MHA react to the Dekuverse

By Godslayer2468

130K 1.2K 8.8K

Class 1-A, 1-B, The LOV, Inko, Bakugo parents, Todoroki family , and some pros with most of the teacher in UA... More

Prologue (Welcome)
Teacher Deku
The Green Phantom (Vigilante Deku)
The Underground (Underground Fighter Deku)
The Break
Your Best Friend (Pyrokinesis Deku)
Daddy Izuku (Future Father Izuku)
The Middle Faction (Yakuza Izuku)
Babysitting (It's Over, isn't it.)
The Break (Part 2)
Thank You/Anniversary
Vote for a new MHA Story
The Black Sheep (??? Deku)
The 'Big 3' (Telekinesis Deku)
The Midoriya Triplet's (Quirkless Deku)
...... (Curse Midoriya)

The one made from Heroes (Villain Deku)

16.8K 148 1.4K
By Godslayer2468

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I have return to this book! No, I did not forget about it. I just planning future stories I want to do later down the road and working on some of my other stories at the same time. I had to get in the right mindset for this book I don't want to be thinking of another book, while writing this one that wouldn't be right. Plus, I still have a life outside of this to work on as well so there that BUT ANYWAY! This chapter just took SOOOO LONG!!! I will explain more at the end but I hope you enjoy this chapter, so grab some popcorn and a drink because it a long one! Enjoy!


Verse found.

Slayer: "Wait hold on. I need to do something first." The audience looks at Slayer as he snaps his finger. Two more people pop into seats, and these people were Melissa and David shield.

David: "What? Where am I?" he looks around and sees most of Class 1-A and different pros. He then sees All Might. "Toshinori is that you?"

All Might: "David?! Well, welcome to the Theater."

Melissa: "Theater?" She looked around and saw everyone. "Why are we here? How did we even get here? Is this someone quirk?"

Slayer: "A YO!" He waved his hand. The two of them look over and see Slayer waving at them. "To keep it simple, yes, it was my quirk. Instead of giving you the full run down all over again like I did these guys I'm gonna use another part of my quirk. Hold still."

Melissa: "Wait huh-" Before either one could get another word out, they were covered in a blue sphere swirling around them. Everyone else watches to see what is happening. After a few minutes, The sphere disappears around Melissa and her father. "I...ummm."

David: "So, Midoriya is the cornerstone of our world? And it seems the past three worlds haven't been kind to him."

Melissa: "I knew he was smart and everything but I wasn't expecting all that."

Slayer: "Impressed, I know. What are your thoughts on the first three verses everyone else has seen."

David: "Well, for one him as a teacher is impressed and to be able break down quirk so effortlessly speaks for itself. The other two it just... it's hard to put into the world he clearly knows the feeling of being Quirkless but to seek out something good in life I have nothing but respect."

Melissa: "Same. I'm now very interested in what other type of worlds we will see with Midoriya. That last one caught my attention all too well him doing something that clearly put his body in harm's way and could easily get him killed but doing it for his family makes my respect grow for him more. Plus, I want to see if he is interested in me in any of these worlds." Melissa had a blush on her face as she went over to sit next to Mei.

Izuku had a blush on his face from the complement he just got from the two of them.

Slayer: Well, that's them, but I need to grab two more people."

Gran Torino: "More? Who else do you want to invite?"

Mic: "At this point you might want to invite all of UA to watch."

Slayer: "As attempting as that sound I will not. For now. Let's keep it to the core of most important people. That's has some involvement in Izuku life. *snap fingers*" Two more appeared in front of Slayer; it was Nana and Nighteye.

Nana: "What? How? Where?" She then looked and saw All Might and Gran Torino with their jaw wide open.

All Might: "M-M-Master.." All Might was trying his hardest to hold back the tears.

Nana, All Might, and Gran Torino all went to each other. They hug and let out tears of joy. The years of emotion that have built up broke. No one said anything and let this happen. Nighteye was smiling before he was tackled into a hug.

Midoriya/Mirio/Bubble Girl/Centipeder: "SIR!!!!" They also cry, hugging him, and both groups let out their emotion and let tears flow. After a few minutes of them, they were calming down.

Nighteye: "But how? How are we here? One minute I'm walking on clouds and then the next thing I know I'm here alive? With my wound fully heal?" He then looks over and Slayer. He scans him up and down. His grasp. "You!-"

Nana: "Wait? It was you who brought us here?!"

Slayer: "Long time no see Thicc momma and terrible fortune teller how you two holding up? It's been a while since I last visited the two of you."

Gran Torino: "Wait?! Nana, you know this man?"

Mirio: "Sir you know him too?"

Nighteye: "Know him! He was the person I saw to help determine where I would go."

Fat Gum: "WAIT!? WHAT!? How?!"

Nighteye: "The person who is standing in front of you is considered a demi-reaper. Help guide the souls into the afterlife."

Mt.Lady: "A demi-reaper?! Like the Grim Reaper?! But, aren't those guys MYTH!?"

Nana: "As hard as it is to believe he is in fact a demi-reaper when someone times to go. They will cross paths with one of the many reapers in the afterlife. They make most of it look like child play. It would be foolish to try and fight them."

Slayer: "I mean you're not wrong, but I'm not that bad."

Best Jeanist: "So not only do you have god-like ability but you also guide people in the after life?"

Slayer: "One of my many job titles I have. Funny enough I was an overseer before I became a demi-reaper."

Nighteye: "I didn't know you had the power to bring people back?! I have read a few things about your kind in the afterlife but bringing those back to life isn't something many demi-reaper could do."

Slayer: "Well normally I can't put, after getting upgraded at my overseer status and we are basically in a pocket dimension so I can bend the rules. I can't put you back in the world of living but as long as you are in my pocket dimension anything goes."

Most of the audience is just stunned at what they hear and see.

AFO: "Is there anything else you want to show or tell us because at this point we are at your mercy. Not only can you kill whoever you want, you have the power to bring them back over and over again, to rewrite a world, and read our thoughts. What stops you from wiping us out now and taking over our world?"

Slayer: "Simple I'm bored."

AFO: "You're...bored?"

Slayer: "Basically, I have nothing to gain or lose from killing you all. Even though there are a few of you I would like to erase but that goes against most of the rules in place of the overseer. As powerful as you all can tell I still follow most of the rules laid out for us overseers. I can bend them but again I can't really get rid of you all without making another verse of the same one aka carbon copy. So, none of you have to worry about me erasing you and taking you to the afterlife while you are here. For now Nana and Nighteye enjoy the show and everything."

Nana: "Question, what are we doing here?! And why is AFO HERE!?!" She pointed to AFO.

AFO: He smiles "Hello to you too Nana Shimura. It is so nice to see you how you have been? Have the afterlife treated you well?" Nana growls at him.

Slayer: "Cut it out you two. One he is here because I want him here and two the reason you are here is because well I'm just going to do this." Slayer pointed his hand at them and two blue spheres around them. A few minutes go by, and it disappears. Both of their jaws were open.

Nighteye: "I...was not expecting any of that."

Nana: 'It's good to know you chose a good successor, Toshinori.'

Slayer: "Now care for you two to take your seat for the next verse because I think a few people I know have been waiting for this one." *he winks*. The two went to take a seat. Nighteye sat near Bubble girl and Centipeder, and Nana sat right next to Gran Torino. "Now, we got everyone here it time-" Slayer then vibrates a bit. He reached into his pocket and saw it was his phone. He looked at the caller ID. "Hmm? Why is she calling? Hang on you all." He turned around. "Hello....No I'm not there... I'm with the cast...yeah it was time...I told you all I was going to do it soon or later...."

Everyone else looks at each other with confused expressions waiting to see what is going on?

Slayer: "No I did not eat them this is that my fault!?...My location!? Babe I'm sure that not...alright...*sigh* *hang up*...sorry about that everyone." Slayer rubs the back of his head.

Midnight: "Is everything alright?"

Slayer: "Yeah...umm you all gonna want to keep your head low."

Everyone raised an eyebrow at this and was confused. But they then heard gunshots and saw bullets flying toward Slayer. He cartwheeled out the way, but one more bullet was coming toward him. He twisted his body in midair to dodge the bullet. Everyone was confused and was trying to look for the attack.

Slayer: "HA! You miss me!"

???: "Did I?"

Another volley of bullets was coming toward Slayer. He put his palms onto the wood stage, and a little shadow-like blob creature with sharp teeth open in his mouth ate all the bullets before going back to the ground.

Slayer: "Yes...yes you did."

???: "Tch, be lucky I love you and there are others here so I can't kill you."

Slayer: "We can talk about this later. Now can come down, I'm sure you gave half the cast a heart attack." A tall, curvy woman with dark blue and pink two-tone hair and angled eyebrows. Wearing light boots, a dark, sleeveless dress, and a metallic utility belt float down next to Slayer. "Hey babe."

???: "Hey."

The audience looked to see who appeared, and many of the pros' jaws were open at the person who had just appeared. One person's lips were quivering.

Hawk: "Nagant?"

The Lady turned to the crowd. The person who has fired at Slayer goes by the name Lady Nagant aka Kaina Tsutsumi.

(A/N: Funny enough, this is confirmed to be her actual name at the time of writing this chapter on Oct 3rd!)

Nagant: "Hmmm? Oh hey Hawks haven't seen you in a while."


Edgeshot: "But, how? Rumor had it you were sent on a mission and went MIA? No one knew what happened to you, nobody was found and no one hasn't heard from you since."

Nagant: "That's because I been with this guy." She points to Slayer, who smiles, waving.

Midnight: "Wait, if I'm not mistaken I heard him call you babe? A-Are...are you two dating?"

Slayer: "Yep." *smiling.*

They then heard a high-pitched squeal and turned to see Mina and Toru, who had stars in their eyes.

Toru: "That's so cute!!!"

Mina: "Just look how short he is standing next to her! It's adorable, the short guy getting with the super cool tall muscular girl!" The two were shaking with excitement.

Nagant had a smug look on her face and leaned her shoulder on Slayer's head. Slayer's face got embarrassed.

Slayer: "I'm not...that short...."

Nagant: "It ok Babe, I still love you for who you are." Nagant wrapped her arm around Slayer and brought him in close, where his face was hitting her boobs. His face got red. Most of the guys were giving Slayer a look of Jealousy and gritted their teeth.

Ectoplasm: "I'm impressed someone fell in love with someone all powerful."

Snipe: "It was more impressive that someone was able to make him fall in love."

Shinso: "I'm more curious about just how that is possible? I thought he said couldn't really get involved with us." Slayer got out from Nagant's grasp.

Slayer: "Who said I was this form. I can interact with you all in your world, remember I would have to play by your rules. But this isn't about how I grab one of the hottest females that we here for someone else in your world. By the way, Nagant is Death-Sensei with you.

Nagant: "Yeah, give him a minute."

A few seconds went by, and someone came crashing into the stage beside Nagant and Slayer.

Death-sensei: "Slayer! Hide Nagant is on her way!! I'm sorry I ate all the Pancakes you ma...." The person looked and saw Slayer and Nagant staring at him. "Oh...well shit."

Slayer: *facepalm* "Good going old man, not only was I nearly killed by her but at least I know why she was pissed off this morning."

Death-Sensei: "In my defense, they were somewhat good Pancakes."

Nagant: "I'm killing him later."

Slayer: "Fine, but not in front of the cast the last thing I need is blood to be spilled up here."

Death-Sensei: "Cast?" The person wearing a dark cloak turned around and saw many people from the MHA world in the seats in the Theater. He then turns around and looks back at Slayer. "So it was that time huh?"

Slayer: "Yep."

Death-sensei: "How many worlds have you shown them so far?"

Slayer: "Three."

Death-Sensei: Look at Bakugo, who stares at him. "Have they found out yet?"

Slayer: "No?"

Nagant: "Have you shown them any 18+ world?"

Slayer: "WHAT!? No! There are literally kids in here! I'm not that much of a heartless monster!"

Death: "What world have you shown them then?" Slayer put them in the same blue sphere as the other prior. After it, the two of them blink at Slayer. "Ok, who are you? And what have you done with my student?"

Slayer: "OLD MAN!"

Death-Sensei: "I'm serious, you're telling me you show them a world where the green bean is a teacher, a Vigilante, and a kickass fighter? But not one of those is him on the other side of the ball? He is still a hero and no salter on Mister Boom Boom over there." he pointed to Bakugou.

Bakugo: "WHAT!?!"

Slayer: "No, I haven't been waiting for the right moment to get one of those worlds."

Nagant: "Color me impressed. I thought the first world you would show would be somewhat dark."

Death: "I thought he would start out with bashing first?!"

Slayer: "I'm not that bad!? And why would I think of doing one of those so soon? You never show one your best hands early on. Got to lean them into a false security. I been giving them soft shots to soften them up before giving them a hard hitter."

Death: "I thought you well." he smiled.

Vlad King: "Can someone explain what the heck is GOING ON HERE!?!?"

Death: "Hmm? Oh sorry about that? I should introduce myself. I'm this guy up here, sensei. He calls me Death-sensei, And I'm basically a full out Grim reaper."

Everyone was just in shock again for the billionth time today.

Monoma: "HUH!!!!? Are you telling me people like you existed!? And there are more than one of you?!"

Death: "Hmmm Basically, yeah and we can take on students if we want. Let's not get too distracted for now since we are here to watch some chaos involving the little Green boy over there." he pointed to Izuku.

Dabi: "At this point, I'm just going to stop questioning things. We have a Grim Reaper himself, an assassin, and a person who is basically god, and they're all cool with each other and we learn that a hero is the vocal point of our world. I'm just going to go with the flow at this point."

Death: "You get used to it. Trust me."

Slayer: "Hey, at least you get your favorite person from this world, Eraserhead." Nagant chuckled at this.

Death: *glare* "Don't joke like that! You know I don't see eye to eye with that man." Aizawa's head perked up from that statement.

Aizawa: "You have a problem with me? I don't know what I did to piss you off. I don't think I really cheated death itself a whole lot."

Death: "Oh no, it has nothing to do with you getting put in a life or death situation. It is with what you have and haven't done when it comes to you being a damn teacher/sensei."

Aizawa: "I don't see how my teaching method is a problem with you?"

Death: "A problem with me!? A PROBLEM!? Your teaching, if you want to call it that, is already mediocre at best but in fact you call yourself a sensei and you are supposed to be the one who takes care of your students which is something you have failed and pisses me off."

Mic: "Hey, lay off him, Aizawa has done an excellent job at teaching his class. He might not show it to kids but he praises the heck out of you all behind closed doors." Mic was then wrapped up in a scarf to keep him shut.

Death: "Pfft, he does terrible at it, plus really he would've gotten this far if it wasn't for one of his students."

Aizawa: "What makes you so sure about that?"

Death: "What makes me so sure?! Let me ask you something, what do you know of yourself called "Problem child" past and his history with Mister Boom Boom over there." He point to Izuku and Bakugo

Aizawa: "They both have some history together and came from the same middle school and have a somewhat rivalry going on."

Death: quiet....he then chuckled and then started full out laughing, "Oh man, you really don't know anything about your students. Alright let me ask you this, do you think you have all your students full trust? Do you believe no matter what happens or what is going on they can come to you for guidelines and advice? Do you think you have shaped your class into what you call plus ultra. A simple yes or no."

Aizawa: he thought about it for a few seconds. "I like to believe I do so I will say yes. They're not perfect but they're getting there."

Death: he sighs and hops off the stage, and takes a seat. "You're a bigger fool than I thought."

Aizawa was about to open his mouth when Slayer clapped his head. Everyone turned their head to him up on stage.

Slayer: "I think this next verse will help answer some of your questions about me and Death-sensei issues with the two certain people. By the way old Man you can take off your hood. I think you can show your face." Death-sensei rolled his eyes.

Death: "Fine." He pulled down his head.

A few of the female pros heroes: 'HOLY SHIT HE HOT!!!!!'

Slayer: "I think about time about one of those worlds. A yo Villains!" The Villains peek their heads up. "I think you all will enjoy this verse a lot." he said with a smile. A few of the heroes got a shiver down their spine. "Oh crap before I forget." *snap his finger* Kota and Eri were teleported somewhere before anyone could say anything. "Calm down, I sent them to a play room because let's just say this next verse is not for them." people begin to get a cold sweat down their neck.

Uraraka: "What type of world are we about to see if you don't want little kids here?"

Slayer: "One where it only takes one bad day." Everyone else got a terrible feeling about this.

World: The one created from Heroes.

Kaminari: "That doesn't sound so bad."

Midoriya had his head down, arms wrapped around his burned notebook close to his chest, and was walking down the street. He has been crying tears dripping down the side of his face. He looks up, and on top of a building, we see his and lifeless, he has a bruise on his left cheek, and his school uniform is a bit burned from the shoulder.

Kaminari: "I'll take it back! This doesn't look good!"

Uraraka: "D-Deku-kun."

Endeavor: "The kid looks like he's been through hell?"

Nana: "I'm getting a sinking feeling in my gut."

Midoriya puts down his backpack he looks down at his burned notebook. He touches the burned edges. A few tears fall onto the notebook. "I'm sorry had to deal with such a waste of space as myself."

Todoroki: "Wait that notebook Midoriya that one of the notebooks you always carry around with you?"

Uraraka: "You right, I seen him write in it every now and then?"

Shoji: "But why is it burned?"

Midoriya: 'Wait! It's that day!?' Izuku was about to get up and say something when.

Slayer: 'Midoriya NO! Sit down and stay silent. I understand you want to defend him but he has to learn what he did was wrong! What he has done is something that has gone unnoticed for far too long! Both of them need to learn what they nearly almost awoke if it wasn't for your heroic heart. So sit down and stay silent and watch what ten plus years has been building up too because I promise you I will not let him get away with the shit he DID TO YOU! That I promise you.' Midoriya took a deep breath.

Uraraka: "Deku-kun?"

Midoriya: "Hm? Oh sorry Uraraka I'm ok, just some bad memory that all." he smiles and rubs the back of his head.

Uraraka: "Deku..."

Midoriya looks up at the sky and begins to laugh, with more tears coming down his face. But this wasn't a happy laugh; it was a cold, emotionless laugh. "I'm such a collapsed failure!"

Mic: "*Whisper* I don't like where this is going."

Aizawa: "....Yeah me neither."

Kaminari: "His laugh, that is not a laugh I would like to hear."

Shishida: "It sounds so empty and hollow...."

Izuku opens his notebook to a clean page and starts to write. He ripe it out and placed it inside his backpack. "I time..." he takes off his bright red shoes, goes over the metal rail. He looks down and sees concrete below.

Kirishima: "Wait! HE WOULDN'T!!! He is not going to JUMP is he!?!"

Mina: "Midoriya... don't...."

Uraraka: "Please...someone stop him."

Kendo: "There got to be a hero around!?!"

Midoriya smiles and lets go of the railing. He had his back facing the ground, he looked up at the sky. 'Mom...Izumi I'm sorry. Izumi takes good care of mom. I know you will be a great hero one day. You two were the only ones who care about me despite me being quirkless...I love you.' Midoriya closes his eyes and remembers his last two family members with a smile on their faces laughing with him and everything.

Inko: "Izuku...*sniff*."

Kaminari: his arm dropped to his side. "He actually jumped...."

Jiro: "WHAT THE HELL!!!? WHY!? This...this isn't right." She was gripping her fist

Todoroki: "It's that word again...Quirkless...Midoriya if you don't mind what does quirkless have to do involving you? It can't be a coincidence?"

Izuku: He looks over to Slayer, who is looking at him. "*sigh* because I was misdiagnosed as quirkless at the age of 4... I'm a late bloomer."

Kamakiri: "I just don't see, what the whole big thing of being quirkless? I mean there are people as well but what makes them so bad for the rest of us?"

Death: "Tell me you overgrown deform lizard have you ever done your research on quirkless?"

Kamakiri: " I just-."

Death: "Then just SHUT UP and watch. You trying to give your opinion on a matter you KNOW NOTHING about is annoying! If you are going to try to make such a bold statement you better back up because if you don't someone who has proof and claim and experience will come put you in your place. You believe you had it rough because you look weird! You think because you have that quirk it has been a challenging road for you. Let me tell you something CHILD! You know nothing for those who are Quirkless! The pain of getting picked on, getting thrown around like your trash, ignored like you don't exist! You don't know the pain of not getting treated for your wounds, so if I was you, shut up and watch the rest of the verse before I just do it for you."

Everyone was scared of Death-sensei now, and hearing the same thing from him just like Slayer's last verse, a few of them thought to themselves they should be careful of what they said.

Shiozaki: "But a hero has to save him right!? Or he'll die!"

Pony: "Right! A hero will come and make things right!"

Shigaraki: "And that were you're wrong no one going to save him."

Iida: "You don't know that!?!"

AFO: "No, he's right. Remember what the title of this world is called. The one created by heroes. And take into account what Slayer himself said before the start of this world."

Nighteye: "It's a world where Midoriya is a Villain."

Iida: "! Midoriya..he..he wouldn't...." Iida grips his fist.

Dabi: "You're naïve to believe that anyone can't become a villain. How do you think villains are made? Villains aren't born-"

Izuku: "They are made. They get failed by society." Midoriya's eyes were covered by his hair.

Everyone was silent. No one was expecting Midoriya, of all people, to say that. People were trying to say words to say, but it was caught in their throat.

Someone sees Midoriya falling from the roof of the building; his raspy voice sounds like "Grab him." Suddenly a purple portal opens below Midoriya, and he falls through it; he drops by two feet. Midoriya tries to look up, but all he sees are blurry figures. He then passes out. A hand with a finger held up grabs the notebook. He opens it and starts to read it. He grins the more he reads; he stops at a particular page and is full out smiling now. "Kurogiri, I think we just hit the gold mine. Let's head back to the bar, oh and bring him too. He'll be a great asset."

All Might: "Oh all people to save Young Midoriya...."

Dabi: "Didn't know you were the saving type handy."

Shigaraki: "Shut it brunt, candlestick. But, I am interested to see just how different things might have played out with him with us."

AFO: *smiling* 'All Might how bad did you screw this one? If the last three worlds have anything to say about it, something tells me Tomura might have found your downfall.'

Tiger: "You know Slayer you've been very quiet since this verse started by now you would have made a comment?" He turns to see Slayer, who is just staring up at the screen.

Slayer: "Hmm? Oh I don't have much to say not yet. I'm holding it in oh don't worry I will snap but when I do let just say no one is safe from me ranting on your stupidity."

Mic: "Are stupidity?!"

Slayer: "Yes, but for now just keep watching and see what you dodge a bullet on."

Midoriya is lying on a couch and starts to wake "ughh my head..." he put his hand to his head. He links a few times to adjust his eyesight; he looks around. "Huh? Where am I?" That is when Shigaraki comes into the room. "Looks like you're awake, good." Midoriya stares at Shigaraki and asks, "Why did you save me, I remember jumping off." Shigaraki sat down on the stool. "Well let's just say you reminded me of me, no one came to save you when you needed it the most, I also saw your notebook and saw potential in you."

Gang Orca: "Oh all people to save him it was him."

Death: "You are all about to learn just how lucky you really are with Midoriya staying on the right path."

Awase: "He can't cause that much of a problem can he?!"

Slayer: "Heh, just watch."

Shigaraki opens the notebook, turns it to show Midoriya and its All Might signature crossed out in red, and the words pathetic and die are written on the sides. "You seem to hate All Might, mind telling me why."

Nana: "Toshinori what did you do-."

Aizawa: "All Might? What did you do that caused Midoriya to dislike you?"

All Might: "I-I don't know? I-" he stops talking when he looks over to see Nana gripping her fist. Gran Torino tilted his head at her.

Gran Torino: "Nana? What?"

Nana: "I know why Midoriya might dislike Toshinori...And right now I want to punch him so badly right." All Might was a little scared of getting hit by his master again.

Death: "Word advice All Might try to take your own advice to heart and remember what you said."

Asui: "I would say it feels weird to say Midoriya hating All Might but we have to remember in two of the past three worlds it seems All Might clearly has done Midoriya-chan something that stuck with him."

Todoroki: "I hate to agree with you Tsu, but you're right. It has been hinted at so far."

Sero: "Come on Guys this is Midoriya we talking about? We seen the dude room him hating All Might is impossible."

Momo: "Just how it would almost seem impossible Midoriya would fight in the underground but given a reason too he would." Sero looks deflated.

Slayer: "Like I said before...all it takes is one bad day."

Midoriya stares at him with wide eyes; he sits up from the couch. "I'll tell you the reason why, and it started at school...."


"Listen little bro you stay safe." We see a girl with the same green hair as Midoriya look like Midoriya if he was a girl. "I got in sis. I don't want to hold you up. I don't want to get you in trouble." Midoriya looks over at his twin sister. "Pfft, I highly doubt they would want to meet mark me tardy since I'm so called one of their golden tickets to put this school on the map." the female chuckled. "Well, Izumi, you and Kacchan are the top two students in the school." "Please, don't compare that angry dog. The last thing I need is you shipping me with that guy." Izuku chuckled.

Mitsuki: "It seems in this world Inko you gave birth to twins."

Inko: *she smiles* "That's nice I always want to give Izuku a sibling."

Death: 'I can think of two people who might want to put a baby in you that are currently in this room.'

Mina: "Man if Midoriya had a sister we would most likely get along."

Toru: "THE Shipping trio!!"

Nagant: *whisper to Slayer* "I think that the last thing we all would have wanted."

Slayer: "Who knows maybe they would get a few of their classmates together."

Nagant: "But don't all of them like Izuku?"

Slayer: "Oh shit you right!"

"Quit your laughing, get going." Izumi pushes Izuku. "Please, let him through this day." Izuku went inside the classroom and went over to his desk. He saw some of the same phrases on the desk... 'why are you still here?' 'You were a mistake.' 'Your family doesn't love you.' "I'm going to have to clean this up later." Izuku sat down at the desk.

Uraraka: "WHAT THE HELL!?"

Kirishima: "That's not manly at all!" He punches his fist together.

Mina: "Midoriya did this also happen to you?"

Izuku: "*sigh* Yes, it was a regular thing, I just got used to it." Most of the people in the theater grasp.

Todoroki: "Did no one stand up for you?"

Kirishima: "Wait!? I remember Bakubro went to the same middle school together. I'm sure Bakubro stood up for him."

Izuku: "Well....ummmm."

Slayer: "Oh you're so called Bakubro help alright."

Kirishima: "I knew I-"

Slayer: "Help me it WORST!!!"

"So, as third-year students. Students, it's time to start thinking seriously about your future and what you want to do with your lives. I could pass out some career aptitude test, but, why bother? *throws papers up*."

Aizawa: "That is not how a teacher should act!"

Death: "You're one to talk mister all I do is sleep for most of my class. So all I see is a hypocrite."

Aizawa: "I-"

Slayer: "I wouldn't try it if I was you. Death-sensei is just waiting for a chance to lay into you. If I was you hold your tongue and think of ways to try to defend yourself in a debate but it won't matter."

Mic: "Jeez, I wonder why he hates you so much?"

Aizawa: "You're right, and if that's how it sounds, most of it isn't good.

"I know you all want to go to the hero course!" *students activate their quirks in class except for Bakugou and Izuku* "Yes, yes you've got some very impressive quirks. But no power usage is allowed in school! Get a hold of yourself."

Snipe: "At least someone one stop them."

"Hey, teach, Don't lump in with these bunch of losers. I'm the real deal, but these guys be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some busted D-lister, heh. *slouched on top of his desk*

Toga: "Wow, I knew he was cocky but I didn't think he was this bad!?"

Slayer: "You have no idea."

Death: "And somehow UA does not think anything is wrong with his ego."

Ectoplasm: "We had a feeling his ego was huge but it has gotten better."

Death: "Is that because you're all doing? Or is that because of the one your students doing? Because I answer that question very easily but I think I wait to let you all see the idiot you let in your school."

Dabi: "Why do I get the feeling we grab the wrong guy back at the summer camp?"

Death: "That's because you did."

Bakugo: "You're talking A lot shit old man! How about-" Shadow whips then appear and wrap around Bakugo, slamming into the seat. Everyone turns to see Slayer hand his hand point towards Bakugo.

Slayer: "Shut it...we are not done. I don't want to hear a single word out of your disgust mouth for the next few scenes we are about to see. Because this day jog your memory real SOON!!!" The shadows let go of Bakugo, and he growls under his voice but looks back up at the screen.

"You think you're better than us, Katsuki?!" "Let's go, I'll take you all on!" The teacher then pulls out a sheet of paper and looks at Bakugou. "Huh, you've got impressive test results. Maybe you will get into UA High." A few of the classmates begin whispering among themselves, talking about how low the rate is getting into that school.

Slayer: "Might add that shit is fucking stupid!"

Nezu: "Oh? Why?"

Slayer: "I understand you want only to try to bring out those who will help hero society but because what I mentioned earlier on how the test is utter and complete bias! You're just making less good heroes. What if someone's quirk can make them turn into paper? What about a quirk that allows them to bend wood or something? There are tons of great quirk that would work for heroism but because your damn test is biased as hell and the chances of them winning are extremely low, not impossible but nearly low as hell. Let just say Shinso had to fight Torodoki in the sport festival instead of Midoriya you not only get to see his quirk and given him the chance to make into Class 1-A or 1-B but you also shows that little rumor of if the students win the sport festival they can take a spot in one of the classes is just hot gas."

Nezu: "I see what you mean."

Death: "If you really wanted to boost the hell out of your school you should have different tests for different types of tests for different types. Quirk like Mister Boom Boom over there can still do the basic exam you have fighting robots but a quirk like Shinso can do a test that would rely on him using his quirk in that situation and more. And you can throw in some regular PT type thing in there for those with quirks like him. You get down to it, you guys have a shit ton of flaws."

Most of the UA staff just put their head down before looking back at the screen.

Bakugo said, "That's exactly why it's the only place worthy of me! *he jumps on top of his desk* I aced all of mock tests. I'm the only one at this school who stands a chance at getting in. I'll end up more popular then All Might himself, and be the richest hero of all time!!! People all across the world will know who I am, and it all starts with UA High!"

The next thing everyone heard was something exploring. Everyone looked over and saw Slayer with one of his hands ball into a fist and stream coming off it and a punching bag against a wall with it dent into the wall with cracks around it. He walks back over to Nagant, who wraps one of her arms around him.

Nagant: "Better?"

Slayer: "No...not really."

Stain: "Nothing but a FAKE!!!! He should be lucky I did come across him!"

Death: "No, I'll be honest I get the feeling some ass pull would happen and he comes out beating you."

Stain: "Tell me does he get better?"

Snipe: "I like to believe so. I didn't know we would miss this."

Death: *SNEEZE!*

Midnight: "Ummm are you okay?"

Death: "Hmm? Oh yeah, sorry I'm just allergic to Bullshit."

Mitsuki: "I knew my son's attitude was bad but this much did I fail...."

Masaru: "No it also my fault..I should have seen the sign I-"

Death: "I'm going to stop you right there because it is not over yet and I'm going to need your help to hold back someone." They both gave a worrisome and confused look at Death-sensei but nodded their heads.

"Oh yeah, Midoriya, don't you wanna go to UA, too?" said the teacher, smiling. Before Izuku could get a word out, the class began laughing and making jokes about him. "His sister might get in but him PLEASE!!!" The laughing and degradement continue for a bit longer.

Mina: "What the hell!? Is the teacher just gonna let this happen!?!"

Shoji: " just wrong."

Toga: "Anyone down on hurting some trash?"

Dabi: "For once I have to agree."

Twice: "Bring it on/I take them all on."

Death: "You all are going to love what happens later on."

Momo: "How much worse does it get?"

Slayer: "WORST!" Everyone jumps a bit from Slayer's little outburst.

"W-Well, I don't know unless I try. So maybe I could be the first quirkless hero."

Aizawa: "If he was quirkless, he could have made it but not through the UA entrance exam." A few of them had a shocked look on their face from Aizawa words, and someone was about to speak up when he continued, "but if he found a way to win through the sports festival or other ways." A few of the students' faces lit up, and Shinso smiled.

Death: "And let me burst your little bubble right there. Alright, since we already call out just how stupid your exam is to get in. Your little motto that anyone can be a hero is currently shafted with the exam already. But let's bring up the main way or the way most quirkless would have to do to get in. The sport festival, let not forget who there going against, unless you all allow runner up or random placement get in the chance of a quirkless student getting in are at least down to a 3% oh but let forget there going against student who at that point has some training under their belt so that already put them on a higher playing field. OH THEN let not forget they wouldn't have gear unless they were under the support department! But most quirkless who most likely join the General Ed class meaning they don't have access to gear they could bring and have to race against students who have quirks like Engine boy in your class. Oh and let not forget who some of the fighters they would go against. Someone who can run incredibly fast, someone who can split their body into different pieces, a guy who can literally make explosion from the palm of his hand, someone with vines, a girl who can erase someone gravity, OH let not forget someone WHO can literally use his shadow to fight and the top of the list a kid with fire and ice. So tell me how the fuck! A quirkless guy can win without a lot of teaching or training under his belt because he doesn't have the means prior to getting into UA to do it."

Aizawa: "He would-"

Death: "And don't dare say he would have to outsmart his opponent. The only exception to that is the green bundle of joy himself or in your case the 'problem child' since he would be the only one who has the brain to try and find weakness in the person's quirk. But let's say someone who doesn't have that mindset or skill set because that is a dime and a dozen. What can they do against those students?!"

The pros: "..."

Death: "Exactly nothing, it is possible only because I have seen it done by other overseers with their world but they had to pull a lot of strings and change a lot of things for that to be possible. And then you said another method! Which I would like to add would have to come after the sport festival meaning if they didn't make it past one of the first two rounds or got put up against a match up they might win?! Them getting help afterwards is still slim for the simple fact how much your society loves its little hierarchy of quirks. So please explain to me how the hell you a quirkless student can get in through other means because your fuck up system."

It was dead silent. No one could think of anything at first, and many thought he was right, then Slayer spoke up.

Slayer: "We not saying it not impossible; we seen different Midoriya do it through the school festival, but for what we seen a quirkless person to get in hero course they basically would have become a Vigilante build a record up, get caught, and Nezu would have to offer them a spot in the course so basically a illegal way to get in. We should get back to verse because we are nowhere near done."

"Deeeekuuuuu!!" Bakugo yelled while blowing up Izuku desk with an explosion. "Listen up Deku! Your sister has some skill but she isn't better than me! And you're even worse than the rest of these rejects, you quirkless wannabe. You really think they'll let someone like you in when they could have someone like me!?!"

Tamaki: "I'm starting to question how he even got in."

Toga: "And you call yourself heroes. You make us look more human than this by letting him get in."

Dabi: "I'm starting to really hate getting this guy."

Death: "Oh *chuckled slightly* it gets much worse."

Mitsuki: "Katsuki...what did you do?" Bakugo didn't say anything and looked away. "Kat-"

Death: "Miss Bakugo please you will find out and I will say what happened to your son. I'm not stopping until I feel like it."

"Huh? N-No, w-wait! You got it all wrong! I'm not trying to compete against you. You gotta believe me! It's just that I've wanted to be a hero since I was little like Izumi. I know I don't have a quirk, but I can still try with you and Izumi, can't I?"

Mr. Compass: "I can see why he would become a villain here. This kid's life is just terrible. Again tell me why we didn't go for him?"

Shigaraki: "Because I didn't know any of this SHIT!?!" he said, scratching his neck.

Monoma: "I'll admit I would like to believe that green hair kid couldn't be a villain but just seeing this much I can see why he would be one."

Death: "It gets worse." he smiled.

Kendo: "HOW!?!"

Death: "Just keep watching."

"You'd never be able to hang with the best of the best. *the entire class looks like demons* You'd die in the exams! Defenseless Izuku. This school is already crappy. You really wanna embarrass it more by falling so hard?!" Students laughed more.

Uraraka: "Why....WHY...WHHHYYYY!? What did he do to YOU! For him to deserve any of this!!!?!"

Kirishima: "Bro...what the hell man?"

Mina: "..."

Monoma: "Tch, he has no right to be a hero! And this just proves how much a scum he is! TELL ME MISTER OH GREAT HERO!! What DID HE DO!?! Did he fight back on something!? Did he take your toy or something!? Took a girl from you!? Was being an attention seeker!!"

Kendo: "Monoma that enough-"

Monoma: "NO! This has gone a little too far!!! It is clear as DAY there is something WRONG WITH HIM!! I might dislike 1-A but he clearly has done something unforgettable! We all saw that Vigilante world! Meaning there clearly something more going on here! And this WORLD PROVE IT!!! We all saw how Midoriya ACTS! The guy wouldn't hurt a fly, somewhat! So for him to get this type of treatment!!! I HAVE TO KNOW!!! FOR god sake look at the kid!" They all turn and look at Izuku, and his eyes seem numb like it was something he was used to. "So, tell us What.Did.He.Do!!!?"

Slayer: "He helped him...."

Tetsutetsu: "Huh?"

Slayer: "You heard me...he helped him as a child after he fell and because of it he was beaten up because of it...." Everyone was silent before they heard laughing. They turn to see Dabi laughing.

Dabi: "Holy shit please tell me joking!"

Stain: "I really hope that it's a joke because it's a really bad one!"

Slayer: "Does it look like I've been joking since I started this verse." The villains stop laughing and look at Slayer's face, who was dead serious.

Mr. Compass: "That has to be one of the dumbest reasons I HAVE EVER HEARD!!!"

Stain: "And he got into UA?"

Death: "Yep.."

Stain: "HOW!!!!?!"

Nezu: "It wasn't on his record it was a clean slate."

Slayer: "WE GET THAT LATER!!!! For now, we still have more and it gets worse!!!"

Jiro: "I'm seriously really hating where this is about to go."

Nagant: "You will trust me, I'm gonna have to do everything in my power to hold Slayer back."

Tsu: "Why?" Bringing her finger up to her chin.

Nagant: "You will see."

The school day ended, and everyone was packing up and getting their stuff together; some students were already leaving and talking about what they were going to do after school. Izuku was thinking while packing, 'I wonder how Izumi day went? She should have an after school meeting today? I guess I should head home by myself. I don't want her to get looked at because of me. *sigh* I really wish sis was given a better brother.'

Dabi: "I have to respect the kid willingly avoiding his family just so she doesn't get targeted."

Fuyumi: "He cares for his twin sister a lot."

Tsu: "Midoriya-chan I'm sure she wouldn't mind you waiting for her, she seems cool about it."

Izuku: "Thank? I guess?"

Just then, Bakugo walked up and took Izuku's journal.

Toga: "And then there's this ASSHOLE!!! Why can't you leave Izu-kun~ alone!"

Bakugo: "Tch."

"I don't know what you think you're doin' Deku but we're not done here." "Watchu got? His dairy?" "Uh." "Huh? Don't tell me you're taking notes *shows journal 13* on how to be a hero? That's so pathetic!" They begin to laugh.

Monoma: "I'm very close to just socking him in the face!!!"

Toga: "Can I please stab him once! I wouldn't even drink his blood, I just need him to bleed!"

Nejire: "I never wanted to hurt one of my kohai before but I'm getting pretty close!"

Nighteye: 'I didn't know it was this bad...I-I...was too harsh on him. Izuku Midoriya... I'm sorry I was wrong about you. You had to go through so much hardship and to still come out as a hero... you're a better man than I thought...but if this world of you becomes a villain just how bad does things become?' He then looks over and sees both All Might and Nana both streaming and letting OFA surge.

All Might: "Young Bakugo...I expected better from you. For you to do this to a future classmate no less!" Bakugo felt a little hurt from that but didn't show it, but he flinched a little.

Midnight: "We should have realized something wasn't right." She gripped his fist.

Death: "Oh you all big time keep watching. Watch the consequence of your action on what could have happened and what kind of Villain you let in your school and did nothing to fix it."

"He's delusional" the two other bullies laughed at each other's 'jokes.' Izuku stood up, "Yeah, real funny guys, just give it back." Bakugo then blew the journal up with a minor explosion. "Aaaahh, that's so mean!" Bakugou threw the book out the window.

Tokoyami: "So that's how it became like that it was burned by Bakugo himself."

Shishida: "I hate to say this but he has shown no qualification to be a hero! To not only belittle a classmate but to destroy one of his belongings! What makes him a hero!?"

Best Jeanist: "I should have tried harder to fix this, I saw signs with him and his superiority complex. I should have done more."

Death: "Trust us when we say there are those who blame this as Midoriya faults." They heard something like crashing and looked over at Uraraka.

Uraraka: "EXCUSE ME!!!?!"

Death: "Yeah, we're Slayer from, people blame this on Izuku and he had it coming and for his qualification of a hero I can't speak for Slayer but we do know some people who will say he is a hero and everything."

Nejire: "Are these people okay!? Because, I have yet to see it! All I see is a villain!!"

Nagant: "Trust us, we seen them, Slayer has come face to face with one."

Slayer: "Let us continue because we haven't even gotten to the worst of it."

Most of the students: "IT GETS WORSE!!!!!!"

Present Mic: *whisper over to Midnight* "Something tells me we screw up big time."

"Most first-string heroes show potential early on, people look at them and just know they're destined for greatness. When I'm the only student from this garbage junior high to get into UA, people'll start talkin' about me like that. They'll realize I'm legit, the next big thing. That's not ego talking, I just know I'm that good." "Y-You c-can't l-leave o-out Izumi she's just as good as you. You both scored very high on the mock exam." Bakugo glared at Izuku, making him shiver a bit.

Dabi: "Please tell me, someone knocks him down a peg!!? I heard about hyping yourself up but this is just ridiculous!?"

Slayer: "Mhmmm somewhat but not really."

Dabi: "If I was close to the wall I would bang head on it over and over again."

Death: "You're not the only one trust me."

Bakugo put his hand on Izuku's shoulder, burning it with his explosive hands. "Here's a little word of advice nerd. Don't even think of applying, or else."

Everyone then hears another loud noise and sees Uraraka trying to charge at Bakugou but is held by Nagant.

Uraraka: "Let me AT HIM!!! We saw the same scar in the other world!!! Deku-kun just rubs his shoulder meaning it STILL THERE!!! YOU SICK BASTARD!!!!"

Iida: "Uraraka calm down! We can't hurt a fellow much I might want to as well." He gripped his fist; he should have seen the signs sooner the way Izuku always acts when we change how sometimes something like it rubs on his body at different points. As much anger he has right now, he can't let it consume him as it did for Stain.

Uraraka: Still trying to get out of Nagant's grip. "IS HE!? We all just saw what he did to Deku-kun in the past! What reason should we see him as anything less than a villain!?!"

Nagant: "I understand, trust me, but right now isn't a good time to attack him...yet. Slayer has been doing everything in his power not to hurt the kid himself." She let Uraraka go after she calmed down. Uraraka looks at Slayer, tapping his finger on the armrest but with a pissed-off look on his face.

Uraraka: "Tell me...does it get worse?..." Slayer nods his head. She fell back into her chair. "Deku-kun...why...why didn't you tell us?"

Izuku: "I...I...I...."

Slayer: "It is not his fault, he grew up with not much support around him other than his mom. The world kept telling him how very little his life is. He himself is like that below everyone. If he dies throwing his life into the fire he sees no problem with that because of all the trauma. He didn't want any of you to worry about a quirkless reject, a waste of space in this world."

The dekusquad all felt angry inside them. They felt mad at themselves; they felt like they had let down a friend. They felt like they failed to let Midoriya feel this way. They were supposed to be there for each other! For him! He is the reason where they are now. How couldn't they see what was wrong, why he had no regard for his own life! Why he could never take a compliment, why he acts the way he does! It's because of his past.

Slayer: "Let's continue because we are getting close to the reason why I said it gets worse."

"That's just sad. I thought you at least had some fight in you. "He finally gets it. He'll never be a hero. Better to find out now instead of later, I guess." Bakugo turned before he left the room. "Y'know, if you really wanna be a hero so badly, there actually might be another way."

Kirishima: "Oh finally bro you do something to help Mido-bro I knew you had some-"

"Just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life. Then take a swan dive off the roof of the building." This causes Izuku to grunt.

Everyone: "........"

Mitsuki: "Did you really say that to Izuku, Katsuki? Please...Please tell me you didn't." She was trying her hardest to hold back the tears from flowing. *Bakugo looks away and slowly nods his head.* Mitsuki begins to cry*.

The next thing anyone saw was Bakugo lower body being encased in ice. Bakugou tried to get out, but he was given a quick punch to the face. They all saw it was from Todoroki. Kirishima was attempting to hold Todoroki back some.


Bakugo: "I...I...I don't know...he didn't do it okay!"

Todoroki: "YOU SAID YOU WANT MY FULL POWER RIGHT! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO EVEN BE TO EVEN BE KNOWLEDGE!!!!" Before anyone could stop Todoroki from continuing, someone zips past him and just SOCK Bakugo right in the face again. Everyone looked and saw it was Uraraka this time. She was breathing pretty heavily.

Uraraka: "I should have guessed something was up...I should have seen it. The way you acted, the way you talked to him! THE WAY YOU THREATEN HIM!!!! WHAT DID HE EVER DO TO YOU!!! HE DIDN'T DO IT!!!? WHAT THOSE THAT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT!!!? DEKU-KUN RISK HIS FUCKING LIFE FOR YOU!!! AND YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT SPLIT IN FACE!! TREAT HIM LIKE TRASH!!! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL YOURSELF A HERO!!!" Uraraka was panting heavily for yelling so much at him.

Melissa: "Y-You...You don't know the pain...of what it is could you...ever." Melissa was inching close to crying but pulled herself together. "You didn't care for those who weren't up to your standard." she said with a cold tone.

Momo: "We risked our life to save you from the villains and you did all of that...Tell me Katsuki...did you even apologize?" Bakugo looks away... Uraraka's arms drop.

Uraraka: "You didn't even...apologize for all the hell you put him through?" *begins to laugh* "You wouldn't care if he fact you would haven't given two fuck!!!" She pointed the finger at him.

Mina: "You probably don't know what it's like to be bullied. People like me, with mutant quirks, get bullied too. *starts to cry* A-and w-words they-they...."

Shoji: "They hurt more, they may not mean anything to you, They mean a lot to us, words stay with us and they can last forever. Do you THINK I WEAR A MASK FOR FUN!?!"

Momo: "It's because of you, IT BECAUSE OF YOU HE FLINCHES AT EVERY LOUD NOISE, OR EVERY TIME YOU YELL!!!! THE REASON WHY HE STUTTERS SO MUCH!!!! How...could that *sobs* to-to him.:" She buried her face in her hands.

Shinso: "A guy like you shouldn't become a hero." he said with anger in his voice. 'Damn it! I'm such a scumbag! I said those mean things to him not knowing anything about him! Midoriya... I'm sorry.... I'm sorry.' He tightens his fist, and tears begin to come down his face.

All Might: "I'm disappointed in you Young Bakugo....I thought you were a hero in the making. But, I guess I was wrong."

Bakugo: "All Mi-"

All Might: "Until I feel like you change it will be Mister Yagi for you." Bakugo looks down in shame and grips his fist. Mitsuki was crying as well as a few of the other students. A few of them were trying their best not just to attack Bakugo right now; the pros all fault like crap for not realizing this and letting it happen. The UA staff, deep down they SCREW UP!!!

Toga: "I was ridiculed for my quirk being 'villainous' but I also see your NO better than ANY OF US you label as Villain!" Toga gave him a slide glance before continuing speaking, "Tell us, would you have saved Izuku if we took him instead or WOULD JUST NOT GIVE A DAMN!!" She threw a knife at him. He was about to dodge, but Slayer was in front of him, holding the knife by the hit.

Stain: "I knew you were a fake but no you're not just a fake your nothing MORE then a VILLAIN THAT NEED TO PURGE FROM THIS WORLD!!!!"

AFO: 'Do you see the world you wanted to protect brother. The pain they did to one of your descendants? Is this what you were hoping for? The world you and your successor wanted? Your 8th successor helped build this. The world I want to destroy...A world where you would be considered an equal...'

Inko: *looking forward, voice cold and distant* "How long? How long have you hurt my son, Katsuki? I remember you and Izuku would smile so bright, and be inseparable. I can't tell if you're guilty about now? Is it because you were caught and it came to light? Or if you're actually guilty about doing what you did and say? I can't tell and to be honest I don't even want your pity sorry." Bakugo felt that he didn't want to admit it in his gut, but hearing Auntie Inko say all of that hurt, he was doing his best to hold it together. She then turned and looked at him. "So, tell me how long?"

Bakugo: "S-S-Since I found out he was quirkless."

Inko: "I see." Inko said nothing else and turned and faced the screen again. Slayer walked past Bakugo with his head still down, he dropped the knife by his foot, and as he walked by him, he finally said something.

Slayer: "Katsuki Bakugo..." Bakugo turns and looks at him. "Do you know why I hate you? Why I have no ounce of respect for a character for you. Why I would want nothing more but to see you fall and crash and burn more than anything else. Your drive to be a damn hero is only second to Izuku, but what I hate is how nearly invisible you have been since I started watching this world. You said you have the perfect backstory of a hero? You lost that title the moment you scar Izuku. You said you will be the next All Might; you never will be All Might. You don't bring hope to anyone, hell if I was a civilian I don't even feel safe around you if I was someone you need rescuing! You belittle others because you can and have the skill and power to outshine many. You don't deserve that damn quirk of yours. Who gave you the right to consider the best? Who gave you the right to believe that your action was good!? WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO SAY YOU ARE A HERO!!!!!! For TEN YEARS!!!! YOU ACTED NOTHING MORE THAN A BULLY!!! A DISGUSTED FILTH THAT SHOULD BE LOCK UP FOR YEARS!!! YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING HEROIC!!! YOU BRING NOTHING TO THE CLASS BUT AN ATTITUDE THAT IS REALLY TOXIC!!! YOU WANT TO BE THE MAIN PILLAR IN THIS WORLD!? AFTER ALL THE SHIT YOU DID WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU SHOULD CONSIDER YOURSELF THE MAIN PILLAR!!! TELL ME WHERE IN YOUR ACTION SHOULD YOU EVER BE CONSIDER A PILLAR!!!! TELL ME!!!!" Bakugo stays quiet and doesn't say anything, and grips his fist. Deep down, he wants to say something, he looks deep inside himself to think of a defense, but after everyone attacks him, he couldn't find one good case where he was a hero...Deku was more a hero than anything...he hasn't done anything heroic.

Slayer: "Oh that right YOU CAN'T!!!! YOU don't know the first thing about heroism! You taunt that power around because you can and you get away with your action. You never have had to face consequence for your actions!! Because this damn SOCIETY value quirk above ALL!! All your life you have been praised and more! And you let it cloud your pathetic excuse of you being a hero. Let me tell you were never a hero." Bakugo collapsed to his knees, and he put his hands to the ground. He wanted to scream, but he couldn't. He tried to yell, but he couldn't. He wanted to prove he was wrong about him...but he couldn't. He wanted someone, anyone, to come to his defense...but no one did.

Slayer: "But, what pisses me off the most with you. For all the shit you did. For all the scars, trauma, and pain you cause Izuku, no matter what I said, no matter what I WANT to do to you, no matter how much I want you to suffer. There are those who see you as good! There are those who see you a fu**ing god to walk this damn earth! There are those who will defend all your actions! There are those who consider you one of the GREAT! There are those who put you above other BETTER People in other worlds!! There are those who didn't see you are not in the wrong! BUT IN THE RIGHT!!! There are those who see what you did was nothing more but OUT OF LOVE!! And it pisses me off." He turns to face him, walks up, and squats down to get to his level. "Tell me, Bakugo...that night after the exam where you failed the license exam tell me did you even consider asking Izuku how he felt from All Might retirement? Did you even consider how Izuku felt after everything knowing what he knows? Did you even consider saying SORRY to your first friend? Did you consider any of that..." Bakugou just shook his head slowly. "*sigh* That's what I thought. You just threw a bitch fit like always do. To get your way and took your little pity frustration out on Izuku, your punching bag. Instead of talking, you did what you do best to take your anger out on Izuku." He stood up and began to walk away. "Katsuki Bakugou, as much as I want the damn school to expel you, as much I wish Izuku would stop considering you a friend, as much I wish you to suffer once you go back I know none that will and can't happen."

Nana: "What makes you so sure?"

Slayer: "Well, for the simple fact one if they expel him he could do fully turn into a full out Villain and you could really put him behind bars, but with how fuck UA is and the media it would do no good to expel him and let Villain grab him...even though I think the LOV wouldn't want him after this they couldn't and wouldn't work with him. But, if they keep him it damages their point anyway because the Villain can just do some digging now and look up his past and Izuku and use that to damage hero society even more. And for the fact Bakugo has too many fans for him to basically make him untouchable. God how did the other watchers get back at him without fucking up the timeline too much! UGH! Really should thought of this better oh well. And besides I have no say in this really. The one who should have the last say is the man he torment's for the last ten years, Izuku Midoriya."

Everyone turns their attention to Izuku, who hasn't said anything up to this point since starting this verse. He looked at all of them and sighed as he stood up and walked up to Slayer.

Izuku: "I guess you're right, I know what he did was wrong. Nothing can change what happened in the past. He's changed since then."

Nagant: "HOW!?!" Everyone turns their attention to Nagant. "Little green the damn kid still insults YOU! He hasn't done ANYTHING for your benefits! Everything he has done up to this point has been in his benefit! He torments for TEN YEARS!! He hasn't even tried to make amend for that!!! FOR ANY OF IT!! FOR GOD SAKE IZUKU HE DIDN'T EVEN APOLOGIZE FOR TELLING YOU TO KILL YOURSELF!!! How can you stand there and defend him!?!"

Izuku: "Well, it's because we're the same in a way. Just like how I wasn't seen because of my lack of quick. Katsuki was only seen for his quirk, people only praised his quirk and not him. When he told me that I knew he didn't mean it, or times he bullied me. This is not an excuse for what he did and I'm not asking you to forgive him. *Izuku then walk over to his mom Inko and kneel in front of her* Mom please stop crying, I don't like to see you cry. I know you blame yourself for me not having a quirk because you're an earlier generation. I also know Hisashi left us because he didn't want a quirkless son and not because of work. I'm okay with that because I always had you, I'm here because of you. Don't go thinking you are a bad mom because you didn't realize what was happening. It is my fault for not telling you. Okay?" *He smiled at her.*

Inko: "I-I-Izuku...*she nods and pulls him into a hug*."

All Might: 'Young Midoriya I'm happy I chose you as my successor.'

Nana: 'I guess One was right he was the perfect vessel for One for All, heh. You're a lot stronger than most Ninth.' Slayer walked over and put his hand on Izuku's shoulder; he looked at Slayer.

Slayer: "You're a strong kid Midoriya...." Izuku smiled. "But, listen well to me Izuku, I understand you think some of it is your fault for Bakugo action somewhat but that is entirely false. Everything he did was entirely his fault and no one forced him to do what he did, he did it willingly; making him in the wrong. But..*sigh* knowing you, no matter what I said I can't change your mind." He turned and looked at the UA staff and Bakugou. "Alright here's the deal, the shit bag is going to have to go to mandatory anger-management classes, he will also go to Hound dog for some much needed therapy, he will also do community services for at least 3 years worth of it. And he will also get dropped to the Gen Ed class if his bumpass doesn't show any sign of improvement then you idiots can expel him. Am I clear?" The staff nodded their heads. He looked at Bakugou, "Do I make myself clear Mister Katsuki?"

Bakugou: He got up from the floor. "...Yes..."

Izuku: "Are you sure you have to go this far?"

Slayer: "I am being very fucking lenient with him. I really want his ass behind jail or dead for that matter, but I still have to follow by his rule, so unless a certain world does something to him, I can't fuck him up too much, or I'm causing so much more multiverses I do not need on my plate already got a lot as there is. How the hell did Handley do it? How did Giovanni do it? Goddddd this hard to deliver punishment in a non-world sense!!!'

Death: "Well with all that crap done we can get back to the verse."

Slayer: 'Oh dear god I nearly forgot about the verse!'

"How does All Might relate to this?" Shigaraki asked. "I'm getting there. On my way home, I was attacked by a sludge villain and who saved me was All Might. After he did, I asked him a simple question."

All Might: *All the color in his face disappears* "...oh no...."

Death: "You finally remember!? AY!"

Aizawa: "All Might, what did you do?"

Nana: "He forgot his roots." A few of the pros looked at each other and were confused. A few shrug their shoulders.


"Can I ask you a quick question?" Midoriya asks All Might. "It has to be quick, my boy." "Can I be a hero even though I'm quirkless?" All Might looks at him and says, "Without a quirk I don't think so. Being a hero is dangerous even for those who have strong quirks. It's best for you to become a police officer or a doctor. It's good to dream, but at least make them realistic." With that, All Might jump-off, leaving a comprehensive eye Midoriya on a rooftop.

The next thing everyone heard was chairs moving. They looked over and saw Mandalay gripping All Might by the shirt and lifting him.


Nana: "*sigh* Toshinori... I'm disappointed in you. Knowing your past you should realize what you said knowing yourself was once quirkless."

The students: "ALL MIGHT WAS QUIRKLESS!!!?!!"

Slayer: "Well cat somewhat out the bag. *sigh* All right listen up because I'm not about to give you all the full run down just yet. But, do basically give you a cliff note version All Might and Nana quirk is something called OFA it can be passed down from a person only if the previous holder allows it. And the current user can not have it taken by force unless willingly give it up. Something many Betrayal/framed Izuku Story love to forget. With each person getting past too it gets stronger, Nana over there is the 7th holder of the quirk, All Might is the 8th. The 9th user is in this room, to give you all a hint who the 9th user is let me show you what they can do when they power up." *Slayer took a deep breath; a red X appeared across his face, and black lighting began to flow around his body. He active OFA/full cowl in full effect letting out a burst of wind in the crowd who jaw was drop* "This is One for all, if it was given to me I would be the 10th user making it far stronger to the point I could level most likely an island with just 20%."

Nagant: 'We are so trying that in bed.'

Slayer: 'Why did I just get a sense of I'm not sleeping tonight!?!'

Nejire: "Wait? We've seen that form before...the only person who does that is...."

Yaoyorozu: "Midoriya has OFA?!!" it was dead silent throughout the theater, then it erupted with cheer.


Tokoyami: "He really does make the perfect person the brightest light shine in the darkest places."

All the girls: 'He just keeps getting better!!!'

Uraraka: "D-Deku-kun...I-I don't know what to s-say."

Slayer: "There is not much to really say." *He power down* "Izuku is the current holder of OFA and because of him saving Mister Explosive Pineapple over there All Might saw just how heroic Izuku is, made All Might change his mind and passed the torch onto him. And I will say he saved y'all beacon A CRAP TON!!! Sir Nighteye." Nighteye looks at Slayer. "I understand you somewhat change your mind before your death and even though you did do some more damage to Izuku psyche a bit making him still second guess himself here and there. Just like the world we are watching now I have seen worlds where All Might makes the wrong decision and doesn't give it to Izuku and goes with your idea and gives it to Mirio and I can tell you without giving away too much you would have doomed many lives because of your choice." Nighteye looks down and looks over to Midoriya.

Nighteye: "Izuku Midoriya, I would like to formally apologize to you for all the pain and grief I caused you. I was blind at the time because of my quirk and you have continued to prove me wrong every step of the way. I know it doesn't mean much but from the bottom of my heart I am truly sorry." He stood up and bowed. Bubble girls and Centipeder eyes nearly pop out their socket when Nighteye bow.

Izuku: "It ok sir-"

Slayer: "Little green shut up and take the apology." Izuku zips it and nods his head.

Mirko: "When I woke up today not expecting the amount of bombs shells that got dropped today."

Hawk: "Me either."

Death: "I wouldn't give All Might too much shit, yes he screwed up big time but at least he apologizes and tries to make amends for what he said on that roof. It is just in this verse you all are seeing is one of the many things that could happen if All Might doesn't apologize and stick with that mindset."

Slayer: "We talk more about All Might and you all later let continue the show for now."

"After that I try to save my Kac-I mean Bakugou from the same sludge villain but I end up getting saved by All Might and my sister. While Bakugou and my sis got praise for their bravery, I got scolded for my recklessness and later I saw All Might talking to my sister...he wanted to give her his quirk."

Nana: "Can I do something first."

Slayer: "Umm, sure?" Nana walked over to Death arms, Mt.Lady, and Kamui Woods and hit all three of them over the head.

Nana: "You three idiots!! Why would praise the damn one who started the fire!!? If I remember correctly you three were doing nothing heroic but making excuses! You did have the nerve to get mad at the kid who actually went out his way to save the person who has done nothing but torment him and yet he was in the wrong?!"

Death-arm: "W-Well u-um y-you see-"

Nana: "Zip it!! The only ones who I give a somewhat pass to are Woods and Backdraft, for the fact the fire would cause him a problem but you could have still gone from above and pulled the damn kid out. Backdraft was dealing with the people and the fire the kid over there freaking made for being reckless. But he could still aim for the eye. No quirk is invincible, and you three were so close at letting a child die I wonder how you would explain that to his parents." The three heroes look down in shame.

Slayer: "It would have made things a lot better."

Nagant: "Babe, not the time."

Slayer: "Fine." *rolls his eyes*

Shigaraki smiles, "How about we make a deal." "A deal?" "You join us and help us with your skill and knowledge, you can get back at all those who wrong you. We would take care of you and give you power and more. So what do you say?" Shigaraki reached out his hand. Izuku looked at it; he first thought about his mother and sister and how this would affect them, but he did realize why does it matter? They have been getting outcasts their entire life for his existence. If this damn world wants nothing to do with him, then he makes this world know pain. If he didn't change it to make things how they are supposed to be, it would be up to his sister to stop him. He smiled, that if she could. "Gladly." They shook hands with Shigaraki pinky up.

Shoji: "So how screwed are we in this world?"

Slayer: "Well from a scale of one of ten you guys are royal screw."

Sero: "I know Midoriya is strong but him as a villain against us just how bad can it get."

Bakugou: "Deku notebook has every quirk there strength, there weakness, and how to make them better and how to cripple them to break a person."

Sero: "Oh..."

We see Midoriya is in some room swinging away at some punching bag. He then drops down and does a few pushups. Once he gets up and begins doing kicks, he catches his breath and goes over to his water, and drinks from it. The camera zooms out and sees him shirtless, and he has gained some muscles and abs.

All the girls: *nose bleeds* 'HE HOT!!!!!'

Setsuna: "Fuck green, even as a villain he hot as shit!" Izuku was streaming from hearing that.

Midoriya left and took a shower. Once he came out, Shigaraki sitting reading something, he put the paper down and looked at Izuku. "Oh good, you're done with your training. Sensei wants to talk to you." Midoriya raised an eyebrow but didn't question it and went to Kurogiri, who opened a portal to AFO. When Izuku stood in front of AFO, he was smiling. "It's good to see you, Young Midoriya."

AFO: "Oh how the table has turned All Might, your golden child has come join the right side."

All Might: "Something I will never let happen. You got a lucky break." he growled at him.

AFO: "You call it luck but clearly it just like Slayer said all it takes is one bad day."

"You wanted to see me Sensei?" "Yes, Shigaraki has let me know you've gotten far into your training." "Yeah, it's not much but I can't let you all carry the load for me. I have to do my fair share." AFO smiled. "Well, my boy I have something to give you, something that fool All Might could have given you...a quirk." Midoriya's eyeshot up and was surprised. "Your... You've given me a quirk?"

All Might: 'Young Midoriya don't take it! He is only using you!'

"Yes, even though someone with your skillset doesn't need it, I think it would be a reward for you. Your skill as a quirkless has shown me just how much of a fool the heroes really are. I want to give you a quirk to let you show the world this is what you create!!!" Midoriya had wide eyes. "I..I don't know what to say?" "There is not much to say my boy, you and Tomura shall lead this world into a better one!" He has his arms open.

AFO was smiling, watching what he was doing. He is enjoying this more and more. Instead of having to kill one of his brother's descendants, have him help you destroy the society he so desperately wanted to protect. The question for him: what quirk would he give him? Would it be just one? Or would it be multiple quirks?

"So....what do you say?" AFO had his hand reach out. Midoriya smiled all he wanted to prove his validation. It would be better for him not to take it to send a message that the quirkless are strong too but, if this society loves the factor of quirks, then it will be quirks to bring an end to this current society. "I will gladly do it, Sensei." he smiled, and AFO smiled back. "Good, and I think I have the perfect quirk for you to make heroes learn just how slow this society was to save you." He put his hand on Izuku's head.

Ojiro: "I'm getting a bad feeling about this."

Sato: You and me both."

It was time for the USJ. Izuku gears up with knives on him. He met up with Shigaraki and Kurogiri at the main point of the bar. He nodded his head as he was ready with the Noumu beside the two. As Kurogiri opens the portal, Shigaraki turns his head to Izuku. "Remember your first job is to get more information on the hero's student." "Already, way ahead of you. I already have some basic information on them from me stealing their file for this but I wouldn't mind seeing them in action." They head into the portal.

Tsu: "I wonder how different things will play out for us. *ribbit*."

Toru: "Why do you say that?"

Tsu: "Well, for the fact me and Mineta only got away because Midoriya-chan was the one who came up with the plan to escape."

Mina: "You did mention that!"

Izuku: "Well how this verse has said many times I have a sister here so it only makes sense she most likely took my spot in the class it just I wonder what her quirk."

Tsu: "Question Mister Slayer."

Slayer: "Please just Slayer, I'm not that old!"

Tsu: "How different would things play out if Midoriya wasn't there and he didn't have his sister."

Slayer: "Well, I want to talk about later but I will say the USJ goes far worse."

Kaminari: "How bad are we talking?"

Slayer: "Some of you die." The tone of his voice was cold, and his eyes looked soulless, and 1-A all got a scene of dread. A few of them think just how bad things would have gone if Midoriya wasn't there.

"Hello heroes!!! Hmm, it seems All Might isn't here!? How are we going to kill the Symbol of Peace if he isn't here?!" Izuku is wearing a hood and looks up the stairs, and he makes eye contact with Bakugou and Izumi. 'It seems I was right,' he smiled. "Well Green it time get this level started. Kurogiri, you know what to do." Eraserhead charges in and fights the villains. Kurogiri goes and separates the students. Deku watches the students in action fighting the thugs and doing pretty well; while they're fighting, he writes things he sees down in his notes. He would let Kurogiri know he was ready to move to the next zone. Once he got to the shipwreck zone and saw his sister Izumi throw a decent-sized green fireball ball down to the center of the water to evaporate it, he smiled at this. He walked back into a portal to the center and met up with Shigaraki. "So you get information?" Izuku was smiling through his mask. "Yep, I'm guessing it's my turn to shine." Izuku walked up, and a few thugs saw him and made room for him. He looked at Eraserhead, "It's nice to finally meet you Eraserhead, too bad it's not on good terms." Eraserhead got ready to fight.

Sero: "I'm sure Aizawa-sensei got this. I mean he is a pro after all."

Nezu: "I wouldn't be so sure on this one."

Izuku threw a knife while at the same time Eraserhead threw his capture weapon. Izuku grabbed it and did a flip toward Eraserhead, who was surprised by it. Izuku pulls out another knife before cutting a bit of Eraserhead's cheek. He jumped back to gain some distance. He, of course, blinked, and when he looked up to see Izuku, he was no longer there. He looked around, trying to see where he went. The next thing he felt was a stab wound on his side. He turns and sees Midoriya right there jamming a knife to his size. "You're good but you're not built for an endurance fight." Izuku pulls the knife out before dodging a kick and jumps away to gain some distance.

Kaminari: "Holy crap Midoriya got a clean hit on Aizawa-sensei!"

Tokoyami: "I'm scared to ask what quirk does he have to have him reappear right behind Aizawa in an instant."

Kirishima: "Whatever it is, it's not good Mido-bro is going to kill Sensei if someone doesn't help."

"I wonder where All Might is after all we came to deal some damage to this so call hero society he create. Hmm, let me take a guess the dumbass ran out of time." Aizawa's eyes widened, "How?" Midoriya gave him a cold, chuckled response, "Next time tell the idiot not to be so reckless with showing his weak form." Izuku threw a knife again. Aizawa quickly dodged, but the next thing he felt was a punch right in the side where he got stab it. He looked and saw Izuku was already there. Aizawa coughed some blood and rolled a bit from the hit. Izuku slowly makes his way over to Aizawa while spinning his knife. "Take a good look Eraserhead, this is what All Might create the person who will bring your down fall." Izuku grabbed Aizawa by the scarf and picked him up some, and said, "Tell Death, Deku send send his regard."

Kirishima: "I..I..I don't know what to say this?!"

Ojiro: "He beat Aizawa-sensei so effortlessly."

Present Mic: "I got nothing, the little listener knew one of your biggest weaknesses and in two shots beat you."

Aizawa: "I don't know if I should feel proud or angry since he is a villain."

Slayer: "I'll say a mixture of both."

When Izuku was about to finish Aizawa, he had to jump out of the way because of a Green fireball. He turned and saw his twin sister Izumi. "Tsu! Mineta! Get Aizawa-sensei out of here!!" "Are you crazy you saw what he did to a pro!" said Mineta. "I know but I can't let him die! My brother wouldn't do it and neither will I!" The two quickly grabbed Aizawa and made a B-line for the stairs. "Will come back for you! So, don't die!" Yell Tsu while running. Izumi smiled and got in a fighting stance. "I don't plan too." Izuku looked at her and then looked at Shigaraki, "Do you want me to get Noumu on her?" "No, it's not worth it, I'll take care of her. We need to save that thing, strength as much as possible for All Might." he turned back and faced his sister.

Uraraka: "A fated battle between siblings."

Inko: "I wish these two didn't have to fight."

Death: "I got 20 on Izuku."

Nagant: "Ok that's just not fair and you know it. But, I got 20 on Izumi taking this win."

Inko: "Are you guys betting on my children?"

Death: "Maybe."

Inko: "Why?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Death: "This is something we do and don't worry this isn't your Izuk."

Inko: "There are still my kids in some world."

Death: "Alright, fine we won't bet."

Inko: "Thank you." She smiled. Death-sensei had his finger crossed beside him.

"You know Eraserhead was pretty stupid not to at least one person back him up or something. He could have put some faith in you all, but you're even stupider to fight me alone." "I don't know if I don't try." Izumi made green fire appear and threw it at Izuku, who jumped in the air to dodge the attack. She lifted the fire to go toward Izuku, who threw a knife at her, which she was barely able to avoid, but it cut her cheek, and it threw off her aim with the fire only scape him. She gained her bearing back and looked up, but when she looked to see if he was still in the air, he was gone; the next thing she felt was a hand on the back of her neck. "Izumi Midoriya quirk Pyrokinesis, quick that allows you to manipulate fire with your mind. You have great control of it, but if you overuse it not only would you overheat yourself, you can cause yourself to get dehydrated, and cause yourself a migraine overall, a very powerful quirk in the right hands." Izumi turns her head a bit to look at her attacker. "H..How do you know so much about my quirk and my name?" Izuku smiles, "I know your brother." Izumi's eyes widened at this.

Snipe: "We need to know what his quirk is! Because all this reappearing and disappearing in a blink of an eye is a huge problem."

Midnight: "I'm more worried about the girl, not only is she fighting her sister but she clearly outmatch Young Midoriya clearly knows how to beat her."

Nezu: "I hate to say it but unless All Might can get there quickly the students are in trouble."

All Might: 'Please let me make it in time and save them and Young Midoriya! Please!!'

"My brother! Where is he!?!" "Sorry not telling unless you beat me. Which you won't." Izumi tries to spin and swing at Izuku, who dodge the easy swing and slap her. He then kicked her, causing her to skidded away from him. Izumi made three fireballs and threw them at Izuku, who acrobatically dodged them. He threw another knife at her feet and one toward her which she avoided again, but when she turned to look back at him he was gone, she then got a back fist which stunned her, she tried to look to the side to see Izuku, but he was gone she was then kicked in the air. Izuku was under her when he kicked her. He jumped and spun them toward the ground, slamming her into the ground, landing on top of her; there was a loud cracking noise heard, and she let out a scream of pain.

Everyone in the theater who was a hero winced at that.

Uraraka: "I knew Deku-kun could be scary but I was expecting this."

Asui: "I hope Midoriya-chan doesn't kill his sister."

Jiro: "I feel really bad for her, not only is she fighting a villain, but it's her brother greenhead. This has to suck for her."

Shoji: "This just goes along with the fact that I said Midoriya is the scariest person in a one on one fight."

All Might: 'Please let me get there in time!' All Might was sweating a bit, hoping his other self would make it in the nick of time.

Dabi: "Dude, why didn't you grab the kid! He's kicking ass!!"

Shigaraki: "Well, I didn't KNOW THIS!!!"

"And that you down for the count." Izuku got off, "Don't worry I won't kill you, I might be a villain but your not my target...your brother talk highly of you." Izuku begins to make his way back over to Shigaraki.

Asui: "That's good to hear."

Stain: "So he just wants to rid the world of fakes!! I like this one."

"" Izuku turns a bit to look at Izumi, who slowly tries to get up but is in pain, and she coughs some blood. "How...How do you *cough* brother..*cough*." "That I can not say but let say I meet you before he disappears forever." Izumi's eyes widened. "What did you DO!?!" "I did nothing to him, he was broken by this society that foolish #1 built, and I'm going to do that kid a favor..." he walked over to Izumi and picked her up. "I'm going to change it." He threw her at the stairs. She coughed some more blood up. "I would stay down if I was you. I might not be so merciful if you get up." "I...I.."

Inko: "Please...stay down." Inko was doing her best to hold back the tears.

Sero: "Midoriya wouldn't, right? Right?"

Todoroki: "I can't say, after seeing what his past was somewhat like him doing something like killing isn't too far gone, now."

Just then, both of them heard a voice. "Izumi!!!" They looked up and saw Uraraka jumping off the stairs towards Izuku. He blocked the dropkick before throwing her back toward the end stairs, which she was thankful was able to land on her feet, almost losing her balance.

Mina: "Let's go, Uraraka!!"

Asui: "You save her in the nick of time!"

Iida: "I think this should allow them to turn the tide of battle." he said while chopping his hand at his friend.

Uraraka: "Guys, it wasn't that great, plus I'm going against Deku. I might not win this." she said, rubbing the back of her head.

Izuku: "Don't say that Uraraka-san I'm sure you can give the other me a run for my money he can't take you lightly." He smiles at her, which causes her to blush and look away.

Slayer: 'I will keep winning until it cannon damnit!!!'

"And you might be?" "I'm...umm..." "Don't say...anything...." They turn to see Izumi slowly getting upholding her side a bit, "That a villai.... us giving away our a problem. He already somehow knows my name...*cough* somehow...I need to find out how...he knows my brother." "Wait, your brother!? You mention you have one! This guy might know where he is!?!" Uraraka got into a fighting stance, "Then let's get him, we might finally find where he is." Shigaraki looks at Izuku. "So, do you want the Noumu now?!?" Izuku put his hand up to stop Shigaraki. "Thanks for the assistance but, I like to save that thing for All Might, I can handle this."

Kaminari: "Man Midoriya sure is cocky, I never thought I would see the day. I don't think he will win this one."

Nezu: "I wouldn't be so sure."

Iida: "Why is that Principal?"

Death: "Look at the situation currently. Right now, he has knowledge on them, one of them is badly wounded to the point she might need medical assistant, one at this point time has no hand-to-hand combat experience and is going someone who has some level of basic training, plus neither them know what is quirk is plus, they have the Noumu waiting in the background with a couple thugs still standing and ashy boy himself. And no All Might in sight, this is clearly a fight that is not in their favor."

Kaminari: "Oh..."

Izuku flipped two knives he had; as he got ready to fight them, he heard a loud annoying voice. He quickly moved out of the way. The explosion misses him. When the smoke clears, he sees one of the two people he wants to see...Katsuki Bakugou.

Jiro: "I know I'm not supposed to root for a villain but for once I want Villain Midoriya to win! Is that wrong of me?"

Slayer: "No, you be surprised I know a handful of people who wouldn't mind Mister explosive Pineapple to kick the bucket."

Mitsuki: "I don't know how to feel about this."

Death: "For now just keep watching."

"Katsuki Bakugou, well if isn't the mister great hero himself or whatever hero you suppose to be." Kirishima and Bakugou got in a fighting stance; Kirishima asked Bakugou, "Hey, Bakubro do you know this guy?" "I don't! Red hair, he's just some lame villain who I'm about to take down!" "Oh, I'm the villain after all the shit you said and done but I'm the villain I can see why he ran away now." "What the hell you on about you damn rabbit!?!" "Bakugou, that villain!! He knows something about my BROTHER!!" Izumi yells at the two. Bakugou had a shocked look before he smiled. "Look like I won't be killing you today!!! I'm bringing you IN!!" Izuku then said anything and tilted his body to the side before he charged at Bakugou, who charged at Izuku; as soon the two got close, an ice wall appeared, causing both of them to jump back. They turn to see Todoroki showing up to the fight. "WHAT THE HELL HALF-HALF!! Stay out of this!! He minds!"

Sero: "Alright, their Bakugou, Kirishima, Uraraka, Todoroki, and Izuku sister. There is no way Midoriya wins this!"

Izuku: "I hate to say it but I think, my other self I think got this."

Sero: "HOW!?!"

Slayer: "It like Death-sensei said Izuku has knowledge on all their quirks and he is still rearing to go. He knows especially Mister explosive dog and his sister quickly. He made short work of both Izumi and Aizawa. He doesn't look a little bit worried."

"*sigh* I should be worried but...*smile* I'm not I guess you can I'm nearly the All Might for villain out number and surround you would think I'm a hero in this situation." "A-Are you enjoying this?" ask Kirishima. "Maybe." They all got ready when the USJ door bust opened. And they hear, "I AM HERE!!" The students all had smiles on their faces. "Took you long enough ALL MIGHT!" Izuku yells up top. All Might waste no time to rush straight down to the central plaza, taking out all the small fry with ease. The Noumu took the blow for Shigaraki, and Izuku dodged the swing. 'He dodge?!' thought All Might. "Well you sure took your sweet time getting here, I thought my partner over there would have killed some of your students. But, now it's time for the final level."

"LEAVE NOW STUDENTS I WILL HANDLE THIS!!!" "NO Way ALL Might this guy mind!!" said Bakugou. "I hate to agree with the mister explosive personality but that Green hoodie villain knows something about my brother." said Izumi getting in a stance wobbling a bit. "YOUR BROTHER...I UNDERSTAND I WILL GET THAT VILLAIN I NEED YOU STUDENTS TO STAY BACK!" "I wouldn't try to take me and the Noumu on alone this time All Might." All Might look around for the voice, and he felt someone leaning on his back, "You're already on a time limit, I'm clearly a much harder fighter then the little street thugs you took out." Every student and All Might had a surprised expression on their face. Bakugou looked at the spot the Izuku was at and saw he was no longer over there and looking back, and he saw him just leaning on All Might.

Toga: "He soooo coooool~~~."

Twice: "That was nice/It wasn't all that."

Dabi: "I'm really starting to hate the fact we grabbed the wrong kid!"

Nighteye: "I'm starting to worry for All Might."

Mirio: "The fact Midoriya has been able to dodge All Might up to this point and surprise him like that shows this isn't looking good for you guys."

Shoda: "Who would have guessed it only took Midoriya to switch sides to just everything."

Death: "One piece on a chessboard can change the entire frame of the game."

"I'll give you a little hint, if you want any chance here fight our Anti-symbol of peace over there and let see if your little group of heroes has what it takes for the big league." Izuku patted his back and walked back to the group he would be fighting. They all got in a fighting stance. "So, let's see what you guys are made up of." Izuku pulled out two knives and got ready. Bakugou wasted no time charging in and going for a right hook, Izuku backflip and spun on his hand to kick Bakugou, who blocked the kick. Kirishima and Uraraka both charge in afterward, trying to get a hit or a touch on Izuku; he dodges their failed attempt to hit him. Izuku sees Izumi making green fireball appear and is about to get ready to fire them; he throws a few knives out into different parts of the field around them. One of the knives hit Izumi in the leg-breaking her contraction and causing her to fall to the ground. Katsuki came to a stop "Izumi!!" "You really shouldn't take your eyes off your opponent. I thought you of all people should know that." Izuku said behind Bakugou.

Bakugou went for a swing with gauntlets, but Izuku jumped over it and put his hand on Bakugou's hair; he then used the momentum to throw Bakugou toward Kirishima, who caught him with his body but got sent flying back some. Todoroki sent a wave of ice toward Izuku. Izuku disappeared, and Todoroki was looking around to see where he would appear. Before he could look to his left, he kicked right to the temple. Izuku didn't stop there. As soon as he landed, he grabbed Todoroki by his shirt and knee him right in the stomach a few times; Todoroki grunted in pain but covered himself in ice for Izuku to jump back. Right, when his foot landed, he reappeared behind Izumi, who was pulling the knife out her leg as she tried standing. "I told you, you should have stayed down." Izumi had a shocked expression as she turned her head to look at Izuku, who kicked her right in the stomach in the air. Izumi screams in agony and coughs out some blood. "IZUMI!!!" said everyone all Class 1-A.

Tokoyami: "This is getting bad."

Momo: "I know how much more I can watch, why is Izumi getting it the worst!? You would think he would target Bakugou after everything he has done!?"

Slayer: "It is because he is attacking their weakness unit right now."

Pony: "Huh?"

Slayer: "In most fights like this a smart villain attacks your current most cripple point. It not only lowers morale but it can help cause chaos. Her stubbornness is what is going to get her killed at this rate if this keeps up. She should have left as soon as Bakugou and Kirishima showed up. She got out of the way. Her staying in this fight is not helping, it makes her a liability."

Nezu: "I have to agree with him. Know when there is a good reason to retreat/fall back no one is invincible." All the students nodded their heads at his words.

"DAMN YOU!!!!" Bakugou rockets himself toward Izuku, who throws a knife at him, Bakugou puts his guard up, but he wasn't expecting Izuku to be right in front of him, who punches him right through his guard. Izuku begins to beat Bakugou; he picks him up and knees him right in the back. "AHHHH!!!"

Death: "Oooh a backbreaker."

Izuku threw Bakugou off his leg and saw Kirishima charging at him, "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!!!" Izuku started dodging all Kirishima swings and was smiling while dodging. He then pulled out another knife and cut up Kirishima, who got torn up. Kirishima collapsed and passed out. He then went over to Bakugou and stood over him. "Well, it seems this little game is over. I guess you're not the great hero you call yourself." Bakugou looked angry at him. "It's cute to see you already care for someone even though for most of your life you didn't. You want to make that green hair girl happy after a colossal fuck up thinking she might gain feeling for you. But, let me tell you something...." Izuku got down and whispered to his ears, "She will never have feelings for you...Kacchan." Bakugou's eyes shot open when he heard that nickname.

Mineta: "Man Midoriya is scary!!!"

Momo: "I hate to agree with him but he right Midoriya signal handedly took down some of the class strongest without breaking a sweat. I fear for what would happen later on with him and the others if he crosses paths."

Best Jeanist: "I knew he was talented but even this I was not expecting."

Present Mic: "We really dodge a bullet."

Izuku then quickly got off Bakugou to grab a hand that was about to touch him. He looks and sees Uraraka. "Impressed you almost got there, cute face." 'c-c-cute face!' "I wish we could stay and chat but," Izuku punches Uraraka in the stomach; she coughs and gasps for air. "I think it's time for me to go." he let go of Uraraka, letting her fall to the ground out cold. He turned and saw All Might seeing the Noumu through the roof of the USJ. '*sigh* I guess this was a failed attempt but not fully.' Izuku looked around him and all the injured students he took down. 'I would say this should do some damage to the hero society whoever said we have to destroy it in a day...all we have to do is crack it piece by piece.' Izuku smiled.

AFO: 'This KID!!!' *smiling.* Izuku got a shiver down his spine for some reason, and he couldn't quite pinpoint from where this time.

All Might stood tall and believed he was victorious, but he didn't see a knife flying toward him. The next thing he felt was shoes on his back, causing him to fall forward slowly. "You shouldn't be standing there so proud when you're at your limit." said Izuku. Izuku then stabs All Might in his weak spot, who coughs up a ton of blood. He jumps over All Might before delivering a kick to him, causing him to get sent skidding across the ground. The stream was coming off his body. Izuku went over to Shigaraki, who smiled at him. "Well, Deku, consider me impressed, the fact that I didn't think you would take out so many students alone and hurt the hell out of the so-called Symbol Of Peace." All might was leaning on his elbows, trying to stand up. "I am disappointed we didn't take down the Symbol of Peace."

"Don't worry, with him taking such a badly beating, with Eraserhead and a few students beaten down this would damage hero society. No one ever said we can't start cracking away at the hero society." Kurogiri opens a portal for them. Shigaraki smiles and looks at All Might, "Let this be known we our the League of Villain let be known we here and we are going to destroy this so called hero society!" Izuku then looks at all of them and smiles at All Might as well. "Tell Kacchan, Deku sends his regards." The portal closes. The rest of the heroes showed up, quickly gathered all the hurt students, and rushed to urgent care. Not only did the villains got away, but they successfully made many people question their faith in heroes and UA. After word got out, five students were injured, two had to be rushed to urgent care, and two teachers as well. The villains got their first victory against the hero society. We see a picture of Izuku and Shigaraki looking down at the heroes, smiling.

The screen fades to black.



AND THAT IS THE CHAPTER!!!! I'M FREAKING FINISH THIS CHAPTER!!!! GOD! This chapter was such a taunting chapter for ME! Why? Well, for one anyone has seen me comment on different stories or have talk to me one on one knows I love a villain deku (almost as much as Izuocha but that still my #1 thing lol), But I like me a villain Deku and different takes on it. But this chapter!!! 18000+ WORDS TYPE!!! Remember how I say I won't be writing a long chapter for a while? Yeah, I guess that was a fucking lie...I really need to fix that and stop blowing myself out after every chapter.

And I want to deliver on this chapter. If I did or not that remains to be seen and that really you all to say if I did or didn't. This chapter also made me add things I was not expecting, well for one I had do Nana and a few other reaction to All Might basically telling him he can't be a hero on the first rough draft I complete forgot about her and a few other had to stop and go back because that a pretty big one. And I was debating who would have nearly choke out him out. Original it was going be Aizawa but, after sitting down, thinking it over with some food in me and brainstorming for what comes next I was like that would be a terrible idea. I do want to add, to the people who comment last chapter on if I should add two specials character basically Nagant and Death-Sensei thank you.

And for those question on where the hell I pull those two out from with some reason go over to @Enderman534 and checks out his books I basically have them in the comments section spread throughout his books. But the bringing in Nighteye and Nana and having there reaction to things is going be a little challenging not going lie. For simple fact at least the only dekuverse story I can remember to do something with them in it was

@JJingJJong - 'What if... (Dekuverse)' from the top of my head.

I want to give credit to @Roh594 for giving me the idea of making Izuku a descendent of the first user, since I was debating if I want to have Dad for One or not and decided against for the only fact the last three Dekuverse I have read all had Dad for One and I didn't keep following that trend too much. It a good one don't get me wrong I just didn't want do it as well. But, hands down the most taunting part about this chapter wasn't just typing it and hope it do well, was getting the dialogue! And most of all the BAKUGOU SCENE AND SHIT!

I think everyone who follow me knows one huge thing about me (other then me being a Izuocha simp). I FUCKING HATE KATSUKI BAKUGOU!! I hate this character with a burning passion; And it wasn't matter if I show the shit he said, it only a matter of when and how I was going go about it! I did dial it back a bit which I wish I didn't because it the original draft the entire Dekusquad and a few other get at least one or two shots in, but I kept it small and kept the flow going. I only did the main two who would truly ride and die with Izuku more then anyone. Best gi-I mean Uraraka and Todoroki. Can you tell I was enjoying writing that scene a lot. Not to said the other Dekusquad member wouldn't I just know these two value Izuku more then anything other then family for Uraraka and Cold soba for Todoroki.

I can't stand Bakugou, anyone who has found my comments about him through different books would know I want nothing more then to see this character fucking disappear into nothingness. But, he won't! He has too many crazy ass fans. And people fucking love this man and would make any BS excuse they can think of to either defend or make him to the best character in the damn show! YOU AIN'T GOING FIND THAT SHIT HERE!!! But fine, they can like him so be it and I'm just going shit on him. Just how people shit on my favorite characters and ships then I'm going shit on this Character that has no fucking right to be as popular as he is!! The issue I ran into about writing it would have to be the timing and where do I put it at? I couldn't just put it just randomly, no I had to think and plan where would the perfect moment to lay on him. Funny enough the original rough draft I had plan got alter somewhat for the simple fact I what I original wanted to do him and say made NO SENSE in my mind. In the Original, I was going have me basically slam Bakugou into a wall and rant on his ass but as I was typing and saw how the conversation was going I had to scape that. I somewhat like how I did it. I have to give shoutout to @1jhonyx for most the dialogue of this chapter for the flashback. It was from his dekuverse because for some reason I for the life of me can't not find a site with season 1 dialogue for some strange reason. So, I had to use most of his for half the chapter for the flashback.

If your wondering who the two people I mention in the middle of the story about the punishment for Bakugou they were @ahandley385 and @GiovanniPolder for the punishment. Mainly I got it from talking to Handley over on twitter (If you use guys want a good future Deku children base story go give him a look at IT REALLY GOOD for this site standards, one of the better one you won't be disappoint.) And Giovanni for the simple fact he help create this book. (Also, need to know how does he pump out so many chapter to his Dekuverse to effortlessly! What is he a machine!?!) I couldn't out right kill the character as much as many may know me. I wish could but this is a reaction a book not a original story book. (Even then I wouldn't kill him.)

And before ask will I lighten up on his ass? Ehhhhhh, will see. Not fully I'm still going be on him for most of this story but for my knowledge and for some of the upcoming chapter I have plan for this book not for a while at least. I'm still going give him a hard time you best believe that, so if you a Bakugou lover prepare to hate me, because I will never like this Character just letting you know that now.

So, what next? Well, next chapter will be a soft of a break chapter. Given the cast a break from sitting in the theater...somewhat we not done me ranting lol. Next chapter will be me ranting on some of my issue with certain characters and things. Oh, and it will be talking about some interesting stories I have read in the MHA fandom. If you want me to rant on a certain character let me know if I have a reason too I will, and for books don't worry I have a few I want to shout out next chapter.

Until next time everyone later and thanks for reading.

My Hero Academia is own by Kohei Horikoshi.

Edit: Alright so I came back and clean up a few things. For one I forgot to add the picture of what Death-Sensei look like. My bad! And two, there were was a line from when I was editing that should have been deleted. And the last thing was near the ending with so dialogue that was highlighted that wasn't meant to be highlighted it was all in time for the release of the next chapter lol!

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