Charming Boy #1

By Brezzy31

454K 17.7K 1.3K

This is a mxm story about Blaine a bar owner who has given up on love after his last relationship ended 3 yea... More

CH 1 The Interview
CH 2 The Admission
CH 3 The Chemistry
CH 4 The Morning After
CH 5 The Wait
CH 6 The Wait is Over
CH 7 The Punishment
CH 8 The Meeting
CH 9 Avoidance
CH 10 Lets makeup
CH 11 Lets go Bowling
CH 13 Home Sweet Home
CH 14 Angel to the Rescue
CH 15 Baby Fever
CH 16 Divorce Party

CH 12 The Ex

21.5K 908 122
By Brezzy31

Greyson POV Cody up top

It's been a couple weeks since Our fight and things have died down. I am getting more and more comfortable here at Blaine's house. He even finally gave in and let me gut the spare room to make it my own. I can tell he was shocked when he came home on Wednesday and I had painted the room a silvery grey. Now I just have to find the right stuff to decorate it. Blaine is now banished from the room until it's done so it can be a surprise. I can tell he still doesn't want me to have my own room but I got him to agree. It's only fair he has a workout room and an office so I deserve a room of my own too.

Work was rough on me last night we were so busy and I feel like I ran the whole night. Usually I get little breaks but not last night we were nonstop go go go and tonight will only be worse. Saturdays are by far the most packed Privilege ever gets which means we double from two to four bartenders which you think would help more than it actually does.

I'm laying on the couch watching a movie while Blaine is working out. He always tries to get me to work out with him but I usually only last twenty minutes when I do give in and run on the treadmill but he didn't even try today he knows how tired I am. I hear the front door open and I look up from my movie to see a man in a business suite in the entry way closing the door.

"Can I help you?." He looks over at me and smirks. "Yes I'm here to see my husband." I give him a scathing look for still calling Blaine his husband.

I go to get up but he puts his hand out to stop me. "No stay there I know the way, this house was built for me after all."

Ugh he is so annoying and such a little bitch. I wait for him to walk down the hall and quietly follow. I hear him in the workout room so I look through the cracked open door and listen to their conversation. I see Blaine shirtless and sweating glaring at Cody.

I hear the duche talking sweetly. "Blaine sweetie please get rid of the twink so we can talk. I need to talk to you about some things in private. I don't need the kid overhearing what I have to say."

Ugh this guy irritates me. I hear Blaine answer. "Cody this isn't your home anymore you can't just come here without calling ahead. And I will not ask Greyson to leave his home for your comfort."

I hear a scoff."You moved that child in here in the home you built for me."

"That's grand coming from you Cody you left me and this house a long time ago stop trying to act like it means something to you now." Yeah Daddy you tell him I think. I hear them moving and run back to the couch and try to look casual when my heart is racing.

Blaine and Cody walk in the living room and Blaine motions me to him. I get up and stand by his side as we both face Cody. "Cody please meet Greyson my boyfriend and Greyson this is Cody the ex I told you about." Blaine smiles sweetly at me and I give a small wave to Cody. If looks could kill I would be dead with the way this guy is looking at me. Of course this only makes me smile wider at him.

Even his voice irritates me when he talks."I told you Blaine I would like to talk in private not be introduced to your flavor of the week."

Blaine balls his fists at his sides and I wrap my arm around his waist and look up at him. "It's ok, you can go to your office I'm watching a movie anyways." I kiss Blaine's cheek and go sit on the couch and watch the tv but I'm not registering anything as they walk down the hall to Blaine's office. I looks up in time to see Blaine looking back at me with a wary look.

I am left to worry and fret with my own thoughts so I get up and pace the kitchen. Then I decide to go ease drop. I tip toe down the hall but this time the office door is shut. Shit oh well I stick my ear to the door and can make out some of the conversation. I hear the word Divorce a lot then Blaine yells and I hear every word. "Cody I am done talking about this. Do not push me I will see you in court and I am changing the locks today and all the security codes. If you just show up here again I will have you arrested for trespassing."

I turn and walk back down the hall as I hear the door open and slam right as I sit back on the couch. I see Cody storming off and giving me a scathing look on his way out with Blaine right behind him. As soon as the door closes behind Cody, Blaine locks the deadbolt and comes and lays with his head resting it on my lap on the couch.

I look down and he lets out a frustrated sigh."Baby I am so sorry that he just walked in our home. Ughh that man can drive me up a wall."

"It's ok, what did he want anyways. He didn't seem happy when he left." Blaine sits up and looks at me. "He wanted what he always wants a percentage of the bar. It's not even like he needs the money if anything I could get spousal support from him. He has always done well as an attorney. He is just trying to hurt me by demanding a piece of what's mine and make me deal with him all the time."

I crawl in to Blaine's lap and nuzzle under his chin."Well this has turned out to be an interesting Saturday." Blaine laughs and wraps his arms around me. "Yeah it's not what I had I mind when I got up this morning lets get some rest before tonight and try to forget about that asshole."

I hum an agreement but before I can fall asleep Blaine gets off the couch. "What are you doing?" He looks at me sadly. "I think I'm going to drive out to my parents their house is about an hour and a half away. I need to talk to them in person."

I sit up. "Oh ok do you want me to go with you?" I start to get off the couch but he tells me to stop. "No, I have to do this alone I might not be back before you get home. Don't wait up for me. Ok?"

I sigh and get comfortable on the couch again. "Sure whatever you need Blaine." I really don't mean it though I want Blaine to take me with him. I punch the throw pillow and let my anger out on the couch. I hear the shower start and by the time another show has started Blaine walks out dressed with a small overnight bag. "Are you staying overnight there?"

Blaine shrugs his huge shoulders at me. "I don't know but just in case the drive is a pain and I don't know how long this will take I will text you later tonight though."

He leans down and kisses my forehead before he goes out the garage and I hear his car start up. I can't believe he is just leaving like this. I am so frustrated with always being left out of the loop when it comes to Blaine's life. I throw the pillow across the room but it doesn't make me feel any better. How are we suppose to be in a relationship when Blaine doesn't ever trust me with anything. I am having serious doubts about where me and Blaine stand in each other's life. I trust Blaine with everything and I feel he is always hiding things from me. Maybe Blaine has too much going on right now to focus on a serious relationship maybe I should just leave before Blaine asks me to. Why do I always pick emotionally unavailable guys.


I get to work and the first part of my shift was easy my breaks just over so I go behind the bar and take my half from the breaker bar tender/buser and get to work. It's Saturday and prime time at the bar. It is packed and people are trying to get my attention left and right which helps keep my mind from wondering to much about Cody and Blain's parents.

There is a small reprieve in drink orders and I look out at the packed dance floor and see all the intoxicated dancers and smile happy to have a little break. I look at the people standing at the bar and walk up to an older gentleman all by himself at the bar who's drink is about empty. 

"Hey handsome can I get you something else?" 
He looks up and with a wink. "Sure I will take a Jack and Coke." I'm poring his glass and making sure no one is on my side of the bar but there isn't so I decide to stay and chat after I hand over his glass and make some small talk to pass the time until final call when I will get busy again. 

I find out he is newly single and hasn't had to date in long time and thought he could try the waters here. I ask "So what's your type?" He surprises me with his answer of  "You" because even though Privilege is gay tolerant it is not a gay bar. Still I smile and  look around the room and point out someone similar to me "Why don't I have one of our waiters send him a drink from you so you can break the ice?"

He shakes his head in the negative. I sigh "Why not he looks a lot like me maybe just a little shorter?"  The older man just smiles at me. "No it's not the looks it's how nice you are that I'm attracted to." That makes me smile "Thanks my names Greyson what's yours?"

"My name is Nikolaus. What time do you get off?" I have been hit on plenty of times at work it's part of the job when you flirt a little for tips but mostly it's women and they are easier to let down. They move on to the next bartender to flirt with pretty quick.

The Men who hit on me fall into two categories. They are either my age and look just like me which they are easy to throw in someone else's direction, especially when we have a single bi waiter. I usually steer them to him with no problem. It's the big bear and daddy types who want a twink that are harder to let down easy they think your playing hard to get when you say no. Angel has had to kick out two guys for not taking no for an answer over the last three months.

What usually makes things easier is having Blaine somewhere that I can point out and say I'm his, that is more often than not the end of the conversation. Not tonight though I'm all on my own. "I'm kind of seeing someone sorry man." I give him a sympathetic smile. 

He catches the kind of and I wish I wouldn't have said it that way. "Really is that so. What does kind of mean. Because if it's not the real deal I could really treat you right my boy." 

Again I smile at him to take the sting out of my words. "Nikolaus you just got out of a serious relationship you should be hooking up and having fun before you worry about a serious relationship again. I really don't want to be your rebound. But I'm sure there is a ton of guys on that dance floor who wouldn't mind."

He looks out at the dance floor and turns back to me. "None of them are as cute as you plus I already know your a good kid what do you say come home with me?" 

"If I would have met you before Blaine I would be all over you but.."

He rubs my hand on the bar. "Hey kid it's no big deal I know of Blaine I wouldn't want to mess with what's his even if it is only kind of." 

I sigh in relief. Last call is shouted out and some loud girls walk up to my side of the bar  and I nod at Nikolaus and I'm off working like crazy till the end of my shift.

Later when I'm home and lonely without Blaine and it's hard to fall asleep but somehow I do even with my heart dreading tomorrow. I have some serious talking to do with Blaine and if he can't open up I don't know how much more of this one sided relationship I can take.

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