LukaZoe PG-13

Por MiraculousFan4Eva

1.2K 19 1

Similar to LukaZoe 18+ but without the adult scenes. Also has a little bit more Adrienette and a small Ladybu... Más

The Crush
The Picnic
LukaZoe Becomes Canon
At The Liberty
Overwhelmed 2
The Talent Show
The Truth Comes To Light / Engagement
Wedding Night / Future


57 1 0
Por MiraculousFan4Eva

After photos it was time to go to the reception at the hotel. All the guests had arrived first and were all seated in their allocated seats at their tables.

Alec was the Master of Ceremonies for the reception and XY was the DJ. XY had put on the song 'Are You Gonna Be My Girl?' by Jet.

Alec announced the bridal party as they came into the hall.

'Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! I'm Alec, your MC for this evening! Please stand for the entry of the bridal party!'

Everyone stood up.

'First up please welcome Manon the flower girl escorted my Max and Markov, the ringbearers!

Next, we have bridesmaid Alix escorted by groomsman Kim!

Followed by bridesmaid Mylène escorted by groomsman Nathaniel!

Next, we have bridesmaid Juleka escorted by groomsman Marc!

Followed by bridesmaid Rose escorted by groomsman Adrien!

Next, we have bridesmaid Alya escorted by groomsman Nino!

And our Maid of Honour Marinette escorted by Best Man Ivan!

And now, ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for the newly wedded couple, Mr and Mrs, Luka and Zoe Couffaine!!!'

The hall erupted with clapping and cheering as Luka and Zoe entered the hall and went to the bridal party table.

The dinner was delicious, Andre had spared no expense. Both Zoe and Luka felt extremely blessed by everyone's generosity. But the best was still to come.

Then it was time for speeches.

Marinette went first:

'When Zoe asked me to be her Maid of Honour, I couldn't be more honoured to be her friend.' She smiled at Zoe, who already had tears in her eyes.

'When I first met her at my parents' bakery 15 months ago, I never could have imagined how much our friendship would grow. She is such a smart, talented and caring young lady' Zoe blushed at her compliments.

'And to be marrying Luka, one of the kindest, most sincere and selfless people I have ever had the pleasure to call my friend.'

Luka smiled warmly at her.

'You both suit each other so well and I wish you many happy years together. To Zoe and Luka!' She said as she raised her glass. 'To Zoe and Luka!' everyone toasted back.

Jagged Stone was next.

'When my son told me he was getting married to the love of his life, I couldn't have thought more rock and roll of him.' Jagged began. 'I regret not being there to watch him grow up, but I am glad that I can be there for him now as he starts a new family of his own. I'm proud of you son. Zoe is a wonderful girl. I'd like to present both of you with a gift if I may.'

He walked up to Luka and handed him an envelope which he opened.

Luka gasped. 'Oh my gosh...' he said.

'What is it?' Zoe said.

'Dad paid off the mortgage on your chateau!' he said shocked. 'What?' Zoe was shocked as well. 'Mr Stone, we couldn't accept that, it's too much!'

'Call me Dad, Zoe. And for the father I've been in the past, this is the least I can do.'

He gave both of them a hug.

'Thank you so much dad' Luka replied.

'Thank you' Zoe replied with tears in her eyes.

'To Luka and Zoe!' Jagged called out.

'To Luka and Zoe!' everyone toasted.

Arnaka went next.

'It's been a pleasure to watch this young man grow up into a fine young gentleman. And for him to find a lovely, talented, kind young lady whom he thinks the world of, I couldn't be happier and prouder to call her my daughter in law. Welcome to the family Zoe. To Luka and Zoe!'

'To Luka and Zoe!' everyone toasted.

Audrey was next.

'I'm so sorry Zoe that I wasn't there for you much as you were growing up. But I can see I had nothing to worry about because you turned into a much better version of me than I could have imagined. I know that this gift can never compensate for all those years in the past, but I hope from today we can make happy new memories together.

She too gave them a gift, a small box with something jingly inside.

Zoe gingerly opened it up.

'Keys?' There was a piece of card attached with an address.

'Oh my gosh...' Zoe went white.

'What is it?' Luka asked.

'She bought us a HOUSE!' Zoe exclaimed.

'What?' Luka said, shocked.

'Mrs Bourgeois, with all due respect...'

She cut him off.

'Before you say anything, I've spoken with Mr Stone and you can rent out the chateau for extra income and live in the house. It's nothing extravagant, it's a modest 3-bedroom home with a large soundproof basement for Luka to play and teach music, plus a recording booth. As well as a state-of-the-art kitchen for you to practice new recipes Zoe.'

'Mother...I don't know what to say...' Zoe said, still in shock.

'You both deserve this; you are a lovely couple with such a bright future. And I am proud to call you my daughter and Luka my son in law.'

'Thank you, mom,' Zoe replied as Audrey hugged her.

'Thank you, Mrs Bourgeois' Luka added, as she hugged him too.

'That's mom to you too son' she replied with a smile.

'To Zoe and Luka!' she toasted.

'To Zoe and Luka!' everyone replied.

Finally, Mayor Bourgeois gave his speech.

'My dear Zoe. I couldn't be prouder of you even if you were my own daughter. You're a clever, confident young lady who can do anything you set your mind to. And Luka helps bring out the best in you. You complement each other so well. Like soul mates. And I wish you both all the best for a long life together. To Zoe and Luka!'

'To Zoe and Luka!' the guests toasted back.

Zoe stood up to make her own speech and Luka stood up next to her. 'I just want to thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts for your lovely gifts and well wishes and for making this the best day of our lives. I'm sure I can speak for both Luka and I how blessed we both feel to have such loving family and supportive friends. Thank you so much Marinette for designing and making my wedding dress and all the bridesmaids dresses. You put so much time and effort into each one. And I know you will reach your dream of becoming a talented fashion designer someday.' Marinette smiled.

'And thank you to all my friends for doing hair and makeup for today as well.' The bridesmaids all smiled and gave her a thumbs up.

'And finally thank you to Luka, the love of my life, my soul mate and lifelong partner. I feel truly blessed to be your wife and have such a kind, considerate, loving man to call my husband. I feel so blessed to be a part of your family as we start on this journey together to start a new family.'

Luka smiled and kissed her forehead.

'To family and friends!' Zoe toasted.

'To family and friends!' all the guests toasted back.

Then it was time to cut the wedding cake. 🎂

Zoe and Luka held the knife together and cut into the cake while the photographer took photos.

Then the dances started. 😊😊😊

'Ladies and gentlemen, we have now come to the dance portion of our evening.' Alec began. 'Please stand for the bride and grooms' first dance as a married couple'

Everyone stood up as Luka led Zoe by the hand onto the dance floor, as XY began to play 'Runaway' by The Corrs.

They began to sway with the music as Alec invited the other bridal party members onto the dance floor too.

After the song finished, Alec announced, 'Now it's time for the traditional father/daughter dance!'

Luka had given XY a special song he recorded on CD to play for Zoe to dance with Mayor Bourgeois to. Zoe teared up when she heard Luka playing guitar to the tune of her late father's song. And Luka even recorded his voice singing the words to it! Zoe was speechless and teared up as she danced with Mayor Bourgeois. It really felt as if her father's spirit was right there dancing with her.

'You look absolutely stunning Zoe' Mayor Bourgeois said as he smiled at her. 'I know if your father were here, he would be so proud of the young lady you've become.'

Zoe began to cry happy tears.

'Thank you so' she replied as she hugged him.

When Zoe went back to the bridal party table, she hugged Luka and said, 'That was beautiful Luka! Thank you! How did you find the words to the song?'

Luka smiled.

'You're welcome, Zoe. Well, it wasn't an easy song to find but Max is pretty good at computers and helped me search for the song and lyrics on the internet. And after a bit of searching, we found it and I recorded it and sung the lyrics to it. That CD recording is yours now Zoe. You can play it whenever you want to remember your dad. He was such a special part of your life. And I know he will always be with you wherever you go.'

'Thank you so much Luka!' Zoe replied. 'You sang it just like my dad used to sing it! It really felt like he was here, dancing with me. And I know he would be proud of me, and you too. I know he will watch over both of us as we begin this journey together' Zoe still had tears in her eyes as they smiled lovingly at each other. It was the perfect song to dance her father/daughter dance to.

Alec then announced: 'And now Luka and Zoe will perform for each other. First, we have Zoe singing When You Kiss Me by Shania Twain!'

Zoe stood up with a microphone as XY played an instrumental of the song as Zoe sung it to her beloved. Luka was so surprised as he knew nothing about this. He loved hearing her angelic voice and wished the song would never end. When she finished, Luka kissed her forehead and smiled and said, 'I loved it, thank you my angel.' 'You're welcome my prince' Zoe replied.

'Next Luka will play a violin piece he wrote himself called; Zoe's Heart Song' Alec announced.

Zoe gasped as Luka played the most beautiful tune she had ever heard a violin play. She had tears in her eyes as he finished. She whispered, 'That was beautiful! Thank you, my prince!' 'You're welcome my angel' he smiled in reply.

Then Alec announced: 'It's time for the tossing of the bouquet and garter! Would all the single ladies and gentlemen please come to the dance floor as for a bit of fun Zoe and Luka will toss these simultaneously!'

Zoe winked at Alya as they had made a plan with the girls. 😉 Even Chloe and Sabrina were happily in on it.

And Luka winked at Nino who had also made a plan with the boys. 😉

XY played 'All The Single Ladies' by Beyonce as all the singles took to the floor, the girls in a group behind Zoe and the guys in a group behind Luka.

It was hard to pull off to make the plan believable to seem like chance as with Luka and Zoe's backs turned it was difficult to aim. But the girls had managed to have Marinette be the one to catch the bouquet, and the boys had managed to have (you guessed it) Adrien to be the one to catch the garter.

Marinette was so excited! 'I got it, I got it!' She almost couldn't believe it!

'Well done, Marinette!' all the girls said as they congratulated her.

'And now the winners will have a special dance together!' Alec announced.

'HUH?!?!' Marinette said as she suddenly went white as she turned to face the group of boys, wondering who it was she'd be dancing with. Alya took the bouquet out of her hand and joined the rest of the girls.

As the boys group dissipated from the dance floor, she saw Adrien was left holding the garter.

Luka and Zoe looked at each other and giggled quietly, as they did a sneaky fist bump.

Marinette's face went from white to red as she realised her crush was the one that would be dancing with her.

Adrien smiled warmly, giving Nino the garter, and walked over to her and took her hand as XY started playing 'You & Me' by Lifehouse.

They chatted quietly as they danced. Adrien spoke first.

'You know Marinette, of all the people I could be dancing with tonight, I'm glad it's you' he said, as he pulled her closer so her head was resting on his chest.

'Y-you are? Really?' she replied.

'Yes' Adrien replied. 'I know I've always said that you're a good friend to me. But lately I've started to see you as more than that.'

Marinette's heart started beating faster and faster.

Marinette gathered every ounce of courage she could muster. She decided she couldn't let this chance go by.

'Oh Adrien' she began. 'I've always had a crush on you. Ever since you gave me that umbrella outside school on your first day. I just didn't know how to tell you how I felt.'

'So, that time a couple of years ago in the wax museum, when you said all those things to me when you thought I was a statue...that WAS the truth?' Adrien asked.

'Yes...' Marinette replied.

'Oh Marinette,' Adrien replied as he kissed her hair. 'I do wish you were truthful with me sooner.'

'But I was afraid you'd reject me and that you liked someone else.'

'Well, I did like someone else for the longest time. But then I realised I can never know who they truly are. But I have been getting to know you better more and more each day, and I am loving what I'm finding.'

Marinette blushed.

'You're so thoughtful Marinette. You're hard working, and you don't give up. You always help your friends out. You're like our everyday Ladybug' he said, looking at her lovingly.

'T-thank you Adrien' Marinette whispered.

He smiled as the song finished.

'I know this isn't the first time we've danced together, but I hope it won't be the last. Thank you for the dance...milady' he said as he gently kissed her lips. Marinette stood there shell-shocked.

'I think Marinette.exe has stopped working again!' Alya said to the girls as they giggled in agreement.

Luka and Zoe looked at each other and giggled.

Alec then announced that the dance floor was now open and all the guests danced late into the night.

Then it was time for all the guests to make an arch that Luka and Zoe ran through. XY played 'Marry You' by Bruno Mars as they ran through. Zoe made sure that at the end she gave Arnaka the necklace she let her borrow and Alix, her heirloom watch so they wouldn't be lost, before heading out to Adrien's bodyguard's car that Gabriel (at the request of Adrien) had graciously let them use to get home. He would come back to collect Adrien later.

'Take us to this address please!' Zoe and Luka asked as they handed him the keys with the address on it. He looked at the address, gave the keys back, smiled and gave them a thumbs up as if to say congratulations because he never talks.

Rose had made a 'Just Married' sign that was on the back of the car as they were driven through the streets, both Zoe and Luka still on cloud nine after such a perfect day which was full of surprises and well wishes from all their friends and family.

They arrived at the house and as they got out of the car the bodyguard waved at them and drove off.

They walked up to the door and Zoe found a key with 'front door' on it. She opened the door and Luka said, 'Hold on, I believe it's customary for me to carry you over the threshold Mrs Couffaine!' He smiled at her.

'Mrs Couffaine, I will never stop loving the sound of that!' Zoe sighed and smiled happily, as she looked into his loving blue eyes and giggled like a schoolgirl as he picked her up with ease as she put her arms around his neck and sighed happily as she put her head on his shoulder.

He carried her inside, gently putting her down on the couch from her chateau that was already there.

As they were not due to go on their honeymoon until tomorrow afternoon for their flight to Sydney, they had time to check out their new house.

They were amazed! All of the furniture from Zoe's chateau and even Luka's belongings from the Liberty were already here and set up, ready to be lived in! The pile of wedding gifts from friends and family waiting to be opened were sitting on the coffee table in the living room and all of Luka's picks, guitars, Spanish guitar and violin were already down on display in the soundproof basement. It was like his dream musicians man cave. The kitchen was state of the art with an induction cooktop, oven, twin sinks, dishwasher and fridge and pantry that was already fully stocked with food. Luka's bike was in the garage already also and the bathroom/laundry was amazing with a washing machine, dryer, twin sinks, a huge shower and a spa bath. And even their main bedroom had an ensuite with a decent sized shower also. The king-sized bed had flower petals in the shape of a love heart on it.

The other two spare bedrooms had a queen-sized bed each but other than that they were empty, but they liked that because they could be guest rooms for now and make them into their own space and prepare them in the future. For now, they had decided that they didn't want to start a family right away, they wanted to enjoy each other's company for a while, while they were still young.

Back at the hotel, not long after Luka and Zoe had left, Marinette and all her friends were worn out from dancing. Adrien offered to give his friends a lift home in his bodyguard's car when he came back from dropping off Luka and Zoe.

Suddenly Marinette and Adrien got akuma alerts on their phones just as the bodyguard's car came back to the hotel. Nino, Alix, Max, Ivan, Mylène and Alya all needed lifts. Kim, Marc and Nathaniel had their own lifts organised and Arnaka took Juleka and Rose home. Nadja had already taken Manon home earlier as she was getting tired and it was past her bedtime.

'There won't be room for all of us' Adrien said. 'I'll stay here and go in the next pickup. I need to visit the facilities anyway! Sleep well all!' Adrien said as he hurried off to the bathroom.

'I'll get a lift with my parents so don't worry about me! I'll just tell them to wait in the car while I use the restroom too!' Marinette said as she went over to her parents and said, 'You guys go, I'll get a lift with Adrien later!'

'Okay honey,' Sabine replied. 'See you at home!'

Marinette went to the restroom.

'Wait Marinette, I'll come with you, you all go ahead, I'll get the next lift too!' Alya said as she said goodnight to Nino. Nino looked a bit sad, but she winked at him and he smiled, trusting her. 'I'll spend the day with you tomorrow!' she whispered. 'Okay!' he whispered back.

'Bye Alya!' the others said as they walked to the car.

'Akuma alert?' Alya whispered as her and Marinette got to the restroom.

'Yep' Marinette sighed. 'Why now, I'm exhausted!'

'To be honest, I was spending the whole ceremony and reception hoping there wouldn't be one!' Alya replied.

'Same here!' Marinette said. 'There was one earlier this morning. But at least this one is now, after Luka and Zoe have left and it hasn't spoilt their special day. I couldn't live with myself if mid-ceremony or mid-speech I had to rush off and save Paris.'

Tikki appeared. 'Marinette...the akuma?'

'Oh right! Tikki, spots on!'

'If you need Rena Rouge Ladybug, let me know! You know where to find me!' Alya smiled.

'Will do Alya! Bug out!' she replied as she swung out the window.

Meanwhile Adrien went into the male restrooms and Plagg flew out.

'I'm so glad that no akumas wrecked Luka and Zoe's ceremony or reception Plagg' Adrien said.

'Yes, they were well timed today. And thanks for slipping me some of that camembert on that cheese platter earlier! I needed that energy!'

'Good to hear you're energised because we've got a job to do!' Adrien replied. 'Plagg, claws out!'

The akumatised person turned out to be the same kid who was Sandman, giving people who were asleep nightmares again. Ladybug used her lucky charm and they deakumatised him again. The miraculous ladybugs made all the scary nightmares disappear.

'Kid, you gotta stop watching scary movies, this is turning out to be CATastrophic!' Cat Noir said.

'Nice pun kitty, but I think I have something that can help him this time.' Ladybug replied. She took a magical charm out of her magic yo-yo.

'Here, take this charm and carry it with you wherever you go. It will protect you from Shadowmoth's akumas in the future.' Ladybug smiled.

'Thanks Ladybug' the boy replied. "I promise, no more scary movies!'

'Good to hear it!' Well, I'm about to change back! Sweet dreams Cat Noir!'

'You too Ladybug' Cat Noir smiled.

'Not calling me milady anymore kitty?' Ladybug teased.

'Oh, well, I actually may have a girlfriend now!' he said nervously, scratching his neck.

'Oh, good for you Cat Noir! I'm happy for you! Bug out!' Ladybug said as she swung away.

Cat Noir couldn't stop thinking about his dance with Marinette as he took the boy home then went back to the hotel bathroom and detransformed just in time to see his bodyguard pull up out front.

He came out and saw Alya waiting as well.

'Oh, hey Alya, you didn't go with Nino?' Adrien said.

'Oh, no, I wanted to stay and keep Marinette company!' she replied.

'Marinette? Is she still here?' Adrien said, a bit hopeful.

'Oh, no...she went with...'

Suddenly Marinette came bursting out of the bathroom.

'Oh, thank goodness you're still here!' Marinette said. 'The lock got stuck on the bathroom door, my phone died so I couldn't call for help, my parents thought I got a lift with someone else and they left without me!'

Alya giggled. 'Wow girl, you had quite the day then!'

Alya leaned closer to Adrien and said, 'You can drop me home first if you want' and winked as Marinette came over to them.

Adrien smiled at Marinette  as they walked to the car. 'I never got to tell you how beautiful you look tonight, Marinette.' She had worn her hair down and it was the way Adrien liked it.

Marinette blushed. 'Thank you, Adrien.'

'I'll sit on the outside as I'll be getting out first' Alya said as she let Adrien in first and then Marinette sat in the middle of them.

As Alya got in the car she casually bumped Marinette closer to Adrien. 'Oops, sorry Marinette!'

Marinette blushed. Adrien smiled and held Marinette's hand. Marinette's heart was pounding in her chest. As soon as the car got to Alya's house, Alya couldn't leave the car fast enough.

'ThanksfortheliftAdriensweetdreamsguysbyeeeeee!' Alya cried out as she took off to her front door.

'I've never seen a person move that fast before!' Adrien said as the car drove off again.

'Yeah' Marinette replied. She still couldn't believe that Adrien was holding her hand. He squeezed her hand a little bit tighter.

'You know Marinette, I'm actually really flattered that you had a crush on me for ages. I guess because I was home schooled for so long before meeting everyone, I didn't have much social interaction so I was just blind to all the signs. I'm sorry I didn't realise it sooner, Marinette.'

Adrien put his free hand up to her face and gently pushed her hair back behind her ear as he smiled and leaned in close and kissed her passionately. Marinette could hardly believe it. 'Please tell me I'm not dreaming' she thought. 'Or if this is a dream, I don't ever want to wake up.'

The car pulled up to the bakery and Adrien got out to open the door for Marinette.

'I hope to be able to take you out to dinner sometime Marinette' Adrien smiled.

'I'd like that' Marinette blushed. 'Goodnight, Adrien' she said as she smiled.

Adrien kissed her again. 'Goodnight...milady'

Marinette waved goodbye as Adrien smiled and waved back as he got back in the car and it drove away.

Tikki peeked out from Marinette's purse. 'You finally got your wish to be with your crush Marinette! Congratulations!'

'Thanks, Tikki!' Marinette replied. But something about the way Adrien called her milady reminded her so much of Cat Noir, who recently stopped calling Ladybug milady. She smiled. Even if they ended up being one in the same, she actually didn't mind. She had come to trust Cat Noir so much too. And now their bond would be stronger than ever.

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