Fake it till you make it - Lu...

By LifePlusMinus

83.7K 4.8K 11.9K

I wish my life wasn't like a script everything I do is an act I don't even remember who I am I have no idea w... More

1 - Who am I?
2 - Amaranth
3 - Kiran
4 - Wet
5 - Basement
6 - Rescue
7 - Dream
8 - Neighbor
9 - No way
10 - Miss Robber
11 - Athanasia
12 - Lucas
13 - Conversation
14 - Drinks
15 - Pissed
16 - Jealous?
17 - Second voice
18 - For now
20 - Lucas home
21 - Sir Ace
22 - Scolded
23 - Visit
24 - For Sissy.
25 - Music box
26 - Lily
27 - Baby
28 - Diana
29 - Ruby
30 - Text
31 -Kira
32 - Study
33 - What did I do wrong?
34 - Secret
35 - Something on each other
36 - Call
37 - White dog
38 - Date
39 - Baking time
40 - Dinner
41 - Pitiful
42 - Wanna go on a date?
43 - Preparation
44 - happy tears
45 - Dance
46 - Guilt tripped
47 - Episode 2
48 - Ambulance
49 - Awake
50 - Stay with me
51 - Good mood
52 - Sir Ace's office
53 - thmb drive
54 - Dad!?
55 - Truth & Playdate
56 - Books
57 - Mood swing
58 - Yet
59 - Date No.2
60 - Hallucinations
61 - Denial
62 - Hand
63 - Claude's will
64 - First horrible day
65 - Flaws
66 - Naiveness stopped?
67 - Four years
68 - Celebration (Happy new year)
69- What the future holds.
70 - The end
Bonus chapter - Jennette with who
Bonus chapter - WMMAP meet FITYMI
Bouns chapter- Ara
Bonus chapter - Devil's slave
Bounes chapter - Valentines
Bounes chapter - Kiran jealous?
Bounes chapter - Brothers
Bounus chapter - Book and homework
Special chapter - Call

19 - Her split

1.1K 62 36
By LifePlusMinus

  "Ew! Who delivered this drink!" I turned around and saw that Lena was complaining over her drink.

  'Since when was she this ungrateful.' I sat at my seat and stared at what was going on not planning to actually lift a finger.

  'What is she doing!' I was shocked Athanasia go up and walked towards Lena

  "I did." Athanasia said raising her hand

  "Why is it warm?" Lena said looking pissed.

  "Because I had to go and pick up those drinks myself." Athanasia sassed Lena.

  'So this is her split self...' I grinned sitting back and watching the show.

  "Then couldn't you be faster?" Lena complained.

  "I apologize for trying to help out, I'm afraid I'm incompetent enough to do this errand girl job that I wasn't hired to do." Athanasia said with a smile.

  'I see... This is interesting...' I was amazed with not only how her split self could talk but also the realization that hit me.

  The her that I met was cocky.

  And this her is quite cocky as well.

  But this is the split her.

  Which would mean the split her isn't another her it's a part of her!

  "Yeah this is how dumb you are, can't believe I'm putting up with your stupidity." Lena said.

  Athanasia looked around then looked back and Lena.

  "Me?" She said pointing one finger to herself.

  If I was drinking water right now I would've spit it out.

  'Damn! This girl is savage!' I let a few chuckles of laughter seep through my attempt to stop my laughter.

  I clenched my stomach from how hard I was laughing.

  "Duh! Who else?" Lena said rolling her eyes.

  "Oh! I'm sorry! I thought you were talking to yourself."

  The more I was watching this show the more amazed, amused and intrigued I got.

  "Ugh! Who hired her, we don't need a blind person on set." Lena said fuming.

  "Blind? I think we need to call a doctor, actually no. We should just call the ambulance, she seems to not be seeing things right, I think she needs medical attention." Athanasia said faking a worried voice.

  "Lucas." The director called breaking my focus of the catfight.

  "Can you stop them. I don't want to deal with actors acting like kids." The director said facing the script.

  "You got it sir."

  I looked back and saw Athanasia swiftly moving to her right and putting a hand in her shoulder.

  Damn! She's fast.

  "Don't worry Lena, we will get you some help soon ok?"

  I walked towards the two girls fighting.

  "Grr..." Lena growled she tried to attack Athanasia again.

  This was my time to step in.

  I caught her hand mid motion.

  "Just what do you think your doing?" I let my voice boom and bounce off the walls of the studio making it echo and sound louder.

  'That's strange... Why didn't Athanasia attempt to doge?'

  "S-sir Lucas!" Lena panicked.

  'I got you your recommendation here, I can also remove it.' I threatened Lena in my head.

  "Thank you for stopping that Lucas!" I heard the director shout.

  I smiled and nodded towards the director then turned into my cold face.

  "Sir Lucas... She started it." Lena said.

  I was about to say something but someone spoke first.

  "Oh really? But sir Lucas was behind me the entire time. Are you suggesting that's he's blind?" Athanasia smirked and faked a gasp.

  I was loving this side of her.

  Of course I mean it as a friend kinda way.

  I shot Athanasia gave me a look that both said 'I'm proud of you' and 'Stop'.

  As much as I liked this side if her this fight has to stop.

  "Lena go to the corner and calm down. I'll go put your drink in the freezer ok?" I offered fully knowing what I was doing.

  "No! No. I could never trouble Sir Lucas for something so minor like this!" Lena had evident panic in her voice as she picked up her own drink and put it in the freezer.

  'Worked like a charm.'

  "Oh? Ok! Well we better get moving now because we are done for today." I said waving my hand.

  'See ya later!' I grinned in victory as I manged to play with her head.

  'What's this girl just staring at me dazed for?' I turned my head a little and saw Athanasia looking at me in awe.

  "Come on. Your visiting my house today remember?" I reminded her.

  'Oh right! She was going to say something before Lena screamed right?'

  "What were you going to say just now?" I asked grabbing her wrist and dragged her.

  I was quite curious

  "U-uh! Nothing! Nothing at all!" She walking in front of me.


  'Shes heading the wrong way...' I hid my chuckle as I pointed to the opposite direction Athanasia was headed.

  "Um. Athanasia my car is that direction."

  She turned around and gave me a confused expression.

  "We're going back in your car?" .


  'Did she plan on driving her car? Or maybe it's her sister's car... But it's not here's anyways so...'

  "When did I agree to sit in your car?"

  "Never. Your sister drove off your car."

  'Did her sister not tell her?'

  "Lucas how much do you know about me?" She asked me as she started walking.

  'Lets see...'

  "Close to nothing at all. I only know your name, job , your split personality and Jennette who said she was your sister." I said.

  Athanasia went quiet and deep in though for a second.

  'I want to know what's going on in that head of her's...' Athanasia sometimes seems deep in though.

  "Jennette is my cousin, but I lover her as my sister!" She pretended to be cheerful.

  'Sigh... When's she going to learn that this doesn't work on me...' I sighed in my mind.

  "Ah... Ok! So you don't love her as a sister... Got it!" I replied.

  What's she just standing there for?

  "Come on! You going to stand there or get in?" I pulled her wrist and pulled her so she would sit down in the back of the car.

  "You know. What you did back there was amazing." I said as I sat at the front and kept my eyes on the road.

  "Thank you! And I know right! I'm so good at these kinds of things" she grinning and put on her seat belt.

  'At least I know she's quite prideful...' I somewhat smiled.

  This wasn't really her.

  But yet this was also her...

  "But how did you know I'd stop that punch? From what I've seen you know how to doge."

  I was amazed, I thought she was some damsel in distress.

  "I just did. Plus you seem like you care for me too much that you won't stand there and watch me get hit, on top of that I know your not the type of person to stand around and do nothing when violence is going on." She said sounding cocky.

  'Her split seems to be quite observant.' I noted that down mentally.

  "You know I didn't know you had it in you to make smart remarks." I grinned thinking of what great comebacks she made.

  "Well guess what! I do! And I'm very proud of it!"

  'I wonder if I can try to sneak a message into her head...'

  "So... If you did it once you can do it again right?" I said.


  "Great! Because if you can do it again it means that it's a part if you, not someone else. It means that you can actually also do that.if you can do it over and over again it means that you have the ability to make smart remarks too." I said smiling.

  I looked at the mirror on top and saw how she looked in awe.

  She realized what I said...

  "Why did Lena fear you so much?" She asked changing topics.

  'Seems like she doesn't want to talk about this...'

  "Like every other girl in this universe, she likes me." I proudly claimed.

  "No only does she like you she also seemed to have a high amount of respect for you since she didn't want you to help her."

  'Shes quite good at detective work herself too... I guess this is also what she and her split self shares...'

  "I may have gotten her the role of Penelope by recommending her, so that explains why she respects me." I stated.

  "I see."

  Silence fell in the car.

  'This is the first time I'm with a girl and there's complete silence...'

  'Normally they are rambling about nonsense.'

  I wanted her expression turn from relaxed to tense.

  Our comfortable silence turned to tension seeping off Athanasia.

  'Is she ok?'

  "What's going on? I can sense the tension." I asked keeping my eyes on the road and on the mirror where I can see her expression.

  "Jennette got into an accident." She said I jammed the breaks making the whole car come to a top with the wheels squeaking.

  'Wait... Athanasia's sister got into an accident...?' I was more concerned with how Athanasia would react then the fact that Jennette got into an accident.

  "Jennette what?" I asked looking at her reaction hoping she won't go into that state that I saw back at the studio.

  "She ran the car into a lamp post." Athanasia said sighing.

  'Athanasia seems... Fine?'

  "Aren't you supposed to be concerned...?" I asked.

  "Yes I'm slightly concerned, but I know she's going to come out of this alive frankly speaking I'm more worried about what father is going to do to m-" her eyes widdened and she put her hands on her mouth.

  'Does she have family problems...?'

  I mentally noted to Google about her family later.

  I'm sure something will pop up since being actors we have our whole lives on the media.

  "What is your Father going to do to you?" I said anger, concern and suspension laced my voice.

  "Nothing! Absolutely nothing! But for you information I am concerned but I know she won't die plus look at the photo you can see that Kiel is already helping her." She said showing me the photo that I wasn't even looking at.

  'Is she seriously not going to talk about it?' I mentally sighed...

  "Fine I'll drop it."

  'For now.'

  'She doesn't seem to trust me which is understandable...'

  'Right... I forgot she might not think of me as her friend...' I felt a little bit sad but it was understandable.

  I started driving the car again but it was filled with tension that only got more as Athanasia continued to scroll her phone.

  "Athanasia?" I called she didn't seem to hear me.

  "Hey you ok?"

  "Yeah." She replied.

  Well more like her split replied

  She breathed in and out then continued on her phone.

  She scrolled and sighed again.

  Then she looked down.

  'I can sense her moods getting worse'

  By this time I was paying more attention to her then the road.

  She lifted her head up and rested against the car seat and smiled.

  'Her moods falling down...'

  "Athanasia?" I called snapping me getting her attention.

  "You ok? I sense your tension and on top of that you suddenly went silent." I said.

  "I'm fine!" She said faking a happy smile.

  'Sigh... Right I can't expect her to trust me...' I couldn't help my mood go down a little bit.

  "I know your not going to say what's in your mind, but... Just know that if you need help I'm here ok?" I said.

  "Ok..."she said weakly and smiled.

  She got back in her phone but now her mood was ok.

  If anything it was getting better.

  I took the last turn and arrived at the entrance of my house.

  "And we're here." I said getting out of my seat.

  Athanasia sighed as she walked out of the car.

  'Does she not want to visit?'

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