Los Santos Adventures

By DrexhunterCross

35.6K 1K 518

Hey guys here's another chapter. Now i know it's out of the blue and it seems kind of odd. But have a read an... More

Los Santos (Ch.1)
Business (Ch.2)
A Job for Three (Ch.3)
Michael De Santa (Ch.4)
Preparation (Ch.5)
Jewellery Heist (Ch.6)
Race Spot (Ch.7)
Alexa (Ch.8)
Training (Ch.9)
Racing Off (Ch.10)
Lamar's Heist (Ch.11)
A New Player (Ch.12)
Choices We Make (Ch. 13)
Crew (Ch. 14)
Patching things up (Ch. 15)
Prison Break (Ch.16)
The Mess (Ch.17)
Business Plans (Ch.19)
Sandy Shores (Ch.20)

Military problems (Ch.18)

704 28 5
By DrexhunterCross

Lamar: "Do you see the cars yet?"

I shook my head and turned to Lamar; he wore camo clothing. But gave it his little spin on it as he sat on the side of the road, covered in shrubs. Waiting for the target to arrive. In contrast, I lay on the floor on a slight ridge and peered through the scope of my rifle.

Y/N: "No... Not yet. Mai, how we are looking?"

Mai: "They're on route, less than a minute away."

Lamar: "Thanks, baby girl."

Mai didn't respond, and for a moment, I glanced down at Lamar. We didn't have time to gather many things. The plan was simple; I would have to take out the truck. Thus, forcing the men in the cars to come to a grinding halt, taking them out one after another.

Lamar would act and take the trucks in between these shots as I create cover fire with him. Now covered in leaves and hidden in the bushes. My only hope was this worked out.

Lamar: "I see 'em."

The trucks rolled up over the highway, four men in each car. Finally, the payload in the middle, taking a deep breath, I focused on the driver and went completely silent.

Y/N: "Sorry."

A round was fired, and I watched the bulletproof glass take the shot. Cocking the gun once more and firing a second time, the bullet finally went through. But instead of the head that I had aimed for the first. This one had struck his throat. He held his throat as the man who sat beside him peered out of the window.

Trying to find me, reloading again. The communicator went off in my ear as the group started calling for backup. Mai had quickly acted, jamming their radios. The third shot finally struck the second man, and he topples onto his friend. The truck came to a screeching stop.

Lieutenant: "Shots fired! I repeat shots have been fired!!!"

Y/N: 'Come on... Get out of your Humvees.'

On cue of the six cars, four of them stepped out; my shots rang out as I took out two right behind one another. Then another soldier made a run for cover near the guard rail of the highway. Putting another magazine in, I watched bullets fly towards the mountainside, none near me.

Y/N: "Lamar."

Another dropped and then another, as the two remaining cars rammed into another. Again, creating a barrier for their men.

Lamar: "Give me one second."

Out of the corner of the road, Lamar revealed his weapon and fired down on the soldiers. Forcing them to duck jump back into the vehicle.

Y/N: "Mai, you're up."

Mai: "On it!"

Mai's drone flew past the car and dropped something in the air. It landed on the roof, a sticky bomb and watched it explode, taking out twenty men. A shot rang out, and I looked down at my shoulder, bleeding from a bullet, skimming the side of my shoulder. The remaining group of soldiers had found me.

Lamar: "I'm pinned down!"

With a groan, I threw the sniper rifle to the side and watched it take the bullets as I moved to the side, then glided down the side of the hill. Taking out my pistol and acted as cover fire.

Y/N: "Lamar, you need to move to the truck now!"

Lamar: "On it. Shit!!!"

Lamar darted to the truck as a stray bullet struck my shoulder, making me scream, forcing me to drop my pistol. Two men remained, and as I slid down to the ground, their rifles trained on me. Clutching my shoulder, the two looked at me.

Soldier: "You are under arrest by the American government for attacking soldiers on her home soil and-"

He heard the truck starting up again, and it was the moment I needed as I reached for the knife on my hip. Then thrust it into the man's throat, spinning around and grabbed the soldiers rifle. Yet, the remaining soldier kicked me back, but not before the gun was trained on him.

A single shot rang out from the barrel of the weapon, but it was enough as we both toppled to the floor, he was dead, and I wasn't. I coughed and held my shoulder, knowing already that I was bleeding out.

Lamar: "Boss!"

Y/N: "I'm alright... Lamar."

Grabbing a mound of dirt on the ground, I forced it into the wound and screamed, then used the gun as my crutch, forcing me to my feet. Looking up, I found Lamar running over to me, grabbing my arm and helped me to walk.

Lamar: "You're going to be OK."

Y/N: "Lamar, we need to hurry. They're going to be here soon."

Lamar placed me on the driver side and grabbed the explosives on his waist. All of the sticky bombs, he threw them across the Humvees as I pulled myself up to the driver's seat and put the trunk into first gear. Before I could put my foot on the gas, the radio on the driver's side was on.

"Soldier, what is going on!"

Lamar had just leapt into the passenger's side, kicking out the glass for me to see. In comparison, I reached out for the speaker.

Y/N: "Shots have been fired, sir. Casualties. But insurgents are pushed back... Moving to RedZone."

Glancing over to Lamar, I started driving the truck out of the little mess we had caused. With Mai speaking over the communicator.

Mai: "You need to get out of there. They're getting the jets ready. "

Y/N: "Good thing we have masks on."

"Who is this!"

Screamed the radio army radio and groaned. Then saw the soldiers rank and badge number on my seat then spoke up.

"This is Lieutenant Joshua Brown of the military squadron. Been shot, sir... Requesting... Back up."

Lamar pulled out the radio, and I smiled at the man, knowing what I wanted to do. Finally, away from the pile-up of cars, Lamar pressed a button, and I watched the carnage take over.

Mai: "We're good. We've got maybe ten minutes before they figure out where you are."

Y/N: "Doesn't help."

I stated as pulling the wheel to the far right and went on the dirt path. Again, forcing the trunk to go as fast as possible while the dirt road becomes thinner and thinner by the second.

Lamar: "Three minutes left."

Y/N: "I know; I know...."

We came to the pass, and I groaned as I forced the truck off the road and onto the hill. The wheels screeched, and Lamar looked at me, not sure what to say as we climbed up the mountain.

Lamar: "You can't be serious; we're going to fall!"

I didn't dare look to Lamar's side, I could already tell that the truck was skidding down the mountain, but the speed was still there but was being lost with every second longer that we spent on this road. But a paved highway was coming up, and when the truck finally went onto the street.

Mai: "30 seconds, they are almost right above you!"

I ducked under the impasse and brought the truck to a stop as cars and trucks raced over the highway above us. Lamar and I sat there in silence, already hearing the aircraft flying overhead. But we were undercover, thanks to the highway.

For a minute, we sat completely still and waited...

Careful of every breath we took, then Mai's voice came over the radio.

Mai: "You're good. It's doubling back and going a different route."

Lamar, without even saying a word, pulled me into a hug as I silently bit my teeth.

Lamar: "We made it! WE FUCKING MADE IT!!!"

Y/N: "Shoulder... Bleeding!"

Lamar: "Fuck, oh fuck, sorry, playa."

Lamar moved back, and I nodded, then told him to get out. Get the truck we stole yesterday. So we can quickly change rigs. He left the car as Mai spoke up.

Mai: "How badly is it?"

Y/N: "Shoulder and possibly leg wound. I felt it when I started walking."

Mai: "I'll get Izzy; he'll be there soon."

On the other side of the communicator, I could already hear Mai phoning Izzy and giving him my coordinates. I stripped off my clothes, asking Lamar to help me put on my regular clothes. Then watched him switch out the trucks, then did my best to put the tarp over the container and watched him drive off.

For two minutes, I waited on the side of the road. A had covered my face as I baked in the sun. The sounds of cars wheels hitting the pavements made me chuckle, then a blue supercar appeared by my side. My friend was stepping out and helping me into the car.

My eyes were becoming heavy as he spoke to me.

Izzy: "Come on, buddy, stay with me now. Don't go to sleep!"

The car raced onto the highway, and as I took shallow breaths. Clutching the seat belt, not even able to put it on, with the lack of strength I had. Then finally, Los Santos came into view, and I smiled; we couldn't be than ten seconds away from the doctor.

[Izzy's Pov]

Driving through a red light and then another. As my car wheels started to screech across the road, I could already tell this would be bad. I took a hard right and stopped in front of the doctor's house. Calling him already halfway to Y/N's location.

His gate was already open. This was a routine thing for calls like this. When the garage closed, the doctor appeared with a stretcher and a nurse by his side. Kicking the door open, I ran to the passenger's side and moved Y/N out. The doctor placed him on the bed and pulled out his stethoscope.

Doctor: "He's faint... What blood time is he?"

Izzy: "A Positive."

Doctor: "Then we are in luck. We still have a few litters of blood lying around. Come inside."

The doctor moved Y/N to his private room, the only room in his mansion prepped for surgery. Then, already donning gloves, he got to work. The nurse is forcing me outside, taking a seat on an old Victorian-era couch. I pulled out my phone to call Mai.

It didn't take long for her to pick up.

Mai: "Is he alright?"

Izzy: "He's already in surgery. How are the plans going?"

Mai: "Lamar is driving everything to the location. I'll be taking a personal dive into their computers."

Glancing back at the surgery room, I pinched the bridge of my nose. Y/N was a lot of things, but doing something this stupid. It wasn't his choice that much was clear.

Izzy: "I'll keep you posted."

Mai: "Thank you."

She hung up and quickly returned to my car's trunk, pulling out a folder and computer. Knowing that all I could do now was wait, that didn't mean I couldn't put the time in and remove my driving errors from the police database or work on the plan Y/N mentioned.

[Mai's Pov]

Standing outside of the house where the truck was being parked, I watched the Lamar step out. His hands were shaking, and he went real silent as I walked over to him.

Lamar: "Please tell me, Y/N's alright... I didn't want to leave on the side of the road. But he told me too! So I need to know he's OK!?"

Placing my hand on his shoulder, I spoke up.

Mai: "He's in surgery now. We need to get to work... Don't know what they have inside."

Lamar: "Right... Right... We should be there, though."

Mai: "Not yet."

With heavy footsteps, Lamar entered the house and went to change. While I quickly scanned the trunk and sighed, the microchip gave the truck its location. Has been disabled when the drone had flown over it. Pulling the hood off, I grabbed the tools needed and dug it out.

Moving to the back of the trunk, I noticed a small amount of blood coming from the driver's side. It could be Y/N's or someone else's blood. I didn't want to know and moved to the back at a faster pace. Opening the door required Lamar's help as he got a cutter from the garage.

Burning down the locks, we opened the back and were silent. Inside were three large crates and a small bike in the front, but it ran on power. Inside was a computer already prepared, unlocking the mechanised locks on the containers. A brief smile had made its way across my face.

It was the only good thing that came out of today, and even still, it didn't matter that much.

Lamar: "So what are these things?"

Breaking the code, I shrugged my shoulders. Of course, there was a whole bunch of nonsense jargon involved. But, the weapons were just as the coded.

Mai: "Says something... About a rocket launcher, Air Shotgun, WTB Stun Launcher... EMP handgun and... There's a lot of stuff here."

Lamar opened one of the crates revealing one of the shotguns, then started digging through the rest. We'd have to hide these things for some time. But the one thing in the front was probably even more impressive as we wheeled it out.

Lamar: "I know a bike when I see one. But what does this thing do... It's a got a clip-on attachment for the rider?"

Searching the databank, I went completely silent. The entire file was blank, and the name for the vehicle was called the Oppressor MK 1.

Mai: "I'm not too sure. It's going to take a while to hack the records of the vehicle. So just put it in the back, and we'll work out where we need to put it."

Lamar nodded and placed the bike in the back. I knew right away that Y/N would love the cycle alone. There was Y/N's idea, grab any knowledge we had on the vehicle or any blueprints. Make two copies, and then leave the container out with most of the weapons in it. We destroy it in the evening...

Can't possibly keep everything. We'd be lucky in the next twelve hours that the army or police won't have some form of lockdown. We'd need to move fast. Lamar was already putting a dud of the bike in the back cargo container as I switched out few rifles for the guns that we were going to exchange when that was done.

Lamar drove off with the container again near the peer, where the explosion would take a few hours from now.

[Time Skip]

[Y/N's Pov]

There was a light be placed in front of my eyes, flinching and finally opening my eyes. I found a doctor staring up at me. He smirked and put his flashlight away.

Doctor: "As you can see the light... His pupils appear active. How are you feeling, son?"

Trying to lift my arm, I fought back the urge to scream and growled under my breath.

Y/N: "Like I got shot."

Doctor: "Oh, you're putting it mildly, if you've been asleep for near twenty-four hours. You're lucky the bullets had gone through, and we didn't have any complications. They didn't even nick an artery. Good for you."

Y/N: "Good, for me... How much?"

Doctor: "Oh... I'd say in the ballpark of about $5,000."

Y/N: "Five thousand?"

Doctor: "We can always let you die."

Y/N: "Have I ever mentioned how much I hated doctors."

The doctor chuckled as he helped me out of my seat; he gave me a new set of clothes that Izzy had probably bought. He was always a problem when it came to clothing. Carefully I placed on my clothes and looked to the doctor as he smirked, holding out a bottle of drugs.

Doctor: "These... Will help you move around, but I would suggest a week of sleep. Your body needs time to heal."

Opening the container of the painkillers, I took two and sighed. Placing it in my coat pocket and pulled out a small brown paper bag that stated I needed to phone Mai, then pulled out my phone, giving the requested amount to the doctor. Then stepped outside to find a taxi waiting for me. Glancing back at the doctor, he explained that it would be best if I didn't drive.

The taxi drive spun around and waited for my answer as I stepped into the car.

Taxi driver: "So, where do you want to go?"

Y/N: "Take me to Vespucci beach. I'll be talking to someone while you drive."

Taxi driver: "Whatever, man."

Said the driver in a Hispanic accent, casually drifting into the traffic heading for our destination. So with that out of the way, I called Mai.

Mai: "You're awake!"

Y/N: "Shoo, I'm still pretty banged up. How did it go in the end?"

Mai: "As good as can be expected, all things considered, we destroyed the good like you said-"

There was a voice on the other line, and already I knew who it was, as he yelled out over the phone.

Y/N: "Lamar, is that you!"

A quick change of hands, and Lamar spoke up.

Lamar: "My dude, you finally awake. You know Mai was getting pretty worried, so... You know me and her kicking it and shit. Where you now?"

Y/N: "I'm heading to Vespucci beach."

Lamar: "Cool, cool, listen, man, we need to talk about the shit we got cause... It's some crazy shit."

Y/N: "Sure, we'll do dinner or something."

Lamar: "Oh... What... Hang on, dude-"

Lamar's voice hangs up, and instead, I'm greeted by someone else on the phone.

Izzy: "My god, you're awake. Dude, are you heading back to your place?"

Y/N: "After... Maybe."

Izzy: "No, listen. I moved the van to my place in Rockford hills."

Y/N: "Izzy no it-"

Izzy: "Listen here, mate, you're staying with me. What? Do you think I'm going to let you stay in an RV alone? While your body is recovering. Fuck that."

With a chuckle, I was already nodding my head in agreement. Then looked to the driver and brought the phone a bit closer.

Y/N: "Izzy, right now, I need you to put the phone on loudspeaker. Cause I'm going to need you all to listen in on this."

Izzy: "Sure... Alright, phones on loudspeaker."

Y/N: "Good, is Mai there?"

Mai: "Present."

Y/N: "OK, good Mai, I need to ask about the documents. Were you able to download them?"

The driver gave me a look in the rear-view mirror then turned back as I caught him staring.

Mai: "Have you checked your right coat pocket?"

Following her instructions, I pulled out my medication and a small thumb drive.

Y/N: "Got it."

Mai: "Well, at least you didn't lose that. It holds all of the files we got. But, of course, they're encrypted with my personal touch."

Y/N: "Mai, have I ever mentioned you're a genius?"

Mai went silent; I could only imagine she was blushing or showing off to the others.

Mai: "You could refer to it more often."

Y/N: "Sure. Mai, the genius. It's got a ring to it. Now, Izzy, I'm going to ask you a favour."

Izzy: "Sure, what do you need?"

Y/N: "Can we please... Have a big ass barbecue. I need a stake."

Izzy broke down laughing and, for a brief moment, smiled at his antics. Knowing that was one of the quickest ways to get him in the mood for a party.

Izzy: "I'm ordering the stuff now."

Y/N: "Thanks. Now, you guys stay out of trouble."

Lamar: "Have you met us, dude?"

This time I laughed and nodded.

Y/N: "True, but don't get in trouble without me. Alright, I'm near Vespucci. See you all later."

The Driver came to a halt near the entrance of the walkway. Then quickly turned to me, ready for his payment.

Driver: "Twenty dollars' sir."

Already in my hand was a hundred; the man stared at me as I quickly stood up.

Y/N: "You want to earn another hundred, drive me to my next destination. I just need to drop off something."

The driver quickly nodded and stopped the couple about to jump into his car. Taking a left, I found the mask store and promptly sent a message to Dave to meet me here.

For ten minutes, I browsed the mask section and hoodies. Quickly buying one and putting it on, there was a mirror that the store owners put up to catch thieves; it had a view outside of the store and with my hood up. I brought up my wrestler's mask as Dave and Steve came walking onto the scene.

They glanced into the store, probably looking for me as I peered down at my mobile. Sending prepared message stating the package is near the luchador masks in the back. The Dave moved to the back while Steven stayed out front. Glancing around the place with a chuckle.

I found a connection to a nearby fire hose outside the place, and with a click of a button, the thing went off. Making him jump out of his skin, he brought out his badge and started moving towards it. Creating the perfect distraction for me as I slipped around the other side of the building.

Finding my driver waiting for me, arguing with another couple.

Driver: "As I said before, I already have somebody that's waiting. I'll call my friend. He'll pick you up."

These two humans were in the kindest of words. Holiday goers and had the air of privilege in their voices. The woman reached out for his phone, wanting to snatch it, as I came around the back of the car.

Y/N: "My friend, get in the car."

"And who the fuck are you!"

This dumb blonde bimbo screamed as her man, a guy, ripped but was using steroids. Walked in front of me as I opened the door for the car. He held him on the car door, forcing it open.

"No way, dude, you ain't going nowhere!"

Y/N: "Yes, I am..."

Lifting my shirt, I revealed the gun, and he quickly stepped back, falling on his ass. In comparison, I slammed the door and told my driver to step on it.

Driver: "Idiotas!"

Y/N: "Don't remind me."

Driver: "Well, sir. Where would you like to go?"

Y/N: "Rockford hills, please."

[Time Skip]

It was maybe seven in the afternoon when we officially started to cook Izzy on the barbecue. At the same time, I'm constantly handed drinks from everyone that passes by. It was a small gathering, with everyone already here except for Franklin. He quickly joined since his house was around the corner, and our two guests from the night prior were also here.

Emma sat on the couch beside me while Juliet dealt with the boys outside as she put it.

Emma: "So, what happened?"

Y/N: "got shot."

Emma broke down laughing, and I sighed. The two girls asked what had caused this accident, and everyone had come up with their own. Izzy stated it was a motorbike crash. Lamar said it was a fight; Mai had been the most interesting, which was I fell down the stairs.

Emma: "No, seriously, how'd you get them?"

With a sigh, I turned to Emma and chuckled.

Y/N: "Motorbike accident."

Emma: "Hmm, knowing you, it was because you were going too fast."

Remembering how I slid down the hill did give me a certain flair. But it didn't matter now. Emma downed her drink then looked to me, a sultry smile making its way across her face.

Emma: "So, can you still move?"

Y/N: "Yes, but everything hurts."

Emma: "I've got something that is aching to ~."

Already rolling my eyes, I looked to Emma and shook my head.

Y/N: "Sorry, Emma, off the market."

Emma: "Since when?"

That seemed to anger her as I repositioned myself.

Y/N: "Got me a girlfriend a few weeks back."

Emma placed her hands on my cheek as she sat on my hips. Her eyes were staring down at mine.

Emma: "Is she better than me~."

Y/N: "That depends on what you want to hear."

Emma pouted and moved back to her side of the couch. She walked off while I chuckled; Juliet had stepped in with a glass of red wine in hand.

Juliet: "What happened?"

Y/N: "Nothing, just told her about my new girlfriend."

Juliet rolled her eyes; I told her the story the following day after our little meeting about the vanilla unicorn. She didn't seem to believe it and sat down beside me.

Juliet: "If she's your girlfriend. Why isn't she here?"

Y/N: "Because her job is being a pilot."

Juliet narrowed her eyes and smiled. It was the sort of way one looks at you and has already decided on their actions as if they had years of experience which brought them to the same conclusion.

Juliet: "Sweetie, she could be hooking up with anyone there and besides... Girls this day and age aren't loyal."

Motioning with her eyes, we Emma holding Izzy as he cooked. The two talking to one another as Lamar was taking apart a burger with every bite.

Y/N: "Why do you stay with her... Doesn't it hurt?"

Juliet: "That's the funny thing about open relationships. You become more open to pain and seeing people from another side. She's not doing this to hate me or anything. She is just a free spirit. She could talk to anyone and offer them hope."

Y/N: 'Or a hook-up.'

Juliet sighed once more and turned to me.

Juliet: "Were you at least able to think up something about Leon?"

Y/N: "Well, yes and no."

Juliet: "Need my help?"

Y/N: "Remind me, you studied law?"

Juliet: "And a minor in accounting."

I shook my head and took another sip of my beer.

Y/N: "My god, we came from different worlds."

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