L4d 1 & 2 oneshots ❤ (CLOSED)

By Letmeread222

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Another oneshot book of hundreds on this site because I'm hyperfixating. I'm going to avoid x readers since... More

😳NSFW important note!
💐🌌Queue page🌌💐
Hurt and grieve but don't suffer alone
A comedy of errors (NSFW)
Old, New, Borrowed, Blue
Learn you a little something
Two bits
The stork in the storm pt. 1
The stork in the storm pt. 2
The stork in the storm pt. 3
Those dreams chasing me
A trip down pt.1
A trip down pt. 2
Fic tests!
Tough love (Nsfw)
Carnival Games pt. 1
Carnival games pt.2
Carnival games pt. 3

Carnival games pt. 4

54 1 0
By Letmeread222

And finally, the end! Hope you all enjoyed! All warnings are the same.


Emma sighed, leaning back against the wall as Ellis paced nearby. Nick and Rochelle were still out. It had been a good while since they got here and they showed no sign of waking, despite being long since healed. Coach sighed, folding his arms, looking towards them once more. A quiet cough sounded through the room, making everyone's heads shoot up. The cough was followed by a quiet choking sound. Coach rushed over to Rochelle, sitting her up and slamming his palm to her back. Rochelle coughed harder, gagging and choking as Emma and Ellis watched on. After a few more pounds against her back, Rochelle spat whatever had lodged in her throat from the earlier attack. Coach rubbed her back, looking over to Nick.

"What the hell happened?" Ro asked, voice hoarse, taking a bottle of water from Emma.

Emma shook her head, sitting back down. "We were ambushed, barely got through the horde."

Rochelle took a long drink, coughing again before clearing her throat. "Have any of you heard the chopper pass by?"

The three shook their heads and Rochelle's shoulders sank. A sharp hiss alerted the four to Nick. He twitched and spasmed on the ground, face twisted in agony. Ellis and Emma rushed to him, hands hovering over his body. Nick hissed once more, a gasp escaping him when he tried to roll on his injured side. His eyes burst open, leaking tears as Emma and Ellis turned him on his back and sat him up. Nick grasped at his side, cringing as he felt warm wetness.

"Ah, shit, his stitches broke!" Ellis said. "Emma, get another medkit!"

Emma did so as Ellis gently unwound the bandages adorning Nick's torso. Nick still cried out in pain, clutching Ellis' shirt, stray tears streaming down his face as the bandages refused to separate from his skin. Ellis furrowed his brow, yanking the soiled cloth away from Nick's ribcage as he muffled a shout into his shoulder. Emma tugged out the structure and thread, looking over the gash just below Nick's ribs. She took a cloth from her bag, wetting it with water, and cleaned the area as best she could. Ellis squeezed his shoulder, feeling him cringe with each touch. Emma ran the thread through the needle and, after pulling out the old stitches, began to sew Nick up again. He gasped, holding on to Ellis for dear life. Emma tugged the thread, making sure the stitching wasn't too close to the opening, not wanting to repeat her earlier mistake and cause Nick to rip his stitches again.

She tied it off and cut the thread, taking out a bottle of pills and water for him. "Here."

Nick took the items, hands trembling like an earthquake. "Gracias," he muttered.

Ellis took his wrists, steadying the other man's grip as he fumbled with the items. "Whoa now, buddy. Relax. Don't wanna be hurting yourself now, do we?"

Nick sighed, taking the pills and water much slower than before. "How long have I been out?"

Emma shook her head, standing and getting a gun. "Hour or so at least."

Nick hissed, accepting Ellis and Emma's help up. "Goddamn it! We missed the chopper!"

"Now-" Rochelle coughed, sliding down from the table. "Don't say that! It could still be around!"

Nick frowned, taking a gun. "Well, even if it is, how the hell are we gonna signal it? It's not like we have the bat signal or some shit! Just admit it, Ro, we're doomed."

"Don't y'all start thinking that for one second longer, son," Coach said, voice clear and triumphant, calling everyone's attention. "I got us a plan." He pulled himself up to sit on one of the tables, folding his arms. "Y'all know the Midnight Riders? They're gonna save us."

"How?" Emma asked, reloading her gun.

Ellis scratched his neck. "Coach, I hate to break it to ya, but I don't think they're actually here."

Coach smiled, a gleam in his eye. "I know how we can get outta here. First we do a quick check around for corn dogs." He chuckled. "Nah, I'm just playing. First we look for supplies. Then we start the rock show. Because nobody, and I mean nobody, has a bigger pyrotechnics display than the Midnight Riders."

Rochelle grinned, jumping up. "And that'll signal the chopper pilot! Coach, that's brilliant! I'm sorry about all the bad stuff I said about your crappy band."

Ellis shook his head, blinking and waving his hands in front of himself. "So we gotta set up to rock, then fight zombies? What next? Dinosaurs flying down from the sky and shooting lasers out of their eyes? This is the best day of my life!"

"Hell yeah!" Emma said, high-fiving him.

Nick smirked, leaning against a wall, cringing a bit at the pain. "That is about the stupidest idea I've ever agreed with."

"Coach, you are a brilliant man." Ellis nodded, smile confident. "I'm in. Let's rock and roll!"

Emma raised her hand. "Seconded!"

Rochelle raised her hand too. "Third-ed."

Coach smiled wide, slipping off the table and heading towards the door, gun in hand. "Alright, everybody grab a weapon and let's go!" He unlocked the door and left the room, cheering. "These zombies better be ready to rock."

Nick rolled his eyes, grabbing a new gun. "Okay, we'll set off the pyrotechnics, but I'm telling you right now. I am not going to air guitar!"

"Sure you won't," Emma laughed.

Ellis whooped. "This is gonna be like the fourth time the Midnight Riders have saved my life!"

They left the saferoom into a thin area akin to a lunch hall, filled with tables and food vendors. The five tackled the small crowd of infected waiting for them and proceeded onward. They checked the bathrooms and a kitchen for supplies, only finding pills and a pipe bomb. They came to the end of the room, finding a large entryway that opened into the peach pit outside. Everything was unlit and a few zombies hung around the bleachers and the wooden structures adorning them, cleared away by a pipe bomb.

"There's the stage!" Coach said, approaching it.

"Any ideas on how to start the finale?" Rochelle asked, joining him.

Coach hummed. "We need the lights first..."

"Already on it," Rochelle said. "Someone hit the lights!"

"Got it!" Emma called, climbing the bleachers finding a defibrillator on each wooden structure, molotovs, a sniper, and a whole cabinet of medkits.

The house lights went off and the stage lights took their place, making the Midnight Riders' backdrop glow. Emma stuffed her bag as much as possible, hauling it up on her shoulders as she jumped down the bleachers. She turned, seeing Ellis' small form approach the microphone at the end of the stage.

"Check one, two."

Emma laughed, watching as Nick tugged him away from any more playing.

"Hey, guys, I found a bunch of medkits!"

"Good work, girl!" Coach said. "Ro, help me throw out these fireworks! Nick, Ellis, find as many molotovs, boomer biles, and pipe bombs as you can, Emma, get as much medical shit as you can. This is gonna be a long concert, folks, we'll need everything this stadium has to offer."

The five scattered, doing as Coach told them. Emma dumped her medkits on the stage, alongside Chompski and the grenade launcher. She turned back, crawling every corner of the stadium for pills and adrenaline shots, finding plenty hiding around. Ellis and Nick passed her multiple times, each time their belts and pockets bore greater fruits of their labor. By the time the three returned to the stage, where Rochelle and Coach were laying out guns, ammo, and guitars, they were carrying armfuls of supplies. Rochelle helped them put the biles and molotovs down gently so as to not destroy what they'd so meticulously put together.

"Think this is enough, Coach?" Emma asked, cracking her neck.

Coach took a guitar. "We'll see, girl. We'll see."

Ellis came over, cheerful as he traded his axe for the guitar. "Coach, you ready to rock?"

"Hell yeah I am, boy! I'm a rider for life!" he laughed.

Rochelle looked at him, desperation in her gaze. "Promise me you won't start air guitaring."

Coach just smiled, giving her a coy smirk. "No promises are made at a Riders' concert, girl. Now, one of you, start the finale!"

"I got it!" Nick called, running over to the tape deck. He looked down at the machine. "Coach, Ellis, sorry to break it to you but your heroes lip-sync. There's a tape back here labeled 'Finale'."

Ellis laughed, unmoved by the information. "Lots of bands lip sync, Nick. Ain't nothing wrong with saving your vocal cords for the studio." He threw the guitar over his shoulder, waving his free hand. "Besides, that don't matter. I could never hear the music over the pyrotechnics anyway."

Coach shook his head, smiling. "No, they're just saving their voices for the studio. That's smart." He pointed to Nick. "You mock because you're jealous. These men are living legends."

Emma couldn't suppress a laugh. "I'm pretty sure that tape is for the pyrotechnic guys anyways, they need to know when to time and everything, after all."

Nick rolled his eyes, hesitating over the deck for a moment. "Coach, when I start this, you aren't gonna start dancing are you?" He paused for a beat. "Ahh, screw it,- If you have any taste, cover your ears. I'm starting the finale."

The heavy strum of an electric guitar slammed their eardrums followed by the call of a horde and Coach laughed. "This is gonna be good!"

The stage lit up with sparks and the calls of specials rang in their ears. Crowds swarmed over the sides of the stadium, pouring out from every angle. The five stood together, Emma squeezed between Nick and Ellis' warm bodies as they held up for the fight. Together, they proceeded to slaughter what felt like hundreds of zombies, an endless swarm coming down upon them like judgement day.

Rochelle grinned, laughing as she shot down a boomer. "Woo!"

Coach cackled along. "Rock it out!"

"Hell yeah!" Emma shouted, kneeling for a better aim.

Their confidence flew high, arching into the starry sky as they continued the slaughter- fest. Nothing could touch them in these moments. Despite all they'd suffered through, they were now invincible against the undead's legions. The five hollered and whooped in joy. Their veins filled with adrenaline as they filled the infected with lead, row after row, clip after clip. After a while, their bodies began to tire. Minutes passed with no sign of the chopper. Everyone began to grow tense as hordes continued to pour over into the stadium.

Coach switched guns. "More! More! We need more!" He looked around. "We need more lights!"

Nick looked to Emma. "Hit the flash bangs!"

Ellis looked to Nick, grinning. "Hit the spotlights, baby!"

Both tore from the group, rushing forward and hitting their designated buttons. Emma leaped back from the flames, Nick stumbling away from the tape deck. Ellis tugged him back over, yanking him from the claws of a coming zombie. Infected climbed the roof supports before falling to their deaths, weighing on the rickety metal. The survivor's luck was running low, but they clung to their hope nonetheless. The earth rumbled beneath them and a tank appeared over the far end of the stadium. It ripped up some seats, throwing them to the survivors.

"Mierda!" Emma yelled, grabbing a molotov, "tanque!"

She threw the mollie. It landed over a box of fireworks just as the tank jumped from the seats. The muscular infected exploded into fire, another horde called by its roars. Coach spun on his heel, firing at another box and making it explode. Everyone else followed his example. Soon, the stage was surrounded by a wall of explosions and sparks, burning infected to a crisp the second they came into range. The blast of heat sent the survivors reeling back against the wall, panting and gasping. Emma was a little flattered by Nick and Ellis holding on to her so hard.

The music went off, the lights calming after a few seconds. The pops and bangs of the fireworks followed minutes after. The five cautiously pulled away from the backdrop, looking around. Why did it stop? Did something hit the tape deck? Was that it? Everyone jumped when the next song blasted into their ears. The lights flashed dancing about and Coach began to bounce, grinning.

"Every lady's crazy when your daddy's not around...!" He sang.

Rochelle pumped her fist, reloading her gun. "Whoo! Okay! Okay!"

Emma laughed. "Sing it, Coach!"

"Wooo! Midnight Riders ruuule!" Coach shouted. "I love this song! I love all these notes!"

Nick rolled his eyes and Ellis laughed. The horde and specials called again and the five returned to their safe spot, ready for another round. Coach had no hesitation singing and dancing along to the music for the duration of the song. Eventually, Rochelle, Emma, and Ellis gave in, humming along and joining his joy. Nick was the only one left out, though he still tore into the horde with glee. The song continued and after another horde, another tank came upon them. Nick threw another molotov, lighting it up. Ellis ran out of bullets and dropped his gun, turning to the grenade launcher. In chaotic joy, he took the launcher and began shooting the tank.

A second tank came in, backing up the first one. Coach, Emma, and Nick took on the second tank as Ellis and Rochelle took the first. The tanks threw bits of the concrete floors, metal poles, and benches at the stage, slowly wearing the supports of the ceiling. After a few minutes, which felt like hours, the tanks fell. Ellis took out the last of the horde with a few more shots before stowing the launcher away. The song came to an end and the setup became silent and lightless once more. The five looked around, straining their ears for the helicopter, only to hear nothing. Their hope began to drain. They couldn't fight forever and they knew as much.

Nick sighed, glancing at Ellis. "I know I'm going to regret this, but turn it up!"

Ellis looked back a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Oh, I'll turn it up, turn it way up!"

Nick sighed again as the four watched Ellis rapidly flick switches and slam a few buttons. For a moment, nothing happened and they grew worried that he'd broken something. Fireworks exploded from the front of the stage, sparks going off and sending waves of heat out. The stage rumbled, roof supports creaking dangerously and swaying. Another song began to play as Ellis ran over to join the others. Another horde screamed and the thunder of feet shook the stage.

"Ohh I love this song!" Ellis cheered, giddy, running to the microphone before signing into it. "Gotta reach for the top, stay on the mountain...!"

Emma blushed, catching that Nick was too, surprised by how well Ellis could carry the tune. Ellis cheered into the mic one last time before Nick ran over, snatching him by the waist, and carried him off- saving him just in time from a jockey. Coach killed it and waved the duo back over. Once more, Ellis and Nick placed themselves on either side of Emma. As they killed, Ellis sang along to the song, voice strong and clear as day, his bullet fire and melee swings running in time with the beat. Emma laughed and joined in, mumbling the lyrics she didn't know, now attached to the steady rhythm of the bass. She looked over to Nick, delighted to find he was just as caught up in the music as her and Ellis. He drummed his fingers along the neck of his guitar, flipping it around to pretend to strum a few strings before throwing it to the crowd in front of them. Emma and Ellis laughed and Nick blew a raspberry at them.

Ellis tugged his arm. "Come on, man, sing with us! Now's the best time of all!"

Nick shook his head, shooting down a hunter. "No way! I suck at singing!"

Emma nudged his good side. "Come on! What's the apocalypse if you don't let loose a little?"

Nick rolled his eyes, shooting a spitter. "Fine, but don't cry when you two go deaf from my banshee screeches."

Ellis and Emma laughed, returning their attention to the horde ahead. They were surprised to hear Nick begin to actually sing along- very well, in fact. He harmonized with Ellis, dipping into a lower, cooler range with a twinge of gruffness suited for the music. Emma found it adorable, and felt a little embarrassed that she wasn't able to sing along as well. Instead, she just hummed an upper harmony. The trio sang on, invigorated by the music as their heart beats tuned to the tempo, lungs filling with the strong notes and blood flowing with the sound.

The flash bangs exploded out again, burning a new wave of zombies and pushing the survivors back. The stage rumbled with more fireworks and pyrotechnics, bringing everyone closer. Sparks caught on to Nick and Emma's hands, making them jump back and hiss. The other three jumped away from the heat in turn, the stage becoming an even greater hazard than ever before. They shot at the infected blindly, cringing with each pool of acid and charge that hit the roof supports. The horde dwindled some and the music got to a quiet part, everyone held their breath, eager for anything to give them hope of rescue.

Nick smiled as the sound of helicopter blades hit the group's ears, tears pricking his eyes. "Coach, you're a genius! I love you!"

"See that? The Midnight Riders' music saves lives!" Ellis said, pointing to the chopper.

"Santa mierda ... gracias a dios por todo!" Emma yelled, running to the side of the stage, "You're amazing Coach!"

"Coach's crazy idea worked!" Rochelle laughed. "You are the smartest man alive!" She raised her gun, jumping off the stage. "Now let's go! Get to the helicopter!"

Coach hollered with glee, following the others. "I'll be damned! Even I didn't think that was gonna work!" He pumped his fist. "All right, Midnight Riders!"

"I always wanted to run to a helicopter during a guitar solo. Just like in a music video!" Ellis cheered, heading towards the seats.

"Hell yeah!" Nick and Emma laughed.

The earth rumbled again, now three tanks coming for them alongside another horde. The pilot called out that he couldn't land with the commotion. He lifted the chopper up, away from the infected, hovering over the stadium.

Coach snarled, looking towards the beasts. "Ah, shit! Kill the tanks so he can land!"

They gave everything they got, throwing bombs and switching weapons like no tomorrow. A tank came on stage, smacking Nick back. While they were distracted, a jockey came up to smack at Emma. A spitter ruined a few of their health kits with a well-aimed shot before being killed by Rochelle. She and Nick handled the infected while the other three set everything they could on fire and threw as many bile and pipe bombs. Emma snagged the last pills and medkits, not wanting them to befall the fate of the others. The five killed two tanks, the last being smart and avoiding them for a long while before succumbing to being burnt and biled, torn apart by his kin. They gasped and panted, shooting down the remaining infected and ones still coming as the chopper came down to hover next to the seats. Without hesitation, they all ran, Coach tossing his weapons and beating everyone with his speed.

Emma held back a little with the still injured Nick, not wanting him to get left behind and because she was slowing down some too. They got to the stairs, seeing Ellis help Rochelle and Coach into the chopper, Chompski in the latter's arms, being used as a makeshift melee. Rochelle threw a pipe bomb- the last in their stash, dumping her old weapons before throwing an axe at a jockey. Nick fired the last of the bullets in his rifle, throwing his gun at a charger before burying his crowbar in its skull. Emma heard a smoker and spun around, only finding a spitter and using the last of her bullets to kill it. Emma threw her last bile, taking an adrenaline shot and giving one to Nick so they could make the last dash. Ellis threw a bile, taunting the infected as Emma and Nick came up to the chopper. He helped them in, gleefully holding his lovers and kissing them each, tears running down his cheeks.

Ellis turned around, looking outside the chopper, firing one last grenade into the stadium roof supports. The structure groaned and screamed, Rider's song playing strong and lighting the entire thing ablaze as it collapsed in a heap. Coach hollered, throwing the last molotovs out to add to the infinite flames below. The entire stadium exploded in fire, covering the ground. More fireworks burst out- the Rider's music still playing on through it all. Another horde screamed but no one cared. The chopper pilot laughed and pulled away from the seats, all happy to catch a break and leave. Coach threw Chompski down, shutting the door in front of them and laughing.

"Thank you Whispering Oaks and goodnight! You have been a great audience!" Ellis called out of the other door the chopper, tipping his hat and grinning.

He spun on his heel, spreading his arms with the confidence of a man who'd won the lottery. Then, something burst from the flames below, shooting out and wrapping around Ellis' waist. He was yanked backwards, screaming. It took a second for everyone to catch on. The chopper pilot yanked the vehicle back so as to not lose him. Ellis fell either way, catching the leg of the chopper at the last second. Ellis screamed again, already losing his grip.

"Fumador!" Emma yelled, diving down with Nick to catch Ellis' arm just before his sweaty grasp left the chopper leg.

Nick wheezed with pain, straining with her in the tug of war with the smoker that, somehow, avoided death. Ellis screamed again, gasping and crying from the pain of being yanked like a rope. No one had a gun- not that they could see the smoker anyways- nor carried any melees to break the tongue. Ellis went pale, grip losing strength as he lost air. Nick and Emma pulled harder, Coach joining in and hoisting them both up to pull more. Rochelle, in a moment of desperation, took an adrenaline shot, grabbed Chompski, and slammed him against the tongue around Ellis' waist. By some miracle of fate, the beating was enough for the tongue to let go- throwing Ellis, Nick and Emma into a pile and chipping another bit of Chompski's body off. Coach rushed over and closed the door, the pilot pulling away as fast as possible.

Ro raised her arms above her head, craning her neck so she faced the ceiling. "Hell yeah! Fuck you zombie bitches! You can't do shit to us!" she hollered, cackling like a madman.

Everyone stared at her and the pilot silently raised his brows. Coach then joined her, collapsing on his ass and laughing. Nick, Emma and Ellis looked at each other before losing it themselves, shaking and crying with relief and pain. Nick took Ellis' face, gazing into his blue eyes for a moment before bringing him into a long kiss. Emma took their hands, sniffing as she peppered their cheeks with affection. Nick pulled away from Ellis and gave her the same treatment, the other man, placing affection on their temples. Emma and Nick pulled apart and she held Ellis in a long kiss of their own, giggling as Nick brushed their chins and jaws with loving pecks.

After a long while, the trio pulled apart, looking up to finding Coach and Rochelle looking at them. The two glanced at each other before bursting into laughter. Nick rolled his eyes, before hissing in pain. Emma checked his side, finding no blood, but a nice new bruise next to the wound. Ellis scooted back to lean against the back wall- gesturing for his beloved partners to come over. Nick crawled over and leaned against him, accepting a bottle of pills Ellis had held on to. Emma came over a moment later, twinging in pain. She emptied her bag and the five tore into all the medkits. The triad healed in their own little bubble, helping each other out and giving injuries gentle kisses and caresses. They pulled apart again, taking a minute to breathe.

"Ellis, I'm gonna be honest," Nick said after a few moments, "the Rider's music is mediocre at best- it was basically the same song over and over again, I can't believe you like that shit."

Ellis sighed. "A Midnight Riders show ain't about the music, Nick. It's about the explosions."

Nick furrowed his brown glaring down at Emma who was unable to hide her laughter. "What do you mean-!? You know what? I don't give a shit- Scoot over, I'm taking a nap."

Emma chuckled. "On the floor?"

"On you two." Nick hummed, laying on Ellis. "If you two had any sense, you'd join me."

Ellis shrugged, wrapping his arm around Nick to cuddle closer and play with his hair. "Fair enough- I think we all need a nap after a night like this."

Emma blinked, realizing how exhausted she was. "Okay.. yeah."

She laid against Ellis, yawning. Nick took her hand and tangled their fingers together. Ellis wrapped his muscular arm around her, kissing the crown of both her and Nick's heads. Emma smiled, blinking slowly as she melted against his and Nick's warmth. Her ears buzzed with a soothing hum, the vibrations radiating from Ellis' chest, rocking her to sleep. She and Nick joined his humming, quietly harmonizing with the song as they'd done before.

Just before she drifted off, she realized she'd heard the song before from the jukebox back in Rayford. It was soft and gentle, so out of place in a zombie infested world. How did it start again...? Oh, yeah!

"~This was a triumph! I'm making a note here: Huge success!"


Mierda = Shit

tanque = Tank

Santa mierda ... gracias a dios por todo = Holy shit ... thank god for everything

Fumador = Smoker


Please vote of you liked and comment. Even if you didn't like it, feel free to critique! It encourages me to write faster and publish more!

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