You Will Always Be the One (B...

By CR45H_C0UR53

3.9K 69 47

Yes, every story I make is FNF, and YES, they will always be a love song if it's a love story. Anyway, back t... More

Chapter 00: Just a lil somethin to know before you start reading...
Chapter 2: Uncommunicated
Chapter 3: Talk It Out
Chapter 4: Comfort Zone
Chapter 5: Not So Good
Chapter 6: Soaking...
Chapter 7: Distance

Chapter 1: Disobedient and Self-effacing

522 9 5
By CR45H_C0UR53

(Yes, a long-ass title AGAIN.)

Bob and Bosip jump out of a portal that leads from Minecraft to the real world, and vice versa. Bob is grappled onto Bosip's leg, asking for an acceptance of his apology. Bosip stays silent. What happened, you may? Bob accidentally killed Bosip's wolf while he was fighting off zombies. It may not seem like a big deal, but it was because it took a whole stack of bones to tame it. (For those of you that don't know, a stack in Minecraft is 64. So it took 64 bones. rip.)"I'M SORRY!!!! I'LL FIND ANOTHER ONE!!! PLEASE DON'T BURN MY ROOM!!! IT TOOK ME HOURS TO MAKE IT PERFECT!!!!"

"Sorry doesn't cut it."


"I can't trust that."


"You're being unreasonable, Bob."


"..." Bob stands up and grabs Bosip's cheeks.

"I'm sorry!!! I said it to your face!! Now, do you accept it!?" Bosip looks at Bob. He looks like he's crying. Probably cause he is. He's cute. Bosip slightly blushes.

"Fine. If it'll get you to stop screaming. People are probably looking through their windows." Bosip moves Bob's hands off of him. "You're lucky you're cute," Bosip says to himself under his breath.


"O-Oh, uh, N-Nothing.*ahem*It's nothing." Bob shrugs and they walk into their house. Bowaev(Mah Bebe) attacks them when they open the door.

"You're back, you're back!!" Bowaev pounces on them, ensnaring them in an embrace.

Bob and Bosip, a true duo. They may seem like they've been friends for their entire lives, but they weren't always like this, but instead, a much more neglecting of how much they had in common with one another.

In the Cafeteria, 9 years ago(I don't know how to calculate time. And this is just a HEADCANON!!!)

A short, yellow-haired boy, age 10 or 11, walks up to a taller, blue-haired boy, same age, slowly and bashfully. The blue-haired boy happened to be the school delinquent: getting into fights, throwing scissors at teachers, cutting classes, your normal school psycho activities. His name was Bob, and he knew his name was well-known around the school, and not in the way you'd usually think.

However, the yellow-haired boy was known as the school clumsy kid/shy guy. He isn't what you'd call "popular." He wanted to talk to people to bring his rep up, but it hasn't worked out so well. He's tried to get in the friend group of everyone, but him being quiet and shy, he hasn't had such good luck. The people he's tried to be friends with either ignore him or tell him to go away. He's resorted to going to the school delinquent to be his friend. This boy's name was Bosip. And this is somewhat where these two's story begins. "U-U-Uh... E-Excuse m-me..."

"What?" Bob answers him in an annoyed tone. Bosip steps back from him, afraid he might aggravate him.

"U-Uh... I-I-I j-just noticed y-you were s-sitting a-alone. D-Do you m-mind i-if I... u-u-uh..."

"Ok, you're obviously confused about how it works here. I'm a delinquent, you're the shy boy. Everyone here is an outcast in some way. Me being an outcast is just that in a way that if anyone were to talk shit about me, let's say they'd have some flowers on that kid's dest the next day." Bob gets up out of his seat and puts his foot on the seat. "If ya sit with me, you'd be deemed a delinquent." Bosip shuffles away from Bob slightly, pushing his glasses onto his eyes.


"That's what I-" Bosip interrupts what Bob is saying with a loud slam of a lunch tray.

"I-I'm okay with that!!" He yells at him, louder than he's ever said anything in his life. It was just the average loudness of a regular person talking. Bob looks at Bosip like he's crazy. He shakes that off and sits back down.

"So, long as you decide you wanna sit here, might as well get to know each other." Bob pulls out his phone, playing a colorful game. Bosip looks up at him. Bob's eyes reflect the screen's colorful glow. It's Geometry Dash.

"I love that game. M-Music's k-kinda m-my thing." Bob looks up at him for a split second and looks back at his phone.

"Yeah. It's pretty cool. I don't really like to play games on my phone, but I like G-Dash. Minecraft, too."

"Have you found any diamonds yet?"

"Nah. My world sucks hard. Whenever I mine, there's always a creeper or a skeleton behind a block. The Minecraft gods must hate me."

"Ahaha! Sometimes when I mine, there are some diamonds near Redstone."

"Redstone!? That shit is useless!"

"I use it for traps. The server I have has other people on it. They're always stealing from everyone."

"You know how to make traps?"

"Yeah. M-My friend taught me. He's pretty much an expert. I-I mean!!- N-Not a-an expert, b-but he's r-really good!!"

"I'm pretty great myself. Hey. What's your name? I didn't get it when you decided to sit with me."

"M-My name!?-... B-Bosip. I-I already know your name, s-since you're s-so well-known."

"I... meant your Minecraft name."

"O-Oh!!! ///>///.///<///!! U-Uh... I-It's a pretty s-stupid name..."

"Eh, I've heard stupider

"U-Uhm... M-...M-MineGeek64..." Bob's eyes widen in shock.

"I-Is your server called, '90's kids?'(I'M NOT CREATIVE!!)"


"Does the name, 'PsychoChild' sound familiar?"

"Y-Yeah. He taught me how to... make..." Bosip realizes why he's bringing these things up so suddenly.

And soon after that day, they would become inseparable, always talking about something new. Their interests, their family life, after-school stuff, all those tiny details of their day, shared with one another. "Hey, have you heard? That shy guy in class 4-12 is hanging out with that school delinquent."

"No way!"

"That's creepy."

"What are they, dating?!" Every time the two would walk past a crowd of people, those conversations ring quietly through the hallways, spreading more rapidly until overlapping. They didn't care, though. At least... Bob didn't. Another school day over. Bosip catches up to Bob. They were going to play video games at his house, but Bosip needed to talk to Bob about something.

"Bob, people are talking about us."

"So? Let 'em."

"B-But... what if th-they spread rumors? What if t-they lie a-about if w-were friends or not!? Wh-What if- MMPH!!" Bob covers Bosip's mouth. Bob grits his teeth at the thought of what Bosip was spouting out of his mouth.

"Just shut the fuck up. If they do say some dumb shit about us, I'll correct 'em."

"D-Don't say that!! I-I'm just saying. What if you h-hurt someone!!?"

"Then I'll pay the piper for the person's jaw I dislocate."

"Can we just NOT have violence for 1 day!? Plus, I-I really wanna play Minecraft with you.~"

"Aw, come on! Can't handle a little blood?!~" Bosip stares at Bob through the lightened sea of his Cobalt Blue eyes. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Bob steps back, and Bosip steps forward after him. "Dude, stop. That's fuckin creepy." He steps back again, and Bosip steps forward. "Fine! No violence! Sheesh, just don't do that again!"

"I won't. Now, c'mon! Let's go play some Minecraft!!" Bosip giggles. Bob smirks at the joyful smile put onto Bosip's face, shining in the afternoon sky's light.

(WOOF!!! This took a week to make! I  was so excited, AND HERE IT IS!!!!)

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