Bad ass Blonde

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So right now I am on a mission. We are all here in this building trying to eliminate the enemy's territory.

Everyone is in place. I am sitting while looking at my target and signaling my teammates. "The target is walking away, follow him." I said in my little mic in my suit. And the others quickly nodded and they followed him.

Now I'm alone drinking some strawberry juice when a woman came to me. "Hey darling, how about we have fun today." She tried to touch me. Disgusting

"I'm sorry but I already have a girl." I replied and moved to the other. "Aw, what a shame." She said looking at me and her eyes blinking, "I mean she's not here and you can just ditch her." And trying to sit with me.

"Okay but-" A sudden loud boom came, everyone was screaming and running and the woman who came to me was gone, phew but now's not the time.

I immediately told my teammates to stay in their positions. I was about to run up the stairs when it exploded, blocking the way.

Tch, and lots of people surround me. Hmp this is gonna be fun.

The guy came to me and suddenly punched me but I dodge it, I grab his arm and punch his stomach. He started to groan and the other guy was about to attack me but I threw him, causing them to back down. The black one jumps and I kick him but he grabs my leg, it causes me to fly. Nope, I suddenly climbed to him, I did a backflip and pushed him to the other one.

One guy was remaining and he was pointing a gun at me, he shooted but I slid under him and kicked his balls, they were all on the ground. The building is collapsing. Shit.

I quickly ran outside and saw my other teammates and back up came to me, they handed me a CZ 75 SP-01 Tactical. We started shooting at the enemies but our target was still inside.

"Commander, the target is at the top." My teammate who was at the far building, looking at his Nr.1 Barrett M82. He is our eyes.

"Is he alone?" I ask while shooting at the enemies and hide at the side.

"No, Commander." He replied and took a pause. I ran to the other side of the area.

"There is a helicopter." He replied again.

"Shit, he's escaping." I said in my thoughts and did the corkscrew.

"What else?" I ask him while looking at my teammates and cue them to knock all the enemies.

"It's....." He didn't reply for a sec.

"What?" I said and took a deep breath and shot the guy who almost shot my other teammate.

"A blonde girl."

That made me pause for a minute. Then our helicopter arrived and looked at the roof.

"Commander, the target is with a girl and the two of them are fighting." The person on the helicopter said.

"Back her up, if something happens." I replied and walked forward to my teammates.

"Commander, the target is pointing the gun at the blonde girl." I look at the roof and she is wearing a dress. And she is about to fall from the top.

"Commander, what should we do?" The person in the other line asked. I was about to reply to him, but the girl suddenly signaled something we only knew.

Our hand signal.

"Commander?" He asked and I told him, "Let her be." And I continued shooting.

"But Commander, she is at the edge of the building." He shouted at the other line.

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