I'll be good

freedominthewind tarafından

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Thanks for 322 reads guys I'm thinking of doing another update but I'm not sure let me know what you think! W... Daha Fazla

The truth


263 7 12
freedominthewind tarafından

It had been two weeks since Regulus had gone to join his brother at the Potter's house. He never realised that he would be gaining a family with people that actually loved him for who he was.

It had also become a Regular occurrence that Regulus would go to sleep in his own bed and wake up the next morning next to James. James usually woke up first but not on that particular morning.

Regulus was sitting out with Remus in the backyard just talking about things that had been going on with them.


"Yes Regulus"

Regulus took a sip of his coffee.

"If someone had told you that this is what life was going to look like would you have believed them?"

"Not at all Regulus"

They sat together like that for a few more moments before the others had woken up.

"MOONY WHERE ARE YOU I NEED KISSES" Sirius yelled from somewhere in the house.

"Wow Remus I think you might wanna go take care of that, he seems to be in dire need of your love" Regulus chuckled.

"Haha Reg, what about James?"

"He is a big boy that knows how to walk he can come find me if he is that desperate, I'm quite comfortable where I am."

Remus then laughed a little before walking away inside to try and find the wailing Sirius.

James had woken up in a momentary panic as Regulus was not there but then Remus had told him that he was still outside while walking past to find Sirius. James had put on his warmest sweatpants and hoodie to go out and find him.

"Finally Reggie I found you" James sat down on the bench next to Regulus in a huff.

Regulus leant over and put his head on James's shoulder. Nothing could have prepared him for the life that he now had. He had someone that loved him and he had a family, he couldn't have asked for anything else.

"Is it ok if I go into Diagon Alley today I want to pick up a few things, I especially wanted to buy your parents a gift. They didn't have to take me in but they did and I want to show them how much I appreciate it."

Sometimes Regulus did things or asked permission to do things that didn't really need permission asking for doing.

"Reggie, you can do whatever you want to, I was honestly just going to go lay in bed and watch some old movies so you can go its ok" James kissed Regulus on the cheek. He wanted their first kiss to be special and he definitely was not going to rush Regulus. He like him and wasn't going to jeopardise it and do something that wasn't even that major. Regulus ran off to floo into Diagon Alley.

And James did exactly what he said he was going to do, he went and got something to eat and then went back to bed to watch old movies while he waited for Regulus to get back but somehow he managed to fall asleep halfway through the second movie.

Regulus had always wanted to buy the potters a thank you gift for taking him in but he did have ulterior motive and once he fulfilled those he apparated back home.

He walked into the bedroom to Find James fast asleep so he knew that he had time to execute his plan. He knew that what he wanted to do was crazy, they had only been together for a few weeks. But he would never do it without asking Mr and Mrs Potter.

He had left James sleeping in bed and went downstairs and found Mr Potter sitting at the table eating lunch while Mrs Potter was out doing some shopping.

Regulus sat down and all of a sudden had became extremely fidgety and nervous. Mr Potter could see that he was very nervous.

"Regulus is everything ok, has something happened?"

Regulus's mouth went dry, this was the only way he could do it, it didn't make it any less daunting for him though.

"I would like to tell you something but I don't want it to change the way you think of me" Regulus was extremely scared that they were going to think less of him.

Mr Potter knew. He had known ever since Regulus had gotten there and he had caught a glimpse of Regulus sneaking into James's bedroom in the middle of the night. He had realised though that they could come out and tell them when they are ready.

"Regulus" Mr Potter could see how much he was struggling.

"Yes" Was all he could get out.

"I know"

"You know?"

"I saw you sneaking into his room in the middle of the night"

"You didn't say anything"

"I thought Regulus that as you are right now would tell me when you were ready, I couldn't force it out of you"

Regulus seemed lighter like he wasn't hiding so much anymore. He was still nervous as to what he was going to ask but he knew things would be ok.

"Your not disappointed?"

"At what the fact that my son has found someone that will love him unconditionally as he loves them?"

"What if I'm not good enough for him?"

"You are my son, I cant see him to be this happy with someone else."

Regulus knew he just had to come out and ask. He took the ring box out of his pocket and put it on the table.

"I wanted to ask you something" Regulus was nervous.

Mr Potter knew what was coming but didn't think that it would come so soon.

"We are young and I completely understand that but I need to tell you that I'm done the boys, the parties they don't mean anything to me anymore. Without even realising he has become my whole world, he has made me want to live again. James is it no one else will ever compare to him."

Regulus had started to become extremely nervous thinking that maybe Mr Potter would say no due to where Regulus had come from but Regulus wrong he had nothing to worry about.

"You really love my boy"

"I do sir"

"Will you do whatever it took to protect him and love him unconditionally?"

"I will"

"Then I have no other choice then to say yes."

"Do you really mean that?"

"You are the greatest gift my son has ever received, I will never be able to repay you for what you have been able to give my son. You are like my son I will always be so happy for the both of you."

Regulus got up and hugged Mr potter.

"Thank you for letting me love your boy"

"Thank you for loving my boy"

Regulus ran off to go find James and left Mr Potter standing in the kitchen smiling.

Regulus found James still sleeping but he had one more person to tell before James and that person was Remus. He found Remus sitting in the room that he shared with Sirius.


"Hey Reg how have you been"

"I've been doing pretty good, are you alone?"

"Yeah Sirius is off on an adventure looking for I don't even know what he wont be back for hours, what's up?"

"I have to show you something and I don't want you to freak out ok?"

"Reg what is going on?"

Reg took the ring box out of his back pocket and placed it on the bed.

"Oh Reg is that what I think it is?"

"It is Rem"

"Can I look at it?"

Regulus handed the box over to Remus and he gasped when he saw the ring inside.

"Regulus it is beautiful"

"Do you think that he will like it?"

"He will love it I promise you"

"Should I tell Sirius before or after?"

"Reg if you even want to get the chance to ask you might want to tell Sirius after"

"I'm going to go do it right now"

"Well I'll probably go find Sirius wherever he may be, and i know Mr and Mrs Potter are out so you two will have the house to yourselves for a few hours"

Remus hugged Regulus.

"Thank you"

"Its not a problem."

Remus took off down the stairs and Regulus waited to hear the front door shut before he went in to James.

"James, get up I have a gift for you."

"Go away mum, its not wake up time yet" James said groggily swatting his hand in Regulus's direction.

"I take offence to that James Potter, I don't believe that I look anything like your mother"

James had finally realised what he had done and just buried his head in the pillow before he sat up. He looked around trying to see what was going.

"What time is it?"

"Sometime in the afternoon I'm not too sure"

Regulus thought that this would be the easiest part, but for him he had come to realise that what he was about to do was a lot harder than the other things.

"I have a gift for you, but you don't have to wear it or anything I just thought that it would look good on you. I'm not going to pressure you into anything your not ready for but I intend for people to know that you belong to me and only me"


"This will be easier if you close your eyes"

James did as he was told and Regulus took the ring box out from behind his back and held it out in front of him.

"Ok you can open them now"

James opened his eyes and gasped.

"As they say a Slytherin is ruthless and when they want something they get it" Regulus chuckled.

James was now sitting cross legged in front of Regulus all of his attention on the box. Regulus opened the box and inside with two matching silver bands with one small emerald and ruby embedded in it.

James picked one of the rings up from out of the box.

"Look inside"

James looked and engraved on the inside of the ring was a stag and a crow. James started to tear up.

"They're beautiful" James whispered tears rolling down his cheeks.

In that moment Regulus had realised that he had never been happier than when he was with these people that he can call his family.

James had recovered and was now just ecstatic.

"Are these what I think they are?" James asked Regulus.

"They are whatever you want them to be"

"So if I were to say yes to you then they would definitely be what I think they are?"

"That's usually how it goes James, someone gives the person they love a ring the other person says yes, they kiss they cry, then they enjoy the moment"

"Well Regulus Arcturus Black before I take you up on that offer I will need a kiss just to you know say that you kissed me before you put a ring on my finger"

"Please don't ever say my full name James you sound like my brother" Regulus said while shaking his head.

James went and moved back and sat up against the headboard and gestured for Regulus to sit in his lap. James looked into Regulus's eyes and all he saw was the love that Regulus had for his family.

James wrapped his arm around Regulus's waist and flipped Regulus over onto his back. Their hearts started to race as James leant his body against Regulus's.

"I want to kiss you"

"Then kiss me"

James leant down and pressed his lips to Regulus. Their tongues explored each others mouths as Regulus wrapped his arms around James's neck. But then it was over all too soon.

"Wow that was some first kiss" Regulus said while trying to even out his breath.

James looked at Regulus and just replied to him with one single word.


Regulus squealed at the fact that James Potter actually said yes to him.

"You tell anyone that I squealed and i will hex you so bad"

James crossed his fingers.

"I swear on my life that I will never tell anyone that you squealed."

"Thank you potter"

"Now are you actually going to ask me or are you just going to assume that is what I was saying yes to"

"Fine. James Fleamont Potter you saved me when I was convinced that I was damned and that there was no use trying to save me. I then came here and I saw that you felt the same way about me that I feel about you and that's when I realised that maybe there was a chance for my soul to be saved and you James have proved that even the damned souls can be saved, so I was wondering if you would be willing to spend the rest of our lived together however long they may be together. I am aware that we are young and that many people would say to us that we are rushing into things but this is it for me there is no one after you, I want to get married and in the future I would I would even like to have a few children, there is no one that I could imagine myself doing all that with then you"

James held Regulus in his arms.

"I've felt the same way this whole time I couldn't imagine myself doing life with anyone but you"

"I'm glad to here you say that potter" Regulus just smiled.

"So what do you think my answer is going to be?"

"My intuition says that your going to say yes"

"Well then Reggie your intuition is correct"

"So its a yes?" Regulus became excited.

"Yes Reg its a yes" James said slightly amused at how excited Regulus was, he almost never saw him like that.

Regulus leant over and kissed James hard and sweet like they have the rest of their lives to do it. Regulus could not believe that James had actually said yes to him, he really did think that James was gonna say something stupid about that they are still young and that they haven't even been dating for that long.

He reached for the ring box and took the one that as meant for James and he slipped it on to his finger which fit him like a glove. James then saw the second ring and didn't even hesitate to take it out of the box and slip t onto Regulus's left hand.

They were now engaged and James had never been happier.

"Reg promise me something"

"Anything for you love" Regulus said while snuggling closer to James.

"Would you take the name Potter?"

"Of course I will I don't want to keep the black name for any longer than I have to"

James and Regulus were still alone in the house when James decided that they could have some fun.

James flipped himself over with Regulus ending up on top of him. They started to kiss again with more passion and intensity than before. Regulus took off his shirt and continued kissing James. James then took off his shirt. Regulus started leaving a trail off kisses down his chest and even leaving hickeys around his neck.

James flipped Regulus over and started to leave hickeys all over Regulus where they would be visible to everyone and that there was no hiding them.

He stopped though he wanted to make sure that this is what Regulus wanted.

"How are you feeling?"

"I want you, I want all of you"

"Are you sure Reg"


James wasted no time with removing his own pants and then Regulus's. He went slow trying to be gentle he knew that it was Regulus's first time so he wanted to make it as pleasurable as he could. He started out slow and then started going faster and faster. When Regulus was close James would tease Regulus and stop which would then cause Regulus to dig his nails into James's back in pleasure leaving large red scratches that wouldn't fade for weeks.

James kept going faster and faster but didn't stop that time Regulus growled with pleasure before both of them collapsing on the bed.

They just laid in the bed together, not worrying about anything.

"Hey guys I know yo -" Sirius looked at them shirtless and then looked at the floor where their pants were lying.

"OH MY MERLIN, OH NO" He stared at them in shock like he didn't know what to do.

"JAMES POTTER I GAVE YOU PERMISSION TO DATE MY BROTHER I DIDNT EVER WANT TO WALK IN ON WHATEVER YOU TWO HAVE BEEN DOING." He swept his hands to either side gesturing to all the clothes on the floor.

"Sirius I am so sorry that you walked in on us please forgive me" James was acting frantic but also amused at the situation.

"JAMES FLEAMONT POTTER YOU HAVE ABOUT THIRTY SECONDS BEFORE I CHASE YOU DOWN AND HURT YOU SO bad." Sirius was actually yelling at that point completely forgetting that his brother was still in the room.

Regulus would have stepped in in any other occasion but he knew the boys and he knew that his brother wouldn't actually hurt his best friend.

James had gotten dressed faster than he ever had before. He turned to Regulus who was still in bed under the covers.

"Love I believe that I have to go now"

"I can see that" Regulus chuckled.

Janes had ran out of the room with Sirius close behind him. Regulus thought about how his boys were crazy but for him he thought he wouldn't have it any other way. He could still hear Sirius yelling at James and James apologising to Sirius and he had found it somewhat amusing. He decided that until those two calmed down that he would just sit there and read something. He had come to realise that James's taste in books was quite like his which made Regulus happy.

No sooner had he gotten settled with the book and Remus had walked into the room, Regulus scrambled to make sure the bottom half of his body was covered with the blanket. Over the summer Remus had been staying with them and quite often he had helped Regulus out and they sort of became friends.

"Hey Rem, they still going?"

"Is that even a question Reg those two are pretty much the same person"

"That is true"

"Can I ask what they are yelling about, all I heard was James yelling that he was sorry"

"Turn around so I can get changed then I'll tell you"

Remus turned around while Regulus hopped out of bed and over to the closet James and Regulus shared and put on just some jeans and a knitted sweater.

"You can turn back around now"

"So what happened?"

"Sirius caught us together" Regulus had said while trying to keep a straight face.

"He caught you two together? He already knew that you two were together" Remus was now looking at Regulus pretty confusedly.

Regulus didn't actually think that he would have to spell it our for the smartest of the marauders.

"Yes Remus he caught us together, in bed, without clothes on" Regulus just sighed as he put his head in his hands.

Remus tried to keep a straight face but he just couldn't do it and he just broke out into laughter. He thought it was one thing to walk in on your best friend and someone but to walk in on your best friend and brother. Remus just couldn't believe it.

"Oh Reg I am sorry, you would be lucky if you ever got James back after Sirius is done with him."

Remus and Regulus were talking about their holidays when Remus saw the glint of the silver band on Regulus's left hand. Remus laughed a little.

"Merlin when Sirius sees that he is going to be ever so traumatised and probably cry you know that right?"

"Unfortunately I am" Regulus said while absentmindedly twirling the ring on his left hand.

"I've got to say Reg I am so happy for you. When you told me you were going to do it I was excited for you. I've got to say for the few moments that I saw James he seemed a lot happier than he had in a long time."

Just at that point Sirius came back into the room and went to Remus and just sobbed into his sweater.

"Remy did you see the ring, my brother came in here and stole my best friend right out from under me"

Remus thought that it was the funniest thing that had happened.

"Its okay Sirius they love each other like I love you its ok, Regulus is still your brother and James is still your best friend"

Sirius still sobbed.

"What am I going to do?"

"Why don't you give them a chance?"

"A chance?"

"They obviously love each other Si and I know that deep down your probably so happy for them so give them a chance to be happy. Give them a chance to just be for a while before you try to attack James again"

Sirius had to agree he did have to at least give them a chance, they deserved that, and he never actually would hurt James, he could see how happy they made each other.

"JAMES I KNOW YOUR LISTENING DID YOU HEAR THAT?" Sirius yelled out while sitting in his boyfriends lap.



In that moment all Regulus could think about was the family that he had been given, maybe he wasn't damned after all.

Okumaya devam et

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