family // bnha

By elisimone_

549K 19.4K 8K

bnha x big sister!oc class 1a needs more adult support, let's be honest... AU where eli midoriya, pro-hero, a... More

an exciting (for me) update


9.3K 302 172
By elisimone_

** kind of filler which i'm using to clear up some plot holes and fix future issues without having to write for 4 days straight just to get everything done. (+ if you didn't know, i'm an english major in college so i already write a lot, so bear with me a little pls)

so TW (?) - unrealistic technology (like i ain't already did that lmao)

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Eli was already running late, and then some idiot decided to blow up a building. 

"KID!" she yelled, running and jumping to grab some kid who was in the way of some debris falling on him. 

The kid emit some kind of light as he screamed in fright. So, with a huff, Eli rushed forward and kicked the idiot that set the place ablaze with such a force that he would definitely be feeling in the morning. 

Rolling her eyes, she grabbed the guy and threw him over her shoulder, still holding the kid who clung to her like glue. 

"I'm sorry you had to see that, had to catch the bad guy," Eli chuckled, her face on full display as she gave him a smile. 

The little boy chuckled, and it wasn't before long she gave the kid back to his grateful mother and gave the guy to the cops. 

Checking the time on her wrist, she gasped as she discovered she was over 5 minutes late. 

"Dammit," she muttered before she took off in a blaze of green mist... and yellow light. 

Not that she noticed the yellow.  

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Eli slammed the door open to class 1A's open and stood there looking quite frenzied. Shouta looked at her with gaping eyes. 

"Sorry, I'm late," she said with a sigh closing her eyes as she put her hand down. 

"NEE-CHAN?!" Izuku let out loudly, staring at her with wide eyes, his pencil having dropped from his hand. 

"What, what is it?" she asked as she stared at the people before quirking an eyebrow in confusion. 

"Woah, Sho, did you get smaller?" Eli asked staring at him with her hand on her hip, still having not noticed her... bodily changes. 

"BELL?!" Katsuki yelled loudly, coming out of his previous state of shock. 

"What?" she asked, looking over the sea of students who seemed to all wear different shocked expressions, this only furthering her confusion. 

"...Well, honestly I have to say I prefer having 2 big sisters, not 1," Hitoshi said with a forced laugh. 

"Now I really am the only girl," Himiko sighed from her position at the side desk. 

"I have so many theories," Shoto mumbled as he stared at her with wide eyes. 

"Himi, what are you talking about I'm a-" Eli began as she brought her hands to her chest in emphasis, only to touch... less soft tissue. 

She let out a gasp, looking down at herself, seeing not boobs, but a broad chest that still somehow fit her hero suit, bigger biceps, a more square-like torso, and thicker legs. 

"Dude... you're a dude," Denki said. 

Eli pursed her lips and scratched the back of her head as she looked back at the still shocked children. 

"Well... suit still fits so you know, could be worse," Eli shrugged as she walked over to her desk, only to still be stared at. 

"HOW ARE YOU SO CALM ABOUT THIS?!" the class yelled collectively. 

Shouta, now out of his shocked state sighed as he shook his head. 

"Well, at least you didn't get turned into a baby like Mic did last year," Shouta said with a sigh. 

"Or grow cat ears like you did," Eli said, in a suddenly deeper voice making her eyes widen as she put her hand to her throat with wide eyes, before gasping. 

"Does this mean I'm 5'8 now?!" Eli exclaimed. 

Shouta, looking up at her could only chuckle. 

"Oh you're over 5'8 alright," Shouta said with a sigh before looking at his class who were still in a state of shock.

"We're clearly not going to get anything done," Shouta said as he closed the pamphlet on the podium in from of him.

That was all it took for the class to begin bombarding Eli, who could barely fend them off as Denki and Mina latched themselves to her arms as they usually did. 

"Bell?! How the hell did this happen?" Katsuki asked first. 

"U-uh, some guy blew up a building, and I saved some kid. Then, poof," Eli said shrugging, Denki and Mina giggling as they went up and down on her now bigger arms. 

Suddenly, the window flew open, and in flew Keigo and Touya who seemed to be angrily latched onto his side. 

"I promise I didn't mean to be late, blame the wine! And then this burnt chicken wing wouldn't let go-" Keigo said quickly before he paused as he looked at Eli, who now towered over both him and the children around her. 

"Oh, hey Keigo," Eli said with a wave, Mina and Denki still giggling as they latched on to her arms. 

"Whew, it is a good thing I'm bisexual," Touya said as he smirked, ruffling Shoto's head as he walked over whose eyes widened even further. 

"No!" Himiko suddenly yelled, making Eli turn to her quickly enough to catch her as she fell in her arms. 

She grunted a little but didn't falter as she looked at Himiko with confused eyes, only to see her glaring and kind of baring her teeth at Touya, who only smirked. 

"Uhm, well..." Eli said letting out a small cough, drawing the attention of her siblings who now stood around her threateningly. 

"Small surprise, the no. 3 Pro-Hero is now your 2nd TA, and this is Tadashi, an... unpaid intern," she said with a nod, making it up on the spot before she threw a thumbs up. 

"Oh how I wish for the darkness to consume me," Fumikage said with a sigh and a shake of his head. 

"Me and you both buddy," Keigo said, giving Fumi a pat on the back making him huff before he rolled his eyes. 

"Well kids, how bout a mental health day then huh? I stashed away coloring books somewhere in here," Eli suggested, surprised by the boom of cheers that erupted around her before they quieted down, all of them looking to Shouta with wide, expecting eyes. 

The older man sighed, rubbing his eyes. 

"Fine, I'm taking a nap," he said, pulling his sleeping bag out of nowhere before trudging out of the classroom, probably to find his husband who he knew didn't have class this morning. 

Sooner or later, Eli found the cabinet that held 30 coloring books, and a huge group formed as the kids moved desks around to accommodate themselves, and how the 3 of them got roped into it, they weren't so sure, but here they were among them. 

Keigo sat beside Fumikage, enthusiastically coloring as if it were his first time, and sneaking glances at Eli every once and a while. He wouldn't admit it, but Fumikage was enjoying the attention he was getting. 

'Tadashi' Touya sat beside Shoto watching with soft eyes as Shoto colored a picture of Garnet. 

"Yeah, they're married," Shoto went on softly, diligently coloring the picture, using markers to outline the pre-existing line art. 

"Oh, really?" Touya said softly, softly coloring a picture of a garden with a colored pencil, not paying too much attention to the coloring as he was to Shoto, and Shoto warmed at the attention. 

"Mhm, they invited everybody in Beach City, and Peridot was the flower girl," Shoto spoke, lighting up at the ooh and aahs coming from Touya. 

Izuku sat on the other side of Eli, showing her his coloring book which was basically perfect. He was trying so hard because of how unsteady his hands could be, even if they were just coloring, he still wanted it to look nice. 

Eli gasped softly at Izuku, a little something to give him some extra confidence before fawning over his coloring book. The smaller greenette blushed profusely at the praise. 

"Cats aren't purple eye bags," Katsuki gruffed out. 

He was coloring a picture of one of those cartoon TNT bombs. 

"Okay look me in the eye and ask if I give a fuck?" Hitoshi said right back. 

Eli sighed, hoping silently that they wouldn't start a huge argument, and instead chose to focus on the fact that she was in a guy's body. It felt weird, kind of normal and comfortable, but wrong at the same time. 

Eli almost banged her head against the table at that. With 5 kids, gender identity wasn't actually something she wanted to get into while she was raising Hitoshi and Izuku, and when Katsuki came along there was just less time. 

Then Shoto, then Himiko.... so in conclusion, gender would have to wait until after Eli beat the shit out of this custody battle. 

Not to mention, she'd just sent information to Detective Tsukauchi about what she and Izuku had uncovered about the hospital Rei was in, and a petition had begun to shut the facility down and relocate its members, which Eli would also take care of when it came to funding for another place for the rest of them to go. 

None of them really knew what exactly she was doing, well Izuku a little bit because he'd helped her gather such information, but he didn't know that she was well on her way to owning a rehabilitation center for the sake of getting Rei out of there. 

Not to mention she was also still thinking of ways to fit Touya and Keigo in her house without her bed being crowded. She had to clear spaces for her siblings, I mean it was a stroke of fucking luck that nobody needed her last night. 

Plus, she needed to go grocery shopping, which meant that's she'd need to run home and get the car-

Eli released a loud, dramatic gasp. 

'THE CAR!' she thought.

Which caused a lot of attention to be drawn their way before they stood up abruptly, their eyes wide with excitement and ideas. 

"Nee-" Izuku started, cutting himself off before he finished. 

Blinking out of her state of realization, she looked around to see that she was standing and many were looking at her with curious eyes. 

So, Eli raised her finger, placing a hand on their hip before they spoke. 

"I... have an idea. Tenya, Momo, and uh, Katsuki you're in charge." This was all it took for Katsuki to scream loudly in triumph. 

"Eli?!" Touya complained, Keigo right beside him on that. She peered down at them in surprise, almost forgetting that they were supposed to be another TA and an intern. 

"You're going to leave 3 15-year-olds in charge when we're standing right here?" Keigo said with his arms raised up in protest. 

"Okay okay, kids, we're gonna take this time to bond with our newcomers, and by we I mean ya'll," Eli said with a clap of their hands. 

"Why would we do that?" Shoto asked, Himiko sputtering out laughter as Izuku went over to him and began to quietly explain why. 

"I will be gone for a while." Protests sounded around her before she spoke up again. 

Mostly because as of late Eli hadn't been consistently at school, missing classes, and training because of other issues arising, and she hadn't really realized it until she saw the solemn look on the rest of the class's faces, once again, making something up on the spot as she stared at them all. 

"But I will be back before the day is up, AND since finals are coming up and I know that can be particularly stressful. Plus, I wanted to make it up to you guys for being in and out, so instead of hero training today, we're having... a pizza party?!" she said with jazz hands, Touya almost falling out laughing as he saw her plan things on the spot, just to get some smiles on their faces. 

Cheers erupted as hugs were thrown her way, Mezo not being afraid to enlarge his arms to hug as many people as he could, and Denki unintentionally hugging Ojiro's tail instead of an actual person, but the boy didn't seem to mind. 

Eli laughed, almost nervously, but threw on a large smile as she hugged as many of them as she could, Katsuki off to the side with Keigo and Touya. 

"Okay, Kat, you're still in charge WITH them," Eli said pointing at Touya and Keigo who stared at Katsuki in slight fear since he was grinning so largely. 

"Why does he get to be in charge?" Hitoshi muttered, Eli hearing him and leisurely whispering in his ear. 

"I already gave him the power, I can't just take that back," she told him, Hitoshi almost laughing loudly before Eli slapped her hand over his mouth. 

As the students chattered away, Eli eased over to Momo and Tenya, dragging Izuku over to them as she looked at them intensely leaving the 4 of them to go unnoticed as they huddled in a corner. 

"It's their first day okay, and you know as good as I do they're not going easy on them," she whispered, a warm flutter of appreciation going through her at their quick processing skills. 

She knew Izuku was like this, but something about Tenya and Momo being on the same page with them immediately filled her heart with joy. 

"Make sure nothing ends up on fire," she said simply. 

"Do not worry Eli-sensei, we will watch them diligently," Tenya said in a hushed tone, still going off with his choppy hand motions. 

"Eli-sensei, are we to continue this mental health day until next period?" Momo asked. 

"As long as you want. Momo, Tenya, it's your job to tell whatever Mic and Midnight that I said you could have a mental health day," Eli started. "Izu, it's your job to clean up any 'messes' the household makes okay?" she continued, throwing her fingers in the air to make some air quotations when she said the term messes. 

Understanding what she meant, Izuku nodded with a (cute) determined look on his face. 

"Break," they said, clapping their hands together the 3 students integrated with the rest of them with ease. 

Before she left, Eli eased over to Keigo and Touya, looking at them with serious eyes as she began to once again whisper small instructions to them. 

"At around 2, call in an order of pizza. It'll take them a while to make so many, so calling at 2 should be fine," she mumbled. 

"How many?" Keigo asked, making Eli's eyes widen as the 3 of them turned to look at the swarm of children in front of them. 

"You can make super-cars, but you don't know how many pizzas to get?" Touya joked, Eli, glaring at the shorter man a bit, which made him both chuckle and blush. 

Something about her being so much taller really made her more attractive to the black turned, white-haired male, and Keigo wasn't any exception to this feeling either. 

"Oh shut up, I'll leave the number to you since you're apparently the adults," Eli said with her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised. 

"Touya, you're in charge of everything else. When Keigo goes and picks up the pizza, go to the store and get some snacks, cups, drinks. And maybe a cake," Eli listed off. 

"What the fuck do we need a cake for?" Touya asked. 

"I don't fucking know, do you like cake?" she asked, cocking her neck to the side as she gave him a look. 

"Well, yeah-" he started but he was cut off. 

"Then get the fucking cake Touya!" Eli whispered/yelled. 

"No need to be mean about it," Touya fake pouted. 

"Alright, I have to go before I lose my idea. I'm going to tell All Might to take them out before hero training, and since this is a mental health day, give them a couple of balls, some jump-ropes, there's some chalk in the cabinet, just let them do whatever okay? That'll give ya roughly 30 minutes to set up the room before they get back," Eli tells them. 

"You know, I never knew that being a TA would be like this," Keigo spoke up. 

"Neither did I little guy," she told him, patting him on the bed. 

The honey blonde exploded red. Touya would tease him about it later.

"Alright go, go, we got this," Touya said patting Eli's arms. 

"Thanks, guys, I promise this is all worth it. Keigo, Nezu says your employment is official, and T, he... doesn't know you exist yet, but we'll make it work," Eli said, giving Touya some finger guns which he returned before she was out of the door and speeding down the hall. 

On her way to the Development Studio, Eli discreetly (yeah, okay) kidnapped Mei from her classroom and dragged her to her workspace. 

"Woah Eli-sensei, did you know you're like a foot taller now? Were you hit by a Quirk or something, is that why I'm here? Woah, hold on, you're a guy now?! Woah cool! You know your hero costume looks the same, but you've gotten so much bigger, I'm surprised that it even fits. Woah, does that mean that you made your suit to be able to stretch if something like this were to happen?! You're so cool Eli-sensei!" Mei cheered, checking out the changes in the suit and in Eli. 

"Mei!" Eli said, snapping her out of her ramble, and Eli could only stare at her apologetically at the abruptness of all this. 

"Yes?" she asked. 

"Get your suit on, we're working on something today! Your final is to make a support item for everyday usage right, no matter what it is?" Eli asked, rummaging through a thin locker to pull out her mechanic suit, to which she threw to the side. 

"You're correct!" Mei said. 

"Well, are there any rules about you receiving any help?" Eli asked. 

"No, Power Loader said that a real mechanic uses all the resources they have access to," Mei said with a large smile. 

"Perfect! Not that I'd stop at getting this to count as your final since you're my mentee, but you know," Eli said with a smile, throwing off her shoes and removing her weapons to slide the work coverings over her body and to zip it up, which was big enough to fit her larger body. 

Mei began to buzz with excitement. 

"Wait a minute, you're my mentor?!" Mei borderline screeched making Eli flinch back a bit at the loud noise before she gave the girl a confused look.

"Of course you are, I thought we talked about this?" Eli asked. 

They hadn't, Eli just forgot. 

Mei just went with it, jumping around in excitement as she pulled her own suit out of her backpack and began to put it on over her clothes, humming and rambling about telling her mother when she got home. 

"What exactly are we making Eli-sensei?" Mei asked, spawning next to her with her mechanic suit on. 

"We're making an in-home interdimensional space warping device that allows for more space in smaller homes," Eli told her simply, leaving the pink-haired girl to stare at her with her jaw dropped and eyes wide. 

They stared at each other for a bit before Mei literally began to buzz in excitement once again. Her eyes sparkled excitedly, and she smiled so hard she almost blinded Eli. 

That was all it took before they began to work on an otherwise impossible goal. 

But they'd make it happen. 


Because when it comes down to it, these two had no regard for physics. 

And plus, Eli already did it with the car, so how hard could this be?

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Touya and Keigo did not know what the fuck to do.  

Everyone was talking as they'd moved on from just coloring to laughing and talking amongst each other as they passed around their colored pages and different books. 

Keigo was seated beside Touya, much to his dismay (even though he thought he was hot), and on the other side of him was Fumikage who was talking with Tsu and Izuku about creating a cult for animals. 

Katsuki was yelling at Denki about why he should stop insulting himself, and Hitoshi was beside him nodding along, agreeing with every word the ash-blonde was saying. 

Momo was talking with Himiko, Jiro, and Tenya, who was looking gingerly shocked as Himiko raved on and on about her knife collection. 

Momo although seemed to be very excited and asked if she could show her since Eli had brought up the suggestion of incorporating throwing knives and daggers into her hero costume, unintentionally pulling Jiro closer since she'd suggested the same for the smaller girl. 

Shoto and Koda were teaching Sero and Mina JSL with Mezo helping out every now and again. Apparently, Mina's aunt had just had a baby, and he'd been born deaf, so Mina wanted be ready. Sero just wanted to add another language to his list of ones he knew (Spanish and Japanese). 

Kirishima, Sato, and Ojiro talked about how cool Kirishima thought his tail was while they talked about sparring later in the week to prepare for finals. 

Hagakure, Aoyama, and Ochaco were talking about clothes and about how excited Ochaco was to learn new fighting styles and that she'd planned to ask Eli and Aizawa-sensei with it. 

Despite them generally leaving the 2 alone, it didn't stop the massive amounts of information that circled the room or how overwhelming the entire experience was. Plus, they were failing at the objective Eli had given all of them. 

"Eli said we have to bond with them," Keigo muttered to Touya who scowled and rolled his eyes before detaching his eyes from Shoto. 

"Well, it's not like we can just slip into their conversations!" Touya whispered-yelled back. 

"I'm not saying we can!" Keigo argued back. Touya sighed and rolled his eyes before looking away from the irritating (cute) birdbrain and back at the students in front of them. 

"Look, these kids aren't just in the class together, half of them are related, and the other half have been trauma bonding for the entire semester, plus it's not like we've been here since the beginning like E has, we literally don't have any openings," Touya explained with a sigh, peering over at Shoto once again before looking back at Keigo. 

Keigo smirked a bit as he stared at him. 

"Eli would be so disappointed in you right now," Keigo jabbed lightly, laughing as he saw the look of offense on his face. 

"Shut the fuck up blondey!" Touya said a little too loudly, calling attention to them, a lot. 

"You got something against blondes Charizard?!" Katsuki yelled. 

"Yeah!" Denki cheered behind him with his fist up, Himiko suddenly next to him as she copied his stance. 

Hitoshi, who lives for conflict, spawned next to Touya in the next second. 

"And what if he does? You gonna do something about it, Kit Kat?" Hitoshi said with his arms crossed, a smug smirk on his face as he watched Katsuki grow even more irritated. 

"My friends, Eli-sensei said this was to be a mental health day, we must not betray her kindness!" Tenya spoke up, doing his choppy motions. 

"Can it glasses!" Katsuki said pointing a finger at the blue-haired boy. 

Tenya gasped audibly. 

"To think, I thought we were friends Katsuki," Tenya said as he comically gloomed, Momo and Jirou comforting him as they pat his back. 

"Kacchan that wasn't very nice," Izuku spoke up. 

"And who said I was nice, nerd?" Katsuki threw back.  

"Oh shut up Kat! You make breakfast for us almost every morning," Hitoshi said with a smirk on his face. 

"That's because you and Lady can't cook, if it were up to Icyhot we'd only eat soba, and the nerd is always too busy ruining somebody's life," Katsuki said angrily, Izuku gasping audibly as he leaned back to place his hand on Ochaco's shoulder to steady himself. 

"Katsuki, I thought you like soba," Shoto said, slightly grim. 

"Not for every meal dumbass!" Katsuki said. 

"I hope you keep that same energy next time you need information, you disproportionate dandelion!" Izuku said back. 

"Woah Mido-bro number 2, you know how to cook?" Kirishima asked, bounding over to throw his arm around him. 

"Get your hands off me you red-haired loser," Katsuki said as he made no motion to get him off of him. 

"Suki and Nee-chan make the best meals, they even have their own special aprons!" Himiko said with a wide grin, leaving Mina and Denki choking on their own laughter in the background. 

"Bag it, Lady!" Katsuki hollered. 

This was true, Katsuki did in fact own his own personalized apron. While Eli's said 'Kiss the Cook', Kat's said 'Don't Fucking Touch Me'... 

it was another Christmas present from Eli. 

Touya laughed loudly at Himiko's statement, turning Katsuki's attention to him again. 

"Something funny porcupine?" he asked. 

"We have the same hair dipshit," Touya said with his arms crossed. Multiple gasps were heard from his language... and by multiple I mean 2.

"How vulgar!" Tenya exclaimed. 

"That's only because you ruined yours, Mr.Box Dye," Keigo said with a smirk, ignoring Katsuki's loud 'what'. 

"You want to keep those feathers?" Touya asked menacingly, raising his hand to show off blue flames. 

"Try it," Keigo said back.

Next thing you know the door to the classroom slammed open to reveal...

Monoma Neito of class 1B and Suoh Tamaki, TA of class 1B.

"Will you Class 1A losers shut up?!" Monoma said loudly. 


"This is why nobody likes you Monoma," Kirishima said with his arms crossed, Katsuki smirking proudly as he stood next to him. 

"Now, that is no way to talk to another student! Anyway, where's Eli-chan?!" Tamaki said with sparkles basically coming off of him. 

"What's it to you?!" Izuku said, glaring at the man. 

Izuku could deal with Keigo and Touya flirting with their sister. He kind of had to since they were living with them now, plus Keigo was his 4th favorite hero and Touya knew his sister for years, so he had a kind of trust in them. 

Plus he just didn't like this guy. 

"Now, would your sister be happy to hear you talk to me that way?!" Tamaki said with an offended hand on his chest. 

"Down, atrocious," Hitoshi said with a sigh. 

"We apologize for any disturbance, we will quiet down," Momo spoke up, bowing slightly to the two in the doorway. 

"Hey! Why isn't Eraser or Kinetic here?" Monoma said with an accusing tone as he eyed them, his eyes stopping on the no.3 hero. 

"Is that Hawks?!" Monoma exclaimed loudly. 

Clearing his throat, and realizing he was supposed to be watching them, Keigo threw on his little persona and walked over, Touya leisurely walking beside him. 

"Yes, I'm Hawks, the new TA," Keigo introduced. 

"Tadashi, intern," Touya said simply. 

"Oh! Was Eli-chan moved or something?" Tamaki asked, Keigo quirking an eyebrow up before shaking his head. 

"No, she's just busy right now so she left us in charge," Keigo explained simply, watching as the man's features drooped a bit. 

"O-oh, so you're Eli-chan's intern, not Aizawa's..." Tamaki trailed off. 

"Uh yeah," Touya said crossing his arms. 

Tamaki kind of shrunk back from their gazes. 

Touya caught the guy's drift the minute he started talking and recognized that this guy was that Charming Hero Eli had told him about. He remembered her telling him that he was a little weird, but the guy clearly liked her. 

Keigo caught it too, but only after his last statement, along with the clear disappointment on his face when he found out they were here too. 

He gave the man a confident smirk, Touya beside him glaring ever so softly, things that made the man shrink back even further before he'd snapped out of it, plastering a smile on his face.

The 2 class 1B inhabitants left soon after, intimidated, leaving Touya to roll his eyes before he slid the door shut once again before the two turned back to the class. 

"I don't like that guy," Touya said with an irritated glint in his eye. 

"Then we agree on something at least," Katsuki grumbled. 

And so the 'bonding' commenced. 

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Hours of hard labor later, Eli and Mei had come up with a device that would make Eli's home bigger on the inside. Using the materials she used for the car to be able to contain more people than it looked to. 

It was kind of astounding how quickly the two had an idea board completed and trashed, blueprints drawn, prototypes built, and finishing touches added. All in the span of a school day. 

Well, Eli was a co-Manager to the Developmental Studio for a reason. 

Extensive notes were taken by Mei which she'd use for the essay portion of her project that was due in a couple of weeks, and the device of course was tested inside the workshop, giving extra space to any students with larger projects. 

And, with that, Mei had her project done a week early, and Eli had a solution to their little home problem. 

Plus now an official mentee so there was that. 

Eli invited Mei to the pizza party they were having in the classroom, and the young girl sprung happily around about seeing her brothers again. 

She said they were inspiring a lot of her babies. 

So, tired, they entered class 1a's room, only to find a delightful sight. 

The smell of pizza wafted out of the room as Mei and Eli were met with the sight of numerous students lounging around talking and laughing as they ate pizza and drank from juice cans. 

Touya and Keigo sat at Eli's desk watching the students and bickering from what it looked like. 

Shoto was beside Touya, smiling ever so softly and speaking up every now and again, a half-eaten slice of pizza on a plate in his hands. 

Izuku was next to Shoto, Himiko beside him, talking with them about whatever, smiles on both their faces. Ochaco was in front of them, blushing just a bit while Mina stood beside her with a knowing smile on her face.

Katsuki sat on the window ceil, Kirishima and Denki by his sides, Hitoshi with them as well, and it looked like Hitoshi was teasing Katsuki like he normally did. Jiro and Sero were among them as well. 

Tenya looked... relaxed as he spoke with Aoyama, Tsu, and Tokoyami, doing his chopping motions here and there. Mezo and Ojiro weren't too far away, talking with Hagakure, Koda listening quietly with them as they talked. 

Sato and Momo were eating cake together by a small table that had been set up in the back of the classroom, talking excitedly about something. 

And, as per usual, once Eli walked in, wearing a small tired expression as she stood with their hands on their hips, adorning a dark blue (and kinda dirty) jumpsuit, and her long hair pulled back, she was swarmed. 

Her siblings were right under her in under a second, Hitoshi and Katsuki acting only aloof as they stood near her. Eli could only laugh a little at that. 

There was so much talking, about so much of everything, little details about their lives, what they learned at their internships, what they'd wished they learned, they talked about further training, what they wanted to learn when it came to hero work, and Eli only listened. 

She sat in the middle of 20+ kids, well in front so they could all see her. Keigo and Touya were beside her, Touya casually eating pizza as he, Hitoshi and Katsuki talked shit on the side. Keigo annoying Tokoyami about his soon-to-be cult. 

Izuku went on and on to Hitoshi and Ochaco about his legwork, both giving insight, and it was decided that Ochacho would in fact ask Eli for further hand-to-hand combat training after Izuku explained to her how Hitoshi's Quirk wasn't suited for combat, and how Izuku was a late bloomer so she'd been teaching them ever since. 

Eli listened silently to this, agreeing to the proposition quickly with a smile, and patting the girl's head softly. 

Then, Sato and Momo talked about how good the cake was, Momo especially, and that prompted everyone else to go get their slices. 

Eli eyed the cake diligently, imaging the amount of sugar in it, but damn did she was a slice. So, with a heavy heart, Eli nabbed herself a slice. 

"Bell?" Katsuki called attention to her in the corner about to take a bite. 

Eli froze, turning to look at her siblings, well, Izuku and Katsuki in particularly who looked particularly concerned about her eating a slice of cake. 

"It's just one slice, I'll be fine," Eli shrugged off. 

Hitoshi gave her a knowing look but smirked to himself as he shoveled some cake in his mouth. Himiko giggled next to him, Izuku and Katsuki being hesitant to let it go while Shoto watched with curious but understanding eyes at the whole situation. 

It was not just 1 slice of cake. 

It was 4. 

Not that anyone but Touya and Keigo saw her eat the 3 other slices since they were the ones sneaking her plates. 

Let's just say, in order to burn off the energy, Eli carried every single one of her students home, one by one, going back and forth with her Quirk charged up 50%, saving her siblings for last as watched her with wide eyes, clean and fix the classroom up by herself at lightning speed. 

She was really trying to burn that sugar out of her. 

After Mei was home, Eli dashed back to the school, to where she and Keigo, with his feathers, carried them home since she hadn't taken the time to take the car since she was late this morning, Eli forgetting all about going grocery shopping when they arrived.

Eli showed them the device she and Mei had created. 

It didn't take much time to install in their home and allowed for copies of rooms to be made in place of the space created, to which Eli generated 2 bedrooms roughly the size of everyone else's (which was pretty big), and a bathroom to go in between them. 

Of course, this wasn't satisfactory though, because in no time the group of teenagers was making pointed arguments about having their own bathrooms. 

Eli huffed but obliged, and sooner rather than later, they had 8 bathrooms and 8 bedrooms and excited cheers flooded the house. 

They'd have to decorate later and get things like a bed and other things, but for now, it reassured the 8 (8 1/2 if you count Espresso) person house, had at least 8 bedrooms as well.

 And, on top of all this, from all the energy that Eli had just released, it wasn't long before she went up in smoke, only to emerge in her smaller stature, free from the Quirk that had hit her earlier that day. 

All in all, it was a good day, long, but good, but something must have been in the air that night. 

Because despite the delights (tires) of the day she'd just had, Eli was stricken with anxious thoughts about all the things she was too busy to do today, leading her pacing in the kitchen at 3 am, freshly showered and still exhausted. 

The trial was close, at the most 2-3 weeks away, and by the end of the next week, Rei Todoroki should be out. 

Not to mention, next week is finals week. 

'Will Shoto be okay?' Eli worried. 

So much was going through her head, and she shivered as the cold set in around her, listening to the sounds of the house, only to hear nothing but soft creaking, but that was all. 

She was so tired, but how could she sleep? 

How could she sleep when she had so much to do? 

So many people were relying on her, and she had to make sure they would be alright. 

Suddenly, the ringing of the house phone floated around the house, Eli almost jumping out of her skin at the sound of it. 

Hastily, she pounced towards the phone, hoping the noise didn't wake anybody. 

Hitoshi had finally received some medicine to make sure he got enough sleep, despite the small Quirk mutation, and they seemed to be working really well. And by working well, that meant he drank less coffee in a day, but progress is progress. 

Not to mention that Izuku had been training extra hard as of late, so he was bound to be tired. 

With a small, shaky breathe at the sound of nothing in her home, Eli sighed as she brought the phone to her ear. 

"Hello?" she asked quietly.

"Hello, Eli-chan?" said a familiar soft voice, Eli's brows furrowing as she tried to pinpoint who exactly it was. 

"Wait, Mandalay!? Shino-san?" Eli whispered/yelled, hearing a huff of relief on the other side of the line. 

"Oh thank goodness, you remember me," the woman and long-time friend of Eli said. 

"Of course I do, how could I forget my friend," Eli said, almost hearing the smile on the woman's face as she replied. 

"I'm glad you do, but, do you remember my cousin, she was a part of Water Hose?" Shino asked, Eli, nodding to herself as she replied, hearing the hesitance in her voice as she spoke. 

"Yeah, I remember them, but Shino-san, was?" Eli asked. 

"...A villain named Muscular," Shino said softly, and Eli clutched a part of her chest at the wavering in her voice. 

"Oh honey, I am so sorry, do you need anything, what can I do?" Eli asked, earnestly. 

"I know you're dealing with a lot right not, and you know what- actually never mind, this was stupid, I should've never-" Shino was cut off by Eli quickly. 

"It's not stupid if you called me of all people. Now, what is it?" Eli asked calmy. 

"They had a son, and I-I can't take care of a kid, the facility takes up half my time, and the Wild, Wild, Pussycats take up the other, and I've never had to do anything like this, and I'm really scared, and I haven't even had a boyfriend, let alone a kid and I-" Shino went on and on, the sobs raking her body, and Eli once again could only listen softly. 

"Shino, hun, drop the kid off," Eli told her. 

Eli could almost laugh, maybe Shouta was right. 

"But wait-" she tried. 

"No, it's okay really, just drop him off. I'll take care of it, it's alright. We figure out longe term later," Eli told her, hearing the sniffs from the woman as she exploded in thank you's and I'm sorry's. 

Eli sighed as put the phone down and rubbed her eyes, altering the device she'd just set to add yet another room. 

All before she was back to where it all began. 

With Eli hunched over the table with work spread out as she worked, and worked, spreadsheets everywhere, a grocery list written up with notes at the bottom noting other stuff she needed to get for the house, or replacements for long broken items. 

Tomorrow was Saturday, and Eli had much to do before 4 pm since that's when Shino and the kid would be here. 

She figured Touya and Keigo had an idea of what exactly they needed for their rooms, so she left that alone for now, instead, peering at the time, to which she gave a tiresome sigh as she saw the numbers 4:56 am. 

Her body although lacked the exhaustion in her mind, and she was left to sigh as she cleaned up all the work she'd done, and stacked it all neatly by her laptop before she was up again, pulling her hair back with a huge clip before she started stress cleaning. 

The only thing Eli could think though was...

'Just got to get through this week'

6732 words. 

everybody who found 'oh, shit' from this book, get in a single file line bc I'm bout to kiss you on yo forehead (with consent ofc)

the next couple of chapters wont be canon stuff, it'll be stuff related to shoto's trial and maybe some family fluff. after that tho, we'll get to the finals and then THE FIRST MHA MOVIE bc i know i haven't mentioned it yet in the book but she knows david shield (bc she's a big figure in the support community)

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