Time That I'll Never Get Back

By ONI800

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(RWBY x Cheated Chronomancer OC) More

Stop It
So Now They All Want A Crack At Me
A Day With The Cheaters
Neptune's Trifle

I've Had Enough

305 3 0
By ONI800

Tony had been getting tired if Team RWBY even after they lost their battle with him, so to keep them at bay, Tony had a new weapon, The Second, his throwing knives (Go ahead and make your DIO and Sakuya comparisons) every time Team RWBY or their sex toys came across him, he would throw one of his knives just inches away from them and send them off, but Tony's days got better, he started hanging out with Velvet in their free time, and do workouts with Nora, it was actually going good. Tony was out with Velvet for shopping in the city "So whats in for today Bunny?" Tony asked "Coco needs some extra dust, Fox broke his old whetstone and Yatsu needs some spray to keep his armor from rusting" Velvet answered "Got it" Tony replied.

Tony and Velvet made their way to the store for all the stuff they needed "You need anything Bunny?" Tony asked "Just some film for my camera" Velvet replied, Tony nodded before he sped his time up and he zoomed through the store and got everything "Ok I got Coco's dust, Fox's whetstone plus some extras, Yatsu's armor spray, and your film" Tony said "You didn't have to do all of that" Velvet said "I did because I planned to eat out with you" Tony told her, Velvets face grew red "R-really?!" Velvet asked "Yeah, you really kept me up ever since, you know" Tony replied "Okay then" Velvet said.

Tony took Velvet to (Insert restaurant name here), they were seated and ordered ("Velvet Scarlentina this is your chance") Velvet yelled at herself "Velvet, I want to say thank you" Tony said "For what?" Velvet asked "For just being there for me, you were there even when I was going insane, I owe you my life" Tony stated, Velvet only grew redder and redder as Tony poured his heart out "I-its not that serious, I was j-just being a good friend" Velvet stammered, making Tony chuckle "You're so cute Bunny" Tony said and Velvet was about to faint "Dammit!" Velvet shouted as she pulled Tony into a kiss. Tony's eyes widened as he felt Velvets lips against his, Velvet pulled away and stared buried her face into her hands "Im sorry, I felt like that for a while" Velvet said, embarrassed "Velvet, I dont know what to say" Tony responded "I dont either" Velvet said "So are we..?" Tony asked "Do you want to be?" Velvet replied "Yeah" Tony answered as he kissed Velvet again, which the girl melted into.

Time skip

Back at beacon, Tony and Velvet made their way to tram CFVY's dorm, but they ran into Yang and Weiss "Tony where have you been?!" Yang shouted "None of your damn business" Tony replied "Whats Velvet doing with you?" Weiss asked "I-" Velvet was cut iff by a kiss from Tony "Does that answer your question?" Tony asked "You cant be with her!" Yang yelled "Whats stopping me?" Tony replied, Yang's eyes turned red and she charged at Velvet, but Tony appeared in front of her and drove his knife into her torso, Weiss and Velvet looked in shock and horror, but when he pulled the blade out, the wound healed like it didnt exist "W-what did you do?" Yang asked "I planned to kill you, but my Bunny wouldn't want that, so I stabbed you and sent the wound back in time, so its as if it didn't even happen, word of advise, NEVER touch Velvet, or I wont be so merciful" Tony explained. Yang was sitting on the ground, broken, Weiss went to slap Tony but he grabbed Velvets hand and disappeared.

Tony delivered team CFVY their stuff and made his way to his dorm to relax, but Velvet wanted to go with him, which Tony happily obliged, in his dorm, Tony and Velvet didn't have much to do but cuddle up to each other, Tony then made the decision to pet Velvets ears which made the girl let out a squeak, putting a red hue on both of their faces "Did that hurt?" Tony asked worried "No its fine, Im just not used to this" Velvet answered, Tony kept petting Velvet's ears and he continued to squeak until she eventually fell asleep "Sweet dreams little Bunny" Tony said before planting a kiss of Velvet's forehead and going to sleep himself.

(A bit short but enjoy anyway)

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