Silent Heart (Lisrene Adaptat...

De cathcath0610

22.7K 1K 313

I am not a talkative type of person, I am always serious, I am mysterious and that is the best way. They don'... Mais

Year AZ
Orangely Rude
50:50 Smile
Wolves I
Wolves II
Torn Between
Hope Vs. Decisions
The Start...
Sky Battle Ground 1.0
Sky Battle Ground 2.0
Sky Battle Ground 2.1
Sky Battle Ground 2.2
Sky Battle Ground 2.3
Sky Battle Ground 2.4
Sky Battle Ground 2.5
Courage to Speak
Sky Battle Ground 3.0
I Can't
White Lights
Nightmare or Dream
Blue Eyed Cat
Project Gold
Within the Walls
Devilish Princess
Honest Feelings
For Now
The Villain
I am a Manoban
Live Free


640 40 5
De cathcath0610

Irene was even shocked. Why she just gave Lisa a one hell of a slap. Ahe wasn't aware at all of what she did. But her eyes looked at Lisa with such hatred.

Jennie: Irene!!! Why did you slap Lisa?!

When Irene snapped back to reality with the voice of Jennie. She saw how her cousin look at her with confusion. She can't say to Jennie that she doesn't want Lisa to kiss her nor she is jealous. Yes you got it right, finally if her eyes wasn't burned on what she saw, Lisa and Irene kissing, she wouldn't accept the fact that she is jealous and she has feelings for Lisa. Irene just got a slap in reality of her feelings

Irene had to think fast of the reason why she just gave Lisa a thunderous slap on the face. She couldn't say that she's jealous knowing that Jennie have feelings for Lisa. She was now searching for answers.

Irene: Uhm, I thought... Lisa just forcefully kissed you?... Tha-that's why I slapped her... She lied

Jennie: Huh? What? No!!! Little Irene I was the one who kissed her... Ah, eh... Jennie just realized she did made the first move, not once, but twice

Jennie is blushing knowing that she just said it out loud to her cousin what she did and take note, she is the senior of Lisa.

Irene: You? Are the one who kissed her? She was dumbfounded and pointed Lisa

Jennie: Uhm... Yeah... I did... Gosh! I'm really blushing... Wait... I will just go to the restroom first... I'll be back... She immediately left

Now only Irene and Lisa was left alone, Lisa is still freaking surprised. She was just slapped her hard, hard enough because up until now, her right ear had a trouble in hearing. Her eyes was still looking at Irene and thw only word Lisa could utter in that moment is...

Lisa: Ouch...

It was a soft whisper but enough for Irene to hear it. Irene wanted to kick Lisa in the balls if she had any. She wanted to pound her face for letting Jennie kiss her. She is indeed jealous. With her mood right now she did was she think is best, to be mad at Lisa.

Irene: So it hurts?! I won't saw sorry Lis, I think I just did was right. I just protecting my cousin! I'm sorry but I don't think you are right for her. DO YOU EVEN LOVE HER LISA?! She said frustrated

Lisa took a step back because she was a but nervous because she might receive another slap from the beautiful girl in front of her. Her slap really stings, even her high tolerance of pain was no match when it comes to the girl she loves. And how Irene's question echoed on her head.

Lisa: Lo-love her?  She asked

Irene: Yes, Lis!  DO YOU EVEN LOVE HER?!

Lisa: I... Don't... She softly whisphered

Irene heard that soft words, it somehow made her smile, but that smile quickly faded. She slaps Lisa's shoulder


Lisa: Ouch, Irene... It hurts... You already slapped me twice!... She used her arms to protect herself


Lisa was able to grab Irene's hand, which was by the way was hitting her roughly.

Lisa: It was my first taste of a kiss, I didn't know it was addictive.

Irene felt that her cheeks become red because Lisa's face is so close to her and she could really smell Lisa's minty fresh breath, but she had to move away from her, they were in an awkward position, when Lisa was that close to her, she had the urge to claim Lisa's lips, but she needs to control herself, especially knowing that Jennie likes her. Irene just forcefully stomps Lisa's feet, thus making Lisa whimper in pain and was holding her feet.

Lisa: OUCH!!! She was hopping in pain. Why did you do that?

Irene: Serves you right!!! Wait! Why did you change classes?!  And you didn't even tell me! Did you know that I had to sit with a guy who kept on staring at me for a freaking one and a half hour?! DID YOU KNOW HOW CREEPY IS THAT?!

"Why she is so mad at me? I didn't do anything to her! But why she is so cute while being mad? " Lisa said to herself.

Irene: And why are you smiling?!

Lisa didn't even realize that she was already smiling, she finds it so adorable how Irene just let out her frustration and Lisa found out the hard way that the person she love is a little bit sadist.

Lisa: I wasn't. She lied

Irene: I don't care about your life! Argh!!! I hate you!!!

Irene turn back and left, she can feel her tears falling while walking away from Lisa. It was just hurting her badly. Knowing that finally she admitted to herself that she's in love with Lisa the moment she saw her. That stiff like soldier who almost bump into her, the stiff like soldier who gave her a 50:50 smile but can melt your heart when her true smile appears, that stiff like soldier who disregarded her own safety just to save her from the wolves that chasing her. She is in love with Lisa, that was the truth.

Lisa on the other hand left cold, how i struck her hearing those words from Irene. The word hate pierce he heart and should. Knowing the girl she loves hates her, hate a feel intense or passionate dislike to someone. Irene hates her.

Irene was staring blankly where Irene took off, her cheek still sting and hdr heart was breaking. She then felt someone tap her shoulder, it was none other than Jennie.

Jennie: Hey... I'm sorry for her action, she is really like that. A little bit unkind but she is a good person. Hehe. She smiled at Lisa

Lisa just smiled at Jennie.

Jennie: My God... Little Irene is really stressful... She didn't even say goodbye to me. Wait, I heard that you changed your schedule. Why? Does that means that the two of you will not be classmates anymore?

Lisa: It was conflicting with other subjects.

Jennie: Hmmm... That's why. I think you should go after her and tell her that, or else she will just be grumpy to you always. Hehehe

Lisa: I will just look for her later, let's first finish what Jisoo asked us to do.

Jennie smiled sheepishly when Lisa decided to stay, she got a hint because she was listening to them earlier. She's not naive on how a girl acts if she likes someone because she already experience it already. She knows that Irene likes Lisa, but Jennie was confident because one, Irene have Seulgi and there is no way she would let go of her, she's practically crazy about Seulgi. Two, Lisa does not like her, the way Lisa acts cold towards her and three, Lisa and her already kissed it only show that Lisa likes her. Maybe not yet love but she's thinking Lisa will fall for her.


Irene decided to head back to campus and was wiping her tears away, she wanted comfort, someone to talk to but, her friends had already went home and her driver is not yet here. She decided to go to the gym where Seulgi and her friends are currently training. When she went inside the gym almost all the men was starstruck seeing the Goddess Irene Bae visited them, some even flex their muscle just showing it off to Irene which Irene didn't even mind at all.

She search for a familiar facr, and finally she saw Joy lifting weights she immediately approach her.

Irene: Joy?

Joy: Oh, Irene! Wendy just got home... Is your driver not yet here?

Irene: He's still not here... Did you see Seulgi?

Joy: Wait... Earlier I saw her entering the locker room. If you want I can accompany you?

Irene: Thank you Joy huh... They started to walk to the locker room

Joy: Uhm, are you and Seulgi alright? Because she was furious earlier eh...

Irene: We just had a fight... And I asked a bit of space first... I'm just confused right now Joy... I just want to sort things out a bit, she's been acting really strange for the past days... And I really don't want to hurt her... So I ask just a little space...

Joy: Yeah, I agree. She's been acting strange lately... But I hope your relationship will be back to whag it is before. She smiled

Irene: Thanks Joy... Wait, it seems there's no one here...

Both of them are already inside the lockers and Irene was right it looks like no one was already inside the locker room at all, but Joy heard a noise. The noise sounded like a moan, both of them followed the noise they heard, they were almost at the end of the locker room when they heard voices. One voice was familiar, very familiar, they both knew who was talking.

???: Hmmm... What if someone will saw us?

Seulgi: No one is around babe...

???: But you and Irene... Hmmm...

Seulgi: She asked space, we're not together anymore babe... Just shut up babe and let me touch you...

Irene and Joy couldn't believe what they just heard. In Irene's anger she showed herself, while the two was busy touching each other. Irene spoke.

Irene: We're really not together anymore!!!

Both was surprised when they heard a voice, but Seulgi was surprised of all. Caught red handed of her extra curricular activity, her so called "training". Joy was just standing next to Irene, disgust of what she was seeing.

Joy: Tricia?!

Tricia: Irene I'm sorry, Seulgi told me that the two of you broke up. I didn't know. She quickly picked up her shirt on the floor and just run out of the locker room

Seulgi: Babe let me explai---


Irene gave a thunderous slap on Seulgi's face.

Irene: How dare you! How long has this happening?! Everyday?! A few times?! How long Seulgi?!

Seulgi: A few times... She said softly while looking at the floor


Seulgi just receivef another slap on the face from Irene.

Irene: I remained faithful to you! I considered your feelings! I only asked for space Seulgi, because I just want figure out my feelings and you do this f*cking thing behind my back!!! I hope you took care of me too!!! She cried

Seulgi: Babe please....

Irene: Don't you dare to call me babe! Because we are over!!! She immediately walks out bringing her tears with her

Joy had her fist clenched, what did Seulgi did was way out of line. She just cheated on her girlfriend. In her anger, she wasn't able to control her fist and it lands on Seulgi's face. Even though Seulgi is her friend, it doesn't justify what she did to Irene. While Seulgi was on the floor with a busted lips, Joy was looking down on her and spoke.

Joy: Despicable dude....

Seulgi didn't care much of her busted lips, she quickly stood up and run after Irene. Irene was already at the gate, she was desperately wishing that her ride will appear in front of her, but still it was no where in sight. She look behind her and saw Seulgi running towards her, Irene didn't even hesitated to move her feet and just run away from her, she doesn't want to see her, nor speak to her at all.

It was already getting dark and Lisa was waiting for the bus, she tried to look for Irene after she and Jennie was done assembling Jisoo's gadget, but sadly she was not able to find her. Jennie even offered a ride to Lisa but she politely declined her offer, she wanted to take the bus going home. When the bus stop infront of her, she went inside and took her seat at the part of the bus.

The bus was about to close the door, when unexpectedly, a hurried passenger was able to get inside. How Lisa's eyes grew wide seeing that the hurried passenger is Irene. By the look of it, she was like trying to get away from someone, not knowing where the bus will take her. In Lisa's view, Irene looks like she is crying.

Lisa couldn't move from her seat, she just stared at Irene, guarding her from the other men who was looking at her like she was a piece of meat. The ride took an hour and at last, Lisa reached her destination. While Irene on the other hand is looking from left to right. She didn't know where she is, she couldn't call her ride to pick her up bacause she her phone doesn't have power anymore. She was scared because she can feel the old man is looking at her.

"Where am I?..." she asked herself.

She got startled when she felt an arm on her shoulder, she heard the voice of the person who had her hand on her shoulder and without a second of a thought she knew who's voice is that.

Lisa: Let's go...

Irene felt relief because at least she knew someone on the bus. She stood up and quickly went out of the bus, with a smile in her face and a relief in her feeling, but she suddenly remember if Lisa was with her inside the bus. Why she did not approach her knowing most of the men on that bus was staring at her. As the bus left, she quickly face Lisa and stomp her feet.

Lisa: OUCH!!! She was hopping in pain. You! You're being too much! Why did you do that?

Irene: You know that I was there, but why you didn't approach me!

Lisa: I was at the back of the bus, it is hard to walk while it is moving you know...

Irene: I don't care!

Lisa just shugged off Irene's words, she noticed that it might rain. She took her umbrella from her bag and gave it to Irene then turned her back at Irene and started to walk away from her and heads towards her home.

Irene: Hey wait! Where are you going?!

Lisa: Home... She shortly said

Irene: Lisa wait... Uhm... She tugged on Lisa's jumpsuit. I don't know where I am... My phone is dead... Can I use your landline? I just need to call my dad... She shyly said

Lisa: Let's go... It looks like it will rain...

The two walk towards Lisa's home, their house wasn't that big and it wasn't small either. Her house was located at the end of the street, the moment when they got inside the house, it started to rain pretty hard. Irene noticed that Lisa was all alone in her house.

Irene: Uhm, Lis... Where is Uncle Argos?

Lisa: Huh? He had to do some business... Currently out of the country.

Irene: I see... Uhm... Where is your landline? She aked

Lisa: Just beside the sofa.

Irene: Thank you...

Irene dialled her house number. While it was raining, she noticed that it was heavily pouring down, and unexpectedly, a thunderous sound was heard. Irene got startled, it has been a while since she heard the sound of the thunder, she still trembles just hearing it. When she finally heard a person answering on the other side, she immediately recognized the voice of her father.

Phone conversation
Commander Bae: Hello?

Irene: Dad!

Commander Bae: Irene! Where are you?! Do you know what time is it?!

Irene: It was hard to explain Dad, I wad waiting for my ride... I got bored so I decided to ride a bus... But stupid me, I took the wrong one... Hehe... I'm currently at Lisa's house... Good thing she was in the same bus as me... That's why I am here...

Commander Bae: My God Irene, next time make sure what bus you will take. Hmmm... Can you spend the night there at Lisa's house? It's raining quite heavily... Can yoy give Lisa the phone? I will just talk to her.

Irene: Sure Dad... She called Lisa... My Dad wants to speak with you. She gave the phone to Lisa

Lisa: Yes sir?

Commander Bae: Lisa can you do me a favor? It's raining hard outside, I won'f be able to pick up Irene and I am bunk in my paperworks tonight, can you let her stay there for the night? I'll pick her up first thing in the morning.

Lisa: Sure sir.

Commander Bae: Thank you so much Lisa. Oh and one more thing, it is raining hard right now and maybe there will be a thunder. Don't leave her alone... Can I count on you?

Lisa: Yes sir

Commander Bae: Thank you again, I know she's in good hands... Tell her I'll pick her up first thing in the morning

Lisa: Okay sir, goodbye
End of phone conversation

Irene: What did my Dad said, Lis?

Lisa: He won't be able to pick you up tonight because of the rain and his bunk at his paperworks.

Irene just pouted her lips and how Lisa just finds it adorable of the little childish act of the girl in front of her.

Irene: Tsk! Just because of his paperworks he can't leave... My God...

Irene sitted herself on the stool near the kitchen table and plaace both of her elbow and rested her head on it.

Lisa: Are you hungry?

Irene: Starving...

Lisa: Uhm. Would you like some cold pizza?

Irene: WHAT?! Don't tell me that it is just the food that you eat?!

Lisa: Yeah, and cup noodles. I didn't know how to cook. Commander usually does the cooking.

Irene: My gosh Lisa,it's not healthy... Wait. She stood up and went to the fridge and open it. Let me see... Uhu! We have some chicken here! She opened the kitchen cabinets. Here! Bread crumbs!!! I will cook, I hope you like fried chicken! She smiled

Lisa was just looking at Irene, a smile painted on her lips just seeing Irene cooking and preparing a meal for the both of them, Irene neatly tied her hair made her even more beautiful in Lisa's eyes and she was amused seeing Irene was just plain focus on what she was doing. While Irene on the other hand, had already forgotten that Seulgi just cheated on her, she was just plain in happy thoughts because she was cooking for Lisa. She knew how to cook because her mom taught her, she even sometimes cooked for her Dad. When Irene was done cooking, she and Lisa started tl eat their meal. As they were eating Irene remembered something.

Irene: Uhm, Lis... Remember the day you askedme out for breakfast, remember I was reading some papers... Uhm... Did you saw it?

Lisa did remember how could she forget, a curious cat lurking on some secrets that doesn't want to be found or discover at all. How she burned those papers into ashes.

Lisa: No... She lied

Irene: Oh... Okay...

The rain was still pouring heavily outside and even the wind was blowing hard, the two had finished their meal, the both enjoyed having a conversation with each other. Lisa was washing the dishes, while Irene is in the living room and just sitting on the couch. How she find it odd because she can't see many picture here even baby picture of Lisa. But she saw one picture that was framed beside the side table of the couch, Lisa and Commander Argos. He was smiling quite widely while Lisa was just, well not smiling at all. She intently observed Lisa in the picture, by the looks of it she was around 10 years old. The small Lisa looked very familiar, as if she was the same kid in her dreams.

Irene: Shek looks familiar...

Irene got startled when the lights suddey went off and a thunderous slund filled the room. It was not just raining anymore, thunder and lightning showed its ugly head. And Irene was trembling in fear, she was holding the frame, but her hands were shaking. She kept on hearing the thunder. Although she's grown up, she was still afraid of it.

Irene: I--- don't--- li-like--- thu-thunderstorms... She said while her voice was shaking

Irene close her eyes and was just hoping that tge sound will stop. She the felt something warm in her ears, tge sound of the thunder was not that loud anymore, but she was still trembling in fear. She slowly open her eyes, she was in shocked that it wasn't dark anymore, she saw a candle resting on the coffee table, and there she saw Lisa sitting right beside her while her hands are covering her ears. As if protecting her from the sound of thunder.

Lisa was looking at her with concern and care, and with those stares, those deep brown eyes, Irene remember something, she look down on the frame she is holding, looking at the young Lisa, and look back to the Lisa in front of her.

Irene: I-it's y-you...

Lisa furrowed her eyebrows because of what Irene just said.

Irene: Y-you are the child that is soaked in the rain... You protected me that night... It wasn't a dream...

Lisa didn't give Irene an answer at all, she just slowly leaned against the couch and slowly laid herself, with still her hands are covering Irene's ear. Taking Irene's fear away, she then let Irene's head lay on her chest, Irene close her eyes and she is smiling with the thought of the girl in her dreams, who protected her from the sound of tge thunder was real, it wasn't a dream at all and right now the person covering her ears was the person she wants to be with. Irene is drifting to sleeo by the sound of Lisa's beating heart.

Lisa felt Irene is in deep sleep, she didn't know if Irene heard or felt how rapidly her heart is beating when she is this close to her. But something is bothering her, the more she gets close to her, the more her secret being revealed, if Irene would discover her true identity will she accept her? Despise her? Because of the monster she is. Lisa closed her eyes and both of the just drifted into a deep sleep.

Thank you for 1.32k views and 117 votes I really aporeciate it and I will really do my best fo update again as soon as possible!!!

I read your comments and I realized that I should give you guys a present so here it is!!!

Sorry guys if you waited so long I am just so busy in my schoolworks and our midterm examination is tomorrow so wish me luck hehe.... And after this I will work on the book...

Thank you so much again! God Bless you guys and stay safe!

By the way guys do you know what happened to the author of the Amazing Daughter in Law? The Lisrene adaptation also? Because I didn't so it anymore I really like that story


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