Taken In For Questioning
Mr. and Mrs. Styles
Mr. and Mrs. Horan
Boom Goes The Dynamite
Yippy Ki Yay
At The Bakery
Another Visit To A.
An Episode of Cops
Harry and the Hooker
The Perp Walk
Zayn Follows His Hunch
The Mysterious A.
Another (Bleeping) Episode of Cops
In The Clink
Unholy Alliance
Showdown At Governor Swift's
Skipping Town
The Hell?
The Epilogue of Epilogues

The Hunt Continues

83 11 12
By danikriss

Arie was dusting in the Styles' living room with the enthusiasm of a brick. Wow. These Swifter dusters really worked just like the commercials said. It sure made her crappy job a lot easier.

Arie sighed, looking around the room. What she wouldn't give to live in a huge place like this. Fancy furniture, designer clothes. Going shopping in the best stores and buying whatever she wanted. Best of all she would have people cleaning for her instead of the other way around.

Again she sighed. Back in the day she and Niall were on their way to true success. They had been so close so many times. However it seemed that whenever they would get close to the Promised Land, something always happened and they would end up busted and back to square one.

So unfair.

Right now they had another shot at the Golden ticket. If they could get a hold of Harry's secret stash, the Horans could grow it, sell it and be living large.

Arie moved to the kitchen. She pocketed a couple packets of Brie cheese and a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon. Then she helped herself to some of the silverware. Until that glorious day came she was going to have to continue swiping from the rich.

Arie went back to cleaning. She had it figured out. She and Niall could build their own clientele. Steal some away from the Styles. As soon as they made some real money they could go to an island and live like royals. Buy a big house next to the ocean, get some servants and never scrub a toilet again.

When she went outside to get the mail, Arie looked up and down the street to make sure Harry or Emma wasn't coming. Sometimes they would come home at different times. Arie hoped today wasn't one of those days. It would make the hunt a little difficult.

Arie didn't see any sign of the Styles. She did see a worn looking car right across the street. She knew it was the cops. Those idiots Payne and Malik. They had been following her and Niall all over town for nearly a month now. Unfair. Just because they've been busted a few times for dealing and possession doesn't give them the right.

Arie went back inside with the mail. Then she stood by the front window and proceeded to dust the lamp there.

She dusted the lamp over and over for a good hour.

Meanwhile Liam and Zayn squirmed restlessly in their car across the way.

"Damn, boss," Zayn said. "She's going to be there all day on that lamp. Look how slow she's moving, my granny would have been done an hour ago. While in the meantime Niall could be doing God knows what."

"Yeah, you're right," Liam nodded. "This is a big waste of time. Let's go find Horan."

Arie snuck a look out of the window in time to see the Idiot Squad pull away. Oh thank St. Jude saint of the hopeless. Now was her chance.

She sent a text to Niall: five O coming yr way. Going in.

Niall: be careful pumkin

Arie raced upstairs to the Styles' bedroom. Using a link card, she worked at the lock until it opened. Yes! She was in.

Arie looked around the large room. Very nice, with a huge bed, plush carpeting. His and her bathrooms. La di flipping da. All she and Niall had was the one small bathroom with a cracked shower door and a toilet that kept running.

There was another door nearby. Curious, she opened it and looked in.

Oh sweet Jesus!

This room was straight out of Fifty Shades of Grey! There was a bench with straps. Different kinds of handcuffs. On a table was a laptop with a DVD on it. Even more curious, Arie put it on.

(The following has been sanitized for the sake of the readers.)

"Oh my God!" Arie quickly turned it off. What she had just seen was. . .eww. Those Styles were sick! Demented! Twisted! The tape made Arie want to bleach her eyeballs out.

Shaking her head, Arie fled from the room and tried to focus on the task. She had to find that secret compartment and get in.

Arie went to the side of the bed and knelt down. She felt around until she found a loose piece of rug. She lifted the piece and found the door. After playing with it, the door gave way and slid aside.

Jackpot! There it was.

Arie pulled out two large Ziploc bags filled with the finest pot in Sunnyville. She stared in awe. This was it, she thought. Their Golden ticket.

She replaced everything except for the bags. On her way out, Arie made a quick detour to the Room of Perv and swiped that DVD that almost gave her a stroke. The tape was a little insurance guaranteeing that the Styles would be in their pocket.

Arie left the room with her treasures, locking up after. She sent another text to Niall.

Arie: pay dirt!

Niall: good girl!

Liam and Zayn were at the park continuing their watch on Niall. They were wondering if that was a waste of time as well. All Niall did was drive Harry around. When he wasn't doing that he was either standing around picking his teeth or scratching his butt. Not to mention the porn he watched on his tablet while drinking forbidden beer. Niall was your average blue collar worker.

Yet the pot problem was growing more and more as dope heads polluted the streets and station. Nobody would say who their supplier was.

"So far the Horans seem innocent," Zayn admitted when Liam voiced his concerns. "Either that or Niall has someone doing his dirty work."

"Nah, that wasn't his style," Liam said. "I been studying their reports. The Horans worked alone, just the two of them. Sharing wasn't their thing. More money in their pockets that way."

"He could have changed his ways," Zayn said. "Maybe."

Liam shook his head. "Not likely. They're too stingy."

Drinking some bad coffee they settled back for another thrilling afternoon of watching Niall pull wedgies from his crack. They loved their work.

Zayn's eyes wandered to the many people in the park enjoying the pleasant weather. Moms were pushing their babies in strollers. Dads were walking their dogs. The elderly taking a stroll.

Zayn saw Niall's boss Harry Styles several feet away with his basket, just in time to see. . .

. . .what the hell?

"Boss," Zayn whispered, tapping Liam on the shoulder. "Look."

Liam turned to where Zayn pointed. He saw Harry slipping a plastic bag into someone's hand. Then the person handed Harry some bills. Harry tucked the money in his jeans pocket and moved on to another person. The detectives watched intently as Harry did the same thing.

"Did you see that?" Zayn whispered. "That was pot. He just sold weed to those people in broad daylight."

"So," Liam said in a grim voice. "We were wrong. It wasn't the Horans dealing in this town. It's Harry Styles. He's our guy."

A/N Hi guys. Hope you enjoyed the story. Please vote and comment. Have a cupcake. :) and thanks.

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