𝐌𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐛𝐫�...

By youcancallmerosepls

129K 4.6K 1.3K

"What the actual hell is wrong with you?" "Have been asking this question for the past 18 years of my life, n... More

Characters Info
|001| Boyfriend?
|002| Mr. Kim and his 7 Sons
|003| Dinner
|004| Announcement?
|005| Problem solved
|006| Threat
|007| Fight
|008| Wedding
|009| Honeymoon?
|010| Rules
|011| Saviour?
|012| Shopping
|013| School Morning
|014| First day of school
|015| A day with Jin
|016| Anniversary
|017| Truth
|018| Deaths
|019| Jin's past
|020| Eavesdropping
|021| Connection
|022| Silent Child
|023| Something is wrong
|024| Hospital
|025| Officers
|026| Mental What?
|027| I Care
|028| Still Family
|029| Help
|030| Getting along
|031| Happiness and Love
|032| Unexpected Visitor
|034| Mad
|035| Almost Kidnapped
|036| Attempt
|037| Trapped in a nightmare
|038| A bit out of it
|039| Breaking down
|040| Secrets

|033| Can't speak up?

2.2K 103 32
By youcancallmerosepls

[Warning: Mention of Rape, Abuse, Death and Murder]


"Only my sister calls me that" Jungkook cleared. Not even a second passed when Jin's phone chimed indicating that he got a new message. He looked at the new message and it was from Jen. He didn't read but instead he walked out of Jungkook's room and entered Jen's room.

"Hey" Jin said softly, sitting on the bean bag, next to her bed. He smiled at her. "Look I am sorry for ruining your sweater" She apologized. Jin was confused at first but then remembered the whole morning session of him scolding her and teasing her for wearing his sweater. "Don't be sorry, you are okay that is what matters" Jin waved his hand dismissing the idea of apologizing for ruining one of his sweaters when he got plenty of other sweaters.

Jen smiled and he returned it. "Is- Is Jungkook mad at me?" Jen stuttered. "Why would he would me mad at you?" Jin asked tilting his head making his brown soft hair somewhat falling into his eyes. 

"I don't know almost being killed by my bullies?" She shrugged. Jin cracked a smile and Jen raised her eyebrow at that. "No he isn't" and Jen let out a sigh of relief. "Umm Jen we need to talk to you" Jen looked at Jin and he looked dead serious.

"Umm okay?"


"So why are you all here and what you want to talk to me?" Jen asked raising an eyebrow. "Yes so I know it seems awkward" Namjoon got cut off "It is awkward" by Jen. "Ok so I want to ask why you called Jungkook, kookie oppa" and Namjoon and the others didn't fail to notice Jen's eyes widening as her lips parted in shock.

"Umm you gonna tell or not?" Hoseok raised an eyebrow at her. They saw her eyes flashing with pure rage which made Jungkook a bit uncomfortable. "I will tell you, I will tell you that bastard's story" she said in a low tone.

"That bastard?" Jin asked. "Yes he was my best friend's brother, Her name was Jeon Jihyun and her brother's name was Jeon Jungkook, she was my best friend at that time, I was 10. Me and Jungkook were the same age while Jihyun was an year younger than us" She began. "So she was 9?" Jungkook asked. "Yes she was 9 at that time and she called me Jens unnie, which I have no idea why" She answered.

"She was an innocent cinnamon roll. But her fucking parents were abusive- Oh I am sorry" She apologized when she realized she cursed. "So yes I believed that her brother protected her and that is what she told me. One day Jungkook asked me if he can drop Jihyun at my house or I can stay in their house while he can go to his friend's house to take some notes. But my dad has other plans he wanted me to go to my fricking uncle" Jen continued. "A doubt" Hoseok said raising his hand which caused Jen to look at her. 

"To this point of the story Jungkook is innocent, then why did you call him a bastard?" Hoseok asked and Jen gave him fake smile. "Shut the hell up and listen to me genius" She said in a monotone voice. Hoseok pursed his lips. "So yes I only came to my home after 2 days and outside of their house I saw police, so I asked the neighbours what had happened, and they said that Jihyun was dead" She controlled her tears.

"And I asked how, and that fucking bastard raped his sister before killing her, but I didn't believe it of course because I thought Jungkook won't do it because he loved his sister too much, but I didn't know he was acting" She took a deep breath in and then out to control her emotions.

"But what happened next for you to believe that Jungkook was the actual culprit?" Jungkook asked in a cold tone, which scared her first but she shrugged it off. "Because of the police, they found him as the culprit because of the knife he used to kill her" and Jin saw Jungkook's hands clenching. 

Jin wondered 'How long can he control his emotions? How much more time until he burst?'

"But you said her parents were bad what if it is them?" Jungkook asked again. "You only know what I told you so shut up" Jen pursed her lips. "And he ran away when the police came to arrest him. Later he came back and killed both of his parents before running away. If I had come face to face to him any day I would have throwed my hands at him, at least can't he let his sister alive? No that fucking bitch killed her" And there was silence.

"No she wasn't killed by her brother" Jungkook said after a moment. "How do you know? And why are you even in that bastard's side, because he have the same name as you?" Jen asked crossing her arms.

"Because I am her brother. I am Jeon Jungkook, brother of your best friend Jihyun" He yelled standing up. "You wanna know what happened that night? Huh? Yes I asked you but your dad forced you to go to your uncle's house. I know you despised both your uncle and dad because fuck this, he controlled your life, just like how I was being controlled by my so called fucking parents" Jungkook said as his eyes started to water but not a single tear rolled down his cheeks. 

"Excuse me Jeon fucking Jungkook, or whatever your name is, just because you knew I hate my dad and uncle doesn't mean you are the same Jungkook" She crossed her arms and glared at him. "Oh yes, I will tell you a secret that only 3 of us know, Jihyun always wants to play mom, dad and child game or whatever that is called. And she would make me dad because I am a few months older than you, and she would make you mom. I know it was awkward whenever that happened but for our sake she never told it to anyone" Jungkook said rubbing his forehead and Jimin let out a laugh.

Jungkook glared at him. "Now that you believe me I will tell you what happened that fucking night. I was at my friend's house while she was alone. She said she will be okay but I didn't know it was lie. Usually in those days father and mother won't come home until the next morning so I thought it was safe. When I walk back towards the house I saw their car and I ran inside to see him, my so called father was raping her, so I ran at him telling him to stop. But did he stop? NO!" Jungkook looked at Jen with burning eyes.

"And then there was this one night stand or whatever that is called picked me up and went to a room. And I spent 3 hours that night running away from that naked woman, who was chasing me through the whole bedroom. I couldn't anything. Dad locked me with her and the keys were with him. There was window but I can't jump out of it when that naked woman is awake" Jungkook sat down on the floor with tears running down his cheeks.

"She had a phone and she called dad, who told me to stay put if I want my sister to be alive, so I did what he told me to as that fucking slut fucked me" Jungkook hugged himself to feel more protected as tears flowed down his cheeks like a waterfall.

"About 4 in the morning everyone was asleep except me. So I sneaked out of the window and came in through the living room window. I saw nothing. I checked every single room. But I did not find her. So lastly I checked our least favourite place, the basement and I saw Jihyun's dead body there. I didn't know what I was supposed to do, because father broke his promise. She was dead I was sure of it. You know how we learned to check pulse and breathing" He looked at Jen who slowly nodded.

Jen also had tears flowing down her cheeks. 

"Yes so I decided to call police after almost an hour of silently crying. I sneaked into the living room and was about to call the police but father grabbed me by my hair. He somehow knew I was there. He called the police instead and said that Jihyun was found dead. They came and father led them to the basement. The one night stand already sneaked out. They said they will be doing post mortem. And according to the post mortem her death was a murder, they found the knife he used to kill and they found my fingerprint on it. You wanna know how?" He said with a scoff and Jen nodded. 

"You know that butter knife we always used for making food, because the large knives scared Jihyun?" Jen nodded. "That knife had three peoples fingerprint. Mine, your's and Jihyun's. Jihyun is the victim and it was proven that her death was a murder. You was with your uncle and I was the only one there. My father had already planned it, he used a glove. That is why I became the culprit" He slowly stood up with sinister grin on his face. 

"Jungkook no" Jin warned. Jungkook ignored him and said "And yes what you said is true I did kill my fucking parents, as a revenge" Jungkook smirked. "Jungkook I fucking said NO" Jin yelled as he knows that talking about death is a sensitive topic for Jen.

"Oh yeah I can't speak up? I can't tell what originally happened? Fuck this shit and fuck you, If I didn't have spoke up then she would have still believed I was her best friend's murderer" and a vase was thrown at Jungkook and he quickly dodged it. "You hear me young man, I dare you to raise your voice against or curse at me, and you would be dead by own hand" Jin yelled standing up and Jen flinched at his voice.

"Fuck this shit, I hate you" Jungkook said with tears falling down his cheeks. He stomped towards his room. The others were watching the scene in shock. Taehyung and Jimin ran behind Jungkook. Hoseok, Namjoon and Yoongi slowly stood up and went towards Jungkook's room to console him.

Jin sat back down. He hit his head with his hands. "Why do I always mess up?" He groaned. He heard silence. 'Wait wasn't Jen here?' with that thought he looked at the sofa where she was sitting. He saw her there. She was crossing her arms, and head was up looking like she was looking at the ceiling but her eyes were closed as tears flow down her cheeks like a waterfall.

He sighed and stood up. He went towards her and sat next to her. "Hey you okay?" He asked and Jen flinched. She opened her eyes. "Yeah I am, it's just. All these years I though it was my fault, because I was the one who said to him about- I don't even know why I kept blaming myself and Jungkook, when it was because of his dad" She sighed.

Jin gave a sad smile before wrapping his arms around her. "None of the things that happened in your life is your fault okay?" He hugged her closer. "You don't understand how much I blame myself in various occasion" She quietly said. "Do you think I did wrong by yelling at Jungkookie?" He asked after a moment. 

She sighed. "Jinnie oppa, he was stressed haven't you seen it that is why he was out of his mind and cursed at you, forgive him. Say that you are sorry" She said hugging him back. 

"Mm, talking about that do you believe that it was not Jungkook, who killed his sister?" Jin asked. She scoffed. "I never believed that he was the murderer at least not Jihyun's, I forced myself to believe it" Jen said. "So... do you forgive me?" Jungkook's voice was heard and Jin's head turned towards the voice and they saw Jungkook.

He was standing there with dried tears still on his face. He had his hand behind his back and was holding it tightly. He was not making eye contact with Jen. "I know, I am a murderer and I let my  parents to kill Jihyun but, please forgive me" He begged as more tears threatened to fall from his eyes. 

"Where was your mother at that time?" Jen asked. Jungkook looked at her and his eyes were flashing regret and hate on himself. "She went to another guy's house to" He took a deep breath in "Fuck with that guy" He completed.

"Forgive me Jen,  I didn't want to be a murderer, but I had no choice, he killed her and broke his promise"  He broke down. Jen suddenly stood and hugged him. "Don't worry, I would have done the same if I was you" She said as Jungkook broke down on her embrace. Though Jen seemed like she was not crying, her tears were falling down like a waterfall but no one saw as Jin had a full view on Jungkook and a back view on Jen.

"Jen" He called her after calming down. He pulled away. "Hmm" She hummed. His eyes flicked towards Jin then back at her. "That night when you told Jin hyung about your past, I acci-accidently eave-eavesdropped. Don't blame Jin hyung, It was my fault" He blurted out and shut his eyes tight not wanting to see her reaction.

It was silent for a few minutes then "I know" Jen said. "What?" Jungkook and Jin asked at the same time as they were both confused. She just snickered at their reaction. "Yes I do know. You know that night, I was picked up by two persons, yes I am a light sleeper, and I came to realize that someone eavesdropped" She smiled innocently.

"And how do you know it was me?" Jungkook asked. "Simple, you became more nice to me although you were already nice and every time Jinnie oppa go to hospital with me you were always there" She shrugged. "I never thought of that" Jin said scratching his head. Jungkook hugged Jen again. "I am glad that I found out the truth" Jen whispered. Jungkook nodded.

"Jensie unnie-ah" Jungkook said in a baby voice and Jen pulled away from the hug laughing. She hit Jungkook's head. "Am I the only one who doesn't know what is going on?" Jin asked confused. "Maybe" Jungkook smirked. "I will tell you, Jihyun once forced him to call me that as a prank on my birthday" She huffed her cheeks and crossed her arms. 

"This calls for a celebration, tomorrow we are going out tomorrow" Jin yelled hugging both of them. "Okay" Jungkook said. "Oppa you are crushing me, I can't bre-breath" Jen said. Jungkook laughed as Jin let go of her while scratching his head and his ears turned red.

"Jin hyung I am sorry" Jungkook said. "Nah it's ok, and I am sorry" Jin said. Jungkook smiled.

"Jin hyung?" Jungkook called. "Yes" Jin answered. "Repeat after me" Jen looked at Jungkook wondering what he has on mind. "Ok" Jin shrugged. 

"No matter"
"No matter" Jin repeated.
"What happens"

"What happens"
"I will make sure"
"I will make sure"

"My ears don't turn red"

And Jen laughed as Jungkook smiled innocently.

"Yah! How am I supposed to promise that? It's just a natural reaction" Jin said as his ears turned even redder if that's possible.
"Just promise it oppa" Jen said between her laughs.

"Fine Nomatterwhathappensiwillmakesuremyearsdon'tturnred" He ranted out as the other two fall to the ground laughing their heads off. 'It is good to have a sister one more time' Jin thought as he smiled at the two.


Hello guys! How are you? I hope you guys are okay.

Finally you guys get to know about JK's past. A rough one I might say.
Did you expected this? Did you expected that Jungkook got raped in the past? I bet no. 

Anyways how was the chapter. I honestly how to end it so I made the ending scene up. 

Now to the question time!

Q: What is your first boy group song you have ever heard. (Boy group doesn't mean male soloists) {Also mention the year}

My Answer: DNA  {by BTS} on the early August, 2020 (on August 10)

Yes this was the first song I have ever heard. After that song I became an ARMY, the best decision ever.

The day before yesterday was Jimin's birthday. He turned 26.

Happy birthday Jimin, we ARMYs and members will always love you and will support you. I hope you enjoyed your birthday!

He came on vlive but the problem was, towards the end their was a serious internet problem. I thought it was just my problem but there were others facing that problem too.

The part where the dance line came was chaotic and hilarious. The most hilarious thing was when Jungkook, Jimin and Hobi drank the soju Jungkook brought and Hobi's reaction was just hilarious 🤣🤣🤣.

Once again Happy Birthday Mochi!


Before I sign off I want to say something. Yesterday was Sulli's second death Anniversary.
Idol actress Sulli aka Choi Jin-ri shocked the K-pop industry after the news of her death broke on October 14, 2019. Even more shocking were the details — she had hanged herself in her house leaving behind a suicide note. Her death impacted fans all over as there were claims that the tragic incident was due to cyberbullying. Diagnosed with depression, had been a part of the K-pop group f(x) under SM Entertainment. After she left, it had been reported that she was constantly being trolled for her eccentric personality and was receiving death threats. There was an alarming amount of hateful messages on her social media that pushed the government to amend their cyber protection act.

After leaving f(x) in 2015, had turned to acting with cameos in dramas like 'Hotel Del Luna' that also starred her friend . She had also renewed her movie career by landing the lead role in the noir thriller 'Real' starring Kim Soohyun. Unfortunately, the nudity in the film led to trolls once again targeting the idol actress. After a short hiatus, she seemingly reclaimed her public image and made her solo debut in June 2019 with her first and last solo album ''. She had also been roped in for the Netflix drama 'Persona' and had filmed one-fourth of the TV series before her death.

One fan talked about the meaning of the idol's stage name, "My name is sulli. 'sul' means snow and 'li' means pear flower, so i'll probably be reborn as a small flower but full of strong vitality." They also trended the song 'Peach' that IU had written for Sulli, "Never forget the fact that jieun loves and cherishes sulli so much that she wrote a song about her." Another talked about how Sulli continues to inspire, "She continues to inspire and giving people strength around the world, every day. let's all stay strong, peaches... and continue to warmly remember sulli".

{Found this post on internet}

Remember hate can kill.

We lost Jongyun (Suicide). He suicide by breathing carbon monoxide, on December 18, 2017, It was revealed that he suffered from severe depression. He was only 27 years old when he died. We lost Goo Hara (Suicide). She suicided when her ex-boyfriend threatened to release their s*xual video. She ended her life on 24 November 2019, when she was just 28 years old. We lost Sulli (suicide). It was revealed that she suffered from social  phobia and panic disorders. It also said that she suffered from severe depression which led to her death. She was only 25. We lost EunB (Accident). The former ladies' code member died in a fatal car accident. The group were returning to Seoul after a schedule at Daegu. As they were travelling the back tire fell out and van ran into a railing, which caused EunB's death at 1:30 am on September 3, 2014 (an year after their debut). She was 22 at that time. We lost RiSe (Accident). Just like EunB, RiSe was also a victim in that fatal car accident. However she didn't die on the scene, she was seriously injured like some other members. She was rushed to the hospital and she had to go through 9 surgeries or something like that. She was unconscious for about4 days before saying her goodbye to the world. She died on September 7, 2014. She was 23 at that time. Some say that their manager was overspeeding which caused the car crash. According to what the police said their manager driving the van at a speed of 135.7km/h while the speed limit was 100km/h. It is said that overspeeding caused the car accident and as a result the back tire fell off.

Yesterday, 14 october was Sulli's death anniversary. Hate can kill. If you don't like a person then don't talk about that person because you never know how much it will hurt them. IU, lost her three friends, Jonghyun, Sulli and Goo Hara. Imagine how much would it be lost your three friends? 

May there soul rest in peace 🙏🙏🙏....

(Sulli ^^^)

(Goo Hara ^^^)

(Jonghyun ^^^)


(RiSe ^^^)

A note to haters: It really is sin to make their parents cry. What did they ever did to you? They were just chasing their dreams and humans like you are barrier in their way. I am ending this note here because if I start I might curse at you.

Quote of today: "This world is full of Humans, but there is no Humanity"

I am signing off, so Adios!!!


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