Lily Light (Shachi x Reader x...

By Sawako_LadybugOfLuck

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[Shachi♡Reader♡Penguin] Wano Kuni. The land of colorless dreams. As a woman you have to be silent, to obey... More



486 27 4
By Sawako_LadybugOfLuck

First the work, then the kinky stuff.

Means: you're going to wash the dirty crew overalls. Sadist that he is.

While the others are having a meeting in their hideout, you've been ordered to work. Lots of work. You look at the mountain of dirty laundry, piled up behind the old building. Washing that will take some time.

Earn your place.

Housework is part of being a good woman.

Even the rich and beautiful make dirt. Wano Kuni is proof of that.

You roll up the long sleeves of your kimono, take a small pile of laundry and walk to the nearby stream. There you kneel down on the riverbank, lay the textiles next to you and let your hands slide into the calmly flowing water. It is pleasantly cool and clean, not poisoned as in the contaminated areas near the Smile-factories.

Forming your hands into a bowl, you take some clear water and splash it on your face to wash it. The smeared makeup has been sticking to you since the day before. It felt uncomfortable.

The water of the stream turns colorful. How much makeup did you put on?

Not of your own free will; your boss has always told you how you should be looking. How you need to be. No one wants you if you don't look appealing to the men's world.

Pure and untouched. Perfect and flawless. Not human - like a doll.

You are just a white sheet of paper. Blank and colorless.

Without makeup, you are a different person. So featureless. The coolness and lightness of your face is relieving.

You reach for the first piece of laundry, soak it in water and scrub the dirt spots out of the white fabric. The material is stretchy and robust, probably made for rough weather. A grinning smiley logo adorns the chest area.

Since the laundry work is rather monotonous, your thoughts wander. Since when do you allow yourself to be so thoughtful? When did you start to develop a will?

You know the answer. The answer wears two hats.

O-Chi and Pengorou.

You have met many men over the years; poor and rich, normal and strange - but these two are even stranger. So different that you can hardly describe them with words.

They are... special.

They seem rather plain, easy to overlook, more like side characters. And yet, there is so much more that characterizes them. You don't even know the surface of their being. Your intuition tells you that there is more to discover. So far, you only know the first impression.

O-Chi is the easy-going and optimistic kind of guy. He lets his heart do the talking. A real charmer.

On contrast, Pengorou is straightforward and pessimistic. He has a rough shell and doesn't really know how to deal with feelings.

They are both good men.

And for the first time, you also want to be a good woman. Not by force or by the will of others. The reason is- ...Is what?

You can't explain why. Do you want to keep up with them? Do you want to please them? You can't even please yourself.

It's hopeless, isn't it?

In Wano Kuni, it is common to save yourself as a lady for the man who decides to take you. It's his decision, not yours.

Most of the maidens are virgins, as the myth says: 'Blessed by true beauty'. No nobleman wants to purchase a dirty object. Or a broken one... like you.

Your absent eyes stare at the wet laundry piece you hold in your hands, gripping it tighter with your fingers. How could you forget? The reason you haven't been wooed by anyone until now.

Because you are you. Because-

As if in a trance, you shake your head and force your thoughts to clarity. Now is not the time for that, you have a job to do!

With renewed eagerness, you wring out the clean clothing, pick up the next piece and repeat the procedure. Wash, scrub, wring out. Until only one piece is left.

You stop as you hold it in your hands. It smells like... Mint.

Is that Pengorou's overall?

It smells so nice... like home. You hold the fabric closer to your face, the familiar smell embracing you. It gives you a feeling of security.

Pengorou has something protective and calm about him, whereas O-Chi brings cheerfulness and hope. They are so different, but they do complement each other. They complete each other.

How close are they?

Oh no. Are you doing something forbidden? Thinking about two men... is that normal?

You don't feel bad about it. Should you?

It's strange, isn't it? It should be one man and one woman, right?

All that is unknown to you. You have no experience in relationships. Neither platonic, nor romantic. Not even on friendship level.

You never identified yourself with anyone. How can there be an 'us' if there is no 'you'? You are nobody. You don't want to drag anyone down or burden them with your self.

You never had your own belongings. So you can't offer anything. And that's how it is in relationships, isn't it? You give something to be accepted, right?

You have heard of love. In fictional stories. You have never experienced it yourself, knowing nothing about it.

You're confused.

What are the three of you? ...Friends?

Grandmother always told you; 'Behave yourself. Become a good woman and work hard to be accepted into a rich house.'

Is that the meaning of love? Playing 'the good girl', being purchased?

Is the purpose of every woman's life to please a man and be paid by him? To be dependent for a lifetime?

In Wano Kuni, women are trading goods. And you-

'We steal precious things.' Their voices break through your circle of thoughts. You remember. That feeling.

A gentle smile breezes over your lips. No, you don't want to be purchased.

You want to be...

Enough thinking.

You finish laundering and carry the clothes back up the hill. The hideout is surrounded by bare trees with strong branches perfect for your purpose. One after the other, you hang the white overalls on the branches. White decorates the trees, the clothes blowing lightly in the wind.


...Or not.

Shocked, you look at the piece of clothing. The orange overall is covered with white hair. So much fluff. It will take some time to defluff it.

You sit down on a tree stump next to the laundry-laden trees. The overall resting on your lap, you pluck the white hairs one by one from the fabric. No easy matter; some of the hairs are caught in the textile. A lot of patience is needed.

You hear muffled voices from the hideout. Too unclear to make out exact words, but the volume of mixed voices hints at a discussion.

It's none of your business. You are only tolerated here.

No time for distraction: your fight with Mister fluffy hair is not over yet - a stubborn little fighter. It does not become less. White sticks everywhere. You sigh.


Frightening, a tall figure appears behind you. You startle.

"I'm sorry!" It repeats.

The broad shadow towers over you. You don't dare turn around.

Slowly you peek out of the corner of your eye and realize: "A bear?!"

He makes himself smaller, lowers his head, and paws nervously from one hind paw to the other.

Grumbling, he mutters, "Polar bear. A mink to be exact."

Immediately, your features brighten. "You must be Bepo!"

O-Chi's and Pengorou's friend, you remember. Be nice and polite.

"Nice to meet you," you try a sympathetic smile.

Your voice lacks power, it sounds too uncertain. You still need some practice, but it's getting better. Slowly you find your voice again. Your real one, not the fake one.

A silence arises, uncomfortable and awkward. You two aren't very talkative, are you?

This gives you time to take a closer look at him. He has friendly round eyes in black obsidian color, wears a bright orange kimono with a small fish pattern on it and a typical samurai knot on his head.

To keep the conversation going, you ask him. "Are you a samurai?"

Bepo thinks, looks back and forth in a dubious manner, wondering if he should answer, and apologizes.

"No. The sword is a dummy," he taps the wooden sword and then raises his paws in the air. Performing a pose that is unfamiliar to you. "I'm a karate master. Hyaaa!"

"Wow," you gasp in amazement, "that's cool."

His furry cheeks are flushed red. Ashamed, he scratches his head.

"It's no big deal..." He mumbles sheepishly. He quickly turns the subject back to you. "And you? What are you?"

That's an odd question. Yeah, what are you?

"A woman," is all you can come up with. Hey, at least you didn't objectify yourself. You've given yourself a personal value. That's progress.

The mink tilts its head. It looks cute.

"Whose woman?"

You freeze. Embarrassment makes the air heavier.

You both hastily look away. Bepo starts humming an apology mantra as the intimate question repeats in your head for a long time.

Whose woman are you? Whose woman do you want to be?

His teddy-eyes becomes round and teary. He is struggling with the question that is so important to him. "Can I... hug you?"

Why would he want to do that? ...with you?

Hesitantly you nod - and immediately have fluffy paws around you.

His fur is so soft. And warm. Too warm.

Before it comes to a real hug, he stiffens. Alarmed, Bepo stretches his twitching black nose in the air and sniffs. "Oh Oh..."

You feel it before you see it. The watchful, sharp glances that bore into your form. A warning. Silver eyes stare dangerously at you, shooing you.

Nonchalantly, he leans out of the window. His tone the authority. "No lazing around. Back to work."

You two jump apart.

"Aye!" The mink salutes, wants to rush back to the house - but trips over its own paws. He lands on you and pulls you down with him.

Buried under heavy fur, you groan. You make an impression of idiocy. Not ladylike.

Clumsily, he gets up and races away on all fours. After what feels like a thousand apologies, he is gone, and even then it remains; his scent. Bepo smells like falling snow. Especially falling.

You can't stop smiling.

Lately, you've been meeting a lot of strange Individuals - and none of them you want to miss. It's refreshing. It broadens the horizon of your little world, which is beginning to change. It's gaining color.

Orange, Green, Silver, White... What color is yours?

You think of your favorite color.

One look at the hairy overall makes your smile fade. Now there's even more hair on it. Back to the beginning...

It's okay. You'd never take advantage of their hospitality without returning the favor. You are well behaved.

Because being useful is one of the few things you can do.

Do your best.


The work is done. Finally!

You take one last look at the clean overalls hanging from the trees and enjoy the feeling of having done something. Like a woman should.

Whose woman?

You blush again. You don't know, don't need to know.

You don't have to answer - not now - that is part of the future. You may enjoy the here and now. You are allowed to live the moment.

Life is short, far too short to be stuck in the past or chasing the future. The moment counts. So do it. Be alive.

The door of the hideout-ruin opens. O-Chi jumps out and stretches his arms to the sky.

"Finally!" He cheers. " Finally, free!"

Behind him, Mister Trafalgar - you term him more formally, out of respect - looks down at the orca cap with silver sharp eyes. "Free of me?"

O-Chi winces and fiddles nervously with his green kimono. "No, no. Hehe... Didn't mean it that way."

Pengorou rescues him. He grabs O-Chi in a headlock, dragging him dead serious through the door. "As free as a pirate can be!"

More people follow, but you only have eyes for two. You greet them with a shy smile and a wave. You notice their joy of seeing you.

They both run towards you, pushing each other because everyone wants to be at you first. They greet you warmly, "Lily!/Lily!"

It's an unusual feeling to be called that. But they do it with so much enjoyment... Warmth fills you.

O-Chi is first. Standing on your left, he takes off his orca cap, holds it in front of his chest, fiddles with the fabric, and looks at you over the rim of his sunglasses. Appreciation sparkles in his honey-colored eyes.

"You are so lovely." His smile outshines the sun. "You're even more beautiful since the last time I saw you!"

"Not long ago." Pengorou rolls his eyes behind his cap peak, pulling it lower to hide the second-hand embarrassment. He glances at you in the shadow of his cap, green eyes gleam with cynicism.

"Ignore the dumbass, he didn't get enough oxygen in there."

O-Chi chuckles unaffected. "Envious because you can't compliment her without blushing?"

"No!" Pengorou barks, turning away with his arms crossed.

His ears are red. O-Chi giggles louder.

You can't help smiling.

"Enough Peng teasing - We have a mission!" O-Chi exclaims proudly, wagging his index finger in the air and pointing at you. "Want to come along?"

Pengorou grabs him by the wrist. "Pointing at a lady is rude," he scolds him. Pengorou's face softens as he looks at you. With the back of his fist, he taps you on the shoulder and grins teasingly at you. "Have you missed us much, little flower?"

You blush. The words bubble out of you.

"We hardly know each other!"

Oh no. What have you done?

You've become loud! You quickly cover your mouth with your hand.

Pengorou's grin widens. He did that on purpose!

"I knew it." His voice holds pride. "You can use your voice if you want."

In all casualness, he strolls away, crossing his arms behind his head. "No makeup looks better on you, by the way."

Tilting his head, he looks over his shoulder at you. A fiery glint in his emerald eyes. "We are extremely dangerous. Do you dare to go with us? All alone with two men?"

He provokes you. You've never felt danger around them before.

O-Chi gently tugs on your kimono sleeve. You see your own reflection in his sunglasses.

"We missed you." His smile unfreezes the winter. "Without you, the world is not as beautiful as it is with you."

Your heart reacts.
He sincerely means all the things he says.

You are overwhelmed. How quickly can people form a bond?

There was never a wall between the three of you. It's as if they can see behind all your facades. It's like they see something you can't see. Deeper inside you.

Why do you feel so naked in front of them?

Self-discovery is a challenge that few face. And yet, you feel like you can do it. With them by your side.

Are they the key to your innermost treasure chest?

Pirates are known for capturing treasures. To steal them - not to purchase them.

Is that the difference?

After a quick goodbye to their captain, the three of you walk towards the town. It's a longer way, will take some time.

It becomes quiet between you. For a moment, you enjoy it, but it makes you think. Something is on your mind that you are bringing up.

"You ... are pirates?"

"Aye," Pengorou responds, deepening his voice. "We're really bad boys. Scared?"

O-Chi looks at you with concern. "Is that a problem for you? Being pirates?"

You think and take your time with the answer. Does it bother you?

Both men become restless. Their steps slow down, they remain silent, impatiently waiting for your response.

Finally, you shake your head. "No." A lie they see through.

Their eyes lock on you, waiting for more.

A sigh escapes your lips, pressed to slits. "Are you... followers of Kaido?"

Your stomach tightens at the thought of the tyrannical monster. "He brought so much suffering. The land is dying, the people are in pain. It's cruel... so unbelievably sad and cruel." Your voice becomes quieter and quieter, whispering, before it falls completely silent.

Do not cry. A lady does not cry.

It becomes very very quiet. The duo stops. You don't dare look at them. Without feminine grace, you are ugly and broken. You are not allowed to mourn. That is forbidden in Wano Kuni. The island of smiling.

You are startled by the strength of Pengorou's voice.

"That asshole will pay!" He growls in disgust.

O-Chi is less aggressive, showing his fighting spirit by smiling even wider at you. "Everything's going to be all right. We'll fight him."

What should reassure you, worries you.

F-Fight him? Are they insane?!

Shocked, you shake your head. "No. Please don't do this. It's suicide!"

But these men made their decision. No chance to change their minds.

"Do you care about us?" O-Chi sticks his tongue out at you, covering the serious topic with his light-heartedness. "A Heart-Pirate helps where he can."

Pengorou raises his fist. "We Heart's are fighters."

His grin softens, is soothing you. "Don't worry. No matter what happens; We'll come back for you."

Pain. A twinge in your head dizzies you for a moment. W-Why?

Why do these words sound so familiar? A trigger... for what?

Your mind blocks out, refusing to give you an answer.

It is pointless... Don't be a burden to them, don't worry them.

Distracting, you change the subject.

"Well... what is your mission?"

"Our mission," O-Chi insists, "is super top secret and totally important-"

Pengorou comments humorlessly; "We hand out flyers."

That's all they can tell you. 'Flyers.'

You accept and go with them. Bad mistake.

You feel safe. Too safe.

Your senses are warning you. Something is wrong. Fear. Lethal.

You feel eyes on you. Sinister eyes staring into your neck. Watching you with hunting gazes. Hungry for you.

You shudder. It sends shivers down your spine.

Who-? But as you look to the rooftops, there was no one. Nothing. Maybe an imagination. You better pray, you foolish thing.

"You okay?" O-Chi? Pengorou?

Absentmindedly, you nod. You feel their worried eyes on you, not a good feeling. You try to smile. With them by your side, you feel better.

Be a strong woman - become stronger.

"I'm okay." You reply and believe yourself. For now.

Your mission has already begun. You are just a tag-along, not an active participant in the whole process. But it's a 'we'-feeling. Kind of.

The three of you are walking through the streets of the Flower Capital. You take shortcuts and sneaky paths, disappearing into the crowd of people who have not yet recovered from partying. They don't notice your presence or simply ignore it.

To you, it looks more like a casual stroll. In fact, your two companions are doing their job; watching the passers-by, checking their ankles. Every now and then, they slip someone a flyer.

You don't know how important all this is. And you are a part of it.

Relaxed, you let your gaze wander-
Your eyes widen. You stop and take a step back.

It's her. Your boss!

Former boss. She's coming straight at you! She seems so angry, furious and murderous. Hurry, hide!

Panic-stricken, your eyes race to all sides - nothing. No place to hide. Only walls of houses. What now?

Oh no, she'll get you, she'll hand you over to Shogun Orochi, and-

Within two heartbeats, your guardians react.

Two pairs of hands, familiar and gentle, guide you. You are pressed against two bodies, strong male bodies. Protective and close, oh so close together. It's warm, so unbearably warm.

Behind you the wall of the house, you don't feel the coolness of it. Only the comforting aura of the two men in front of you, shielding you from the outside world. Creating a new one; a world where only the three of you exist.

Pengorou rests his chin on your lowered head, O-Chi leans his cheek against yours. You can feel the temples of his sunglasses.

Your body reacts with pleasant goosebumps to their closeness.

Your pulse quickens. Your heart stutters.

Their scent mixes with yours.

Honey and mint - A warmth of Heart.

"Shh," O-Chi whispers to you, "we're here. We won't leave you."

You feel Pengorou's Adam's apple vibrating against your forehead. Your lips are so close to his neck, you can almost taste his skin.
His voice is deep yet tender. "Don't be afraid, we will protect you."

"With our lives./With our lives."

It is scary. Not your boss, not anymore.

What scares you more is the feeling that blossoms inside you.

Unknown, strong, overwhelming. What is it?

It's like a fragile flower beginning to unfurl in your heart. Made to bloom by loving hands. One rough, one softer.

"Are we scaring you?" Their breaths caress your cheeks.

You shiver. You get dizzy, blissfully dizzy.

To answer, you shake your head. Your cheek brushing O-Chi's, your lips Pengorou's neck. Both men inhale sharply.

Your name. They whisper it; Pengorou deeper, O-Chi sweeter.

It burns your heart twice.

What do these men with you?

Even after your boss's clattering footsteps have long faded, they won't let you go. And you don't let go of them either. You embrace each other. It feels so natural, so right.

One of your hands grips each of their kimonos. Tight, not letting go. You capture the moment with your own hands. Holding it. Remembering.

One day.

One memory.

One eternity.

Whose woman do you want to be?

In the heartbeat of lily, honey and mint
there is only one truth...

A truth,

so deep at the bottom of your soul's sea,

that only a submarine can reach it.

One Woman - Two Men.

One answer.




Do you feel it?


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