Rivals >

Av SYU_Bunny

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" A meat to the face is not that bad of a humiliation is it? " " You got a degrading kink or something?? " "... Mer

11 : I
11 : II


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Av SYU_Bunny

"Why are you still single hyung? Surely there's some people out that's crazy for you?", Jisung asked once he finds out that this hot neighbor of his is single.

For someone as good looking as him, there's absolute no way that no one has not confessed yet to him.

Even Jisung was on the verge of confessing too if he didn't see this guy as one of his best friend now instead of a random handsome guy.

And the said handsome guy laughed at him and say, "I don't know, I just don't see myself being in a relationship"

"Why not?"

"Maybe because I want to spend my love for someone who I can relate to?"

Jisung halted his steps to let out a dramatic gasp, also stopping the other to walk deeper in the park. "Am I not relatable enough for you hyung?", he teased.

But the only answer he got was a hit to the shoulder in return.

Now, why does everyone likes to hit me on the shoulder so much?, the Ravenclaw thought to himself. Even Hyunjin too always hit him there when something doesn't go his way.

"I meant, relate to me in some sort of... Emotion I guess? You know what I mean Hannie", Changbin chuckled, totally oblivious to the fact that he had just given the boy a new nickname.

Jisung tilted his head at the name and ask, "Hannie? Me?", he pointed to himself cluelessly. "Who else dumbo?"

The younger couldn't find the strength in him to hold back the smile from blooming on his face and broke out into a shy grin.

"No, it's just that.. No one calls me that before"

"For real? What about your friends? You said you have been friends with them for six years now?", Changbin asked, worrying and pitying the younger boy at the same time.

Now that he mentioned, he never see any of the boy's friends for the past two years he had move and become his neighbor.

Not once he could even caught a glimpse of what they look like, even from afar.

He thinks that this might be the right time to mention it. "Talking about your friends.. How come I've never seen them before?", questioning the suddenly tensed boy.

But he wasn't sorted into the house of intelligence for nothing so lying his way out is better than exposing the truth to the muggles, or at least that's what Jisung thought.

 "O-Oh, you know how I go to boarding school right? So their houses are all far away from mine", he managed to stutter out the lie.

That seems like it's not as convincing to the older since he ask more, "But didn't you said that they were Koreans? Who goes to the SAME British boarding school as you?"

I don't need you to become Sherlock Holmes now you Peppa pig looking hot stuff, Jisung groaned internally.

"Why are you suddenly interested hyung? You never asked about my friends before"

"I have always been interested, it's just that I never brought it up"

"Then why did you bring it up now??"

Jisung saw the suspicious squinted eyes that the older was giving him so he turned away and continue his walk in the park earlier, leaving his companion behind.

The only thing that accompanied them is silence as the two neighbors sat across each other in the very familiar train to the both of them, as soon as their break is over and a new year of school is starting again.

Jisung being 16 years old and Changbin being 17, a senior of his, in the same school as him, unexpectedly.

The Ravenclaw was the first one to break the silence when he scoffed. "And you dared to suspect me with suspicions? You literally go to Hogwarts!", the boy exclaimed.

"You also go to Hogwarts! Don't act like I'm the one who was secretive about it!", Changbin said in respond to defend himself from being accused.

"I've been here since my first year! Why haven't I seen you around before??"

"I have also been here since my first year!"



"YOU-", as the younger Ravenclaw was about to cuss the hell out the older Gryffindor, judging by his robe, someone slide open the train's cabin's door.

It turned out to be the friends Jisung was about to search for if it wasn't for the unexpected sight of his neighbor back in London.

Seungmin gave him a judging look as soon as he realized that he was about to scream. "What's going on here?", he asked with full on confusions.

But instead of answering, their other friends started complaining, "Why didn't you look for us?!", and the typical, "We were looking for you everywhere!"

"All of you are giving me headaches.."

Jisung said while rubbing his temple that made all of his friends gone quiet. That's when his Gryffindor friend noticed another, unknown to him, presence in the cabin too.

Felix sat besides the new face and greet him first, "Hi! Who are you? I'm Felix, Jisung's friend!", but that seems to surprise the latter instead.

It's probably because of his thick Australian accent that he has whenever he started to talk in English but it could be his deep voice as well, or just both of them together.

"I'm Changbin, seventh year", Changbin answered. Even though the two of them are in the same houses, Gryffindor, none of them seems to recognize one another.

"Oh, so you're my senior? How come I've never seen you before in the common room?"


It seems like people have long taken a liking to hitting the now sixth year Ravenclaw on the shoulder because Seungmin hit him as soon as he said that. "Shut up can you?"

Jisung groaned in pain since that hit wasn't really a light one but grinned once he heard the fifth year Hufflepuff scolding his attacker.

"You shouldn't hit people THAT hard hyung! It hurts!"

"But I had never hit you before! How would you know that it hurts?"

"Because it look hurt! Stop doing that!"

Never would the boy in pain thought that one of his friends would stick up for him throughout this whole hitting his shoulder shenanigans one day.

But that should have been done by Jeongin a long time ago since Jisung practically save his life on his first year in the Forbidden Forest, even risking his own life to do that so.

Awhile into the school year, students in Hogwarts then started talking about the annual sport event that's coming up next month.

Hyunjin caught up running to his side and wrapped his arm around the shorter Ravenclaw.

"Are you going to join the Quidditch team this year? I heard you wanted to", the Hufflepuff asked, interested to meet his best friend on the Quidditch pitch one day.

Much to his expectation, Jisung shook his head as a no. "I don't think so, I'm still not that good in flying a broomstick, I think you should've known that already", he truthfully said.

To which Hyunjin agreed to of course. "I don't get it, we're already in our sixth year and you still can't managed to fly a freaking broomstick?"

"Maybe it's in my blood? Because.. You know.. I'm a muggle-born after all"

The taller Hufflepuff stopped on his track and yanked the Ravenclaw back. He hates it when someone talk bad, negative things to his friend, especially when he talked bad about himself.

He turned Jisung, making the boy faced him. "Don't say that ever again, you heard me Han Jisung?", he said strictly.

"... How did you-"

"It's not because of the fact that you're a muggle-born is the reason why you can't fly a broom, it's you being a lazy bitch is the problem"

"I-", Jisung burst out laughing at the unexpected insult. He thought that the Hufflepuff was going to give him a sentimental or inspirational words but he just straight up cussed him out.

The other students in the hallway just gave the pair a look as they passed by, though they don't really give a single care for that at the moment.

"You needed that buddy", Hyunjin patted him on the back with a loving smile, as if he didn't just swear at him.

Jisung wiped away the tears that was escaping his eyes at the excessive amount laughing he had and say, "I was about to ask 'How did you become the team's beater if you're this soft?' but never mind I guess"

Both of them laughed it off again afterwards as they headed for their next class. "All in the right time Jisung, all in the right time..", Hyunjin chuckled.

Even though Jisung said that he won't be joining the Quidditch team this year, he found himself becoming the team's emotional support during their game practice, and it's all because he's friends with almost all of the Ravenclaw team members.

"Hey Han, you're always sitting here alone whenever we have a game practice every year, aren't you getting bored of it?", someone came up to him and asked with their strong British accent coming out.

Jisung closed the book he was reading and faced that someone who he recognized as one of his roommates, Aiden.

With his English pronunciations getting better as the year passes by, Jisung found himself engaged to a lot more conversations and interactions with the others, making it easy for him to have friends now.  

"Why? Are you asking me to join the team this year?", he laughed at his own suggestion.

"I mean, it's not like you don't know the basic to Quidditch, like I said, you're literally here EVERY year! Watching as we practice"

Jisung would be lying if he said that he never thought about it and didn't have any desire to join the team when he did in his second and third year.

That is obviously before he found out that a certain Slytherin also had joined his own house's Quidditch team, and as far as he had witnessed the other's game, he has been quite a rough player.

So if Jisung was ever to join the team, that certain Slytherin would totally crush him, not to mention with the amount of hatred the other has against him.

The Ravenclaw definitely valued his life over his dreams so he just shut down those silly thoughts of him later on in his fourth year.

"Nah, I'm fine with just sitting here, you guys are my friends so of course I would be here you dimwit", Jisung giggled after he said that.

Aiden also jokingly rolled his eyes and was about to say something before he was rudely interrupted some yelling back on the Quidditch pitch.

When they turned, it was their Ravenclaw team's captain having a heated argument with the... Slytherin team's captain?

"I said the pitch is ours today! Madam Hooch said so!", the Ravenclaw team's captain, who Jisung knew as Henry, yelled at the cocky looking Slytherin team's captain.

Of course, the seventh year students would be the captains and it is no surprise that Lee Minho is the Slytherin team's captain after three years of being in the team.

"According to Professor Snape, we also need to practice Quidditch today, so we have to share this same pitch it appears"

"NO! There is no way we're fucking sharing the pitch with you fucking death eaters!"

The air around them turned cold all of the sudden and they can obviously tell that it's because Henry had just used that term on the Slytherins.

Literally almost everyone knows the reason why Slytherin and Ravenclaw has been house rivals for the past decades and it's because of this exact reason, the Ravenclaw accusing the Slytherin for being death eaters.

Jisung almost pissed his pants when he heard Henry yelled that out loud, too blinded by his rage, and with Minho looking absolutely stone, a war might break out soon.

So before that could happen, Jisung mentioned Aiden to pull Henry away from the Slytherins while he tries to get the other Ravenclaws out of the pitch immediately.

If anything were to happen, he would rather not get involved by just standing there and being seen as the useless muggle-born being wizard.

He escorted the Ravenclaw team out because he knows that there is no use in arguing with the stubborn and hot headed guy like Minho, especially when he's being surrounded by other Slytherins.

But Henry seems like he has other plans as he continued to struggle out of Aiden's hold, going back to Minho.

"Why? Are you mad that I'm telling the truth? Don't you despise and swore to kill the muggles?", he kept on provoking the Slytherin even when he knows that he is going too far.

In for the truth, he had actually witnessed this Slytherin team's captain bothering one of his little Ravenclaw friend who is indeed, a muggle-born, many times on multiple occasions.

He had enough of that. The poor boy didn't do anything except for being born so why does he had to go through all of that?

And he was already expecting a fight when the Slytherin suddenly pushed him back, making him stumble down from the sudden and rough action.

"You're right, I do want to kill them", Minho started out. "But I really want to kill you the most as of the moment"

Jisung, who had come back after guiding all of the other Ravenclaws out of the pitch, saw the troubling scene of the Ravenclaw team's captain on the ground with Aiden helping him up.

He didn't want to come too close because he felt like Minho would stick up to his word from before and actually kill him today so he just stays back.

"Too bad for you that I'm not a muggle, ain't it what you want mate?"

The three Ravenclaws on the pitch saw the way Minho closed his eyes and his jaw tightened, as if trying to hold himself back from pouncing onto the other team leader.

When he opened his eyes, Jisung froze from where he stood once he accidentally made an eye contact with the older Slytherin.

But before any of them could register what happened, Minho burst out laughing in the middle of the intense tension, confusing the others and weirding them out.

"You're not the muggle that I want buddy"

Of course, Jisung couldn't hear anything because of the distance between him and the others were too far so he could only watched as the scene of Minho laughing unfold.

Even at this time, the younger Ravenclaw somehow still manage to find the time to admire the older Slytherin when he's laughing freely like that.

He couldn't help but have a little bit of jealousy growing in him for not being able to know the reason why Minho laughed like that.

Wait, what? Why would he even? The older is literally the person he doesn't want to get to know more of, so he better not.

"I already have my pick, and guess what?"

"... What..?"

"You're not going to stop me with that dumb empty threat of yours, fucking Ravenclaw.."

If he already set his mind onto something then he would not let anything stand in his way, even if it means that something would turn the world against him.

Minho still remembers the professor he had in his first year, Alecto Carrow. She was the Muggle Studies teacher at the time.

She taught them about how muggles are like animals, stupid and dirty, and how they drive wizards into hiding by being vicious toward them, and how the natural order is being re-established.

By who? Minho doesn't even know but that lesson not only made his hatred grew, but it also made him realized how unfair this nature is.

Muggle-borns can become wizards and witches but they are seen as dark and hateful creatures to the muggles?

The world is unfair and he wants to fix that.

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