Chp.3-Tell them

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Beomgyu's pov:

I watch her as she stands outside our home with a shovel and rose in her hand. I scoff at her stupidity.

The reason I didn't go to get her at the club after I ended the call was because I knew that what she said...she meant.

This action just proved it, after all a drunk mind speaks sober thoughts.

I step away from the window and go downstairs opening the front door for her. When she sees me she drops the shovel and barely stumbles inside the house.

I lead her inside and make her sit on the couch the red rose still clasped between her fingers, I take the rose from her gently and raise it in between the both of us.

"If this is going to be on a grave it will be on yours... not mine" I say crushing the delicate petals between my fingers.

She glares at me the next I knew my head was facing to the side, she slapped me.

I run my tongue across my bottom lip holding my anger in and turn to face her again "People like you always want back what they can't have back" I say.

She stands up and so do I "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" She yells "You fucked up your life... and now you want to do the same thing to me" I blurt out and she laughs loudly.

"Oh baby..." she says calming down from her laughter "You were already fucked up,I just helped loosen you up a bit" She says the smirk never leaving her face.

Her words are clear but she's still evidently drunk by the way her face is bright red and that she's barely standing up straight.

"You're trash" she says using her dainty finger to push my chest, I smirk grabbing hold of her wrist tightly.

"Go tell that to your rat pack" her eyes widen and I let go of her wrist leaving her in shock.

She's so used to having control over me thinking I was just oblivious to what was happening to me.

I walk into our room and a small chuckle escapes my lips followed by full blown laughter.

"You don't know the monster you".


It's been 2 weeks since that night and I've been keeping a close eye on her. It's funny how drastically the tables have turned. After all these years finally I'm no longer the one feeling nervous or uncomfortable.

I'm the one controlling this relationship and it feels amazing. She's currently preparing for bed I watch her from the doorway her back facing me as she stands in front of the mirror brushing her hair.

I walk up behind her she sees me coming through the reflection and places the brush down, I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on shoulder.

I feel her stiffen underneath me and I smirk at her through the mirror, I place my lips on her shoulder and trail up till I reach her ear.

"Come sleep" I whisper in her ear then walk away, I lay down under the covers she joins me not long after.

I pull her close to me and take a deep breath smelling her hair and sigh in content.

"Goodnight,rose" I kiss her cheek and wait "Goodnight...Gyu" I smile and then close my eyes falling asleep instantly.


My conscious comes back to me slowly as I regain my senses after being asleep I reach my hands out only to feel the bed empty beside me.

I turn to pick up my phone and check the time 04:30am it read. I quietly stand up from the bed and slowly make my way downstairs.

I see her hurriedly putting her shoes on "Where are you going?" I ask and all her movements stop.

I hear her gulp as she stands up and turns to face me her shaky eyes and quivering lip catch my attention first,next was the back pack laying on the floor next to the doorway.

I walk closer to her and she backs away slightly "Nowhere...I c-couldn't sleep so I w-was g-going for a walk" she stutters.

I scoff "You Still take me for a joke... don't you" She gulps and shakes her head.

I grab her wrist and pull her against me "If you want to leave... go ahead" I harshly push her letting go of her wrist.

I turn to walk back upstairs "just don't disturb my sleep next time" with that I continue walking up to our room.

I lay in bed and hear the front door slam closed.I close my eyes falling asleep again.


I hear my phone go off, I grudgingly open my eyes and pick up my phone switching the alarm off.

I sigh deeply laying on my back "Time to head to work" I get ready and head out, locking the house on my way.

I work part time at a clothing store in the local mall, I don't necessarily love my job but it pays the bills I guess.

I always wanted to go to college,study and land a good career, all that changed when I started dating her. I skipped classes, didn't study and was always either high or drunk. My grades after that didn't cut it for college.


I sigh out of boredom, it's Monday so not a lot of people will be at the mall. I see my manager coming so I straighten up and bow slightly to her.

"Beomgyu, you can take your 20 minute break now I'll handle the counter" I bow at her and head out to the food court to pick up something for lunch.

I take a seat at a booth after getting myself a burger and a chocolate milkshake. I was halfway through my lunch when I heard a very familiar voice at the booth behind me.

"So, now will you tell me what happened and why you came to my house at 05:00am this morning?" I turn my head slightly and there she was with her friend Ryujin.

I sit back and listen to their conversation, I hear her tell Ryujin about the way I treat her and how much I've changed.

"Are you sure? That just doesn't sound like him" Ryujin says.

"I'm telling you he's crazy, he drives me mad" She says I bite down harshly on my bottom lip, a slight metallic taste entering my mouth.

"He's like a damn stalker,always watching" She stops for a second.

"He's a psychopath".

I feel my eye twitch , something about that word is triggering something in me.

"Why'd you date him in the first place?" Ryujin asks after taking a bite of her food.


I strain my ears curious about her answer 'Why did she approach me that day? Why'd she confess to me?'.

"I dated him as a joke.I hate him" she says.

That was the last straw for me I sit there in silence registering what I just heard.For a faint second I felt something in me break a little.

I hear them stand up and walk away. I head back to work till around 02:00pm that's when my shift ends.

I head back home and throw myself on the couch and let out a yawn. I sit in the silence i feel something warm and wet cascade slowly down my face.

A tear. For her? Maybe. I always wondered if I love her? Or do I love the idea of being loved by her? Maybe I just think I'm in love with her.

She clearly doesn't love me... or does she? I guess I'll never know.


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