Chp.9-Parental Guidance

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I don't know how to feel about what's happened recently I'm honestly very confused.

One night he hits me and is aggressive and the next day he's the back to being soft and sweet.

I sigh and throw my head back on the couch staring at the ceiling, it was around 02:00am Beomgyu was sound asleep but I didn't feel tired at all.

I thought back to the café, that's the first time Beomgyu had mentioned his parents in a while.

It's true they send him money every month even though he barely speaks to them, which is my fault too.

I'm not surprised, he came from the perfect family. Two caring and hard working parents and an older brother who adores him.

When we started dating he would often tell me about his family, he loves them a lot.I would feel envy towards him because I never had that.

But...I remember when he asked me if I want to meet his parents I was scared but there was a small glimmer of hope that... they would accept me like their own and I'd have a family.

That didn't work out of course, the moment they saw me I could see the disapproval in their faces. They were probably expecting a timid, feminine girl to come home with their son.

I did try to appeal to them though,I dressed up as pretty as I could and was polite because I wanted to be accepted.

They didn't address me, nor did they seem to have any interest in me. I tried to speak to them during dinner but they would give short replies.

Me being the person I am or at least was I did my best to take Beomgyu away from them because I knew they would never accept me and that would hinder my relationship with him.

I succeeded obviously, but i never told Beomgyu he could never see or speak to them their still his family.

He chooses not to stay too close to them because they only ever tell him to leave me and that I'm a bad influence... their not wrong.

As for my family...

They probably think I died or ran away.

My family was very different from Beomgyu's,I have two drug addict slash alcoholic parents and have a few siblings.

I guess you could say my parents mum and dad sleep around a lot to put it nicely.

I was child number 4 at least that's how they wound address me. Names? That was a useless thing in my household.

My older siblings put me through school and I was grateful to have gotten a decent education.

But going home to a place where you don't feel safe is something I could never overcome. Nobody knew what I faced at home not my closest friends. I simply don't trust anyone.

Beomgyu is probably the only person who knows the most he doesn't know everything though.

I know I dated him to break him but in a way he kind of saved me from falling apart,we met in the middle.

He was a brand new toy to be played with till he was no longer shiny and I was a broken toy hoping to be shiny again.

I pull away from my deep thoughts as I felt the warm liquid slither down my face, a grin stretches on my lips but it was far from a happy one.

Thinking back to my lifestyle always pricks my heart till this day no matter how much I try to forget about it.

Instead of stopping my memories though I try to let them flow this time maybe, just maybe...I can overcome it.

The one day I came home from school it was the day Beomgyu got me the teddy bear from the arcade.

I opened the door and entered and my parents were sitting on the couch a powered white line on the table in front of them.

I greeted them and tried to rush to my room but they called me back my father asked me where I had gotten the teddy bear from.

I told him I won it as a prize at school, they don't normally care what I do but this time it felt strange and I felt scared.

My father walked up to me slowly and pulled the teddy bear from my grasp and I flinch he examines it and speaks lowly.

"Did a boy give this to you...?" I gulped and shake my head I hear my mother scoff from behind him.

He walks towards the couch again and placed the teddy bear on the table he motions me forward and I go with shaky steps.

He takes a hold of my wrist and I stiffen "You smell like cigarettes..." he says I could feel the hot tears in my eyes.

The bad feeling in my gut getting worse by the second.

"Tell me... are you sleeping with this boy?" My eyes widen and I shake my head denying it "there is no boy-"

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" He screams and my face and I yet out a small shout at the sudden increase of his voice.

"Some of my friends saw you with a boy after school and they told me he gave you the toy" my mother speaks for the first time since I entered.

She lets out a mocking laugh "Little bitch" She mutters under her breath but I heard her clearly.

Next thing I knew my body propelled forward and I was laying on my back on the couch.

My blood ran ice.

I'll never forget the dark look in my fathers eyes nor how my own mother, the woman who gave birth to me, sat and watched...

As I got raped that day...


Maniac || Choi Beomgyuحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن