Teacher x Student (Larry Styl...


60.6K 1.5K 873

'I don't want anyone else to have your heart, kiss you lips, or be in you arms because that's only my place.'... More

Intro :P
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 13

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Third person's pov:

The nurse suggested that someone goes and picks up some of Louis' personal belongings from his house, mainly so that he has a sense of saftey, surrounded by his own things. Mr. Styles offered to stay back so that left Caine, Zayn and Niall to go get Louis' stuff. 

The drive was about half an hour long but Zayn and Niall convinced Caine to get them Maccas on the way there which added another 10 or so minutes. Caine only agreed to getting them food if kept them quiet because these to are the last people on earth he would choose to spend time with and a the moment he is just about ready to kill one of em.

Zayn and Niall sat in the back seat happily eating their food, laughing and talking loudly. Caine is already fed up with them, he turns the volume up on the radio, one of the Foo Fighters' songs playing. He smiles to himself and starts singing along to it. 

Niall starts booing him and leaps forward turning the radio off.

"You little Shit! I was listening to that." Caine yells.

Niall just rolls his eyes and him and Zayn start laughing.

"We have a better song." Niall tells him.

He gives Zayn THAT look and Zayn looks back at him wriggling his eyebrows in a suggestive way.

"ARE YOU READY KIDS!?" Niall shouts.

"AYE AYE CAPTAIN!" Zayn replies.




"Kill me now." Caine groans, rolling his eyes.

"WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPLE UNDER THE SEA?" Niall and Zayn chorus together.


"SHUT UP!" Caine hollers, not getting their attention.

"ABOSORBENT AND YELLOW AND PORUS IS HE," Niall stuck his head out the window and screamed.


"IF NAUTICAL NONSENSE BE SOMETHING YOU WISH," Zayn wrapped his arm around Niall's shoulder and swayed them side to side, "THEN JUMP ON THE DECK AND FLOP LIKE A FISH. SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS." 

Caine slammed his head down on the steering wheal, knuckles whitening from his tight grip on the steering wheal. 


"SPONGBOB," Zayn and Niall screamed out, making sure to leave a dramatic pause before continuing, "SQUAREPAAAAAAAAAAAAAANTS!!!" 

Almost guaranteed that their high note left everyone deaf for at least a couple minutes. Caine let out a sigh of relief as they pulled up to the drive way. 

"Stay here." He ordered them, jumping out of the car and slamming the door behind him.

He unlocked the front door and disappeared inside to grab Louis' stuff. He came back out a little under 10 minutes later and drove them back to the hospital, refusing to spend anymore of his money on food for the two idiots in the back of his car. 


Hi, sorry this is a really short chapter

Um, let me know if you think I should carry on with this story or not? I'm not sure if it's going very well.

Question of the chapter: Favorite sport?

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