A Change Of Family (on Hiatus)

By Moonaline

5.4K 60 160

AU where a 5-year old Crusher is adopted by the Blaze Fam and is raised with them. Prompt from BATMM_PP. More

Lost And Rescued
Growing Up Together
Moving To Axle City 1
Moving To Axle City 2
Moving To Axle City 3
Epic Sail
The Jungle Horn
Truckball Team-Up
Mystery Bandit


259 4 3
By Moonaline

"Here I GO!" Blaze cried as he and AJ stood at the top of two lane mud slides.

"Wait for me!"

AJ laughed before they both jumped down. They slid down the muddy slides, cheering as they did so.



"Whoa! Hahaha!"

"Hahaha, yeah!"

"Hang on!"


They soon reached the end of the slide. They cheered again as they landed in the huge pool of mud with a big splash.

"YEAH-HEH!" Blaze laughed as they got out of the mud.

"That was definitely our muddiest splash yet!" AJ giggled.

"Oh, yeah?" Blaze grinned. "Well, how about this?!"

He shook himself, causing mud to fly everywhere. AJ laughed, trying to defend himself as the mud was sent towards him.

"Ha ha ha! Good one, Blaze!"

"Hey, guys!"

"Hey, Crush!" Blaze greeted and turned to see their older brother on top of some machine with a flat surface and wheels bigger than his. "Uhm... is that a new invention?"

"Yep!" Crusher nodded. "It's the mud protector! It even comes with a mud-proof tank!" He pressed a button, and a tank covered him inside. "Ta-da! Safe and sound!"

"Crusher, are you STILL not liking mud?" AJ chuckled.

"Nope, definitely NOT!" Crusher shuddered. "Have you SEEN mud under a microscope?! Yuck! So many germs that you'd get sick! Also, here," He pressed a button, causing a bottle of alcohol to be handed out with a mechanical hand. "use THIS before you eat, please,"

"Okay, okay, we will," Blaze giggled and took and kept the alcohol. "So, you still joining us for Mudfest? I mean, look!" He pointed over to Starla, Darington, Zeg, Stripes, Pickle, and Gabby playing in the mud, along with other trucks. "Check it out! All our friends are here for a giant mud party! There are mud slides, mud games, and even a mud mountain!"

"Hihi, don't worry, you two, I'm joining, I'm joining," Crusher laughed. "That's the purpose of this invention. I'd still have fun with my friends and brothers while staying completely clean!"

"Aww, that's a great idea, Crusher!" Blaze beamed.

"Hey, Blaze! AJ! Crusher!" The brothers turned to see Gabby run towards them, muddy and holding a ball. "You guys wanna play Mud Ball with us?"

"Sure!" Blaze nodded.

"Yeah!" AJ agreed too.

"Great!" Gabby beamed before noticing the invention. "Uh, Crusher, what's with the machine?"

"Let's just say... I'm NEVER looking at mud through a telescope ever again," Crusher shuddered. "but I'm not gonna let my germaphobia stop me from having fun at Mudfest with favorite brothers!"

"Crush, we're your ONLY brothers!" AJ laughed.

They all let out a laugh as they headed over to their friends. Pickle greeted them with a wave.

"Heya, guys!" he splattered on the mud with a laugh. "Look at all this MUD!!"

"Yep, I see it," Crusher chuckled.

"Aww, come on, Crusher, still germaphobic?" Pickle raised an eyebrow at the machine. "All Monster Machines love mud!"

"I do love it... IF it stays far, FAR away from me," Crusher shrugged.

"You and me both, lightning boy,"

The group turned to see Speedrick gag as he made his way to them. Pickle growled.

"What do you want, Rick?"

"To go AWAY from the mud." Speedrick hissed. "but I can't since I'm not leaving myself in an empty city."

"Aww, come on, Rick, you're just being squirmy," Pickle rolled his eyes. "All Monster Machines love mud. Crusher likes it as long as he doesn't see the germs inside it,"

"Not me, I can't stand mud! I mean, LOOK!" Speedrick pointed at the muddy ground. "Yuck!! Look at all this mud, it's disgusting!"

"That's just because you've never tried playing in the mud before, rich boi," Stripes chuckled.

"Yeah!" Starla agreed. "I bet you'd like it if you did!"

"We can even blow mud bubbles!" Darington giggled.

He took out a stick with a hoop before blowing on it, making bubbles. One of the bubble floated towards Speedrick and popped in his face. He winced with another gag.

"Ick!! No thanks!"

"What about... muddy duckies?" Zeg suggested, pointing to the muddy ducks nearby.

"Eww!! Never!" Speedrick shook his head and moved away from it.

"How about you wear a mud hat?" Pickle grinned and threw one on the white truck's head.

"Eeyuck!!! That's disgusting!" Speedrick threw it over his shoulder.

Pickle gritted his teeth. He glanced at the ball in Gabby's hands and grinned. He asked for it, and once he had it, he held it out to the white truck.

"Hey, look! A ball with mud on it!"


Speedrick gagged as he whacked the ball, far away into the forest. The group gasped.

"Hey! Our ball!" Darington cried.

"Aww, we needed that!" Stripes growled.

"Ugh... Speedrick!" Zeg snarled.

"Don't worry, guys, Crusher, AJ and I can get the ball back," Blaze offered, with his brothers nodding in agreement.

"Ooh, ooh! And SPEEDRICK will help you," Pickle grinned with a glare at the white truck. "because HE is the one who knocked it away. Right, Rick?"

"WHAT?!" Speedrick gagged. "Do I HAVE to?!"

"Yes, you do," Crusher gave a nod.

"Oh, all right..." Speedrick groaned.

"Great!" Blaze beamed as AJ got on him. "Well then, follow us!"

Speedrick sighed as the duo led them through the forest. He perked up and smirked, however, when he noticed Crusher beside him.


"Yeah, nope," Crusher chuckled and zipped off. "Try to catch up, if you can, Speedrick!"

Speedrick sighed and drove after them. They headed through the forest, with Blaze, AJ and Crusher enjoying their drive while Speedrick tried his hardest to avoid the mud. Soon, they were deep in the forest, and the white truck began to grow tired.

"Timeout... timeout..." he panted with a sigh.

"Hmm..." Blaze looked around as AJ got off. "Our ball must've bounced over here somewhere,"

"I'll head up to get a closer look," Crusher pressed a button, causing his invention stretch up, over the trees.

"Lightning boy~ Let me up there with you!" Speedrick pleaded.

AJ chuckled and glanced around. "Hey, I hear it bouncing this way!"

"There it is!" Blaze pointed over to see the ball bouncing behind them. "I'll grab it!"

He zoomed off after it and jumped off a hill. He managed to grab the ball, landing on some mud while he was at it.

"Got it!"

"Yeah-heh! Nice catch, Blaze!" AJ cheered.

"Ick!! More mud!" Speedrick gagged.

"All right, guys," Blaze smiled. "Now what do you say we get going back to--"

Suddenly, the mud began to rise below him, revealing some sort of creature. Speedrick paled, more than his color already, all the way up to his hair, which shot in horror.

"That's some kind of... MUD MONSTER!" he screamed as the mud melted off the creature's face, revealing a smile, but even that didn't stop the white truck from screaming and turning away. "I'M GETTIN' OUTTA HERE!!!"

They all watched as Speedrick ran off, screaming more and more as he fled. Blaze blinked down at the creature.

"Um... hi?"

"Oh, hey! I thought there was someone up there," the creature chuckled. "Here, lemmie help you down,"

"Wow, thanks!" Blaze smiled as the being helped him down.

"Hey, guys, what's that about?" Crusher asked as he lowered himself down. "Did Speedrick find a mirror to finally reveal himself?"

"As much as we'd love that, that's not what happened," AJ let out a chuckle.

"We found a new friend!" Blaze beamed. "Crusher, this is... uh..."

"Oh, where are my manners?" the creature shook the mud off and smiled. "My name's Gasquatch!"

"Nice to meet you, Gasquatch," Crusher waved with a smile. "I'm Crusher, and these are my little brothers, Blaze and AJ,"

"Nice to meet you all!" Gasquatch beamed. "I don't get a lot of visitors out here in the forest,"

"You mean, you live in the forest?" AJ looked surprised.

"Well... sure!" Gasquatch laughed. "Living out here is the best, I mean... look around! I've got trees... I've got fresh air..." he inhaled with a sigh of relief. "And best of all, I've got... MUD!" he jumped into the mud with a laugh. "Ha ha ha! IIII loooove muuuud!~"

He splashed into mud, causing everyone to laugh. Crusher chuckled.

"Of course you do..." he sighed. "Note to self; NEVER give anyone a try on my new microscope..."

"Hey, Gasquatch, if you love mud so much, you should come with us to Mud Fest!" Blaze suggested.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Gasquatch gasped. "Mud Fest? What is that? Tell me everything!"

"Mud Fest is the best! It's like a giant mud party!" AJ told him.

"Okay, now that sounds awesome!" Gasquatch lit up.

"So what do you say?" Crusher smiled. "You wanna come with us?"

"Really? Me?" Gasquatch started to get excited. "You'll take me to Mud Fest?!"

"Of course!" the brothers nodded as AJ hopped back on Blaze.

"Well, yeah! Let's do it!" Gasquatch jumped for joy.

"All right, Gasquatch! Follow us!"

AJ motioned their new friend to follow. The brothers then zoomed off, through the forest. Gasquatch let out his own cheer as he followed after them.


They zoomed and jumped and cheered, heading straight and quickly. They soon came to a snowy landscape. By that time, the mud in their tires (and on Crusher's invention) had vanished from the amount of grass they passed through.

"Careful, guys! It's pretty icy!" Crusher warned them, pressing a button to make the tires of his invention spiky, so he could drive fine.

"We'll be fine, Crush, don't worry," Blaze laughed as they slid across the ice. "Whoo-hoo!"

"Yeah!" AJ laughed as they kept on sliding.

"Whoo!" Gasquatch joined them with a beam. "This ice stuff is pretty slippery, huh?"

"It sure is." Crusher hissed. "That's why I'm telling you guys to be careful!!"

"Whee! Whoo-hoo!"

He heard laughing and cheering, and he opened his eyes to see the others slide off. He sighed.

"Ugh, what's the point of warning when no one's listening..."

He removed the spikes of his invention's tires and slid after their friend and his brothers. They slid more and more until they stopped beside a bush with purple berries. Gasquatch suddenly felt his nose tickle.

"Ah... ah... ah... ah... AHHHHHHH-CHOO!!!!!!!"

They all gasped as their friend let out a sneeze so loud that it shook some trees, causing some of the birds to scatter. Crusher hissed as he took out an alcohol spray.


"Wow!" AJ chuckled, he and Blaze ignoring their eldest brother since they were used to it already. "That was some sneeze, Gasquatch!"

"Oh, yeah. It happens every time I get near those purple berries," Gasquatch pointed to the berries with a shudder. "Truckberries. As soon as I smell a truckberry, it's... ah... ah... ah... ah... AH-CHOO!!!!!!!"

"Oh boy..." Crusher sighed and used a vaccum from his invention to take all the berries. "Let's, uh, put this away for... health and safety hazards..."

"Bless you!" Blaze gave a tissue to help.

"Thanks, guys," Gasquatch smiled.

"Uh-oh, guys, look!" AJ pointed over behind them, and they turned to see something large rolling down towards them. "A giant rock is sliding this way!"

It landed on the ice they were on, and they gasped to see it rolling their way at top speed. They proceeded to scream as they zoomed off while the rock chased after them.


"No idea!" Gasquatch gulped. "So, uh... guys, uh... how do we stop that thing?!"

"That rock is really heavy," Blaze observed. "It must have inertia,"


"Inertia," Crusher repeated before explaining. "When heavy things get going, they're hard to stop,"

"Come on, Blaze! Let's see if we can stop it!" AJ suggested.

Blaze nodded and turned around in attempt to stop it. He hissed and grunted as pushed against the rock.

"I slowed it down, but... I can't push hard enough to stop it!"

"Let me try!" Crusher turned around and tried his hardest to use his invention to push on the rock. "Nope! I slowed it down a bit too, but my invention isn't strong enough to stop it!"

"Hey, you know, I'm pretty strong. Let me push!" Gasquatch offered, turning in attempt to push it away. "I slowed it down a little more too, but I can't stop it, either!"

"We've gotta figure something out, fast!" AJ cried, turning to the front. "Before we go off that cliff!"


They all gasped and screamed to see a cliff up ahead. Crusher groaned.

"Just our luck..."

"Hmm..." Blaze turned back to the rock. "That big heavy rock has so much inertia, that I can't stop it, Crusher can't stop it, and neither can Gasquatch!"

"Man, if only we had some way to push a little harder!" Gasquatch hissed.

"Hmm..." Crusher gave a thought. "Maybe we can stop it if we all push at the same time!"

"Good idea!" Blaze beamed and nodded. "Let's try it!"

They all turned and pushed against the rock as hard as they could. They skid their tires hard on the ice, gritting their teeth as the rock slowly stopped, little by little until it finally stopped just as their rocks reached the end of the cliff.

"We did it!" Blaze cheered.

"Just in time too!" Crusher sighed in relief, staring down at the cliff with a shudder. "And I REALLY mean just in time..."

"Whoo! Ha, that was exciting!" Gasquatch laughed with a beam.

"And now we can keep going and get to Mud Fest!" AJ clapped his hands together.

"Oh, yeah! Mud Fest!" Gasquatch jumped for joy as he sang. "IIII loooove muuuud!!" He then beamed as he watched the others laugh happily. "Come on, guys! We gotta hurry and get there!"

"We're coming, Gasquatch!" Blaze chuckled before they zoomed off after their friend.

Meanwhile, in Mud Fest, Pickle giggled as he splashed onto a mud puddle. He soon heard a girly scream from a distance, and he turned to see Speedrick run out of the forest, bolting into a tent. The green truck rolled his eyes.

"Oh boy, the jerk is back," he sighed. "What the hell are you doing, anyway?"

"Shh!!! Quiet down, cucumber!!" he snarled from inside the tent. "I'm hiding from the giant mud monster that lives in the forest!"

"A mud monster that lives in the forest? Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo!" Pickle beamed. "That's so exciting! New friend!"

"No, Cucumber! It's terrible!" Speedrick shuddered. "He's... he's muddy, and he's huge... and he's muddy!"

"Huh, better than you can ever be, honestly," Pickle rolled his eyes. "and so he likes mud. That doesn't sound so bad,"

"I'm telling you, Cucumber, this mud monster is bad!" Speedrick shuddered. "I need to hide! I don't give a damn about what YOU do! But me, I'M GONNA HIDE!!"

Pickle rolled his eyes before grinning. He grabbed onto a part of the tent before flicking it out of the way. He then drove away, whistling innocently as he listened to Speedrick screaming. He glanved back to see the tent fall onto the white truck.


"Oopsie," Pickle giggled before turning and driving off. "Bye~"

With that, he zoomed away as fast as he could to get away from the jerk truck.

Back in the forest, Blaze, AJ, Crusher and Gasquatch came down a mud slide, cheering and giggling as they did so. They soon stopped by a river bank.

"Hey, good news, Gasquatch!" AJ beamed. "We're almost at Mud Fest!"

"Yup," Crusher agreed. "We just have to get across the water to that dock over there,"

"Ooh! We can all ride there on this raft!" Gasquatch cried, pointing to the raft he found before jumping on.

"That's a great idea!" Blaze agreed.

"Yup, this raft is perfect, alright," Crusher gave a nod of agreement. "It's big, it floats..." The wind soon picked up, causing a bush of truckberries to be revealed from nearby. "and it's right next to that bush full of truckberries..."

"Truckberries?!" Blaze gasped. "That's not good! Truckberries make Gasquatch..."

"Ah... ah... ah..."

The brothers gulped as they turned to see Gasquatch already looking like he's about to...


"Ah... ah... AHHHHHHH-CHOO!!!!!!!"

Gasquatch sent him and the raft back with his sneeze. He fell into the river and ended up sailing away. He gasped.

"Oh, no! Agh!!"

"Hubcaps!" Blaze cried.

"He just sneezed the raft away!" AJ yelled. "And he's not stopping!"

"We need to engineer something to help him!" Crusher told them as they heard Gasquatch wail for help. "We need... a tugboat!"

"Quick! Let's turn into a tugboats!" Blaze suggested.

"Good idea! But first..." Crusher vaccumed all the berries from the bush. "So this thing doesn't cause us any more trouble,"

"Alright! Time to transform!"

The brothers jumped and landed on the river, transforming into tug boats. AJ cheered and hopped onto Blaze's driver seat before zooming through the river as fast as they could. They soon made it to Gasquatch and the raft, with their friend screaming for help.

"Guys, look!" AJ pointed ahead. "It's Gasquatch!"


"Uh-oh," Crusher's eyes widened as he pointed to some branches pointing up from the water. "Guys... Gasquatch is headed for those sharp branches!"

"If his raft hits the branches, it'll pop, and he'll sink!" AJ gasped.

"Tugboats to the rescue! Whoo-hoo!" Blaze cheered.

They went fast and jumped over the raft. Gasquatch gasped.

"Whoa-ho! Check you guys out!"

"Come on, bros!" AJ encouraged, lowering his visor. "To stop the raft, we need to push with a force of 15!"


Blaze and Crusher nodded and started pushing. Little by little, the gauge started to go up with each push. They soon managed to push the raft successfully away from the branches.

"Whoo!" Gasquatch cheered.

"All right!" AJ beamed. "We did it!"

"Whoo-hoo! That was amazing, guys!" Gasquatch lit up. "I've never seen anyone be tugboats like that, before! You guys totally saved me!"

"Aww, you're welcome, Gasquatch," Crusher smiled. "Now let's get you to that dock,"

"Wahoo!!! Ha ha ha!"

The brothers laughed as they pushed Gasquatch to the dock. All three of them headed out of the river, and Blaze and Crusher returned to normal. In the forest, just nearby, the sound of laughing trucks picked up their attentions.

"Listen, that sounds like Monster Machines playing and having fun!" AJ pointed out.

"It sounds like... MUD FEST!!" Blaze beamed with a cheer.

"It's even more amazing than you said!" Gasquatch squealed.

"Come on, Gasquatch! Follow us!" Crusher urged.

"Oh, this is gonna be great!" Gasquatch played in the nearby mud puddle while he sangs. "IIII loooove muuuud!!!"

Meanwhile, Pickle was playing a different mud game with the others. As they played, a cry from above caught their attention.


"Son of a-" Pickle groaned and glanced up to see Speedrick on top of Mud Mountain. "What are you doing on top of Mud Mountain, Rick?"

"To hide from that mud monster, that's what!" Speedrick grinned. "Nothing bad can happen to me up here!"

Suddenly, something loud crashed from nearby. Speedrick turned to see a lightning strike from inside a storm cloud. He gasped, eyes widening horror.

"Oh, no! A storm cloud!"

"Speedrick...?" Pickle frowned, realizing how close the cloud was as Gabby and the other trucks gathered around.

"This bad! This very bad!" Zeg hissed.

"Speedrick!! You've gotta get down from there!" Gabby called out to the white truck.

"I can't! My tire's stuck in the mud!" Speedrick whined. "HE-E-E LP! I NEED HELP!!"

"Excuse me, I think I can help!"

The trucks turned and gasped to see Gasquatch drive forward. Pickle's jaw dropped.

"Wow! He's big!" he turned to the brothers. "Oh, and of COURSE you two found him. Man, you guys always have all the fun!"

"Fun? More like trouble," Crusher sighed in his machine.

"But Gasquatch, how are you gonna save Speedrick?" AJ wondered before muttering. "Do we even need to save him...?"

"AJ, rude," Blaze glanced at him sternly.

"What? It's true..."

"I was thinking, I could blow that storm cloud away with one of my giant sneezes!" Gasquatch offered, not hearing what the boy muttered under his breath.

"That's a great idea! The storm cloud has inertia, but a powerful sneeze can push it away!" Blaze agreed with a nod.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!" Speedrick screamed as another lightning struck from the storm cloud.

"Ooh. But to sneeze, I'm gonna need truckberries. Enough to make me sneeze my biggest sneeze, ever!" Gasquatch hissed.

"Is this enough?" Crusher pressed a button, and his machine gave a whole jar full of berries.

"When did you get those?" Pickle wondered.

"We had a very... sneezy adventure," Crusher shrugged.

"That's just enough!"

Gasquatch beamed and took the jar then he made his way up the mountain. Meanwhile, the storm cloud was getting closer to Speedrick, much to his panic.


"Uh-oh," AJ gasped. "Gasquatch better hurry! The storm cloud is almost at Mud Mountain!" A glance from Blaze made him sigh. "Yeah, yeah, and almost at Speedrick too,"

"You can do it, Gasquatch!!" Crusher cheered.

"Go, Gasquatch!!!" the other trucks cheered as well.

Speedrick heard the cheering, even when he was still stuck, and paid no attention to it. His attention was at the incoming storm cloud, which was really close to him now.

"HEEEELP!!!" he begged. "Isn't there someone, anyone who could save me?!"

"I'll save you!"

He turned to see Gasquatch climbing up with the truckberries. This made Speedrick gulp.

"Oh, no! But, but... you're that mud monster I saw in the woods! Now I'm really doomed!!"

Gasquatch ignored his cry and opened the jar of truckberries. Speedrick stared at him in horror.

"W-w-w-wait, what are you gonna do, now?!?"

"I'm gonna push that cloud away with a sneeze!" Gasquatch sniffed the truckberries, causing it to tickle his nose as he dropped the jar (which was then saved by Crusher's machine). "Ah... ah... AHHHHHHHH-CHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

The sneeze echoed through, and it broke the storm cloud, sending it away with a blow. The trucks cheered as the storm cloud vanished.


"You saved me?!" Speedrick looked flabbergasted. "But... I thought you were a big, muddy monster!"

"Muddy monster?" Gasquatch laughed. "No, I'm not a monster. But I do like mud!"

He splattered himself with mud as he laughed. Speedrick gagged.

"Ew, yuck," he gagged. "Well, as long as you like mud, I already dislike you,"

"Aww, come on! You and me can be friends!" Gasquatch offered.

"No thanks," Speedrick huffed.

"Well, friend or not, hang on tight because we're goin' down!" Gasquatch grabbed him and set him on his back and head.


Speedrick screamed as the other slid down the muddy mountain. They soon reached the bottom, and the crowd below them cheered as Speedrick hopped down and rubbed the mud off of him.


"He saved Speedrick!" Pickle chuckled. "I mean, really, SPEEDRICK, of all people..."

"Everyone, this is our friend, Gasquatch," Blaze introduced.

"Hello, everyone!" Gaquatch greeted.

"Gasquatch came to play with us," AJ added.

"Oh, yeah?" Gabby ran forward. "Well... do you like mud?"

"Nah, I don't like mud," Gasquatch shook his head before singsing out, "IIII loooove muuuud!!!"

"Come on, everyone! Let's get muddy!" Blaze yelled.

Everyone cheered before they all jumped into the mud. Even Crusher sighed and opened up his machine before getting out and jumping into the mud with them. Pickle laughed and joined him, splattering it all over the place.

Only Speedrick didn't join in. He gagged and almost vomited as he sped off, out of the festival as fast as he could. No one seemed to notice as Gasquatch turned to the brothers.

"Hey, thanks you guys, for bringing me to Mud Fest," he said. "I'm really glad you're my friends,"

"And we're glad you're our friend too, Gasquatch," Blaze smiled.

"Yeah!" Pickle agreed. "You even got CRUSHER to join in!"

"Mud is fine, thank you very much," Crusher huffed. "As long as everyone washes up at the truck wash after, so we don't eat GERMS!"

"Hahahaha, we will," AJ laughed.

"Hey! Who wants to see my mud belly flop?" Gasquatch offered with a grin.

"Totally!" Stripes grinned.

"Why not?" Darington giggled, heading beside Blaze, who pulled him closer.

"You know I do!" Starla chuckled.


Gasquatch honked and leapt into the mud. Everyone laughed as their new friend splashed into the mud.

"Now that was a MUDDY one!" Gabby laughed.

"Nice one, Gasquatch!" Blaze high-tired with the other.

"Thanks, new friends!" Gasquatch smiled before letting out a laugh.

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