? Produced By E.F.A. and L.F...

By Dogqueen1

54 7 2

Two kids who find an abandoned warehouse and their whole world changes. Sci-fi comedy with minor fantasy and... More



6 1 0
By Dogqueen1

I woke up having no idea where I was. I looked around as I remembered the night before, going to the warehouse with Ez, Nick, his shovels, the drone, and eventually agreeing to be a part of their project. Ezra was obviously concerned about it, but I couldn’t see the harm. All the guys we met seemed decent, even Nick who was probably just misunderstood. After all there was definitely something going on with his parents, (who gives an 8 year old a shovel?) and his offhand comment about their bad parenting. What Al said about coping mechanisms kind of made sense. It was like animals taking on color patterns of venomous critters to stay protected, weird, but effective.

Another thing we did was send texts home saying we were staying at each other's cousin’s houses, the cousin part being Hannigin’s idea. You know the guy with all the fancy words? Yeah, turns out he’ś the brains of the entire operation, came up with the idea, basically the head scientist, except he’s not a scientist. John was close second though, making Hannigin’s thoughts a reality. Getting it off paper and actually working.

Al had a knack of getting into places and coming out with useful parts and information for what they were working on. And he’s good with technology too. And Nick was the muscle and brute force, so people don’t mess with them too much. I mean would you mess with a guy who sleeps with not one, but two shovels like they’re stuffed animals? I didn’t think so.

Anyways, I finally dragged myself out of bed, which was really just a sleeping bag on the floor, and went off to try and find some breakfast because I was starving.

Ezra was already in a makeshift kitchen and smiled over at me when I entered. “Lizz, this is basically just the Tardis! It’s so big, you would not even believe it! I didn’t ‘till I saw it, and I haven't even seen it all!”

“Or, you are just bad at estimating sizes,” Hannigian said, pushing up his glasses, which were decidedly thick plastic frames and lenses. “Although figuring out Time Lord science is another project I want to work on.”

I went in, grabbed a giant pancake(or maybe two) and started eating. Living with these two nerding out with each other for the next who knows how long was going to be interesting to say the least, and I would need energy to deal with them. Ah well, I suppose we’ll find out, huh?

Signing off-Lizzianna

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