By Yurishien_aka

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Various story of both characters from Assassination Classroom Rio Nakamura Karma Akabane More

After Party
Night Changes
One Sided
Bad ass Blonde
Being Part
Sayonara 2
Blood and Water ☠
Freeing you now
Feigned Love
Out of their World
Unveiling the Path
Crazy for you
True Feelings
Ocean Waves
Sway and Strawberry
Sway and Strawberry II


218 9 2
By Yurishien_aka


Just received a message from both my friends and Karasuma sensei, saying Nagisa needs help from us because his kids got kidnapped. By kids I mean his students.

After graduation, all of us go our separate ways. Nagisa became a teacher like Koro sensei and a part time assassin just like Koro sensei. That kid learned from the best.

Some of us are successful, now I am waiting for the plane to land. I studied in England and became a translator. I do travel around the world, I sometimes translate in business, in a pageant and more.

The pilot announced that we were going to land. Minutes later, I could see the buildings and airplanes preparing to fly.

Finally, I got out of the plane. I close my eyes as I feel the air of Japan, home. Took a deep breath and smiled at my surroundings. How I miss this country. It's been like 3 years since I last touched the ground in Japan.

About the message, it says that we are starting at night. And I am now here in my house, just chilling, waiting for the sun to sleep and I'm excited to see them again.


My students got kidnapped because of me or is it really because of me?

Yesterday when I entered the classroom, I was surprised when none of them didn't attend my class, even the class and the vice representative. That's when I knew something was fishy.

I visited their home and I could tell they weren't home. I called some of their parents, they said their kids haven't returned home since the class ended the day before they disappeared.

I was scared for their safety, what if they were kidnaped and were killed. There were so many theories inside my head as I walked back home. Gosh, what's happening? Why them? Why does it have to them? What's the reason?

When I arrived at home I got a call from the kidnappers, he said he had my kids. I was so angry and I was about to rescue them alone when Karasuma sensei texted me that maybe it was something related to kidnapping them.

Now it's night and it's time to start our action.

"I'm coming, kids." I mumble.

I park my car in the hidden forest, they were kidnapped in an abandoned building near the forest and it's all thanks to Ritsu. I jumped to trees and trees then I could see the bush was rushing and the trees. And there I saw my friends.

"Yow, we came in time." Sugino said getting out of the bush.

"Guys!" I exclaimed.

"You guys are here." Toka said, jumping off the tree.

They all gathered around me but some of them were late then I nodded at them.

"You guys know the plan." I told them.

Then a tall man with red hair walked in front and he smirked. "This is getting interesting."

"Oh, shut up Devil." Teresaka said

"Oh minion no.1, it's been a while." Karma replied and smirked.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP." Terasaka yelled at him.

"Okay let's stop, we need to save the students."Isogai said and we all nodded.

"Ritsu." Meg called her.

"On it" She replied with a salute.

All of us ran to the abandoned building. We were all wearing our uniform, we knocked down all the guys guarding the area and we also killed them.

I just know this gonna traumatize the kids, knowing that I killed people and they're gonna see blood here and there. I hope I can stabilize their minds a bit, I hope they're safe.

Gosh, this is so nerve racking. Kids please be safe and please don't be too traumatized.

We arrive at the front of the building and the people in the entrance start shooting. I ran to them and used my skill then Isogai and Maehara helped.

Some of us already entered the building and kicked the guards asses.

"Ritsu!" I called her while doing a backflip and kicking the guy.

"Go to the 5ft floor and go left, they are all there, watch out for the guards in the corner and some of them are inside the other room." She told us on our phones, we nodded and split up.

The others have already finished them. I ran to the stairs where they all were hidden and the others climbed outside.

I was about to get stabbed near the window but he got shot in the head. I looked at the tree where the bullet was shot and it was Chiba.

"Headshot." Chiba said and jumped down the tree.

"Not bad." Rinka commented following him.

I continued to run and opened the door.

I saw my students were sitting, some were crying and some were shocked to see me.

Thank the heavens they're all safe, I hope none of them are not wounded or else I'll literally eliminate them all for hurting my kids that has nothing to do with any activities I made so far.

"Kids!" I said and entered the room. They all notice me and scream for their dear life.

"SENSEI!" They screamed while they ran to me.

"Sssshhhhh, calm down first and gather around." I told them and they all gathered in a circle.

"Sensei, what's happening and how did you get here?" They ask lots of questions but I just told them that they will be fine but they were still panicking, can't blame them though they were kidnapped.

"So this is your kids ha, Nagisa." Karma walked in with his knife tossing in the air.

The students turned around to the sound of the man talking and they were shocked. "Karma Akabane?" They knew him since Karma has a bit of popularity because of job as a politician and the students were learning politics.

Of course they knew him since he's present sometimes on the television.

"Yep, it's me, the one and only." He said proudly and smiling.

"Geez you're so annoying, Akabane." Teraka said while going through the window and his gang also followed him making the glass break.

"Aw, you're just jealous they know me." Karma smirked looking at them.

Terasaka is just, "Tch, annoying bastard." They walked in and leaned on the side.

"We're here." Maehara said, coming in the window too and the others. "Damn they were good fighters there." Fuwa commented.

"Sorry, we're late, there were lots of enemies on our side." Kurahashi said, about to enter the room and look at the students. "Oh, they just look like little Karma and Terasaka." And entered the room with a smile.

"Right?" Okano giggled, landing on the floor.

"Shut up!." Terasaka shouted and the others just laughed out loud.

"I mean look at them, they just look delinquent, well most of them." Kanzaki commented, making more of the room sound of laughter. Terasaka's face became red and said, "Shut up!."

"They do look like us, Terasaka. Maybe I can make them my minions?" Karma said, walking towards them and bent his legs to squat, staring at the wide-eyed students.

"KARMA!" We all shouted at him.

"What? I was just joking." He replied with a grin on his face. Oh, he better be if not then have to stay bye-bye.

And someone suddenly entered the window and said, "Oops, it seems I miss the fun."

A blonde hair woman entered the room, she jumped and looked around the room.

Her other eyebrow got up and she said, "Am I seeing lots of small versions of both idiot and devil?"

"I told you!!!" Okano exclaimed, making the others laugh even more.

"OH COME ON!" Terasaka yelled and even became redder.

Rio laughed and walked towards us.

"They look unhurt." She said and walked past me. Eh?

"Yeah, they are." Karma replied and the two stared at each other's eyes while smiling.

What season did I miss?

"Okay now stop flirting and let's get out of here, I have some work to do." Terasaka commented and the two stopped.

"That ain't like you, minion no.1" Karama said and back hugged Rio.

Okay, how many seasons did I miss?

"Shut up! Geez, you're so fucking annoying you incarnate Satan." Terasaka yelled again.

"Yeah, lots of us change." Kimura said and looked at us.

"Yeah and this feels nostalgic." Kayano said, wearing a warm smile.

And it made us all smile. My students just look at us with a questioned face.

"Nostalgia?" Asami asked, one of my students.

"Yeah, sensei, what do you mean?" Kazato asked, making the other student curious.

"Well, um... Like talking to each other?" I said with a little nervousness in my tone.

The guys laugh and snicker.

I could tell in their head, "Way to go, Nagisa."

I rolled my eyes and called Ritsu, "Ritsu, Are Chiba and Rinka finished?"

"Yep!" She answered and after that at the back of the window, two people jumped inside and it was them.

"We already finished the others." Rinka commented and Chiba looked at her then to us while nodding, "All clear."

My students' faces were shocked by the two. I mean who wouldn't be surprised to see the two most popular snipers in Japan? Well, we are not surprised though because we're friends.

I nodded at them, "Okay guys, let's get out of here." I said and walked to the door.

"Yes, sensei." They replied and followed me.

"This is gonna be fun." Karma said walking outside the door. "Haha, everything is fun to you." Rio chuckled, getting out of the room and the others jumped to the windows.

"Maybe." He replied and we all walked down the stairs.

We arrived at the bottom and I stopped them. I looked at my friends on the other side and signaled them, they nodded and ran to knock down the enemies checking their friends.

Okano bowed down and kicked the guy's face. Maehara was guarding her back and stabbed the guy in front of him. Both enemies fell down and the two high five each other, smiled and ran.

"Did I just see that right?" Asahi commented with his mouth open.

"Yep, we all saw that." Machi replied to him while her eyes widened and nodded.

"Sensei?" Naomi asked me and she turned her head in my direction. And the others too while they were sitting while shivering, just saw someone stab the guard and blood everywhere.

I smiled awkwardly. Karma slapped my back and Rio just giggled. I know they're really scared but we have to do it in order for us to go out safely. Gosh, I'm so sorry kids, I failed myself as a teacher.

"Nagisa, lead the kids outside." Isogai said in the other line and signaled us that the area is clear.

I nodded to his hand signal and looked at my students, "Okay I want all of you to run quickly to the door and don't look back, when you get outside my friends are waiting for you." I inform them and they nod in response, still in shock and terrified.

"We will watch your backs, don't worry, count on your sensei and us." Rio said holding her gun.

"Yep, so trust us." Karma commented, smirking while holding his knife and both of their faces were a Koro sensei smile.

My students got scared, "Guys, your scaring them." I whisper-yelled them but they just shrug.

"Okay in 3..2..1 run." I shouted and they ran to the door.

Karma and Rio guarded our backs and the guys.

They were people upstairs holding a gun, shit.

They shot but Rio shot her gun at them, the others outside also quickly sliced their necks, body and kicked their asses.

Karma ran to the guy who was about to shoot but he jumped to the wall and kicked his face. He then punched him and he put... Is that Wassabi???

Gosh, my students glance at him putting wasabi to the enemies nose with an evil grin. They looked scared and turned to the front.

There was a guy in front of us holding his gun but I used my skill, warping my body to him, putting my knife to his throat and slicing it. And the other guy was about to shoot but I backflipped and kicked his gun making him let it go and clapped my hands together. He collapsed.

My students were stunned and scared by what was in front of them. I MEAN THEY JUST SAW THEIR TEACHER KILLING PEOPLE, HECK THEIR SCARED.

"Come on!" I shouted and opened the door.

They all walked out and my friends were waiting and some were running to the forest.

"OVER HERE!" Yoshida shouted in the bush and waved his hands.

"Let's go kids." I told them and we all ran to the forest.

I got inside the forest and my friends were jumping through the trees and some were jumping on the rock making my students widen their eyes and mouths.

"We are complete." Itona said while he jumped beside me and ran.

I nodded and we continued to go to the road. I jumped into the tree and my students looked at me while I was jumping.

"Is that sensei?" Momora said, running with the others.

"Oh my gosh, they look so cool."

"And scary!" Kaori yelled while shouting, the others nodded while they thought the commotion back.

Minutes later, we finally arrived at the road. My other friends were now inside the van and Kimura yelled, "Get inside!"

They nodded and quickly went to the vans, my class was separated by three sections since we needed them to be guarded. While I quickly went to my car and Karma went with me, he sat beside me.

"Okay people, we are getting out of this shitty place!!!" Terasaka shouted and the engines started.


An hour later they arrived at the area where the E-Class always see each other, Nagisa immediately went out after he parked his car and went to his students.

The vans also arrive then it quickly opens after they park it, Nagisa sees the door opened and hears the yelling, shouting and cries of his students.

"SENSEI!!!" They quickly ran to him as Nagisa opened his arms for them to hug him which they fastly did, making him stumble to the ground.

"KIDS!" He shouted at them while he was on the ground feeling the warm hugs of his kids while crying for happiness and relief, also of them being scared of getting kidnapped and witnessing the gross scene earlier.

"I'm so glad you're all safe." Nagisa said while patting the heads of his students who were in front of him, their tears were everywhere around him but he didn't mind, he was just glad they were back safe and sound.

"We too sensei!" Said one of his students who is wiping his tears aggressively and hugged his friends who are also crying their hearts out.

"We were so scared!" The class representative said and helped their teacher to sit down while the others nodded in agreement and also wiping their tears while sitting up not wanting to smash their poor teacher to the ground.

"We thought we're gonna die!" The girl beside Nagisa said and looked at him while she was sniffing.

"I'm so sorry, it's all my fault why you were all kidnapped!" Nagisa shouted and kneeled down, his head was touched by the cold ground.

"Why? It's not your fault sensei!" His student who was the secretary told him, as the others shook their heads because of his statement he told them.

"Because I am not only a teacher, I work for the government and I am an assassin. I am really sorry everyone, I failed you all as a teacher and a second parent." Nagisa explained, still bowing to them while his tears slowly formed in his eyes.

"How can you say that!" The vice president protested while the others were shouting how silly he is.

"We don't care if you work for the government or an assassin!" Asami yelled while crying, she didn't want his teacher to think he failed them because he didn't.

"She's right, you didn't fail us sensei." Kaori commented on not believing the words of her sensei.

"It's true, you're the only one who believes in us. You were the reason why we still put our heads up high, you were the only one who was with us all the time, you helped us a lot, you were the only one who accepted us for who we truly are and you never failed us." Hisashi, the class president said.

The others nodded and told him how he was the best teacher they ever had and he always will.

Nagisa slowly raised his head looking at them.

"Nagisa sensei, we don't care what work you have cause you never judge us by our appearance and backgrounds. Sir, you never failed us and you are the best teacher we ever had and the best parent we never have so please don't bow to us instead continue to teach us about life and things to do better for our future." Naomi said while she kneeled to her sensei.

The others were at the back of her, nodding and looking with pleading eyes for their dear sensei.

Naomi stretched her hands to him, putting a warm smile on her face and said the words that made Nagisa stiff, "Please don't go away, stay with us and be our sensei!"

Nagisa looked at them while his tears slowly formed from his eyes, he looked down in shame and shook his head. Then he looked at them and raised his hand to gladly accept it.

"Of course." He replied with a joyful smile and tears in his face.

His students smiled at him then they hugged him back but they didn't make him stumble to the ground instead they hugged one and one adn did a group hug.

"Also sensei, you were pretty bad ass there." One of his students said.

"Also your friends!" The one beside him said and the other nodded.

"We didn't know sensei would have such badass skills and aura." Kazato commented, earning a joyful laugh from his classmates and an embarrassed laugh from their sensei.

Nagisa gently rubs his nape while blushing, "I guess, I'm a bit of a surprise." He replied and his students laughed in delight, he smiled while looking at them then he laughed with them.

The other Class E were just watching the touching scene reminding them of the certain octopus they missed, they just merely watched them as they accepted Nagisa for who he is.

Rio hugged Karma on the side and said, "They're just like us." Karma hummed in response and hugged her back by his arm while putting his head on top of her.

The others also smiled at them while some of them were in tears, they really did remind them of the past. They were happy for Nagisa to have such a high bond with his students just like how they were with their previous teachers.

They were like a family and they also called themselves as the Class E since they were misfits of their school.

After the touching scene, Nagisa told them to keep it a secret and tell their parents they were having a sleepover and didn't tell him and said they were sorry.

Of course they agreed for the sake of them not wanting to be involved in any kinds of dangerous events in the future again and also for their teacher.

Nagisa promised them that he and his friends and also the government will solve the case and just put their trust in them.

They are still traumatized by what happened but their teacher will always be there for the helping hand and guide them to light the darkness like how his previous teacher did with his other friends.

The teacher and students were thankful to have each other and the students were also thankful to their sensei's friends to also teach them about things and so on. Which earns them to have twenty eight teachers but they don't always teach them, they do if they have time and the students will gladly learn from them.

And this is how the story begins of how both the teacher and students learn to trust each other even more. People might think they are just teachers and students, friends, acquaintances but for them they are a family.

A family the holds lots of secrets together, a family that respects, trust and love one another, a family that are bonded by killing and witnessing something they never imagine to, a family that you are rely on and a family that you call a home not a house but a home you can show your true selves.

And they are the Class E, the misfits of the school, the only class that are merely different from any sections and have the most amazing bonding. 

They are the E-Family.

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