By Yurishien_aka

8.3K 271 508

Various story of both characters from Assassination Classroom Rio Nakamura Karma Akabane More

After Party
Night Changes
Bad ass Blonde
Being Part
Sayonara 2
Blood and Water ☠
Freeing you now
Feigned Love
Out of their World
Unveiling the Path
Crazy for you
True Feelings
Ocean Waves
Sway and Strawberry
Sway and Strawberry II

One Sided

424 8 73
By Yurishien_aka


My love for you was one sided.

Was it a mistake that I fell for you?

Even though you only see me as a partner in crime, as a friend, as a girl that always laughs with you.

Do I even deserve to have emotions like this?

Was I not enough?


It was early in the morning as I woke when the sunlight met my face. I started to stand and took a bath. After that I decided to eat my breakfast while watching TV.

When it was time for me to leave, I put my plates in the sink and turned off the Tv. I put on my shoes and start heading to school.

As I walked, I saw a green-haired girl walking straight in the same direction as me. I ran to her and greeted her good morning but for me every morning is the same.

We arrived at the top of the mountain, saw some of our classmates heading into the building. We walk behind them and walk in the classroom.

I greeted my classmates, put my things in my chair and looked at the back. The boy I always hang out with is not here.

"He ditches again." I sigh, because we are all used to him ditching class. I mean, he is still smart even though he doesn't attend class.

I sat down on my seat and our teacher who is going to blow earth and kill us in a year. Though it's been six months since we were trained to assassinate him. And I can say we were pretty cool doing things like killing someone and doing more shits.

We began our class, I gaze my eyes in the window, wondering what will happen if we kill Koro sensei after. Then suddenly, "Rio, please pay attention in my class." He said, looking at me. I looked back at him and replied. "Yes, Koro sensei."

And he continued his class, it ended and after this is my favorite subject of all, well after English. It's P.E time and all of us are now getting dressed in our uniform.

We are now in the field and I saw him, watching us from the tree. He then jumped.

Maybe he wants to join us?

Then Karasuma sensei announced, "Okay since all of you know how to fight, I want you to pick a partner and fight each other but it has to be a boy versus girl." He stands on the side of the field with Koro sensei.

And Bitch sensei? Probably in the teacher's room and sleeping.

Everybody picks their partners.

Nagisa with Kaede

Okano with Maehara

Okuda with Takebayashi

Meg with Isogai

Kanzaki with Sugino

Chiba with Rinka

Fuwa with Mimura

Toka with Kimura

Kurahashi with Sugaya

Hara with Terasaka

Toka with Muramatsu

And the remaining boys just pick each other.

"Since you don't have a partner, why don't we?" Karma smirk walking towards me.

I smirked back and got in a fighting position.

"Now everyone has a partner, fight!!!" He shouted and then we started.

"Don't go on easy on me, just because I'm a girl." I smirk at him.

He smiled evilly. "Oh honey, I always fight fair."

I widened my eyes and said to him, "Fair? Don't tell me you forgot about that guy when you put mustard and wasabi on his nose?" Stabbing him in the heart but he dodge it.

He laughed, "Nah, that was exceptional." He replied and almost got me in the back. Luckily I turned around really fast and dodge his knife.

I then use my leg to kick him but he grabs it and smirks. I got lowkey angry, and twisted my leg to let him go and he did, now we are looking at each other's eyes, waiting for the other person to attack next.

It's been like what? 20 minutes since we stopped attacking. And boy I'm getting kinda tired just in my fighting position, thinking how to attack and just looking at him.

My arms are starting to swore while holding my knife. I could feel the silence between us and hear the sound of classmates fighting each other at the side.


Karasuma sensei was looking at his class when he noticed that the other two were just looking at each other. He stares at them wondering who is going to attack first but sadly nobody attacks.

He was kind of surprised at the two students' concentration.

"The two have good eyes for each other." Said the yellow pervert giant octopus named Koro sensei. His name was given by students and he liked them.

"I agree and it's been 30 minutes since the two stopped fighting." He agreed with Koro sensei and with that. It leads others to look at them.

The others just stop fighting and stare at them.

"Are they just gonna look at each other's eyes and not attack?" Ask Sugino, the baseball player.

"They are probably in deep concentration, Sugino." Maehara replied, crossing his arms while staring at them.

"Indeed, because once you move, it's game over." Said by our 'Ikemen' Isogai.

"Damn, they're so good." Said by the perverted bald dude named Okajima.

"I mean, they always hang out with each other." Okano commented.

"Yeah, so they probably know how to attack next." Meg replied.

The students nod in agreement and look at them.

And then, "So, are we not gonna fight and just look at how beautiful we are?" Karma said and stood up straight, tossing his knife in the air.

Rio straight up, "I agree but you need to attack first, darling." She smirked after he replied to him.

Karma looks at her and smirks, "Me? Attacking first? Nah that ain't my style." He said, making Rio laugh.

"You know what, let's just get over it." And with her comment, she suddenly attacked his heart. Karma grabbed her arm and locked her body with his body while pointing his knife at her neck.

"Ooohhh, that's sick." Yoshida exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Muramatsu said and nodded.

"But the position is... you know kinda awkward?" Nagisa said blushingly while looking at their position.

"Yieeeee but they look comfortable with each other." Kurahashi squealed.

"Wrong, they look good with each other." Kayano corrected her and the others nodded and looked at them back.

Karma smirks, holding her in his arms, "Aw, look at them saying we look good at each other." He said.

"Sure," Rio said with sarcasm and she held him tight and knocked him down causing him to groan. Rio attacked him with her knife but Karma immediately ducked her and now her knife was stabbed to the ground.

She was about to attack but Karasuma sensei stopped them.

"Okay, that's enough you both did a good job." Making the students noise sadly.

"Aw, come on Karasuma sensei." Kimura said with disappointment.

"Yeah, it was just getting good." Mimura said.

"RIGHTTTT!!!" Everyone said in unison.

They were disappointed that the two were stopped.

The two painted and walked towards their friends.

"Damn, you guys are freaking good." Okano complimented them and so did the others, the two of them just smiled.

Karasuma sensei then announced that it was time for the next period and so the class changed into their uniforms.

All of them went to their class but it seems Koro sensei has left for Brazil. He is attending a soccer tournament. He wrote some words on the black board that they can do anything they want unless they are inside the room.

And then they all decided to play.

"So what game are we playing?" Meg asked as she sat down with the others forming a circle.

"Hmmm, how about truth or dare?" Toka suggested and the others looked scared.

(Be prepared children)

"I'll get the bottle." Isogai told them and left to get a bottle.

And the others started to sit on the ground and some were moving the chairs in the side to have some space.

"Well, this is gonna be interesting." Karma smirked as he sat down beside Sugino and Nagisa.

"Alright, I got the bottle." Isogai came back and sat between Maehara and Meg.

"Is everyone ready?" He asked and all of them nodded. He put the bottle in the middle and asked again, "Whose gonna go first?"

The others looked at each other and signal Isogai to go first. He sighs and spins the bottle.

The others were scared of the bottle when it spun. And it landed on.... on.

(Btw I am also using a spinning wheel.😁)

Chiba, the bottle landed on Chiba.

Then all eyes go to him.

Isogai took a deep breath and asked, "Among the girls, who do you like the best?" And everyone widens their eyes and looks at him.

Chiba was nervous at the question, he looked at the ground and whispered. "Rinka,"

The other didn't hear it but Sugaya said, "He said Rinka."

And it made both of them blush.

"OOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!" All of them exclaimed except the two.

The girls tease Rinka as she blush looking at the ground and the boys pinching Chiba also looking at the ground blushingly.

"Okay next, Chiba." Isogai said and Chiba nodded and spun the bottle.

Again, silence ate them and looked at the bottle. And it landed on...

Nagisa (You guys this is not a joke, I am literally using a spinning wheel here.)

And then all the eyes go to him and he jumps a little. And Chiba asked Nagisa the same question.

He blushed and looked at the ground, "K-kayano," He whispered and the person beside him was the person to whom he whispered the name. She blushed at his words and now everyone was teasing them.

"Ooh, Nagisa, look at Kayano, she's blushing." Karma teases both of them and they blush as red as his hair.

Nagisa spun the bottle still blushing and so was Kayano and it landed on.

Karma (Yow wtf, does the spinning wheel also have a plan??? Bitch did it just read my fucking mind.)

And now all the attention goes to him and they look at Nagisa, signaling him to ask the question. All of them look curious, especially the blonde girl.

He smirked and said, "Okuda," Then Okuda blush.

"OOOOHHHHHHH!!!" Was only heard inside the room and everyone asked why. He answered because both of them are really good at killing Koro sensei like Okuda making potions and Karma doing the bad stuff.

All of them looked shocked but still everyone teased both of them especially Okuda, the girls teased her a lot but two people were only listening and looking at the scene.

The two of them looked at their friends, their hearts dropped when Karma replied to Nagisa's question. So both of them just smiled but the blonde girl teased the science shy girl and the eye glasses boy only smiled at his friends.

Karma then spun the bottle and this time it landed on... Okano.

(Okay I'm getting scared ngl)

The girl was asked the same question but instead of a girl the question was a boy.

She didn't know what to do instead she punched Maehara and he was shocked at her actions. Everyone then knew who was what and Maehara was left with a pain in the nose.

Okano spun the bottle. It landed on Rinka.


Rinka blushed as she saw the bottle landed on her. And she just pointed at the boy who called her earlier.

Chiba blushes and now everyone teases them more.

"Aw, they look good together." Kayano commented.

"Yeah," Nagisa replied and suddenly both blush, Karma smirked and looked at the other side. He saw one person who is not feeling well today.

He looked at her and he noticed that she wasn't having fun. He doesn't know what's the reason and he ignores it.

Rinka is now the person who is going to spin the bottle.... Maehara.


The person who got punched earlier, now everyone is him.

"I mean I got a lot of girls." He said with a confident tone.

"Just say it." Everyone told him.

He looked shocked and looked at the ground, "Okano... I guess." And then Okano kicked his leg.

He's on the ground and everyone is watching them, him on the ground in pain and Okano blushing.

"Poor dude." Yoshida said.

"At least they have a partner." Muramatsu replied to him. Both of them look at each other and sigh.

Then Maehara crawled to spin the bottle and now it landed on... Kanzaki.

Now the boys are sweating, especially the baseball freak. Imagine your name getting mentioned by the most beautiful in your class.

She smiled, "Sugino," And spun the bottle.

Sugino's exe has stopped moving. Everyone was laughing at him, not moving an inch from the shock.

"Ohh, Sugino.'' Karma teased him and he went back to his body and then blush and got a nosebleed. He laughs at his seatmate, then looks at the girl who is looking at the bottle.


(Guys, I just want to remind you that I am currently writing this at 10:30 pm and I am using a spinning wheel...🙂)

Now that it landed on the glasses boy, he only looked at the ground and said, "Okuda,"

Everyone started to get their mouths dropped.

"Is this a love triangle, I smell?" Toka said whispering to Mimura.

"Maybe," Mimura replied to her.

Okuda blushes even more and the others tease that two boys like her. Karma just shrugs and looks at the blonde girl looking at the bottle.

He spun the bottle and Okuda was chosen.

(Guys, wait a minute, let me just pack my clothes okay...)

Now everyone is curious on who Okuda is going to choose.

Is it the red devil Karma or her partner in the science lab?

Everyone's eyes were on her and she blushed and looked down. "K-karma,"

Their mouths dropped again and some were covering.

Takebayashi only looked at her and smiled. (Pain)

Okuda just blush and look at him with an apologetic face. She feels guilty but she needs to be honest.

(Oh, if you are wondering why the question is the same is because if you pick the truth "Who is the person you like the best." and dare " I dare you to tell us the person you like the best... So yeah)

Karma smirked at her and put his arms around her making her blush even more. And everyone is screaming and looking shocked.

"So, you like me ha?" He said looking at the blushing girl.

She just nodded and Karma let go, letting her spin the bottle.

"I wanna go home." Rio said in her thoughts as she also teased Okuda.

Kurahashi was the chosen one.

"Karasuma sensei!" She shouted and everyone laughed at her. She smiled while blushing and spun the bottle.

Yoshida was next.

He looked at the ground and said, "Meg because she is like a good mom to us."

Everybody was shocked at his words, so is Terasaka.

Meg was the most shocked and said, "Thank you, Yoshida." He nodded and spun the bottle. He blushed while nodding.

It landed on Fuwa.

"Oh no!" Everyone thought.

She grinned and said, "Let me represent to you my husbands and waifus." Showing them a presentation. "So-"

"Just say someone" Meg told her.

"Aww, okay Levi Ackerman." She said and spun the bottle.

Everyone took a deep breath, "Nice save Meg."

"She really is a mother." Kimura said and made everyone laugh.

Sugino was surprised when the bottle was pointing at him, he blush and said, "Ka-kanzaki," And hid behind Karma, who was laughing.

"Why, thank you Sugino." Kanzaki said with a friendly smile.

"Dude, you just noticed now spin the bottle." Karma said and made Sugino spin the bottle. He did and went back to hiding behind Karma.


(I just wanna say, if something happens to me I love you all.)

Isogai looked surprised when everyone stared at him, he sighs "Meg," and he blushes looking away from the other direction.

His seatmate was also blushing and now everyone teases them.

"Damn, so many ships have sailed, I wonder what Rio is thinking now." Karma said in his thoughts and looked at the girl again but she was only looking at the two.

Karma raised his eyebrow wondering why she was like that?

Isogai spun the bottle and it landed on Kayano.

Now Kayano is blushing really hard and just points at Nagisa who is also blushing.

"AAAAAYYIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!!!" Everyone shouted and some were whistling. "S-stop it you guys." Nagisa tried to stop them but Karma just rubbed his hair.

Kayano then slowly goes to spin the bottle, Ritsu.

Now they are looking at their beautiful classmates.

She giggled and told them she liked Terasaka which made the boy blush so hard.

"OOOOOhh, Terasaka Ritsu likes you." Karma said, teasing him.

"S-S-Shut up." He replied while covering his mouth. Karma smirked.

Ritsu asked Hara to spin the bottle for her.

And it landed in Rio.

(Omg her time is here, prepare for depression joke.)

Rio sighs and looks at everyone who is staring at her. She really doesn't want to say something but she can't and she wanna run away, throw up or just disappear from this room.

She looked at her surroundings, she looked down and said, "K-k- Nagisa."

Everyone widens their eyes, especially Kayano.

"But I don't like him like that, it's just he is a gentleman and respects women that's all, no harsh feelings." She told them and looked at Kayano. "Don't worry Kayano, I won't steal your man."

She winked at her and Kayano, "W-w-what are you talking about?" Blushing even more.

"Yeah, I'm not really into guys like that so he's all yours." She said and extended her hands towards the both of them.

They blush and everyone says, "Awww, we are going to have a new couple."

Karma looked at Rio who just smiled at the two.

Rio looked at him back and smiled at him. A fake smile.

She spun the bottle and kept back at her place. Little did she know that somebody heard her words before saying Nagisa's name.

"Okay let us stop now. Everyone, it's time to clean." Isogai stopped the game.

Because when Rio spun the bottle the bell rang. All of them stand up and wipe their butts.

"Let's clean." Isogai announced and they were all clean.

After they cleaned. All of them went home.

Karma and Rio walked together because their homes are on the same paths. They walk silently, nobody dared to speak. But Karma can't take the silence and blurt something out.

"So, are you okay back there?" He said still walking.

"Why did you ask?" Rio replied to him.

"Because you don't feel well back there." He commented.

"Is that so?" She whispered. And silence ate them.

But Karma stopped his tracks, "Okay, what is going on?" He said to her, making her stop.

She looked at him and said, "Nothing." And walked back.

"Look Rio, you can tell me anything." Karma suggests waking up with her.

She only responded, "Hm," Karma sighs.

Both of them were about to arrive at Rio's place but she stopped walking. The boy notices it and looks at her with a questioning look.

She looked at him and said, "Thank you." Karma was confused about her words and just nodded.

"Thank you for being my friend, my partner in crime, thank you for everything." She said and smiled at him.

Karma, who grew more confused, said, "You're welcome... Rio?"

"Just wanted to say this to you, you know." Rio said and teasing him. They arrive at her house.

She looked at him again and said, "See you tomorrow." Karma nodded and also said goodbye to her.

Rio looked at Karma as his image disappeared from her sight.

She said in her thoughts, "I love you but you're not mine." And went inside. 

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