Feeling in this undead heart...

By AbbyGenty

241 11 41

In a world where the dead become the living, and the living undead. 4 people known as "The guardians" are sci... More

Ch.1: At death's door
Ch.2: Interactions

CH.3: Deadly encounter

40 4 3
By AbbyGenty

Previously in Ch.2:

Before i was about to leave i spoke again.

First we'll try and have her speak to you after your eat tomorrow, second why change your mind about complying if it's from jack?

Pitch- because north she's much more interesting and entertaining then you lot. And i have yet to get the desired information out of her she's peeked my interest.

I have bad feeling i didn't like the way he said that. I hope this is right choice and nothing bad goes wrong.

(Back to story Jack's pov)

Ugh i hate this time of the month lucky i had a few things for this time and that theirs another female working with me so that's a plus. I feel like sleeping all day but i need to get up i wished dr.jone was here i kind of miss our studies in the mornings. It helped get my mind off the whole apocalypse thing reminded me of when dad would help me study on his time off.

I haven't seen pitch ever since that first day here. I have so many questions for him but I'm to afraid to go near him i wanted to know if he knew what caused the apocalypse in the first place. I had made a whole few pages of questions i want to ask him maybe I can give it to tooth to see if she knows? No maybe not i haven't been very talkative with them I've only really talked to them a few times that was during meal times and when north gave me a few passkeys and passcodes for the security doors.

I'll just sleep for today and I'll get up super early in the morning to talk to pitch by myself before they even wake up. But wait pitch said that dr.north is an insomniac i just hope he won't be up when I'm up. For now i think I'll sleep for the rest of the day that way I'll be able to wake up early tomorrow morning.

(Time skip at night)

The alarm i set woke me up immediately. I felt around to turn it off took a while but i finally got it off. I yawned and rubbed the sleep out my eyes it was 4am in the morning we'll no time like the present. I got up turned on the light and got the things I needed, notebook, pencil, pen, passkey, some salted peanuts for a snack, my medication, water. I put it all in my satchel bag now i just need to use the restroom before i leave.

After i used the restroom i felt better and grabbed my bag, i poked my head out the door and the automatic lights turned on I frowned i forgot about those. I didn't see anyone though and the guards are on the other side of the front area of the lab so they won't really see me. I was about to go all out when i realized i forgot my new walking stick i don't really need it now but i like to hold it and take it with me brings comfort plus i can use it to whack pitch if he tried anything.

I ran to the confinement cell he was in and opened the door but when the lights turned on there he wasn't there the place was cleaned thoroughly and no pitch did they move him to a new one? Ok so i just need to check everyone of these confinement cell's i looked down the hall seeing a few doors. I went to the next one and looked through the window then went through the door the lights went on he wasn't here either.

I kept doing that until i got to the last one at least i hope this was the last one i entered through the door the lights turned on. I wasn't expecting this room it looked like one of those police interrogation rooms on tv but much cooler looking and bigger. There was another door i went over to it and walked through the lights turned on and there he was strapped to a chair behind glass wearing a muzzle. How can they treat someone like this?!

I went over to the door i paused before trying to unlock it he's strapped in the chair so it should be fine for me to enter right? I backed up from the door and looked at pitch he was sleeping i knocked hard on the glass to try and wake him up he didn't budge. He must be a heavy sleeper, i walked back to the door and started to unlock it i tried the same key card for it and i guess it also needed a code i tried the codes i knew from dr.north but they didn't work.

I went back to the other door and searched for anything that could possibly be the passcode to that door. After a few minutes i found a sticky note with numbers i memorized them and went back to the cell door and tried the numbers and it worked it opened and i went inside and was about to fully close the door but i thought about last time so i took my bag off and and placed it so the door was ajar. I looked at pitch and cautiously walked over Infront of him he was still sleeping, his head was leaned back i know he said he can hardly feel pain but that's got to be uncomfortable.

Umm pitch?

Nothing. Should i be a bit louder or poke him? Wait could he even feel if i poked him? Hmm i wonder. I went over to get the stick i had leaning on the glass. I smiled to myself this can be payback for scaring me shitless and almost eating me.

Pitch? Wakey wakey.

I poked him a little in his arm still nothing.

I wonder how hard I'd have to poke you for you to feel it?

I jabbed him a bit harder still nothing.

You still alive? Or undead?

I saw his finger twitch at that i smiled was he just playing with me or was he really in such a deep sleep?

You know this goes to a whole new level of sleeping like the dead.

I heard a held in snort come from him so he was faking being asleep.

So you are awake.

Pitch- yes indeed. Now stop poking me with that stick or I'll snap it in half.

I reeled my stick back holding it close to my chest he better not break it. Then i heard him laugh he was looking at me now his eyes held more grey but they looked more silver like with the gold.

Pitch- don't be so protective over it or were you blind to see my restraints?

No i saw them. They don't look to comfortable along with that muzzle it sounds like your having trouble speaking properly. Want me to take the muzzle off you?

Pitch- do what you please. Why are you here? Did you come on your own volition?

I'm here because i wanted you to answer some questions of mine and yeah i came here on my own nobody knows I'm here no one's even awake yet.

Pitch- what time is it? Why would you come here without them around or knowing when it's dangerous? Haven't you learned from last time?

It's around 4 in the morning. I wanted to come on my own because i felt like it. And i guess not.

I started to take off the muzzle it was difficult but i got a strap off. I felt his hair a bit while doing it it was soft, once i got the straps unlatched i grabbed it from the sides of his jaw and took it off. As i did that my fingers lightly grazed his skin it was ice cold but soft. Once it was fully off i out it on the ground beside him i watched as he moved his jaw hearing a few pops. Then he cracked his neck hearing a few cracks he looked satisfied having be able to do that. When he was done he looked at me again.

Pitch- thank you, frost.

I smiled.

No problem Boogie.

Pitch- what no Mr.Boogeyman anymore?

Yeah it's to long and to formal not unless your going to call me Miss. Frost.

Pitch- you hardly seem the Miss. Type.

Hey! What's that supposed to mean!?

Pitch- nothing you'll understand.

So are saying im stupid now!?

Pitch- you said it not me.

Why you...

Then i stopped he was smirking at me i remembered back what bunny said to me about him. Son-of-a-bitch!

Your doing this on purpose to see my reactions aren't you?

His smirk grew, so that's it he's just trying to get me worked up.

Well news flash Boogie gonna have to try harder then that I'm not a test subject or lab rat to screw around with to entertain your undead ass.

Pitch- did i ever say you were? Sure i want to study your reactions and behavior towards me and others but that's only for boredoms and curiosity sake. I'd like to see what makes... you... tick. You fascinate me Frost with both your disease and you yourself.

Ok i don't know what to say or think about what he said. At least he's being honest i think.

I don't know if i should be flattered you have so much "interest" in me or be thoroughly creeped out by it. Maybe both, now let's get down why i came here in the first place im going to ask you questions and your going to answer truthfully got it.

I saw his eyes narrow at me.

Pitch- and what makes you think I'll answer your questions and honestly at that? How would you know I'm not lying?

But a few weeks ago you...

Pitch- yes few weeks ago, I've changed my mind since then. So getting answers out of you won't be enough if I'm going to be answering your questions and truthfully at that.

I frowned at him, ok what could i offer him to get answers. Ugh why does this feel like I'm making a deal with the devil! I'm going to regret asking this later on but what the hell.

What do you want in return?

He smiled at me a glint of joy in his eclipse like eyes.

Pitch- i need a few things, some tools for me to continue my work and a few blood samples from you would be lovely.

Yeah no. For one i don't think i can do that or would know what tools you would need even if you told me the names. And why do you need my blood? Thinking of having a little snack while you work?

Pitch chuckled at me.

Pitch- no for research purposes, but if your offering me you being my little snack i wouldn't mind that either you do quite smell delectable~

I blushed at that even when he said he'd basically eat me he made it sound hot. And he said my Damn teenage hormones! Get it together jack he's just trying to push your buttons get a reaction out of you for his own amusement.

I rather not be anyone's little snack especially yours. Listen just list off the things you want and I'd see if I can get them or try and get the others to let you have them but that's the best i can do.

Pitch- i doubt they'd let me have any of the things I want especially for creating chemicals, but i guess it wouldn't hurt but if you can't get any of the things I need especially the ones i would most need I'd like to study you in return for compassion of not getting me what i want. And don't say no either because I'm letting them study me, do tests on me, and everything in between like a lab rat and going to answer your questions so this would be the least you can do.

I thought about what he said and i don't like this but i guess he has a point but I'm not his lab rat either to study.

What type of studying would you be doing on me if i agreed?

He smiled at me and looked into my eyes.

Pitch- just your behavior, your conditions symptoms and your overall reactions, maybe a few blood samples to test a few things if you'd allow it.

I guess that's not bad i mean i would basically being studying his behavior as well and what all he's asking from me isn't to bad i guess.

Fine but nothing more then That ok.

Pitch- it's a deal then. Now why don't you get that notebook out of your satchel so we can start and get this over with.

How did you know i have a Notebook in my satchel?

Pitch- it's the most logical thing to do for someone who's asking questions to record them and the answers.

Oh. Yeah i guess so.

I walked over to my satchel it was still in-between the door keeping it from locking me in. I rummaged through it for a few things. Grabbing my pen, pencil, notebook, watch, water and some of the snacks i had just in case i get hungry or thirsty during it. I went back over sitting Infront on him cross legged looking up at him.

Ok so first question, when you saved me back a few weeks ago from....

I couldn't say his name i still felt bad because his death was my fault.

it, your said "mine" you sniffed me but didn't attack me or try and eat me until the others came in when I was out of there you kept on banging on the glass repeating that same word "mine". What was that all about? Do you even remember that event?

I saw his eyes widen a bit in surprise.

Pitch- i don't remember the event last thing i really remember was being very very hungry and talking to dr.jone when he turned. It's a little fuzzy after that.

I wrote down what his answer was under the first question. Then after he didn't seem to have anything else to say i went on to the next question.

You said you turned after the accident what was the accident exactly?

Pitch- messed with chemicals and deadly viruses i shouldn't have been messing with.

What does that supposed to mean?

Pitch- you'll figure it out.... eventually. How old are you? Who in your family bloodline has had the same rare disease you have?

Oh right I asked him questions and so he asking me some in return. I guess it really wouldn't hurt telling him not like it really matters.

I'm 19, just turned 19 a few weeks ago it was the day i had to leave my old facility to come to this one. And last i remember was my grandfather having the same disease anyone else other then that i do not know.

Pitch- hmm interesting. People with your disease don't particularly live to long and it's incurable. Hmm...

He's thinking i kind of can imagine him holding his chin while thinking he seems like the type.

Pitch- if you'd like I'd like to try and make a more durable and long term medication for your disease, it won't cure it but it will manage it much more thoroughly then what you can do now.

I looked at him in utter shock can he really do that!? Wait he said a few times he wanted to study me to do research, he said something about in the dark age all the date, research and experiments. Was he some type of doctor or scientists before the apocalypse started?

Y-you can actrualy do that!?

I got a bit to excited and ended up holding him on his shoulders tightly and got into his face. And the way i got up so suddenly made me dizzy and sick this is embarrassing. But it was funny seeing his reaction i don't think he expected me to do this.

(Pitch pov)

When i offered her my assistance to making her a new medicine then what she has now she shot up like a rocket and came face to face with me her hands on my shoulders. I was surprised by many things at that instant for one her reaction was way to over the top, her proximity to me, and the fact that i can somewhat feel her grip on me, and a little of her temperature.

Didn't think i could still feel that type of stuff then Again no one's really touching me or got close enough to me like that in year's. I got a better look at her eyes they were captivating and it looked like she had a snowflake like pattern in them..... interesting. She slumped over suddenly her grip felt like it tightened on me i felt more pressure. I can hear her breathing was beginning to be uneven, her balance looked off.

If your going to be sick there's a toilet in the right corner of the room just hit the wall to reveal it rather not have you vomit on me, and please I'm not your personal crutch to use at your leisure so kindly get off.

Jack- oh how considerate of you. You know maybe i should throw up on you pay back for almost eating me.

Do that and i just might eat you for real I'll break your stick and use the pieces as toothpicks to scrape you out my teeth!

She looked at me and she looked paler then before she smiled at me and laughed. I felt my hand twitch in anger she's trying my patience.

Jack- i hit a nerve didn't i pitch, sorry just please give me a minute to collect myself. Let me use you as a crutch for now i mean it's not like you can stop me right.

I sighed heavily, the little brat. At least this gives me an opportunity to see her reactions and symptoms up close.

Fine I guess i really can't stop you because of these damn restraints.

She smiled at me her eyes were closed. I smirked to myself i got closer to her face i wonder how'd she react with me being so close to her like this. I watched as her eyes shot open she blushed and quickly moved back letting me go.

Jack- wh-what the hell where you doing!?

I chuckled at her reaction. She seemed to be feeling better now.

Nothing just seeing how you'd react, and i let you use me as a crutch for a few minutes like you wanted. Tell me what exactly did you feel in that instant? What was your symptoms?

She sat back down and got her breathing down, she looked at me with a glare the blush still visibly noticeable.

Jack- i felt dizzy, unbalanced, sick to my stomach, weak couldn't catch my breath.

You should take your medication, and like i said before i can make something much more durable then what you have now to manage your symptoms. Your medication is old no doubt and don't work as strongly as they did before they went bad.

Jack- where you some sort of doctor or scientist of some sort before the apocalypse?

Something along those lines yes. But in order for me to make something for you I need the materials and tools to do so and sample of your blood and run a few tests on you.

Jack- why do you want to help me?

It's not that i want to help you it's just I'm bored out of my mind, and i do miss running tests, experiments and getting new data helps pass the time and makes me feel like i once was.

She began to write that down in her notebook. Then she looked up to me.

Jack- how old are you exactly?

I'm in my Early thirties.

Jack- your not going to give me you exact age really? I gave you my exact age that's not fair.

Nothing's ever fair jack.

I saw her flinch when I called her name.

Jack- what's your real name because i know it can't be pitch.

I'm not giving you my real name not when you haven't given me yours.

Jack- if i give you my full name you'd give me you real full name in return right? Your not going to be a dick about it are you?

Don't know see and find out.

She gave me I'm done with this guy face i love her reactions there so amusing.

Jack- I'm Jacklyn Grace Overland. Now don't bullshit me and give me your name your real name.

So that's her name.

My real name starts with a K. And that's all your going to get from me....for now.

Might as well make a little game out of this. This will be fun.

Jack- now i know why none of them seem to like you especially bunny.

Hmm so she calls the rabbit bunny. And i don't care if they like me or not.

Why do you call the rabbit bunny?

Jack- why do you call bunny rabbit?

I asked first, and it's my turn to ask a question little Frost.

Jack- I'm not that little I'm 6'4, your just freakishly tall.

I'm only 7'1 ft Tall.

Jack- only?!

I chuckled at her reaction.

My limbs are just longer then most. Now any other measurements you'd like to know about?~

I watched as she thought about what i said then she got what I was saying and blushed deeply. It fun teasing her like this reminds me of tooth first time we met it was amusing until she got used to it then it just got boring and had to find something else to occupy my time.

Jack- umm...have you been...flirting with me?

Oh, this hahahaha this is priceless. I couldn't hold in my laughter.

Hahaha this is priceless... hahaha.

Jack- what's so damn funny!?

You my dear.....no i haven't been flirting with you more so teasing to get a reaction out of you.... hahaha.

My laughter soon died down after a bit and seeing the way she looked right then, she looked upset to the point of almost crying did that really hurt her that much?

Please don't tell me your going to cry? Did me saying that really hurt you so much that your almost to the point of tears?

On one point she seems to be able to produce tears which is fascinating but on the other i feel like a complete ass now which doesn't usually bother me or i usually don't feel such things. And it pisses me off a little.

What not going to have a comeback?

I watched her as she shut her notebook, got up and went to her satchel. She set it to the side and was looking for something, she pulled out a notepad and walked back over to me she flipped to the last pages and showed me. I stared at her for a bit she didn't look at me then i looked at the pages and read what it said.

They were dates of how many dose's she took the times she took them, the medications she took, the ages of them and how well they seemed to work. I looked back at her and she was watching me.

Jack- satisfied? I'll show you what I took note of for the past few years.

I didn't say anything. Watching her close the notepad, she went back to her satchel and took out a watch looking at it. Then she put it back and took her notebook again and sat back down Infront of me.

Jack- why, why can you only eat 5lbs of meat a day?

She can't even say flesh can she.

Because that's all my stomach can handle without getting sick.

Jack- can you still eat regular food?

No, i can't stomach it down long enough to digest before vomiting it back up.

I watched as she opened her notebook back up and wrote that down.

Why do you call the rabbit bunny? I know it can't just be from his last name.

Jack- it's actually a funny story, you see a few months ago i did a prank on him while he was sleeping. I super glued a pair of bunny ears on his head while he slept, then i put a bucket of grey paint over his door so when he opened it he was drenched in it. That's why I call him bunny why do you call him rabbit?

She smiled and laughed to herself when she was telling her story, she seemed to cheer up a little i felt myself smirk a little at this and my own little prank on the rabbit.

A few years ago when i first got captured by them.,..

I was cut off by her.

Jack- hold on your were captured years ago by them? So this has happened to you before? Is that why you know so much about them?

If you interrupt me again I won't tell you at all. Hold your questions till the end will you.

Jack- sorry, won't happen again.

Better not. Now as i was saying, a few years ago when i was captured by them for the first time they basically treated me more so like I'm treated now but after a few months together they started to let me have some free range. One day when the rabbit was on kitchen duty while everyone else was busy i snuck in without him noticing. He was making vegetable stew he forgot a few ingredients and left the kitchen unintended. I went into the freezer and took out some cut up rabbit from day before.

I paused and watched her she seemed to really listen to the story, she reminded me of a little kid at bedtime eager for a story before bed.

I put the rest of the cut rabbit into his stew and let is simmer after that i left before he came back. Once dinner time rolled around i waited, i heard a scream then yelling come from him. Then the door to my "room" slammed open revealing a very angry rabbit. From that day on word i would call him rabbit. He hated me for it still does.

I heard jack laugh, she tried to cover her mouth and hold it but failed.

Jack- wow, you actually did that to him?! That's next level prank, you know i didn't expect someone like you to even do pranks.

I really don't do pranks that was the only one I've done.

I saw her get up excitedly smiling at me a hint of mischief in her eyes.

Jack- if that was your very first prank want to do another one?

And how do you suppose i do that? And why i would even want to?

Jack- I'll help you we can do a prank together on them have a little bit of fun.

And why would you want that? Why even be near me after what almost happened with you? How can you be so close to me right now even with my restraints aren't you afraid of me?

Jack- to have fun and it seems you need to unwind a bit. And i think i can be near you like this because you "intrigue" me.

She giggled to herself when she said that. I just stared at her thinking how can anyone act like this after almost being eaten.

Jack- and yeah sure I'm scared but who wouldn't be and i think the more i get used to you and get to know you the less scared I'll be. And you don't really seem to scary now in the light, and having a semi normal conversation with you.

I didn't know what to say, first person to really ever try and get to know me, to be so close to me to want to be near me and not for just tests or data for the sake of saving the human race, but because they generally want to.

And your not just doing this for your questions to be answered? To find a cure for the undead?

Jack- well let's just call that a bonus then. I'd like to get to know you if we're going to be basically be studying each other and live in the same facility for God knows how long. Plus you seem lonely and you did say and i quote "terribly bored" so this can be a way to relieve both our boredoms and pass the time. What do ya say want to try and be friends while we're both here?

I had absolutely no words. She was trying to be my friend, i didn't know what to say or feel right now. This has got to be some sort of trap right to try and get close to get information out of me right.

I think you should be leaving now.

Jack- what why? It's only 5am now and i still got tons of questions.

If you use up all your questions today you'll have none for next time you visit, and besides they're going to be waking up and checking in on me around this time so unless you want to get In trouble by being here by yourself you best be going. And you still need to take your medication don't you.

Jack- i guess you got a point. But before i go what's the things you wanted I'll see if I can get them to let you have them.

(Jack's pov)

As i wrote down the things he wanted i ate a little bit and was about to take my medication i noticed he looked kind of tired. As i was done i gathered my things to leave.

Pitch- before you leave you might want to put the muzzle back on me if you wish for the others to not know you were here.

Oh yeah i completely forgot about that! But isn't it uncomfortable for you i mean i wouldn't want that back on me if i had to wear it.

Pitch- it doesn't really bother me as you might think. So it's fine.

If you say so. But i won't have it as tightly as it was before.

I picked up the muzzle that i completely forgot was on the ground and went behind pitch i started to put it on him i felt my fingers lightly touch his jaw again, he's still so very cold. Does he even have a heartbeat? Would he be considered more undead then alive? As i was about to put the first strap on i had to push some of his hair away to get to the clasp right on without getting his hair caught in it.

His hair was so soft, but a little greasy when was the last time he showered? Do they even let him shower? I made sure it was on only the 3rd hole and not the very first so it's not to tight for him. Then i started on the other two straps doing the same. He didn't say a single thing, and i felt him slightly lean into my touch a little while i pushed his hair away to properly put on the straps.

Ok done.

I flinched when he laid his head fully back and stared at me. I felt myself gulp and slight flush coming along my face. His gaze was like a spike of fear along my spine it was thrilling almost. There was more gold in his eyes now about half of his eyes held gold and the other grey but it looked more silver like. I watched not saying a word, i saw his eye lids slightly close, was he falling sleep?

Then his eyes fully closed and his chest rise and fell in steady breathing. Did he seriously just fall asleep? I guess i did wake him up pretty early and he did look quite tired. I wonder how much sleep he gets? If any at all? I saw a stray hair over his ear and i itched to brush it back. He wouldn't mind if I did that would he? Or maybe he's tricking me and not really alseep, ok now I'm overthinking things. I yawned to myself damn watching him sleep is getting me tired. Before i moved to leave i lightly brushed that stray hair over his ear and placed it behind his ear.

And i was shocked to find his ears were pointed i smiled to myself trying not to giggle their cute. I wonder did he have this before he turned like this? And he said before his name started with a K i wonder who was he before all this? Someone of a Doctor or scientist but Which type? Ok I'm thinking to much on this it's making me tired even more i left grabbing my things and putting them in my satchel leaving the click of the automatic door locking when i left, i locked the rest of the locks and looked back at pitch last time i felt bad for him.

Being in those restraints to tightly, having to sleep like that, be like that for who knows how long, being treated like just a test subject and not a normal human being but i guess he isn't normal human being not anymore. After that i left leaving then through the other two doors and went straight to my room making sure no one saw me. After i got back into my room i let out a sigh of relief and fell onto my bed and fell asleep for few hours until breakfast time rolled around.

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