My Family

By hiigtt

2.8K 72 37

Kipo in the modern world. That would make the weirdness go away? Right? Not if your parents are scientists. ... More

The Begining
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 5

162 4 1
By hiigtt

Kipo stood in the gymnasium. Today is the first day she's doing gym. She wasn't allowed in the gym because of the anger issues she had shortly before getting expelled. She would lash out at people and even throw something at one time. Kipo had her reasons for doing these things, but like the mutation, she kept it secret. Maybe she might finally tell her therapists about it. She is going to her weekly session after school.


The teacher is making them run laps around the Gym for 10 minutes, after some stretches, then they are gonna have some free time. This is the same for every Monday.

At Kipo's last school, the Gym teacher made everyone run the entire time unless it was a physical test day or there was a sub.

Ms. Labél the Gym teacher put on some school-appropriate music and started the stretches. Kipo loves running. It makes her all sweaty and exhausted, but she loves it. The feeling of her feet smacking against the ground as it pushes her forward. The wind on her face and adrenaline keeps her going. Overall she loves the freedom of it. it's the aftermath that she hates.

Kipo and her classmates took off running around the gym. Some gave up instantly and walked. Her old teacher would have followed them and yelled until they started running.

This teacher just let them. She kept her pace slower than her top speed. This isn't about coming in first. A few are running with all their might in the front, quickly lapping people in the small area. A few lingered in the back just walking or slowly jogging. Then there were the ones in the middle. Running but not putting effort into it.

Something pushed into Kipo. It's an average-sized gym with over 20 kids running. She's bound to be bumped into. Couldn't avoid it, but this had a lot of force in it. Something bumped into her again from a different angle. She stumbled under the weight but balanced herself out. The anger in her chest bubbled up.

This is the same thing that happened at her old school. A lot of people targeted her, pushing her around literally, and teasing her. Okay it was only four people, but they were everywhere.

As the jaguar got closer to showing, her emotions got harder to contain. Kipo took a deep breath and started running a bit faster. The jaguar loves running, it normally gets her to calm down.

Something bumped into her again, this time accompanied by laughter. A guttural grunt came from the base of her chest. Someone slammed into her back and she fell onto the ground. She caught herself. Most people stopped running or slowed down to see her on the ground.

"Get up, you got this. No quitting yet!" Ms. Label yelled clapping her hands.

Kipo pushed herself from the ground. The jaguar bitting inside her consciousness trying to push itself out. It's never been fully out before. Too afraid of what it will do. Kipo felt it gnawing in the back of her mind. The tingling that always accompanied when it showed itself.

Kipo ran out of the Gym, the teacher calling out to her. Carton is racing after her. Kipo ran into the bathroom and shut the stall door. Her breathing labored as she fought the beast inside her.

"Not now, please. I can't do it again," Kipo muttered to the beast, with tears in her eyes. The door softly opened and Carton slowly walked up to the closed stall.

"Are you okay," she said lightly knocking.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Kipo said holding back the hurt in her voice.

"This happened at you're the last school didn't it." Kipo's stomach lurched to her stomach.

"Yeah." Kipo's voice was soft.

"Does anyone know?" She asked. Kipo knew that no matter what she said Carton would tell her father and the school, about this.

"No," Kipo said wiping her tears away. She unlocked the door and stepped out.

"Okay. let's go see the principal," Carton said leading Kipo out of the bathroom and down to the main office. She sat Kipo in her normal chair and went to the principal's office. The woman behind the receptionist's desk glared her down like scum. She shrunk in her seat as another staff member left the office.

"Kipo, come here," Carton said. Kipo stood from her seat and went to the woman. Realizing she's still in her gym clothes. She sat in the seat opposite the principles as the two women watched her. After a few seconds of silence, the door opened and Lio walked in.

"Kipo, what happened." He asked sitting in the seat next to her.

A lump caught in her throat just thinking about it. She's never said it out loud. Then it would be admitting she doesn't belong. Admitting everything they've ever told her. She couldn't open her mouth or even make a sound.

"Kipo." His voice dropped into a considered whisper. Kipo's heart clenched hearing her dad talk like that. That she's the reason he is.

"She was being violently pushed around in Gym and knocked to the ground. She said stuff like this was going on at her last school too." Carton spoke up after a short silence.

"Why didn't you tell me," Lio asked. Kipo lightly shook her head, it was all she could muster. Lio wrapped her arms around his daughter and lightly kissed her head.

"I'm sorry." She muttered barely above a whisper.

"Considering her special case, I will allow her to stay in your class for this last hour," The principal said.

Lio nodded as he stood up. Kipo is following after him. They left the office, and Carton went back to the Gym for her things. She walked with her dad into his classroom, sending the staff member off.

Kipo sat in the extra chair in the front pulling it over to the corner. She saw a few people looking at her. Mostly from curiosity, and once it was satisfied they went back to work. A kid raised his hand and Lio went straight for them. Kipo loves how dedicated her dad is to teach. She watched as he kneeled next to the kid and carefully explained the problem. Helping him without giving him an answer.

She looked over the rest of the class, there are a few kids not doing their work, and two struggling to get it, but too afraid to raise their hands. The door lightly creaked open and Kipo looked out. Carton stood with Kipo's backpack, and clothes in a plastic bag. She got up and grabbed her things and sat back in her seat.

A boy in the front shook his head as he set the pencil on the table. He looked over to Lio lightly frowning. Kipo glanced over, seeing him still helping the student who raised their hand. Kipo quietly rose from her seat and kneeled in front of him. He has a Sweatshirt with a cute cat graphic on it, and a lime hat resting on the desk next to his work.

"Do you want help?" She asked. The boy froze for a second.

"Yeah, I don't get it." He whispered.

Kipo smiled and looked over the paper. It was filled with math problems. Her father teaches science and Algebra. Kipo wrote out the steps explaining what to do, and why you need to do it. Letting him do the math himself. Then she let him do the next problem. Explaining where he went wrong and letting him do it again. He got it right the second time, then moved on to the next problem.

"I'm getting it, but I don't understand it," He said. Kipo smiled.

"No one understands it," she said. The boy smiled at her little joke.

"I'm Benson by the way," the boy introduced himself.

"Kipo," She said holding out her hand. He took it in a soft shake.

"Let me know if you need any more help," Kipo said before going back to her seat.

School ended and the class rushed out into the halls. Kipo is still in her gym outfit. She a plain blue t-shirt and grey shorts and hugged down to her mid-thigh. Deciding to just bring them back tomorrow.

Lio finished up on some emails and prepped the class for tomorrow. Sweeping the floors so the Janitor had less work to do. A few things were left behind that he put into a lost and found box next to his desk. Then he and Kipo left the class, turning off the lights and locking the door. Lio gently wrapped his arm around Kipo in a comforting hug as they walked down the hall.

"I'm sorry you were bullied," Lio said letting his daughter go. Kipo's heart clenched.

"It's not you're fault. I'm sorry I didn't tell you," Kipo said.

"You were afraid. That's normal," Lio said as he held the door open for her. They went out to Lio's car and he unlocked it. Climbing in and buckled up, before he drove off down the road. Out of the small section of town and into the city. That's where her therapist's office is.

The car ride was alive with music and sing-alongs. They both have really good voices, taking turns picking the songs. It helped Kipo calm down.

They pulled up to a tall, skinny, building that has 15 floors. Then headed up to the eighth floor waiting in the waiting room. The door opens and a grown woman walks out with a young boy.

"Kipo, come on in," Another woman said as she held the door open.

"Coming Ida," Kipo said walking into the room and leaving her father waiting.

Her therapists are three sisters. Ida, Florabel, and Bev chevre. Ida is the tallest with a more casual look wearing a cardigan, and hooped earrings. Florabel wears a beautiful blue dress and sandals. Bev is the shortest, wearing a pink shirt, and cardigan.

"Hello again Kipo, how have you been dear?" Florabel spoke softly holding her hands together.

"Good, but there was an incident today," Kipo said knowing the process.

"Do you want to tell us about it?" Bev asked. Her sweet voice soothed Kipo's rising heartbeat.

"Yeah, I just don't know where to start." That's a lie, she just doesn't want to say it.

"Okay, then how about we start with you're the first day of school? You told us you were afraid no one would like you. Is that what happened?" Ida asked.

"I helped two people with their homework, but no one wants to talk to me." Kipo sunk in on herself. Her voice getting softer.

"Have you tried talking to others?" Florabel asked crossing her legs.

"A few times, they just laugh or ignore me."

"What about you're school meeting on Friday, how was that?" Bev asked.

"I got good reviews... and grades." Kipo forced herself to stop thinking of the last questions.

"What about over the weekend?" Ida asked.

"I had a sleepover with my friends. I missed them." Kipo felt herself smile as a warmness wrapped around her.

"Now, what was the incident today?" Florabel asked. Kipo lost her smile and warmness. Now just a numbness that she didn't like.

"A group of kids was pushing me around during Gym. I almost had a panic attack."

"Almost?" Bev asked her eyebrow knotting up.

"Yeah, one of the people watching me calmed me down," she said playing with her fingers. Lightly scratching at them.

"Have you been doing your journal?" Florabel asked.

"No, I'm just a bit occupied," Kipo said aching with every word of the lie. It was pointless, they are psychic. lying is impossible.

"Well, a minute every night before bed will do more than you think. You don't have to write out what you're feeling. Just draw a picture, copy down lyrics, or write a melody for one of your instruments. Something that will allow you to express yourself in a way you are comfortable," Ida said. Kipo nodded to herself since the sisters are all blind.

"I'll try tonight," Kipo said softly.

"Has your ADHD been manageable or are you considering medication," Bev asked changing the subject.

"It's manageable," Kipo said with the little confidence she could muster right now. Give it a few minutes and she'll be nothing but confident.

The session carried on for another thirty minutes before the door was open and Kipo was let out. Ida called out for the next patient as Kipo and her dad walked down to the parking lot.

"How was it," Lio asked genuine concern in his voice.

"It was good," Kipo said as they climbed into the car and drove home.

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