Flowers: Sunflower | Human x...

By ThisIsJustNo

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[18+] Vincent is the last human on earth. Nobody really knows where he came from, but he still continues to l... More

Chapter 1: What a world I live in
Chapter 2: I really like you...
Chapter 3: Confessions + A Familiar Face
Chapter 4: Remembrance + Fireworks
Chapter 5: Power Mountain - Part 1
Chapter 6: Power Mountain - Part 2
Chapter 7: Unease - Memories unlocked!
Chapter 9: Unveiled Power

Chapter 8: Man's Best Friend(s)

653 11 7
By ThisIsJustNo

*   *   *  = Time-skip
. . . = Small Timeskip
[ ] = POV Change

[Claire POV]

I've been waiting for about 30 minutes and he still wasn't here. Did he leave early? Nobody else was here except for a few stragglers. I grab my bag and start to walk home. God, when will Vincent stop being like this? I don't know what to do...

So I did what I could do. Shoot him a text! While I was walking, I sent Vincent a heartfelt message.

Sent > Claire 🖤: Hey look. I know you probably won't reply back but i just wanted to let you know that i love you okay? Delivered

Not much, but it gets the job done...

Now I just have to wait. I look up at the sky, seeing the grey thunderclouds roll across the sky. It always rains here, but I don't mind it. I like the rain.

[Vincent POV]

We were inside a Starbucks. I normally don't really go to Starbucks that much, but Mitzi insisted because she had an unreasonable amount of coupons (where did those even come from??). After Mitzi ordered her coffee in, she gestured for my turn.

I walked up in front of the employee and took my order.

Employee: "Hello, sir! What would you like?" The female fox said in a kind tone.

Vincent: "Um, hi, I would like..."

I look down absentmindedly. Biggest mistake of my life. I saw two large orbs on her chest under her green apron. Not to sound like a perv, but let me just say, biggest honkers I've ever seen.

Vincent: "C-can I get an Iced latte with breast milk-oop-" The employee's eyes widen, blushing like crazy. So did I.

Employee: "Umm, excuse me?" Mitzi was just as confused as the employee was. I start sweating bullets.

Vincent: "I-I-I mean breast milk- I-I mean, uh, breast milk-Sorry! I mean, uh...breast milk I mean breast milk- I mean breast- I uh, oat. Oat! Oat milk please! Yeah, oat."

The whole entire cafe was staring at me. Some male furries did a thumbs up while smirking. Mitzi was stifling a laugh.

Employee: "Coming right up, young man~" She walked away getting our orders.

Vincent: "Uh, sorry!" I yell after her, the fox shaking her hips as she walked. "Oh."

Mitzi couldn't hold it in anymore. She cackled loudly. I rubbed the back of my head while laughing nervously.

. . .

Mitzi and I were walking side by side towards her house. It started to rain, so she gave me her hoodie.

Vincent: "This is so uncanny." I said, blowing on my hot coffee. "It's like I know you but I don't simultaneously."

Mitzi took a sip of her pumpkin spice latte.

Mitzi: "How does it feel?"

Vincent: "It feels weird."

Mitzi: "On what scale?"

Vincent: "I'd say weirder than the devious lick challenge."

Mitzi: "Pfttt! Shiiiit." She stirred her drink with the tiny wooden stirrer. "You're not wrong though. Kids your age are wylin'."

My eyebrow raised. What the hell does she mean kids my age?

Vincent: "Hey, uh, personal question. How old are you?" I asked.

Mitzi: "Twenty." I did a double take.

Vincent: "Wait huh?!" I practically yell. Mitzi rolled her eyes.

Mitzi: "Oh, hush. Yeah. I'm twenty." She giggled. "Don't let these little doe eyes confuse you, dork. I do look younger than I appear."

The wolf punched my shoulder. That statement brought up a lot of questions.

Vincent: "Yeah, I can see that. But like...h-how did you even get into my school without like, paperwork or something?"

Mitzi donned a sly smile, giving me bedroom eyes.

Mitzi: "I have my ways." She made a handjob gesture with her fist.

Vincent: "O-oh." I mumbled, my face a shade of crimson.

Vincent: "I-I knew my principal is irresponsible but I never thought he would be under that type of influence." I said, gesturing towards the wolf.

Mitzi tossed her coffee in a trash can.

Mitzi: "What can I say? A pretty girl like me has business."

My eyes harden.

Vincent: "What business? Blowing principals dicks?" I adjusted my backpack strap. "Tell me the truth. Why did you come and get me? What's your purpose?"

Mitzi's face tensed up.

Mitzi: "Ummm, about that...did you want the short answer or the long answer?"

Vincent: "Spare me the details. Short answer, please."

Mitzi: "Alright, but once I tell you, don't freak out, okay?"

I start to semi freak out. On the Inside I mean. She hasn't even told me anything yet. These past few events have been very questionable to say the least. I swallowed.

Vincent: "Bombs away."

Mitzi: "So uh, basically..." She faltered. "You're superhuman. Kind of."

I stop walking. I laugh out loud.

Vincent: "PFFT! You're out of your mind! Hahaha!" I say wiping a tear from my cheek. Mitzi looked at me with a cold hard glare.

Mitzi: "Vincent. Deadass."

I stop laughing. We meet eyes.

Vincent: "D-deadass...?"

Mitzi: "Deadass."

I start to fully freak out. On the inside again.

Vincent: "W-what is that supposed to mean?" I ask in a haunted tone.

Mitzi put her hand on my shoulder.

Mitzi: "Look, V, don't overthink it, you'll probably die of overstimulated brain cells."

Vincent: "I already did that a long time ago..." I retorted in a clueless tone. I hold my head with my hands.

Vincent: "This doesn't make any sense..."

Mitzi: "I'll tell you all about it when we get to the base-I mean, my house, okay?"

I didn't hear what she said, so I shrugged it off.

Vincent: "Man, I really hope this ain't some elaborate joke or something. Also..." I throw my coffee in a trash can by a lonely stop sign. "Where even are we? Are we close?"

The road ended here, and there was a part of the chain fence that was open, like a beast clawed it open. There was a forest with a little dirt path. Mitzi grabbed my hand, leading me towards it.

Mitzi: "C'mon! We'll be there soon!"

Oh brother...

.  .  .

We've been walking for what seems like an hour, and this rain isn't getting any better.

Vincent: "What happened to 'We'll be there soon'? We've been out here for a gazillion years."

Mitzi: "Hush, we should be here..."

The path ended at a giant dirt wall.

Mitzi: "Now!"

She seemed pretty giddy for arriving at a dirt wall.

Vincent: "Huh? This is the house? Where's the door?" I said, kicking the hard soil.

Mitzi turned to me with an excited expression.

Mitzi: "Wanna see something cool?"

Vincent: "Uh, sure." I said shrugging. "Whatever gets us...out of this...rain..." She was feeling the edge of the wall.

She hit something, a little keypad materializing itself in front of her. She typed in a reasonably long code while I watched in admiration as the wall opened, cascading down a little slope. It showed a pretty big garage filled with military-grade trucks.

Vincent: "WHAT?!" I put my hands on the back of my head, taking in the view. "YOU HAVE A SECRET BASE??"

Mitzi: "Eeeyup."

Vincent: "That's...that's so cool...!" I say with stars in my eyes.

Mitzi started walking down, me catching up with her. Her eyes trace toward the battle automotives.

Mitzi: "All of these trucks are bulletproof, and even better, we can drive these all we want."

We reach the bottom. I stroke the cold metal of the truck's hood. The paint job was camouflage, the exact same colors of the forest.

Vincent: "C-can I try?"

Mitzi: "Don't even think about it."

Vincent: "Aww..." Mitzi walked towards a pair of smaller double doors.

Mitzi: "Anyways...before we go in, I do want to remind you that there are a bunch of girls in here just dying to meet you, so beware."

I blushed. She did a double take.

Mitzi: "Pfft! Get your head out of the gutter! Not like that, weirdo!" She blushed slightly as well. "...Maybe."

Vincent: "What?"

Mitzi: "What?"

Vincent: "..."

Mitzi: "AAANYWAYS, let's go, buddy!" She said quickly, grabbing my wrist forcefully and barging though.

. . .

[Akira POV]

Akira: "Dude, how long is this going to take..." I said, both Jillian and I waiting for Marth to test her new invention out.

Marth: "Just a minute..." She said, typing on her computer, coding I think. I'm not an engineer or a nerd, so I could care less about the procedures. As long as she keeps producing more stuff, it's all good in the hood.

Marth: "Finished!"

Akira: "Really?!"

She showed us an awesome looking cyber-katana. My eyes sparkled.

Akira: "Woah...!"

Marth: What are you waiting for?" She put it in my hands. "Try it out!" She said, crossing her arms in her chair.

I gave the handle a long stare, my eyes moving along the dark sleek metal of the blade. It glistened brightly. There was a little button by the handle. I pressed it, expecting it to glow up or something...but instead, it exploded. I blinked rapidly, soot covering my face.

Marth: "Uh, whoops."

I start to growl.

Akira: "YOU BITCH! NOW I GOTTA GET MY FACE CLEANED! Ugh!" I said with disgust, Marth rubbing the back of her head.

I was about to head out the door, Jillian following me.

Jillian: "Dude, you were way out of pocket that time." She said crossing her arms. She handed me a towel.

Akira: "Shut up..." I wiped my face clean. "...Thank you." I walked out and peeked down the hallway.

Mitzi: "Murmur..."

Vincent: "Murmur..."

I let out a quiet gasp, my heart skipping a beat. Jillian walks out, but I pull her back forcefully, shutting the door.

Jillian: "Dude, what's the problem-" She noticed my frightened expression. "What? Is there something out there?"

She faced the door, grinning confidently. Wait. Oh shit!

Akira: "Wait, Jill no!"

But it was too late. Jillian busted out the door, ready to attack the intruder.

.  .  .

Vincent: "So wait, thats what nine plus ten equals?"

Mitzi: "Yeah! That kid wasn't stupid after all!"

???: "RAHHHHH!!!"

I screamed out of fear. I faced the noise, and a strong mass collided with me. We fell to the floor, the figure pinning my arms to the ground.



I open my eyes, and I see the fox from the old photos. Jesus Christ how she grew. She raised her fist to punch me, but stopped. I looked into her eyes. Her face softened, widening like open windows.

???: "Vincent?" She whispered.

She got off me, breathing in and out repeatedly. She covered her hands with her mouth.

???: "I-I..."

Mitzi helped me up.

Mitzi: "Jillian! What the hell?!"

Jillian: "Im so sorry, I didn't know, I-"

Mitzi: "Don't say sorry to me!" She pointed to me, making me flinch. "Say it to him."

The large fox looked down at me with a mix of sorrow and happiness. She couldn't control her tail, which was wagging excitedly from left to right. Jillian tackled me again, but without us going to the floor. She hugged me tight, not bothering to apologize verbally.

Jillian: "I missed you so much..." Her burly arms wrapped around me, warmth spreading thoughout my chest.

This feeling was foreign, but familiar. It's like finding an old video game console that you played when you were little. I rubbed the back of her head.

Vincent: "I missed you too..."

We stood there in the hallway for a minute. Mitzi stared at us contently. I saw another fur coming from behind Jillian.

???: "Hey!"

Jillian let me go, and I got a full glimpse of a slightly shorter wolf. I just now noticed that the girls so far were taller than me. It was kinda overwhelming...

The wolf girl licked her lips in a strange fashion, eyeing me up and down.

???: "Remember me?"

Vincent: "Kinda."

Her face turned neutral.

???: "Well that's okay, dork." She walked up to me and grabbed my face. "You'll remember soon~" Her face slowly met mine, puckering her lips....

Mitzi: "Ok, ok, back off!" The pink wolf said, tugging her back. "At least tell him your name before you start getting into his pants."

???: "Heh, sorry." She placed a hand on her chest. "The name's Akira."

Vincent: "Nice to meet you...again." I said, our hands latching onto each other in a handshake. She had a decently firm grip.

Akira: "Likewise."

Our arms separated, and the awkward silence came back. I stood there looking at the tall girls, not knowing what to do.

Vincent: "So, uh..."

Mitzi: "Oh! Yeah of course! Come meet the rest!" Mitzi said, dragging me down the hallway and towards another set of doors. I hit my shoulder on the doorframe.

Vincent: "Ouch! God, I'm not a rag-doll, you know..." I grumbled, dusting myself off.

Before my eyes sat a decently large training room and gym. To the left were a bunch of punching bags, weightlifting equipment and even a mini fridge, probably full of gatorade or water.

To the right was a doorframe leading to a larger room containing a few benches. Judging by the flat layout and the painted fist on the floor, It was most likely the sparring room. I could also tell because of the grunts and yells of two wolves fighting wildly.

Jillian: "Ooh! They're still at it!" The fox said excitedly.

Akira: "Let's go watch!" They all went rushing in, wanting to see the fight.

Vincent: "W-wait for me!" I said, running after them.

.  .  .

[Claire POV]

TV: "Local pasta bandit found naked and unconscious behind Applebee's!"


Same boring news, same boring shit. The only crime this place gets is a petty or mediocre one at best. That's not exactly a bad thing though. Seeing how highly trained police officers are here, I wouldn't want to mess with them either.

I was about to go back to channel surfing until I heard a knock at the door. I muted the TV and set the remote on the coffee table, walking in front of my door. Who could it be? It's not my mom or dad because they get off of work at around nighttime. Or maybe...


I look into the peephole.

Claire: "Mr. Ottoman?"

I unlock the door, opening it. My history teacher stood before me, adjusting his tie and folding his hands behind his back.

Mr. Ottoman: "Hello, Ms. Claire."

Claire: "Uh, hey, Mr. O." I lean on the doorframe. "What brings you here?"

His usual smirk turned into a cold pokerface.

Mr. Ottoman: "It's about Vincent."

My fingers went cold. My breath quickening.

Mr. Ottoman: "Not to seem intrusive, but may you let me in?"

. . .

Mr. Ottoman sat at the wooden dining table, sipping on a tall glass of orange juice. I poke my head out of the kitchen.

Claire: "Did you want anything to eat, Mr. O?"

Mr. Ottoman: "Hm? Oh no no! Thank you."

Claire: "Ok." I walk towards the dining room, turning on the ceiling light.

Mr. Ottoman gestured to the seat adjacent to his.

Mr. Ottoman: "Please, have a seat. This is very important." He swigged half of his drink. "And please, when we're not in school, just call me Kibuya."

I obeyed. I sat down, addressing him correctly.

Claire: "Yes, Kibuya." He smiled sincerely.

Kibuya: "Heh, as to be expected from my best student."

He cleared his throat, setting his glass on the table.

Kibuya: "Anyways...I'm going to let you in on a little secret."

I start to jitter. I shift in my seat, trying to get comfortable.

Claire: "Umm...okay."

Kibuya clasped his hands together.

Kibuya: "Since I know you like Vincent very well, I wanted to tell this to you first."

I nodded, listening intently.

Kibuya: "And do know...I value you as my star student, so can you promise me to keep this between us?"

Claire: "Sure." I cross my heart.

Kibuya: "Good." He said in a monotonous voice.

He leaned in, his irises a sharp crimson.

Kibuya: "Have you ever noticed Vincent's agility? His strength even?"

Claire: "Yeah..." I felt pressure in my chest. "What about it?"

Kibuya: "Well, you see..." He pushed back his chair standing up. "Vincent's a wanted boy."

I lean forward in my chair, shouting in disbelief. Guess you could say I got defensive.

Claire: "What?! He would never! How do you know tha-"

Kibuya: "No, no, no! Not like that, Ms. Claire. He's not a felon."

I slump back into my chair.

Claire: "Well what do you mean then?"

Kibuya paced around the table, admiring the pictures.

Kibuya: "What I mean is that...there are bad people trying to get their hands on him."

I wanted to interrupt him and ask how he even knew that, but I kept quiet.

Kibuya: "These people are terrible. They kidnap innocents and turn them into their slaves and soldiers, injecting them with a formula that makes their physical attributes skyrocket."

He clenched his fist.

Kibuya: "And the poor fellows who show an ounce of compassion or emotion are executed on the spot."

My eyes widen. I stammered, but no words came out. Kibuya glanced at me with understanding eyes.

Kibuya: "I know. Despicable."

I choked on my own voice.

Claire: "Y-your not one of those people, a-are you?" I said in a haunted tone.

Kibuya put a hand on my shoulder, squeezing lightly.

Kibuya: "Not any more." His face scrunched up as if he stubbed his toe. "Ever since I saw what they did, I immediately had second thoughts."

He pointed to his scars on his face, one right below his eye, and one on his muzzle.

Kibuya: "When I defied them, they tortured me. Of course, over the years, I have healed, but..."

He moved his hair covering his other eye. It was closed, having a long scar run down it. I gasped.

Kibuya: "The man in charge, my brother, has gouged my eye out with his bare hands out of spite."

Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes.

Claire: "That's terrible, Mr Otto- I-I mean Kibuya..."

He smiled, donning his signature condescending sly look.

Kibuya: "It's okay. They're in a better place now, free from any violence or malice."

Claire: "Th-that's true..." I sniffled.

Kibuya: "Back on subject." He said, sitting back down.

Kibuya: "As I said, my brother is sending his foot soldiers to capture Vincent and make him his slave." He grimaced. "He might even open him up and test on him, knowing how adventurous he is."

Kibuya: "He told me once he had enough resources in his grasp, he would start a project called 'Finishing Touch', and I haven't the slightest idea what that is."

I swallowed. I felt so scared for my boyfriend. I felt so scared for Vincent.

Kibuya: "Claire."

I looked at him with watery eyes. Despite only one eye being shown, he had such a fatherly look in his gaze.

Kibuya: "Everything will be okay." He said reassuringly. "I myself built a team of very strong individuals who will fault his plan. Even stronger than his men."

My heart settled a bit. I start to calm down. I wiped my tears away, sniffling.

Claire: "O-okay."

Kibuya looked guilty. He looked toward the TV, which had a classic PS1 on it. He looked back at me.

Kibuya: "Is that a PS1?" He asked.

I nodded. Kibuya stood up. I could tell he was trying to deescalate the conversation.

Kibuya: "You have good taste, child." The tall wolf said, his back facing me.

Kibuya: "Before I go, did you want something to eat?"

This was a weird question, as he was the guest. I pushed my chair out, standing up as well.

Claire: "Wh-what do you mean? I have food here."

Kibuya: "Please, I insist. At least let me get you a pizza."

The word pizza sold me.

Claire: "Wow...really?" I blushed while grabbing my arm. "I-I wouldn't mind that..."

Kibuya: "Wonderful!" He pulled his phone out of his suit's pocket and dialed what was I assumed a pizza place.

. . .

He stayed with me until the pizza arrived. I opened the box.

Normal cheese. Not bad.

Cheese pizza wasn't my favorite, but it's still good as hell. I grabbed two slices, putting them on my plate. I sat on my couch, now noticing the news channel was still on, the TV remote in its normal place.

I was still processing the information that Mr. Kibuya gave me. And it was scary. Really scary. I'm-so-spooked-I-could-shit-a-chicken scary. But, Mr. Kibuya was kind enough to tell me to be strong and protect Vincent the best I can. I can, and I will.

I pick up the remote and scroll through the channels, finding the perfect show to watch, all of my worries drifting away.

For now.

.  .  .

[Vincent POV]

The fight was getting pretty intense. What made it even scarier was when they pulled out weapons. They both had a pair of knuckle dusters. Every time someone got hit, some blood hit the floor.

Akira: "Wow, fights never got more intense than this!"

I tap Mitzi's shoulder.

Vincent: "Uhh...should we like, stop them?" I asked. "From the looks of it, they're going to explode if they don't."

Mitzi looked at the two competitors, their torsos were covered with bruises and scratches.

Mitzi: "Yikes. Maybe you're right."

She put two fingers in her mouth and whistled loudly.


Mitzi: "That's enough, you two!"

The wolves looked back at us. I stood up, clapping at their performance.

Vincent: "That was crazy!" I yelled.

The black wolf came running at me just like Jillian did. I cringed and awaited for the glomp, but It never came.

She was looking at me intently.

???: "Look at you..."

Mitzi stood up with her hands on her hips.

Mitzi: "Do I have to introduce everyone here?"  She groaned. "That's Samantha."

I waved meekly.

Vincent: "Hi Saman-Woah, woah, woah!"

She lifted my shirt.

Samantha: "Look at you!" She yelled in my face. "You're so skinny! Have you been eating?!"

Vincent: "Uh, yeah?"

She didn't listen to me. She was too busy being overprotective or some shit.

Samantha: "And look at those bags under your eyes! You look like a zombie!"

In the heat of the confusion, I couldn't see the other even larger wolf towering over me. She had a judgmental stare. I looked into her eyes. For some reason, they flashed a shade of yellow. Just for a second...

She pat my head with a slight smirk.

???: "Hi, Vincent. I'm Bella." She said kindly. Her voice was domineering, but tender sounding, like a mom.

Vincent: "Hey, Bella." I retorted with a goofy grin.

Mitzi: "Great! That's everyone!" She said, clapping her hands together. "Everyone up for pizza?"

Samantha: "OOH! ME, ME!"

Wow, She's a freak for pizza just like Claire is...

Speaking of Claire...I should probably go visit her. She's probably worried sick about me.

Vincent: "Hey uh, guys? Quick question."

Bella: "Hm?"

All eyes were on me.

Vincent: "Meeting you was cool and all but like...I still don't get why I'm supposed to be here."

Some of them frowned.

Vincent: "And not to sound rude, but I have somewhere to be."

Akira: "And where is that exactly?"

Vincent: "A house."

Akira: "Who's house?"

Vincent: "A-a friend's..."

Akira's eyes brightened.

Akira: "Ooh! Is it a girl? Is she pretty?"

Vincent: "What?! No! I-I mean yes! I mean-"

Everybody started laughing.

Akira: "I'm just fucking with ya, V." She chuckled. She drooped her arm around my neck. "Unless~..."

Vincent: "I hate you."

Akira: "Heehee~! It's okay," She stood up. "I hate me too."

She began to walk out of the room with a sway in her hips.

Akira: "Mitzi, could you order some Chinese for me? I'm starving."

Her foot didn't even get out of the doorframe when a figure dashed in.

???: "COME HERE, BOY!"

Oh god, not again...

The figure stopped in front of me standing in place, wobbling like a diving board.

How fast was she going...? Shit!

???: "Hey, Vincent!" She shook my hand like a damn cartoon character. "I'm Marth. Nice to meetcha!"

Vincent: "Uhh, yeah...likewise."

This Marth person must be a magician, because she pulled a ruler and a magnifying glass out of nowhere. She got close, crouching down and putting the ruler next to my arm, my chest, and leg.

Marth: "Wow, you're still so tiny!"

I don't know why, but this really offended me. Though all of my years of living, I never heard anybody call me small, and it just grinded my gears.

Vincent: "Hey! Don't call me tiny!"

Marth: "Hahaha! You still hate being called that?"


Marth: "Oh, come on, don't give me that look!" She put her hands on my face, observing it. "You always hated being called tiny! We always thought it was so cute!"

My face was redder than a tomato.

Vincent: "I am neither cute nor tiny!" I yelled in rage.

Bella: "You are very cute, my tiny human~!"

Vincent: "Wha? UGH!"

Chapter Eight Completed!

So, so, so, so sorry for the (very) late update! House cleaning + School = No wattpad. I think that's how the math goes...

Anyways, have a nice day!

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