Fake it till you make it - Lu...

By LifePlusMinus

83.7K 4.8K 11.9K

I wish my life wasn't like a script everything I do is an act I don't even remember who I am I have no idea w... More

1 - Who am I?
2 - Amaranth
3 - Kiran
4 - Wet
5 - Basement
6 - Rescue
7 - Dream
8 - Neighbor
9 - No way
10 - Miss Robber
11 - Athanasia
12 - Lucas
13 - Conversation
14 - Drinks
15 - Pissed
16 - Jealous?
17 - Second voice
18 - For now
19 - Her split
20 - Lucas home
21 - Sir Ace
23 - Visit
24 - For Sissy.
25 - Music box
26 - Lily
27 - Baby
28 - Diana
29 - Ruby
30 - Text
31 -Kira
32 - Study
33 - What did I do wrong?
34 - Secret
35 - Something on each other
36 - Call
37 - White dog
38 - Date
39 - Baking time
40 - Dinner
41 - Pitiful
42 - Wanna go on a date?
43 - Preparation
44 - happy tears
45 - Dance
46 - Guilt tripped
47 - Episode 2
48 - Ambulance
49 - Awake
50 - Stay with me
51 - Good mood
52 - Sir Ace's office
53 - thmb drive
54 - Dad!?
55 - Truth & Playdate
56 - Books
57 - Mood swing
58 - Yet
59 - Date No.2
60 - Hallucinations
61 - Denial
62 - Hand
63 - Claude's will
64 - First horrible day
65 - Flaws
66 - Naiveness stopped?
67 - Four years
68 - Celebration (Happy new year)
69- What the future holds.
70 - The end
Bonus chapter - Jennette with who
Bonus chapter - WMMAP meet FITYMI
Bouns chapter- Ara
Bonus chapter - Devil's slave
Bounes chapter - Valentines
Bounes chapter - Kiran jealous?
Bounes chapter - Brothers
Bounus chapter - Book and homework
Special chapter - Call

22 - Scolded

1K 65 34
By LifePlusMinus

  I walked over to my house.

  Notice how I always call it a house not a home.

  'Is there anyway I'm getting out of this?' I asked my second voice.

  'No...' my second voice replied.

  I sighed and open the front door.

  I saw no sign of Father so I silently crept up the stairs.

  "Where the hell is that wrench!" I heard someone yell from my room.

  Well we all know who that someone was.


  'Do we have a choice...' I asked my second voice trying to crack up a joke that was by no means funny.

  'Walk into the room and say "I'm here father."'

  "I'm here father." I said walking into the room.

  I saw Felix shielding Amaranth from Father's wrath.

  "Where have you been! Jennette was in the hospital! All because you let her drive the car!" Father stormed towards me.

  '"I'm sorry Father, I was over at Sir Ace's house, they invited me this morning."'

  "I'm sorry Father, I was over at Sir Ace's house, they invited me this morning." I replied keeping calm.

  "And you didn't bother to tell me? You took my wife's life! Do you want to take Jennette's life too?!" Father said yelling at me so loudly I was sure I would go deaf.

  '"I'm sorry Father, I forgot to request for your permission to go visit sir Ace's house"'

  "I'm sorry Father, I forgot to request for your permission to go visit sir Ace's house"

  "Forgot!? I should have just left you there in the basement! You know what! Next time, I'm going to let you rot in there!" Father yelled.

  I felt my body start to shake.

  I hated the basement.

  Father knew this.

  My eyes stung.

  I wanted to cry.

  I was scared.

  My legs wanted to give up under me.

  My whole body lost it's strength to even hold it's self up.

  'Stay calm. Panicking will only have things worst.' my second voice told me.

  It wasn't like a comforting line.

  It was more of a 'Do it, or die'

  I breathed in and out.

  'Stay calm... Just calm down...' I said to myself.

  It didn't help at all.

  Deep down I was still a child running away from her monsters.

  But I knew that somewhere in my heart.

  I had manged to trick myself that I wasn't scared.

  I just I really can fake it till I make it...

  Isn't that great...?

  '"I sincerely apologize Father."'

  "I sincerely apologize Father." I bowed down 90°.

  "Apologize? Apologize! What's that going to do!" Father asked.

  '"Apologizing does nothing Father."'

  "Apologizing does nothing Father." I replied keeping a poker face.

  All the emotion of fear had disappeared.

  It was replaced with nothing.

  I felt empty.

  Like a void.

  "Exactly!" Father said taking one step towards me which I responded by taking a step back.

  It wasn't because I was scared.

  It was a body reflex and precaution.

  But I had completely forgotten that my legs weren't in any condition to move.

  My leg couldn't support me.

  Instead it twisted in a weird way...

  As I took a step back my whole body collapsed backwards.

  I was now on the floor with my elbows supporting my weight.

  'Ow...' I silently whined as I felt my left elbow take a large blow.

  Lucky my elbow took most of the impact not my head.

  My legs were bended up in an upside down V.

  I felt my legs trembling and a sharp pain at my left ankle.

  But my face showed no pain.

  It just looked empty.

  'Get up into a begging pose on your knees and say "I'm sorry Father, Please accept my apology."'

  I bend my legs inward so I could be in a kneeling pose.

  Every movement in my left leg hurt.

  Well I know it hurt.

  But I didn't feel it.

  I knew that pain was slowly consuming my senses.

  But I didn't feel it so I could act like nothing was going on.

  "I'm sorry Father, please accept my apology." I said knowing my body was in pain but not feeling any of it, keeping my stoic face.

  It was almost scary how I knew my body was in pain yet I didn't feel it.

  My expression reflected my emotion.

  Which was nothing.

  Like an endless pit with nothing at the bottom.

  "Sorry isn't going to do anything!" I heard how Father raised his voice.

  'If he slaps me right now my head would twist to the left and I would also lose my balance so my head might hit the wall, I need to be careful to not hit my head.' my brain had to be prepared since Father seemed mad enough to be violent.

  "Claude stop." I looked up as saw how Felix held onto Father's arm making father unable to hit me if he wanted to.

  I took a peek and saw behind Father, Amaranth was barely even standing.

  She was having trouble breathing from what I can see.

  It was uneven and forced.

  Her entire face was pale.

  She was looking down at her feet as if telling them 'Dont give up.'

  "Stand back Felix! You have no right to stop me from disciplining this wrench!" Father yelled trying to get his hand out of Felix grasp.

  "No. She is like a niece to me. I'm not going to stand around and watch you hit her. Please Claude... Stop..." Felix tone was soft.

  Felix was never the type of person to confront someone, asking him to stand up for himself is already pain for him.

  Standing up for someone else is almost as good as impossible for Felix.

  "No. You are my employee Felix! So listen to your employer." Father yelled putting his hand down and staring and me.

  "Claude please... I am asking you as someone who's like your brother... Please..." Felix silently begged Father.

  "No! She almost took the life of Jennett-"

  The door bell rang.

  'Shit...' I looked at father asking for permission to get the door.

  "Go get it you wrench." Father said.

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