waiting for you ➨ poe dameron

By multifandomsw

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Her head was spinning, her mind swirling around with questions and thoughts. Tears spilled out her eyes uncon... More

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109 6 1
By multifandomsw

⭑・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

Imagine Poe looking at Eliora like that AHH.

Zipping Aayla's red dress up, Eliora herself was stunned by what she saw. Aayla looked beyond gorgeous. The red of her dress in contrast with her dark skin was probably one the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Her long curly hair was braided halfway, thanks to Eliora, and her face was covered in make- up. It was not heavy make- up at all, but Eliora had insisted on the red lipstick that Aayla wore on her full lips. It just suited her so much.

"Who even has make- up at the resistance?", Eliora raised her eyebrows. She had never used anything as expensive before. Aayla laughed. "My father had bought me some when he was on a business trip." Eliora vaguely remembered Aayla telling her about Naboo, Aayla's home planet, one evening in their shared room. From what she had heard, Naboo really must have been the most beautiful planet in the whole galaxy. Eliora could only think that everyone there was wearing make- up and dresses, like some Aayla had brought with her. She still wondered if Aayla's family was rich.

Eliora could still she the nervousness coming from Aayla and until Snap wasn't finished with Poe, Eliora had to occupy her friend. "Wanna tell me about your family?", Eliora flashed Aayla a smile, who immediately returned it. "My mother's name is Pooja and my father's name is Jan.", Aayla began. "My mother was a senator representing the Chommel sector during the Imperial era and my father was her assistant- kind of. That's how they met.", Aayla explained further.

"Wasn't the General also a senator in that time?", Eliora wanted to know. Aayla shrugged her shoulders. "She was, but my mother was definitely not leading a rebellion in the shadows.", Aayla laughed. "They were all too afraid of the Empire.", she explained. "When the rebellion won and the New Republic was built, my mother served some more years as a senator. That could mean that the General might have actually known her, but I'm not sure."

Eliora was relieved to finally hear a normal family story, rather than what was going on in her family. If that was even what she could call it. "What's she doing know?", Eliora asked. "They settled down and are living their lives. Not doing anything against the First Order. Not caring until they actually attack their planet." Aayla sighed. "They have lost hope and faith. Thinking the galaxy can't be saved and living like nothing is happening. And I want to show them that there can, no will be a change."

Eliora grinned at her friend. She couldn't have said it any better.

"So your last name's from your mother or father?", Eliora smiled. "My father. Jan Stewe. My mother didn't even take his last name, because her name, her side of the family, is being highly praised on Naboo. There's a lot of history that I don't even fully know about. My great aunt or something like that had once been a respected senator during the times of the old republic. Before the fall of the old republic. But I don't know anything else, nobody in my family is speaking about it.", Aayla explained.

"I wish I could have taken my mother's last name, Aayla Naberrie would've sounded so much cooler."

Eliora laughed. "Better than having no last name." Aayla grinned. "I bet Eliora Dameron would sound just perfect." Eliora's cheeks grew red. "We aren't even a thing.", she explained. Aayla raised her eyebrows. "Yet." Eliora just shook her head and laughed. "So Jess is going to take your last name or you hers?", Eliora questioned, causing Aayla's eyes to widen. "I haven't even thought about that!" Eliora mentally slapped herself for having asked that.

"It's okay. You'll figure it out."

"But what if she doesn't even say yes?"

Aayla was freaking out. Again.

Luckily a knock on the door pulled them out of their thoughts. Without even hesitating, Eliora quickly opened the door, desperate to stop Aayla from overthinking. Poe stood next to an anxious Snap, grinning at Eliora. His brown eyes moved her up and down, before meeting her eyes again. "Still supporting my clothes, are you?", he asked with a smirk. Eliora had not had any time to change, and to be honest did not want to change. The loose pants and shirt she had borrowed from were really comfortable.

And they smelled like him

Eliora rolled her eyes, Poe was also wearing the same he had worn before, including the almost same pants and shirt, but adding one of his leather jackets. Her eyes moved to Snap, who was dressed up really nicely, wearing a blue suit that suited him. His beard was newly trimmed and his hair was gelled back. Eliora rolled her eyes at Poe's comment and looked behind the door, where Aayla was fidgeting with her fingers. "Come on.", she encouraged her with a grin. "You're going to propose to her. There's no going back."

The resistance had never been so lively before. Despite of the losses they had made, of all the battles they had lost, of the times they had almost lost hope, their hope had not died yet. They had seen with the winning of the battle, with the destruction of the Starkiller base, that there was still hope and would always be hope. There had been hope when the Empire was at their highest and there would he hope when the First Order was at their highest.

So instead of mourning over losses, instead of thinking what would come next, knowing full well the First Order would soon destroy the base, they celebrated. They danced. They laughed. They drank. It almost seemed like the war had been forgotten. Almost seemed like that was a normal celebration of a family.

They were a family.

But it was no normal celebration. It was the celebration after winning a battle against the cruel First Order.

Eliora glanced around and already saw some very much drunk pilots and mechanics. She smiled to herself when she scanned the crowd, looking for Karé and Snap. Poe stood next to her, a proud smile on his face. Rey stood on the other side, watching the scene carefully. Snap was going to propose to Karé firstly. The pilot was standing anxiously next to her, constantly fixing his necktie. Eliora almost laughed, Karé must be so confused. She wore a really beautiful dress and Eliora almost felt underdressed with Poe's clothes on.

Luckily, almost everyone else wore normal and casual clothes.

Deep in thoughts, Eliora had not seen someone coming closer to her, until the person wrapped her arms around her. The brunette girl was taken aback, until she saw the blonde hair and immediately knew who it was. Chloe. She hugged her back almost as tightly, they had not seen each other that day, being too occupied. "You don't know how much I would've needed you. Karé and Jess almost grew suspicious at how long I had to keep them occupied.", she laughed.

There was a short pause. "Are you alright? Aayla told me-", she began asking, but Eliora interrupted her. "Only a small scratch.", Eliora answered, but before Chloe could even respond, Poe stood there with his arms crossed. "Small scratch?", he questioned with raised eyebrows. Chloe tried her best to hold back a laugh. "She came back to base with a kriffing lightsaber wound and she acted like nothing had even happened. I had to find out when she hissed out when I hugged her!", Poe dramatically stated, but he was still worried about that situation.

"Then she fell unconscious in my arms and was out for a few hours." Chloe's eyes were now also wide. Instead of scolding Eliora, she turned to Poe. "And you haven't told me?" Poe took a step back and Eliora laughed. That was definitely not what he had expected. "Did he take care of you?", she asked, scanning his figure. Chloe had definitely changed. She was more confident than before. "Of course he did. He was almost too worried."

Chloe looked him up and down again, raising her eyebrows, before turning back to Eliora. Poe stood there, still taken aback and it only took a few seconds, before Chloe and Eliora both burst out laughing. They could almost hear the relieved sigh from Poe. Poe chuckled nervously, before he too, laughed along. Even Rey joined. But when Eliora saw Snap looking into their direction, she knew it was time. Eliora also spotted Aayla and Jess in the crowd, nodding at Aayla in approval. She was going to rock it.

They had even brought Leia Organa into all of this, so the General clapped her hands and everyone grew quiet almost immediately. Leia smiled softly at everyone. "I have asked myself not once if this was the right thing", Leia began. "I have not once doubted this resistance.", the princess continued. "The moment I decided to do this, I knew that I would never doubt this, I would never lose hope."

"Because who would General Organa be with losing hope?" Some people laughed. "Obi- wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!", someone from the crowd shouted. Leia grinned at that. "Exactly! Even then, even when the Empire was at their highest, there was still hope. Even when I have lost my entire planet afterwards, lost my family and my friends, I never lost hope.", she smiled.

There was a short break.

"Even when I found out that my father was Darth Vader I haven't lost hope." Eliora inhaled sharply at that. It was still her family. "Our rebellion had won the war. We built the New Republic. Our small rebellion that my father, my real father who had always been there, Bail Organa, had built, defeated an whole Empire." The crowd grew silent.

"My son has turned to the dark side. Has turned to the First Order, hiding in the heart of Kylo Ren." Some people gasped, but Eliora just stood there, listening. "Yes, my son Kylo Ren. But even tho the First Order destroyed the New Republic, destroyed what we had been fighting for for years, doesn't mean that we can stop. I built the resistance to destroy the First Order. To bring my only son back. I built the resistance to restore peace and love to the galaxy."

"The losses we made are immaculate. The battles lost are hurting us all. But we won this battle. And we will win the battle against the First Order. We won't stop fighting.", the General declared. "We have to remember who we are doing this for. People might think that love and war can't be put together, but it had to be put together. We won't fight without love. We are fighting for the ones we love the most. The ones we have lost and loved the most. The reason we all are still there is because of our friends, of our families, of our relationships."

"I have never lost hope. But that was not because I did not want to, I was close to losing it so many times. I have never lost hope because of the people surrounding me, the people I was fighting for. It was for my family, for my adoptive mother and father. For my friends on Alderaan. Then there was him. Han Solo had helped me a lot. It had never been a perfect love story, but it had been what was keeping my hope alive. The idea of love. One of the most important people in my life had always been my brother. Without him, I wouldn't be standing here today, or I would, with probably less wrinkles."


"No, I really wouldn't. He was one of the people always showing me that giving up was the worst thing ever. We just have to keep going. It will work out in the end.", Leia suppressed her tears. "We will find him, I promise you.", she nodded. "I'm also keeping hope because of my son. I know that there is still good in him. You can all make fun of me for thinking that, but it is the truth." Leia's eyes moved to Eliora. "Family had always been my number one priority. I wanted to keep them safe my whole life and I knew I would do anything to protect my family. I love them more than any words can describe."

Eliora's eyes moved to the ground.

Leia coughed.

"What I want to say is that love is the most important thing here. For friends, for lost ones, for family, for lovers. Either way it is what keeps us fighting. And it is the most important thing. I will always approve to love, no matter what.", Leia finished and everyone cheered out. That had been one of the most powerful speeches Eliora had ever heard. Many people had tears in their eyes and Eliora herself was at the verge of crying.

Looking down at her hand, she saw it being held by Poe's hand. She did not know when his hand found its way to hers, but Eliora decided to lean closer to him. Poe grinned at that and pulled her by the waist. Her head was laying on his shoulder and he placed a kiss on her hair, which smelled like his shampoo. He squeezed her hand three times. "That's why I am here today, standing in front of my beautiful girlfriend with no idea how I should begin this.", Snap interrupted the chattering.

"Like the General has said, it is our loved ones that keep us fighting. It is Karé Kun that keeps me fighting." Snap grinned. "She had been with me during everything, during losses, during mourning, during happy moments." He looked at the crowd. "It had always been her and it would always be her. I knew that from the moment I had laid eyes on her." He glanced at Karé who looked like she was going to pass out from shock any second. "And I'm asking myself why I was still waiting. For the right moment? No, I could lose her any second and I don't want to waste any time."

So he kneeled down. "So I'm not wasting any more time, instead follow the advice my best friend Poe Dameron had given me every day." Snap laughed. "Pal, ask her the question already I want to eat cake at your wedding.", Snap spoke slowly, in a deeper voice. He was imitating Poe pretty well. Eliora let go off Poe and looked at him, laughing. He had really said that? Poe only scratched his neck nervously. "You did not!"

Snap laughed. "He did!" Then he turned his attention back to Karé. "So I'm asking you, the woman of my dreams, to marry me.", he took a deep breath. "Karé Kun, are you going to make me the happiest man alive by marrying me?" He couldn't even finish his question, couldn't even show Karé the ring, before the blonde was hugging him tightly, repeating 'yes' a thousand of times. "He's lying, you are making me the happiest man alive. But he doesn't have to know.", Poe whispered to Eliora, watching from his eye as Karé slips on the ring. "You're just saying that." Poe shook his head. "Your thing if you're not believing me." He stepped away from Eliora, going to Snap to congratulate him. Eliora nodded at Snap and grinned.

Maybe there was still hope in the resistance. Just like Leia had said.

"I think now is the best time to do it.", Aayla spoke up, looking at Jess. "Just like the General had said, hope comes with love. I thought my hope came from my family, but it comes from here. From my friends and especially from Jessika Pava." Jess was blushing really hard. "The moment I have stepped into this base, I felt welcomed. Especially by her. I never really considered liking women before, but when I saw her I just knew it."

"She was kriffing hot.", Aayla laughed. "Not in a hot way like you would say to friends, but really hot to me." Eliora chuckled at that. "But her being hot was only the cherry on top. She made me the happiest person ever in this short time. She made me feel home when my real home with my parents couldn't give me that feeling.", Aayla flashed Jess a longing smile.

"Some people might think that it's crazy to want to marry a person after such a short time. But really- I don't give a shit. We're at war, I could lose her any day know and I'm not going to waste any time." She paused for a second, her eyes widening. "Shit I just spoiled the whole thing, didn't I?" Eliora let out a laugh at that. "Well, doesn't matter." She thought for a second. "Do I have to kneel down?", Aayla asked confused.

"Wait, shit, where's the ring?"

"Yes! I will marry you!", Jess shouted, not caring about Aayla being nervous. "I haven't even asked yet!", Aayla shot back. Jess laughed. "Then ask me, come on." Aayla kneeled down. "So yeah- uhm- will you marry-" Jess giggled. "Yes!" Aayla rolled her eyes. "I was not finished!", but before she could say it another time, Jess tackled her into a hug. "Doesn't matter now."

That was definitely one of the happiest days in the resistance.

"And now we celebrate!", Leia shouted, so that everyone's attention would be drawn away from Jess and Aayla making out.

Love was always the hope of the resistance and would always be.

Poe's eyes were scanning the crowd every few seconds. His friends- especially Snap and Yolo- had forced him to celebrate with him. And because most of the pilots and his squadron was drunk, he had to take care of them. He didn't want to, what he wanted was to be with Eliora and enjoy the evening, but he had lost her in the crowd the moment Snap dragged him to their friends. Poe desperately wanted to search for her, but Snap had convinced him not to.

"Come on man, she's going to be fine. It's not like she hasn't escaped Jakku on her own and fled the First Order. Now we're at the resistance. There's nothing to worry about.", Snap had told him.

"But her leg-", Poe interrupted.

"Her leg's healed. Come on Poe, I just saw her with Rey, she's perfectly fine."

That's what convinced Poe. Rey was a good friend and he knew that Rey would never let anyone hurt Eliora. Despite of the fact that Eliora could definitely take care of herself, could defend herself a thousand times better than Poe, he was still worried. There was this weird feelings lingering in the back of his mind. He celebrated with Yolo and Snap, but that didn't mean that he didn't scan the crowd every few seconds.

Eliora was leaning against a tree a little bit further out from where the celebration was happening. There was a bottle of Naboo wine that she had gotten from Aayla, who had snuggled it in, placed in her hands. She had lost her friends out of sight, so the brunette girl decided to deal with her grief instead of dancing and celebrating.

The wine burned her throat as she wanted it to wash away all of her burdens. She wanted to forget.

She wanted to forget about what had happened on Starkiller base. She wanted to forget about what Kylo Ren had told her. The girl wanted to forget about her family, she only wanted to think of her friends at the resistance. She did not want to deal with the constant questions lingering her mind.

Why did they leave her?

Why did no one tell her?

Why did they not search for her?

Why did they abandon her?




She wanted to forget that. She wanted to forget everything that had to do with the force. She wanted everything to be like it was before the mission. Before Jakku.

When she hadn't known about Luke Skywalker being her father.

Hadn't found out about the force.

Hadn't fought with Kylo Ren.

When she hadn't lied to Poe.

But she felt stupid. She felt guilty. Other member of the resistance did not even have a family. Others did not even have friends. She should be lucky that she found out she had a family. That she knew some things about them. That her aunt was only a few feet away from her. She should be grateful, but she wasn't.

Far from that.

The only think she hoped was that the liquor would make her forget. Even only for a day.





So listening to the chatter and everyone having fun, she was sipping at the wine. Trying to drink away her problems.

And she was happy that she had not talked with the General before the celebration, like she had planned to.

She was happy that the truth remained hidden from her just for a few more hours.

Trapped in her thoughts, the brunette did not even notice when someone sat themselves next to her. Only when she saw the blonde hair and freckles she was relieved. When she looked up at the person tho, it was not Chloe how she had expected it to be. Next to her sat Derik, smirking at her. Great, another thing she did not want to deal with. But the liquor and the experience gave her courage. She wasn't going to run, she was going to face her problems.

"What do you want Derik?", she groaned out, not even looking at him. Derik stole the bottle from her hand and took a sip himself. "Hey!", she protested, but he didn't give it back. She gave up, defeated. There was not much left anyway. "Just wanted to check how you are doing", he answered. Eliora rolled her eyes. "Ha ha."

"What are you doing here all alone?", he questioned, a grin still splattered across his face. "Nothing that matters to you." Derik did not give up. "I know exactly why you are here.", he answered. "Dameron had dumped you, that's why you are here drinking away your problems." Eliora laughed. "You wish." Derik moved closer. "But where is he? Your knight in shining armor. Where is he now?", he questioned seductive. "With his friends. Celebrating."

Derik laughed. "I just saw him making out with another girl. You're sure he's celebrating with his friends? Maybe not with his friends, but with a close friend." Eliora's heart stopped. She knew she shouldn't ever trust Derik again, shouldn't ever trust his words. But with the alcohol in her blood she felt even more self conscious. She knew Poe would never do anything like that, deep down she knew it, but Derik's words confused her.

"I'm not believing you.", she answered. Derik smirked. "You are not believing me? When I just saw him making out with Connix?" Eliora's eyes widened. With sweet Connix. Derik was definitely lying, was he? "We're not even a thing, he can make out with anyone he wants." Derik leaned closer. "You could make out with me then, too."
Eliora bit her lip. "One inch closer and I'm going to cut off your balls."

Derik backed away a bit, but still stayed there. "You wished there was something going on between you and Poe. I can see it on your face, you're absolutely in love with him.", Derik continued. "And then I see him making out with someone who is not you. What a pity, now there's no one going to protect you. No one is going to love you."

"You really thought someone like him could love you?" Derik snorted. "He is Poe Dameron. I mean just look at you and then look at him!" Derik chuckled. "He's the best pilot of the resistance, he could have literally everyone, why would he ever choose you?" Derik shrugged. "It was all a bet. Just like it was with me. Nothing was ever real. You know it."

The self doubt flooded back up at once.

"He was playing you, just like I was playing you. No one will ever truly love you." Eliora felt self conscious all over again. "Look at all the other girls at base and then look at you. You really thought you had a a chance, huh. Now there's no one protecting you anymore."

Tears were flowing down her face. Maybe there was truth behind Derik's words.

No one will ever truly love you.

Derik shifted closer to her, but before he could do anything, a figure was taking him by his collar and throwing him on the earth. "Haven't I told you that if you ever breathe into her direction again, I'm going to kill you?", the voice aggressively said. "Did you do something?" Derik shook his head fast, but the pilot would not believe it. Not until he would hear Eliora say it.

Poe had decided it was enough time without Eliora and began looking for her. When he spotted Derik next to her, his jaw clenched immediately and his hands formed into fists.

Poe glanced to Eliora, and when he saw her leaning against the tree, head buried in between her legs, his heart stopped. The sobbing was enough for him to step out of his trace and kneel down next to her. "Did he hurt you?" Eliora shook her head. Not physically, no, he had not hurt her. "Tell me what's wrong.", Poe whispered, trying to reach for her, but when Eliora backed away, his heart truly stopped. "Shit.", he cursed, then looked at Derik again.

"What did you say to her?", he shouted, moving into Derik's direction. When Derik did not answer, Poe grew even angrier. He wanted to beat Derik up, but he knew it wasn't the right thing. He could not do that. Not in front of the whole resistance, not in front of Leia, not in front of Eliora. He was not an aggressive person, but Derik was making him angrier than he had ever been.

"You're either going to tell me what you said to her, or I'm going to beat you up.", Poe warned. Panic was written behind Derik's eyes. "Just the truth." Poe let out a snort. "You know nothing about my life." Derik laughed. "I told her that I saw you making out with another girl. That she was only another stupid bet. That she's not good enough for you."

Poe's eyes widened.




The worst part was that Eliora had believed them. Poe would never do anything like that. Eliora was the only person he had eyes for, and would always be the only person he would ever again have eyes for. He already knew that.

Now the resistance did not matter anymore, he lunged forward, but someone stopped him. Snap was standing behind him, holding his best friend back. "Poe, Poe, you can't just beat him up.", Snap told his best friend calmly. "Come on, ignore him, he's talking shit. Bullshit." Snap let go. "This guy is not worth any of your time. Not worth any of Eliora's time."

Before they could even react, they saw Eliora ramming her knee in between his legs. "Never dare to talk to me again.", she told him. Derik was laying on the ground, groaning out and Eliora didn't even spare him a glance, as she walked away. But she was stopped. By Poe.

"Hey, hey, please look at me." Her eyes moved to his brown ones. "Eliora.", he whispered, seeing her tears. She wanted to go away, to not let Poe see her tears when he was also hurting. He grabbed her shoulders. "Every single word that came out of his mouth was a lie. Do you hear me? Every. Single. Word."

"You are the most beautiful girl I've ever met and sometimes I think that I don't even deserve you. Please listen, I really like you and I want this to work out, do you understand? I want this to work out with you. Only with you. Only ever with you. I don't want someone else, it will always be you. I never thought I needed someone to love in my life, but I know I need you. Please Eliora, please don't believe a single word he had just said. I would never kiss anyone else who is not you and it had never been a bet. Maybe it was with Derik, but this, this are my real feelings. I knew that even before I could have made a bet. Which I did not. Which I would not."

Eliora's breath hitched. That was the most heart wrenching thing he had ever said. "Poe.", she whispered. "I'm not believing any of his words." Poe let out a breath of relief. "I know you would never do that. I guess self doubt just got the best out of me." Poe smiled at her. "There's no need for self doubt. You're the most perfect person I've ever met and known." Eliora giggled. "What are you giggling?", Poe raised his eyebrows playfully. "You said the 'I would never kiss anyone else' part like we were a couple and I thought you were cheating on me."

Poe laughed at that.

"I would never even get the idea of cheating on you if we were a couple."

Eliora goggled, but then, she swayed a little bit. "Hey, are you ok?", Poe asked carefully. Eliora quickly stood still again. "Yes.", she answered, trying to stay calm. Why did the alcohol have to kick in in the most important moment? When she answered Poe, she felt totally sober, but now she felt drunk. Why couldn't she stay like that just a few more seconds. Poe looked at her for a second, roaming her face. Something was definitely off.

"Come on, we're going to go to the others.", he stated and when Eliora took a step forward and almost fell over, he knew it had worked. But what was it? His eyes moved from her, to the empty wine bottle on the ground. Then he groaned. "You did not drink that all by yourself?", he asked. "No, no, not all of it- Derik had the rest-" Poe sighed.

"Why didn't you just come to me instead of drowning down your problems with alcohol? I was listening to you earlier and I will listen to you. You told me everything, didn't you?"

Eliora's breath hitched. "Of course I did. But you have your own problems." Poe sighed. "I just told you how I want this to work out between us. So if you're not feeling well, come. To. Me.", he stated. "Please.", Poe added. Eliora nodded, but she knew she had not told him everything. She could not tell him everything. Did she feel guilty?

They headed to the crowd again, because Poe wanted to congratulate Snap one last time. His eyes were constantly on Eliora and when she almost began dancing with one of the mechanics, he said his goodbyes and went to her.

"Okay, we're going to get you into my room. I will not leave you here alone.", Poe told her, meaning every word. He would not let Derik get into her direction again, even tho he knew she could handle herself. But could she handle herself when she was drunk. Poe scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the direction of his room. He just hoped the General would not see him and interpret it the wrong way. He did not want to get teased too much.

"I have a secret to tell you.", Eliora told him. Poe was confused. He had told her how he felt, not all of it, but he told her that he wanted this to work out. Did Eliora even understand that? Had she been drunk? Had she not meant her words? "You're pretty.", she whispered. Poe's thoughts were interrupted and he blushed. "But I have a really really big crush on someone else." The alcohol had definitely kicked in. Eliora could normally handle alcohol, but the wine was really really strong.

Poe was quiet for a few seconds. "On whom?" Eliora sighed dramatically. "You have to promise me that you're not going to tell him.", she whispered. Poe was really confused and worried. "I'm not going to tell him.", he finally stated. "I have a really really big crush on Poe Dameron.", she whispered. "I'll be mad at you if you tell him!" Poe felt relieved and laughed. That was probably one of the cutest things ever. "I'm not going to tell him.", he laughed, entering his room and placing her on his bed.

She sat there for a second, before her eyes lit up when she saw these familiar dark brown curls. "Poe! I was just talking about you!", she giggled. Poe raised his eyebrows. Eliora blushed. She stood up for a second, looking into his eyes. Poe's heart raced. He wanted to kiss her the whole evening, but the moment never came. Eliora leaned forward and placed her lips on top of his. He wanted to kiss back and it took a lot of self control to pull away, because he did not want to kiss her when she was drunk.

He was not going to take advantage of that. He would never take advantage of that. Eliora sat down again and looked genuinely sad. But Poe did not feel sorry, he would never ever take advantage of someone who was drunk. Even kissing. Eliora could not want it. He placed his blanket on top of her and placed a kiss into her hair. "Good night.", he whispered.

And he slept on the ground.

Hey guys! Woah I'm really excited for your reaction on this chapter. There's so much going on! Okay, so firstly there is a BIG BIG reveal in the beginning and if you're really into Star Wars you have probably caught on. It had something to do with Aayla and Eliora.. have you figured it out? Then we have to marriage proposals YES and we have Derik (ugh) bothering Eliora again. She can handle herself! Then we have what Poe told Eliora and I have literally BUTTERFLIES and then drunk Eliora! And Poe taking care of her yes yes yes. He's so sweet ahh! And the fact that he won't kiss her because he doesn't want to take advantage of her- (the bare minimum to be honest, it gives me Steve Rogers vibes I don't know whyy) the next chapter's going to be amazing too! And we're soon into the Last Jedi! Love you all!!

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