High Sea's Love (Rosé x Fem R...

By LittleRed11204

74.4K 3.9K 7.1K

In the late 1600's, two rival captains of the seas are put to their toughest test: surviving together on a de... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen [M]
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight [M]
Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Seventeen

2.2K 138 214
By LittleRed11204

"Now, can you hand me that knife?" I asked Rosie as she slowly leaned over and handed me the knife I was pointing to. I thanked her and got back to carving my new weapon. Since I didn't take my sword out of the jaguar yesterday, it's now long gone. I'm kind of upset because it was my first ever sword and it was like my good luck charm. So now I'm carving this long stick into a spear.

I was concentrating on the task at hand and I could feel Rosie's eyes on me. I glanced up to see her smiling softly at me, eyes looking at me fondly. That caused me to smile a bit,

"What?" I asked her. She just shook her head lightly,

"Nothing, I just think you're cute when you're deep in concentration. Your tongue sticks out from the corner of your mouth a bit and your eyebrows furrowed together." She explained to me. I grew embarrassed a little and just mumbled,

"Shut up." I heard her laugh at me and I just rolled my eyes before getting back to work.

Rosie is still obviously bedridden because it will take probably a week before she can do a lot of physical activity. I've been helping her out a lot, giving her whatever she asks from me. As I was carving, I heard a small wince come from her, immediately breaking my concentration.

"Are you okay?" I asked her worriedly, looking up and down her body to see what was wrong.

"Can you change the bandages?"

"Of course." I said quickly as I put my knife and spear down next to me, moving over next to Rosie. I grabbed the other bandages and then gently looked down into her eyes, "this might hurt a bit baby."

"Okay." She said through clenched teeth as she arched her back a bit so I could unwrap the bandages easily. I did just that, small winces and groans being heard with every movement. I felt horrible, but tried to get it over with as quickly as I could. I pressed a small kiss on her forehead when the bandages were all off. I looked down at her wound and grimaced a bit.

"It's that bad?" She asked me.

"No..." I said very unconvincingly. She rolled her eyes at me,

"Just put the new bandages on me." I nodded my head and did just that. It took about ten minutes because I wanted to make sure she felt comfortable in them and she wasn't restricted. Once it was all done, I wiped the bit of sweat from my forehead and smiled down at her,

"All done baby." She released a sigh and moved her hand over on top of mine. I watched her curiously as she then just started to play with my fingers,

"Thank you." She said softly.

"Not a problem." I then just let her continue to play with my fingers as I closed my eyes, letting myself think about random things. One question popped into my head and I was intrigued to know the answer.

"Hey baby?" I asked Rosie. She hummed in response, "why is being alone your biggest fear?" I opened my eyes up and glanced down at her, waiting for her response. Her eyes were closed and I could tell she was deep in thought, trying to figure out how to word her answer.

"Well, where do I start," she said quietly as she opened up her eyes and met mine.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I just wonder." I told her quickly, not wanting to force it out of her.

"No it's fine babe," she said reassuring me that my question was okay to ask, "I just haven't though about it in a while."

I sat there patiently waiting for her to start with the story. I'll be learning about the thing that broke her the most in the past. And I know once I know, I'm going to make sure that never happens to her again because she doesn't deserve it.

"It was back when I was 12. My family was always super close to one another and we cared deeply about each other. I obviously have an older sister and she always looked out for me, making sure I was doing okay. She was my role model and I loved her dearly. But one day, I heard yelling coming from the far wing of our house and then my sister stormed out of the room, absolutely furious. My father screamed after her and she rushed past me to her room. I followed her out of curiosity and saw her forcefully packing a bag of some clothes and sentimental things. I asked her what she was doing and she just said 'I'm going away for a bit, I'll be back'. The smile on her face was fake, but I didn't realize it back then. I was young and naïve. She then kissed my forehead and walked out of the front door, never turning back. I didn't realize it, but I watched the person I trusted and loved so much walk out of my life. She always made me feel apart of everything and after that, I was just alone. I waited for her to come back, but she never did. She left me all alone and after that, my parents became more rude and strict to me because they had to 'keep an eye on me and make sure I didn't do the same thing'. That's why a few years later, I ran away from home and became a sea scavenger. I hated those three years of being alone; it scarred me."

Oh my god.

I felt absolutely terrible that she had to go through that. She was only twelve and the person she looked up to just left her. A few tears slipped out of her eyes and she just wiped them away, sniffling a bit.

"What's her name?" I asked my girl as I held her hand softly, rubbing my thumb on the back of it.


That name sounds familiar. I racked my brain to try and figure out where I've heard the name Alice Park before. Then it hit me,

"I've met her."

"Huh?" Rosie said, completely confused.

"I've met her. It was when my parents left me and I wanted to get some food from a market stall, so I resorted to stealing. I got caught and your sister came over and helped me." I told her the basics of the story.

"Really?" Rosie said, perking up a bit, "did she say anything about where she was going?" I shook my head and her little excitement vanished,

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay," She said quietly, keeping to herself once more, "I just miss her."

"You'll see her again. When we get back to the mainland we can go looking for her. She told me to find her if I needed anything. And I now need something from her: I need her to reunite with her younger sister."

"You'd do that for me?"

"Of course I would." I told her with a smile. She gave me a small smile back, moving her head over so it was resting in my lap. Her body was contorted kind of uncomfortably, but she didn't say anything about it and just nuzzled her head against me. I smiled down at her and took a hand and ran my fingers calmingly through her hair.

"Go to sleep Rosie, I'll be here when you wake up." She just hummed and closed her eyes, drifting off into slumber. I rested my head back against the wall and also closed my eyes, falling into a light sleep.


I was awoken with a few pokes in my side. I shifted around annoyed and cracked an eye open,

"May I help you?"

"Yes you can. Can you get me some mangos?" Rosie asked me, giving me her best pleading eyes. I sighed and gently moved her head off of my lap back onto our bed,

"Yeah I can, just give me 15 minutes." She smiled up at me,

"Thank you babe." I smiled back at her and pressed a kiss on her lips. It was a sweet kiss and I soon was outside walking towards the jungle with Rosie's sword since my spear still wasn't finished. I was practicing using her sword and if anyone saw me right now, I'd be completely embarrassed because I was making sound effects with my mouth.

I arrived at the mango tree and picked the seven ripe mangos, plopping them into my bag. I then wandered a little further and my eyes lit up at a wonderful pineapple. I grabbed it and then happily made my way home to Rosie.

"Oh Rosie! I'm home!" I sang as I went inside, seeing her staring at a blank canvas, "uh what are you doing?"

"Trying to decide what I should paint next." She told me as she continued looking at it. I put my bag down and got the mangos and pineapple out, grabbing my knife and cutting them up. I gave Rosie a plate of mangos and she just half-ass thanked me because she wasn't paying attention. I didn't take it personally and just ate some of the pineapple.

"AHA!" She screamed randomly, making me flinch and almost drop my plate because I wasn't expecting it.

"A warning next time, maybe?" I asked her as she just dismissed me,

"Shut up, I know exactly what to paint!" I rolled my eyes at her, but still asked what she was going to paint, "I'm going to paint our home!"

"Fun." I said unenthusiastically because my ears are still ringing from her scream. She glared at me and just tried to sit up. She groaned loudly and I practically threw my plate to the side and laid her back down, "what the hell woman?! You have to stay laying down so you can heal!"

"But I'm bored! And I need to go outside so I can paint!" She told me, moving her hands around for added emotion. I just looked at her, decided whether I should let her go outside or not. I sighed,

"Fine, but I'm getting you outside."

"Awe, thanks babe." I took the canvas from her hands and placed it aside. I then put my arms underneath her upper back and knees, picking her up ever so gently and taking her outside. She looped her hands around my neck and left a few small kisses as 'thank yous'. I laid her down so she was horizontal to the house. This way she can just easily turn her head to see the house and not have to strain herself. I went back in and grabbed her paint and brushes, along with the canvas.

"Is that everything?" I asked her as I looked over everything, seeing if I got it all.

"Uh, I need water. Fresh water." I chuckled a bit because of how she specifically said fresh water. I just went over to the outside of our house where we have a pot of drinking water and got a cup out for her to use. I walked back over to her and she smiled up at me, thanking me before shooing me away because she doesn't need any distractions. I then told her I was going to walk down the shore and see if anything useful had washed up. I didn't get a response and just went on my way, hoping to find some cool things.

As I was walking down the shore peacefully, I spotted a crate in the distance, along with what looked like... a big metal tub? I first checked the crate and smiled as there were some different seeds, actual clothing pieces, tools, and a bunch of different weapons. I felt like a little kid getting all excited at the dangerous weapons I saw. I picked out a bow with plenty of arrows, two new swords, an axe, a few daggers, and a war hammer. This is going to be fun.

I made multiple trips back and forth from our home to the crate; the total time it took was probably around two hours. But I was happy that everything was inside or outside in the other storage crate. I checked up on Rosie and she was still happily painting, so I went back to see the metal tub. I was now standing in front of it and it was indeed a metal tub. Don't really know what I'll use it for, but I'll take it.

Getting this thing back home was the worst thing imaginable. It was super heavy and I honestly wanted to stop halfway, but I knew if I did, I wouldn't come back. I finally got back home and placed it right outside our home, maybe three meters away from our back wall. I let out a big sigh and laughed a little as you could clearly see the trail left in the sand from me dragging it over here. I tilted my head and tried to think about what I could possibly use this thing for. Then it hit me: a warm bath.

I could make it rise up a bit and create a fire underneath it, so water inside would become nice and warm. It would be relaxing and ease our bodies. The temperature was getting a little cooler, my guess would be around 11° Celsius. But with the sun always bearing down on us, we still sweat quite a bit. But at night you definitely need to use your coat as a blanket and snuggle up against your lover. Rosie and I are very good at that.

I decided to take a break and start dinner because I checked my pocket watch and saw that it was a little before 6:30pm. I walked around the house and saw Rosie just peacefully laying down in the sand, her somewhat completed painting next to her.

"Hard work?" I asked her as I sat down next to her. She grinned at me, eyes still closed,

"Yes, but I really enjoyed it. What did you find today?" I got all giddy as I told her everything that I got and she laughed at me as I told her about every weapon.

"–and then I was thinking that I could practice using the bow and arrow because I haven't had one in a while. But I'm scared that the arrows might bre–"

"Y/n, breath." Rosie said to me as she placed a hand on my thigh. I didn't even realize I hadn't taken a breath for some time because I'm just too excited. I took one before continuing, making my girlfriend just smile more as she listened to me rant happily about deadly things.

"Alright, enough about what I found," I said after like ten minutes of me nonstop talking, "tell me about your painting, baby."

"Okay," she said, grabbing the painting and holding it up for me, "it's obviously not finished, but the basics are there. So that's our house, duh. Then over there you have the palm tree that you sat under for hours while you waited for a coconut to drop on your head and kill you. This is our tree stump that we love so much. I have our little potato farm here, and that's all I have so far. I need to make the jungle more... jungle–ier. I'm debating about adding in the light house in the background." She explained to me, pointing at everything.

"I think you can take some creative liberty and move the lighthouse into the background. I would like it there because that's where we had our first kiss." I told her with a beaming smile on my face. She giggled and nodded her head,

"Lighthouse it is. And for the sky, I'm going to make it during sunset because of how much you love it."

"That's going to turn out great. Can't wait to see the finished thing soon." I said as she then puckered her lips, wanting a kiss from me. I happily obliged and leaned down to kiss her lips. She hummed in content and we made out lightly before I went off to cook us some food. Rosie's eyes lit up at the mention of food and I brought all her paint stuff inside, storing it away neatly. I then walked back out to carry my girl back inside, laying her down in our bed.

I got to cooking some fish for us, having my back face Rosie as her fingers danced along my skin under my shirt. It felt really nice and I wanted to stay like this forever. The fish cooked quickly and soon we were eating our dinner, asking random questions.

"So am I the first girl you became attracted to?" I asked Rosie as I popped a piece of mango into my mouth.

"Yup," She said simply as I nodded my head, "how old were you when you had sex?"

"Uh, I was 18," I said, recalling my first time with Jisoo. Rosie just blinked a few times, probably realizing that my first time, and other times, were with Jisoo, "what about you?"

"20, and it was horrible." She muttered as I laughed, almost choking on the mango in my mouth.

"I promise if we have sex, it will be anything but horrible."

"If?" She asked me.

"Um yeah 'if'. I didn't want to say 'when' and pressure you into having sex with me someday. If it's something you don't want, we don't have to do it." I explained to her as I took a bite of my fish. She just jutted out her bottom lip,

"You're so sweet." I just scoffed,


"Uh, yeah."

"I'm not sweet."

"Are you kidding me? Do you want me to tell you all the times where you were the best person alive?"

"Shut up. Next question: would you want a pet?"

"Hey, it's my turn to ask a question, you cheater!" Rosie shouted at me.

"Then ask me something, stupid."

"Okay, I will. Have you ever romantically loved someone?"

I sat in silence, really thinking about the question. I most definitely was in love with Jisoo before, but I feel like this new kind of love I'm feeling for Rosie is stronger; more real. I think Rosie just gets me more and understands me more than Jisoo ever had. Life is fun with Rosie and I know she has my back. She knows what my life is like.

"I've been in love romantically twice. But the kind of love is different. One feels better than the other." I told her as I spit a stupid fish bone out onto my plate. I looked up at Rosie and saw her eyebrows furrowed together,

"But you've only dated Jisoo in the past? Oh my god, did you date a man?" She gasped at me, eyes wide.

"WHAT? No! I never have and will never date a man! How could you say that!" I said in utter disbelief she would ever think that.

"I'm just wondering why you've been romantically in love twice when you've only had one other previous lover." She told me. I just put my fish down and stared at her, seeing how long it would take for her to understand. She just kept looking at me, completely confused, "are you like... going to tell me? Because I got nothing."

"You know her." I told her, a smile creeping up on my lips.

"I know her..." she mumbled quietly as she tried to think who I was talking about.

This absolute idiot is the girl I'm hopelessly in love with, how nice.

"Rosie." I said, getting her attention back on me.


"I literally just told you the answer."

"But you just said my name." Oh my god. I gave her a look and slowly, her face changed. She finally realized what I'm trying to say. I smiled at her and shock was just present on her face, like she couldn't believe that I love her.

"Rosie, I love you."

My heart was beating out of my chest as I said those words to her. My mind was going so fast with so many questions, wondering if this was all too fast. But,

"I love you too."

I didn't think hearing four words would change my life so much, but here we are. It feels like little sparks are going off inside of my body and Rosie repeated herself, tears in her eyes this time,

"Y/n, I love you. So much." I started to get tears in my eyes,

"And I love you." Rosie then just sat up even though she still wasn't fully healed and wrapped me up in a loose hug since she couldn't apply pressure to her wound. I hugged her back obviously and placed so many kisses along her face, making her giggle.

I then pulled back and pressed our foreheads together, looking her in her eyes,

"Rosé Park, I love you." I was taking a risk there by saying her last name, but she didn't seem to mind one bit when 'I love you' followed.

She cupped my left cheek and leaned in, bringing our lips together finally. I don't know how, but this kiss felt so much better than the previous ones. Our lips moved perfectly together and I cautiously placed my hands on her hips, not wanting to startle her and have her abdominal muscles tighten; that wouldn't be good for her wound. She didn't seem to mind and I asked for permission to enter her mouth by grazing my tongue against her bottom lip. She immediately let me in and we started to make out. It wasn't as intense as previous ones because of her health, but still made me all hot and alert.

Rosie was the one to pull back and I saw that her pupils were blown and cheeks flushed. Her chest was rising and falling quicker and I just smiled stupidly at her. She smiled right back, running a hand through my hair, making it look better I guess. She played around with it for a bit before I just grabbed her hand and held it, pressing a kiss against the back of it. We just looked lovingly into each other's eyes, in the most comforting silence ever.


I was caught off guard by the apparent name my girlfriend had just blurted out. I furrowed my eyebrows at her,


"That's my real name. Roseanne." My mouth opened slightly and I took a sharp breath in. No one ever knew what Rosie's real name was because it was only her family and friends back then that new. But obviously she left all that behind and started a new life, hence the new name Rosé. That means I'm the first person to ever know and that means she cares/trusts me the most.

Once I let the insane new information settle inside of my brain, I spoke up,

"Roseanne Park, I love you."

BITCH THEY SAID THEIR FIRST 'I LOVE YOU'S'!!!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD!!! THE PROGRESS IS INSANE. plus, on the more sad side, we found out why Rosie has being alone as her biggest fear :/. Anywho, thanks for reading and i hope u liked the chapter, see u in the next one <3

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