The Only Exception - Goku Bla...

By AshliKiwii

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What happens when two mortal hating beings fall in love? What if the person they love was a mortal themselves... More

Chapter One - Ah sh*t, here we go again
Chapter Two - Two Gokus?!
Chapter Three - Future Us
Chapter Four - Enter Zamasu
Chapter Five - Hidden Secret?
Chapter Six - Say What Now?
Chapter Seven - The Resistance part 1
Chapter Eight - The resistance(sorta) part 2
Chapter Nine - Stalker Much?
Chapter Ten - A Kiss?!
Chapter Eleven - So What Now?
Chapter Twelve - Time to "Play Nice"
Chapter Thirteen - So You Do Shower, Good
Chapter Fourteen - Is it Love?
Chapter Fifteen - The High Ground is Mine...
Author's Note/Quick Question
Chapter Sixteen - The High Ground WAS Mine...(There Goes My Plan)
Chapter Seventeen - Don't Ignore Me Goku Black!
Chapter Eighteen - Zamasu's Revenge
Chapter Nineteen - Let's Get It On part 1
*Warning!* Chapter Nineteen - Let's Get It On part 2
Author's Note/Update
Chapter Twenty - Now you Guys Show Up part 1
Chapter Twenty - Now You Guys Show Up part 2
(Alternative Ending) Chapter Twenty Two - Speaking Dat God Language
(Alternative Ending) Chapter Twenty Three - Oh my god! What is that?!
(Alternative Ending) Chapter Twenty Four - One Wish
(Alternative Ending) Chapter Twenty Five - Well...
(Alternative Ending) Chapter Twenty Six - Guess Who's Back, Back Again
(Alternative Ending) Chapter Twenty Seven - A Happy End...

Chapter Twenty One - Stuck Between a God and a Hard Place

1.2K 27 103
By AshliKiwii

Black turned his attention to Zamasu and questioned him about what happened. Zamasu told him that the mortals were more problematic than they expected and that they would need to quickly deal with them.

"You pathetic lowly mortals" Black smirked down at Goku, Vegeta, Bulma, Trunks and Mai.

"Show your reverence and bow down" Zamasu was also smirking at them. He took off his earring. "Before our splendor." The earring he took off his left ear went onto his right ear instead. His earring then started to glow, almost as it was resonating with Black's earring.

Black and Zamasu's bodies then collided into one another, causing the duo to spin around. As they spun around, a glowing white light appeared and made the two of them disappear.

"What the hell?" I thought as I now saw a being who mostly resembled Zamasu but had the same hair as Black floating in the sky.

"My form is justice" the man started. "And my form is the world." The man just stood up there, like he was some sort of god. "Worship me! Give praise unto me!"

"Oh my god, he's still talking?" I asked myself.

"Me, the beautiful, the sublime. Me the invincible, the almighty and divine." He opened his eyes. "All hail Zamasu."

"I don't believe it! Zamasu merged with himself!" I heard some say.

I looked back at the man who was definitely Zamasu and let out a huge sigh. "It hasn't been five minutes yet and I already hate this new form they took."

The new Zamasu looked down at me with a smirk on his face. "What do you think of this form (Y/n)? Isn't it divine? Isn't it truly a spectacle to behold?"

"Uh...yeah, I guess" I replied. "Why the hell is he asking me?!" I thought.

"Hahahaha, excellent! I knew you would be able to acknowledge such true beauty, after all you are the only worthy mortal here!"

"(Y/n)! Trunks!" Vegeta yelled. "You guys should get out of here with Bulma and Mai!"

"Yes father!" Trunks grabbed both Mai and Bulma, taking off. I soon stood up from where I was sitting and followed them. I did lag behind because I was curious about the fight that was about to go down between the new Zamasu and Goku and Vegeta.

"(Y/n), aren't you coming?" Trunks asked as he had noticed I wasn't following him anymore.

"I think I'll stay."

"But he's still technically after you! Are you crazy!"

"Please (Y/n), it's safer if you come with us" Bulma pleaded.

"I'll be fine, so far as I know it, Zamasu wouldn't dare kill me" I told them and went back over to where Goku and Vegeta were. Once I arrived I saw supreme Kai standing next to a yellow looking kai. "So supreme Kai, care to explain everything that's going on?" I figured he would know what was up since he was here after all.


Supreme Kai told me about the whole Black and Zamasu being the same person and that the Zamasu inside Goku's body stole it from the Goku of another timeline. Once he killed off Goku and the others, he joined forces with the Zamasu that was in Trunk's timeline. Those two then went off and killed all the gods and majority of all the mortals.

"So I literally was fucked the same guy?"

"Excuse me?" Supreme Kai asked.

"Oh, its nothing" I lied as I now went back to watching Zamasu take down Goku and Vegeta.

The fight between the three of them was intense. It was clearly obvious that Zamasu had the upper-hand in the fight but Goku and Vegeta didn't back down. Trunks even joined the two in the fight as well.

"Zamasu!" Goku got back up after being knocked down. "Get ready because I'm about to turn off all your lights!"

"Get him Goku!" Trunks exclaimed as he was still helping Vegeta after the hit he took for him from Zamasu.

"You simple minded Saiyan! It is the light of the mortals that will soon be extinguish!" Zamasu held the ball of energy on his finger further up in the sky. "All except for you, my dear (Y/n)."

"Could you not include me in this" I thought as I kept a good distance from them.

"" Goku started.

"Oh, great holy wrath, smite the wicked!" Zamasu threw the orange ball of energy at Goku.

"Ha!" Goku released a Kamehameha wave and the two beamed clash. Goku's Kamehameha was getting the better of Zamasu and this angered him.

"You will never best me, filthy mortal!"

"You won't beat me!!" Goku's energy wave took over Zamasu's ball of energy, which went straight though it and hit Zamasu. The cause of impact created a huge explosion.

As the dust cloud cleared, Zamasu stood in the air, shocked at what just happened. The right side of his face had turned purple and looked goopy. It actually looked like it was slowly starting to melt or something.

Goku took this opportunity to get the one up on Zamasu only for him to grab his leg since Goku was using his legs to fight him with. Goku didn't let this get to him and he powered up some more, kicking Zamasu in the goopy side of his face. Goku then collapsed into the ground.

"Why does his face look like that?" I thought.

"(Y/n), come over here." I looked over and saw supreme Kai motioning for me to join him and Trunks behind some rumble.

Just as I got over there, we could hear Zamasu yell out Goku's name. We all looked towards that direction and saw him get struck by some sort of purple lightning. "Gowasu, what's going on?" I asked.

Gowasu explained on how Zamasu's body was basically rejecting the mortal side he fused with, which was Goku's body. It was also reason why he was starting to become vulnerable to attacks since Black's body wasn't invincible like Zamasu's. "This is all confusing" I sighed. I continued to watch Zamasu as he descended to the ground. "That's a huge bitch!" I noticed his right arm had gotten bigger.

"(Y/n)! Now's not the time for comments like that!" Supreme Kai scolded me.

"It's true though."

I heard Trunks laugh a bit.

"Vegeta I think it's time" Goku said out of nowhere.

"For what?" Vegeta asked, still suffering for the injuries he received from Zamasu.

"For the Potara. We're going to fuse just like them" Goku smirked.

"Fuse?" I remembered how Black's and Zamasu's bodies flew into each other. Some reason it made me think of something and I laughed.

Goku was all for the idea of fusing but Vegeta thought otherwise. Apparently the two of them fused before and I'm guessing Vegeta didn't like the idea.

"I've been wondering" Goku started as he slowly put on one of the earrings he got from Supreme Kai. "Last time we fused, the kais told us it was permanent but we split apart anyway. Do you know why?" Goku directed this question towards Gowasu. Gowasu explained it was permanent for kais but the fusion only last an hour for others. Goku thought this was still a good idea but Vegeta was taking his sweet time to accept the idea of fusing.

"Oh come on already!" I exclaimed. "It's just an hour! It's not like you're going to be stuck together forever!"

"Shut up (Y/n)! You don't know how it feels to be combined with an idiot like him!" Vegeta yelled at me.

"I mean, I sort of a way." I was technically right but not in the way they were thinking. I was thinking about something completely different that involved Zamasu and Black.

"Huh?" They all gave me a look.

"It's nothing." I looked back over at Zamasu. Our eyes met and he smirked, using his pointer finger to tell me to come over to where he was. I shook my head no and gave him the finger. Stupid asshole totally didn't get the message and just kept smirking at me.

"Come on Vegeta!" Goku was now rushing Vegeta. "(Y/n)'s right you know!"

"Fine, but just one hour!" Vegeta stood up, eating the senzu bean Trunks gave him and put the other earring opposite to where Goku put his. A white light like the one that appeared for Zamasu emerged and engulfed Goku and Vegeta. The light then disappeared and a man with spiky brown hair jumped up, landing on a taller piece of rumble.

The man was named Vegito and easily destroyed the large ki blast Zamasu launched at him. Zamasu was shocked for a second but started to laugh, talking about how Goku and Vegeta were mimicking the gods. This then lead into another one of his speeches which was starting to get on my nerves. Hell, I'm not even the one dealing with him! So when Vegito punched him, I let out a cheer.

"Finally, someone needed to shut him up!"

"Get down (Y/n)!" Supreme Kai held me back down behind the rumble we were taking refuge behind.

"It's true though" I said as I watched Vegito and Zamasu fight one another.

Somewhere during the fight, Zamasu did another one of his long winded speeches and somehow my name ended up in it this time around.

"(Y/n) is the only mortal I will ever accept into this perfect world I shall create!" Zamasu exclaimed. "After all we have become connected not only through mind but body as well!"

"Why is he so loud?" I asked as I turned to look at Trunks, Supreme Kai, and Gowasu. "What?"

"Several times in fact!" You could hear Zamasu yell. "Our bodies merged nonstop!"

"Is what he saying true (Y/n)?" Trunks asked. "About you guys being connected?"

"'s just the body part though." Trunks gave me a look. "Hey! Don't you dare look at me like that! It's your fault for not showing up sooner!"

"I...I'm not going to further question you about that" Trunks blushed and looked away from me.

"Damn right you won't!" I looked back towards the two fighting.

"From what I can understand, Zamasu has some sort of feelings towards you?" Gowasu asked.

"I guess."

"Do you have the same feelings in return?"

"No, I do not." I?


The battle between Vegito and Zamasu continued. Vegito had the upper-hand during this fight and was about to finish Zamasu off but the fusion wore off, leaving both Goku and Vegeta wide open. Zamasu took this chance to kill the two but Trunks appeared, taking on Zamasu by himself. The new fight between Trunks and Zamasu looked one-sided, with Trunks being knocked away by Zamasu.

Zamasu asked Trunks what he was going to do now since he couldn't beat Zamasu on his own. He even continued to bash on mortals as he pinned Trunks to the ground.

"What's with this white light coming off me?" I asked as I looked up into the sky. I could see more particles of white light accumulated near the area where Trunks was. There was a huge ball of white light floating above Trunks and it got sucked into the sword he was using. With the sword that consumed the white light particles that came off of every mortal around the planet, Trunks used it to cut Zamasu down the middle.

It seemed like Trunks won but the sky that was purified by Trunks's sword was engulfed by darkness yet again. "Why the hell is Zamasu's face covering the sky!" You could even hear him laughing in the distance.

"It's due to his darkness" Gowasu answered.

"Come on Vegeta, we got to do something about this." Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks flew into the sky and shot energy blasts towards the dark cloud that was covered in multiply Zamasu faces. The faces in the sky started blasting red beams of energy, wiping out the mortals that were still remaining on the planet. Well besides, Trunks, Mai, Bulma, Vegeta, Goku, and I. There was no one left besides us, the ones that were near the time machine.

It seemed all hope was lost but Goku had something in mind, he took out a small red button and pushed it. Once it was pushed, a small weird looking dude showed up and got ready to wipe out everything.

"Hurry, get in the time machine!" Goku yelled.

Bulma grabbed my hand and we all ran over to the time machine. Bulma, Trunks, Mai, and I were inside the time machine while Goku and Vegeta grabbed onto the legs. Bulma quickly launched the time machine and we all were brought back to the present timeline.

"Home sweet home!!" I jumped out of the time machine and hugged the ground. "I thought I would never come back!"

"(Y/n)!" younger Trunks ran over to me. "Are you okay?!"

I looked up at him from the ground and smiled, ruffling his hair. "Yup, all good!"


I stayed at Bulma's place for a couple of days after Mai and Trunks went back to a timeline where another version of themselves would reside at. Before he left, Trunks kept apologizing to me about the whole getting taken by Zamasu and stuff. I told him not to worry about it and to go live a happy life.

While sitting in my room, I heard a knock on the door. "Hey (Y/n)."

"You can come in." Younger Mai walked in. "Oh, hey Mai. What's up?"

"I wanted to know if you're okay."

"Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, I just thought maybe you might miss Zamasu after everything that's happened."

I burst out laughing. "Why the hell would I miss him? I'm not future me!"

"But you spent such a long time with him! Wouldn't you have felt something for him?"

I stopped laughing and looked into her eyes. "Look Mai, I never had any feelings for Zamasu. My future self might have but not me" I started. "And yes I spent a decent amount of time with him but that's it. At that point I was only using him for my own needs" that last part was mainly for me to hear, not her.

"Oh, okay then. I'm sorry for bringing it up."

"You don't have to apologize. I know you were only thinking of me because there might have been a chance I loved Zamasu but now that's he's gone, I will never be able to see him again." I walked over to her and squatted down hugging her. "Thanks for worrying about me Mai, but like I said, I'm okay." She hugged me back and we stayed like this for awhile.

Minutes later and Mai left me, closing the door behind her. I returned back to my bed and laid down, facing the ceiling. "Looks like I failed you future me" I started. "In the end, I don't think I really understood what they...I mean what he felt for us." I blinked a few times. "You might say it was love, you might say otherwise." I turned to my side, placing my hands underneath my head/cheek. I could feel the urge to sleep overcome me. "Who knows?" My eyes were starting to droop. "Not like I'll get the chance to really figure it out" I let out a yawn and closed my eyes. "But if there was a chance...maybe I might have felt the same way he did."

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