Maniac || Choi Beomgyu

By x_Amethyst_Queen_x

1.7K 57 3

"You tell all of your friends that I'm crazy and drive you mad" "You're a stalker, a watcher, a psychopath" ... More

✨D I S C L A I M E R✨
Chp.2- AlCoHoL
Chp.3-Tell them
Chp.4-Want me
Chp.5-Love and Hate
Chp.6-Angel or Devil
Chp.8-Blue as a bruise
Chp.9-Parental Guidance
Chp.10-I'm okay
Chp.11-What Did you...


62 2 0
By x_Amethyst_Queen_x


"What did you do...?"

He doesn't move an inch not even a blink, he speaks "I did what I had too".

I shake my head in disbelief and rush up to him grabbing his collar between my shaking fists "Tell me it's not true... tell me you didn't just go out and kill someone in cold blood?!"

I shake him but he doesn't give any reaction at this point tears were streaming down my face I whisper uselessly "Please... please tell me you didn't..."

I fell to my knees holding my face between my hands, sobbing.I know it won't help and that what's done is done but...I couldn't help it.

Beomgyu kneels down in front of me and pulls me into his embrace while I continue to sob. He pats my back gently and sways me side to side trying to calm me down.

Once I had calmed down I pull away from his embrace still sniffling.

"What if you get caught?" My voice barely above a whisper.

He wipes the stray tears off my face "I won't and if I do get caught... then I'll have no choice but to run"

He says it so calmly like this isn't something out of the ordinary whereas I feel like I'm about to faint just trying to process everything.

He grabs my shoulders forcing me to look at him "I'm not asking you for anything... if I get caught you can simply say you didn't know anything while I run and you'll never see me again you can go on living your life"

My eyes widen... picturing my life without Beomgyu criminal or not just doesn't sit well with me.

I place my hands over his which are still placed on my shoulders "I'll come with you... there's no way I'm leaving you I'll do anything to stay with you even if it means covering up a crime"

He's shocked by words that much is clear from his expression. He pulls me once again into his embrace.


Beomgyu decided to call in sick for the next two to three days trying to lay as low as possible.

He's currently seated on the couch reading a comic book of his,I watch him from the kitchen as I mindlessly stir my coffee.

I have a few questions but I don't know if I should ask or just leave things as they are.I take in a breathe and decide to just go for it.

I walk up to him taking a seat beside him and placing my coffee on the table in front of us.

"Hey Bear?" He looks up at me in question closing his comic book and placing it on the table.

"Um...well" I bite my bottom lip nervously and rub my palms against my jeans out of habit.

"I wanted to ask you something" I squeak out he nods "Yeah... what is it? You know you can ask me anything"

Feeling reassured I let out a breathe "About... that night" his expression changes for a spilt second before returning to normal.

"Did you only...kill... him because of what happened when I went to resign?" He stays silent for a while his finger drumming against the back of the couch.

"I did" I kind of figured that much out I just wanted to confirm it.

'He killed for me'

"When you came home...I didn't notice any blood on you...?" I cringe at myself internally. Never in a million years would I have thought I would be having this conversation with him.

The school emo kid, the boy who hadn't even kissed a girl till he met me, the same boy who won me a teddy bear for our unofficial arcade date... is capable of murdering someone in cold blood.

He adjusts himself on the couch making himself more comfortable "I carried an extra set of clothes,after I left his place I burned them along with the bag I carried it in"

I nod my head a few times letting everything sink in.

It's silent for a few minutes till he speaks "They're going to find me" this causes me to look at him so fast my neck got slightly sprained.

I gulp "Why do you say that?"

He runs a hand through his dark hair sighing tiredly "I'm an amateur,I more than likely left some sort of trace to me... maybe a strand of my hair fell off or something like that"

I internally quiver just thinking about it I place a hand on his in a comforting way.

He looks down at our hands and then turns his over so our palms are touching and he interlocks his fingers with mine.

He flashes me a gentle smile and I return one. He reached forward tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"Everything's going to be okay" his voice barely above a whisper.

"I know,I trust you" my voice matching his.

And right at that delicate moment.

Three loud bangs echo across the house.

"It's the police" My heart dropped to the pits of hell and my blood ran as cold as ice.Beomgyu squeezed my hand tightly between his.

"Choi Beomgyu.You are under arrest for the murder of Erwin Brown!Come out with your hands up!"

Beomgyu motions me to move as quietly as possible,we creep into our room grabbing the emergency bag of necessities just in case this happened.

We make our way to the kitchen as quietly as possible as to not alarm them that we're still inside.

"If you do not come out in three seconds we will break the door down and come in ourselves!!"

The officer begins counting Beomgyu looks through the kitchen window seeing no cops we open the back door and sprint out just as the front door was broken down.

Behind our house just over the fence there was a small forest we ran though hearing hurried footsteps not far behind us.

We reached a clearing with a wide path our car parked there,Beomgyu moved it here so that it would be easier to get away rather than running.

We jump in with Beomgyu behind the wheel and me on the passenger side we throw our bags in the backseat and Beomgyu starts driving down the wide makeshift path.


We hear gunshots go off and I immediately cover my ears and duck my head down on instinct.

After a few minutes it goes silent I look behind us seeing no cops we must have lost them.

"Did they hit anything important?" I ask turning to him he shakes his head.

"No, they only managed to leave a few scratches at most... their aim is terrible"

A couple more minutes and we're out of the forest and now driving down a quiet straight road.

'I don't know where we're going but I'm long as I'm with him'.

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