You're Not For Sale (P.JS ff)

By seoulfeels

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Receiving minimum wage salary, Lee May wanted a better job that validates her hard work. On the way to the jo... More

You're Not For Sale
Part 1 - The Devil Wears Prada
Part 2 - Teacups
Part 3 - First Name Basis
Part 4 - Not A Dream
Part 5 - Disappear
Part 6 - The Deal
Part 8 - Not So Special
Part 9 - Aurora Borealis
Part 10 - Ice Cream
Chapter 11 - Nobody
Chapter 12 - Beach
Chapter 13 - You Suck
Chapter 14 - Tiramisu

Part 7 - Not Anymore

567 38 41
By seoulfeels

May woke up with Jay standing in front of her. He seems like he's been there for a long time waiting for her to wake up. He looked away clearing his throat. "We're going to stop over. We can go to the duty free and buy something for friends and family." He said then placed 500 dollars on May's hand. "If you hate black cards so much, here's a cash. Budget it if you will." He said and left her.

May thought about Ni-ki right away. Ni-ki loves shoes. Especially the ones that he can use for sports. One problem though, she doesn't know which shoes is comfortable for Ni-ki.

She followed Jay and watched him shop. Apparently when rich people enter a shop, they just know what to buy. She would ask for something and he'd be entertained and even offered more items they can suggest him of buying. They all have that smile of victory because Jay has a really powerful card.

She followed him more and observed how polite and welcoming staffs are with rich people.

"May, you haven't bought anything yet. Want me to help you?" He asked in concern when May still has no paper bags yet. He wanted to slap himself for giving her only 500 dollars. Of course that can't afford shit other than candies.

"The truth is, I have no idea what to buy him. Also, nobody would entertain me inside a shop." She admitted.

Jay bit the insides of his cheek and decided to help May. "Would you like to buy him any fragrance?" He asked.

"Sure but I need some help with that." May shyly told him. After insulting him hours ago, she's now asking for his helps. It's embarrassing.

Jay took her towards the section for fragrance and said an specific brand. "Jo Malone, Lime Basil and Mandarin." He said to the salesman then glanced at May. "I've seen an almost empty bottle of this when I slept on Ni-ki's room. I bet he'd be happy to receive a new one. A cologne is important for a man. It shows that a man is trying to make an impression and makes us more put together. Each and every fragrance has it's own appeal." He told May but she obviously don't understand what he meant by that.

"Anyway, I'll get this for you. Go buy yourself something you want. Give yourself a reward for working so hard." Jay encouraged her like a father.

"I'm not sure what to buy. This shopping thing is new to me. I usually just spend at least five dollars on a thrift store. I can't buy these things without regretting it." She admits while smiling shyly.

"I'll help you if you want." Jay offered.

May hesitated at first. She didn't really want to spend the money and want to keep it in case of emergency. But then again, this is a vacation. "I kinda need comfortable shoes right now." She told him.

Jay glanced at her feet and reminded him that she is wearing heels. High heels are good for work since she has her own desk and work station near Jay's office, but it's definitely not for walking.

"Fine, let's buy sneakers but we need to buy you clothes that would go well with it." Jay told her showing her to a store that sells casual clothes. This is a vacation after all.

Jay bought her pants, a pain white shirt and a beige coat, then a pair sneakers from one of his favorite shop. May looks more comfortable now.

Jay asked the shop if May could already wear it and they allowed her. May thanked Jay for buying then saw the receipt. "Jay, this is more expensive than my cellphone. Let's put it back and ask for a refund." She said grabbing his arm.

The salesman frowned at first but faked a smile for Jay. "You can't ask for a refund once the tags are removed." He said with his obvious fake smile. May can see right through it. She doesn't know if Jay can also sense that this guy is only in it for the sales or not.

His mind seems to be somewhere else.

"No, we're not going to ask for a refund. My fiancé just loves to prank people." He said then pulled May out of the store.

"Jay this is too much. I'm wearing more than I can afford. I'm not this flashy. Isn't this being a hypocrite? Please let's just ask them nicely and return this." She begged but Jay didn't speak to her until they're back in the plane. He rubbed his temples and turned around to not see her face for a while.

"Jay, I can't afford this. This is like my salary for three months without paying for any bills." She told her, grabbing his hand again to go back to the store.

Jay tuned to her and sighed. "Says who?" He asked. "You work for me now. This is not even half your salary. This is your salary for a day." He told her. "Why do you return all my gifts for you, huh? Why do you always make me feel like I can't give you anything that would make you happy?" He asked in frustration.

May was silenced all of a sudden. He's speaking nonsense again. Something is wrong with this guy.

"Is this some sort of technique you're doing? Make me feel like I have to do more for you? Look and guess for the things you want? This is something new to me. Just tell me what to do. How do you want this to go?" He asked.

May got more confused now. "What is this even? Technique for what? I can't follow you. Am I dumb?" She asked.

Jay chuckled and sat on his seat. "May, don't you think I haven't figured you out already? You planned this whole thing. You broke the teacups to make an impression and to comeback here at night just to give your mother's teacups. You made it look like you're wasted from two glasses of wine and make it seem like I'm proposing to you. You made yourself look suicidal and clumsy so I'd come to your rescure and make it seem like I wrapped my arms around you. You manipulated me to disappear so we'd look like we're really engaged." He said but this time it's May who's chuckling.

"Am I that powerful?" She laughs. "I didn't plan anything." She shook her head and sat down as well thinking of how ridiculous he sounded.

"Oh come on. You're just like any other secretary I've had. Yours is just more creative. You all show me for a week or so that you're not interested in money and position then the moment I fall I become your personal ATM and bank account." He told her.

May felt sorry that he went through all this shit to the point where he developed trust issues and suspect everyone around her.

"So this is what it's all about. You're just waiting for me to ask you for expensive things." She now understood why he's always furious and keep on giving her his black card.

"Did you actually fall for your secretaries?" She asked because it's what she's most curious of.

Jay sighed and looked away. "Stop making fun of me." His cheeks blushed in embarrassment.

"I'm not..."

"Like them?" Jay finished May's sentence. "You're different? You're the chosen one? The girl who would rescue me? Is that it?" He asked coldly.

"How do you even fall for people when you don't see people's souls? The first time we shopped, your mind seems to be so far away. You're always in a hurry. Do you even breathe?" May asked him.

"I don't have time to breathe. This is why I ran away. I can't take it anymore. I want to have fun and relax, and you're here giving me more problems. Can't you just say that you like the fucking outfit and thank me?" He asked.

"I like it. Thank you." May just gave him what he wanted. She didn't want him to stress anymore.

Jay smiled and looked at her. Even though he knew she might might be lying, it gives him comfort.

May smiled back at him. It's the first time he really is physically present. That's a good sign. The problem now is that she can't allow herself to fall for him or he'd feel like she's just another gold digger. But how can she prevent herself from falling when she already fell for him years ago?



May's playing with her friend - Natalie, on the jungle gym after class. Just fooling around and laughing. It's fun to feel like young kids again, but then May saw her father holding a luggage and huge backpack, calling for a taxi.

"Wait for me here." She told Natalie and ran towards her father. "Appa!" She yelled waving at her father. She succeeded in getting his attention but her father frowned and rushed to get into the taxi. He then asked the driver to drive fast, avoiding May.

May on the other hand ran as fast as she could and chased for the taxi with all her strength. She's going to fast that she went out of balance and tripped, leaving her falling to the pavement, scratching her elbows and knees.

Natalie saw it and rushed towards her. She assisted May towards the bench, hissing at how painful her scratches look like. "I'll just get some bandages." Natalie told her without mentioning her father. She didn't want May to think about it right now. The fall looks already painful enough.

May did as told and just sat there. That's until the uncle who sells tteokbokki came. She's so hungry and hurt that all she wanted is to eat. She bought a cup and ate as she cried through the pain. She hates herself for being so clumsy and keep on hurting herself.

Sometimes she wonders if she's just dumb or unlucky.

"Bloody May!" Her classmates teased. That's her nickname for them. Like the creepy Bloody Mary stories, they changed it up to her name since she's always bloody.

She hates that nickname because it just proves that she's always hurt.

She promised herself that she'd be more careful next time, like what she always promise herself when she wakes up in the morning.

Why try anyway, she knows that she'll fail miserably anyway?

The physical pain made her forget about her father for a while. But as the time passes by, she couldn't help but see the way her father hurried to get away from her. Of course she's aware that it might be the last day she'll see her father.

She saw it coming already. They would constantly argue about the bills and responsibilities. Her father has already mentioned how tired he is of her mother. Apparently his lame excuse to leave them is because Miya loves to pick up a fight when he's already tired from work.

When he's at home he wants everyone to just shut up and turn off the TV or any music for him to get some rest. He also demands warm food on the table once he's home.

They couldn't blame him, because May's father did came from a wealthy family. He only married her mother because 'they were young and stupid' just like how her father would always say it.

While she's deep in her thoughts, a guy suddenly knelt in front of him and started wiping her wounds. It stings but it feels better because he's blowing it in the process. He looks so handsome and perfect. Like the princes in any other story book, he's come to the rescue of a damsel in distress.

"W-what are you doing?" She asked clearly flustered.

He looked up at her with a cold expression. "Aren't you just the luckiest thing in this plannet? You badly fell on your two elbows and kness. That's similar to hitting the jackpot or bingo." He insults her in sarcasm but still continued to disinfect her wounds. First thing May thought is that his attitude is definitely not as pleasant as his face.

But then again he's cleaning a stranger's wound. He he's helping without knowing her personally. That proves that this world is not all pain and suffering.

At least now she's not thinking about her father.

"Why do you care?" She asked, trying so hard to be rude, but she felt safe and secured with him by her side right now. She doesn't even care that she doesn't know who this person is.

"At least know how to treat yourself if you plan to be this reckless all your life. It might come in handy someday." He said then stood up. He made an eye contact with her, making her heart race. He seems cold and intimidating but May is having a good feeling about him.

"Thanks." She said shoving a piece of tteokbokki inside Jay's mouth. It's her way 8f thanking him for helping her. He might be sarcastic and harsh but he still did help her disinfect her wounds. He hissed when he realized it's spicy, but later on liked it. It's not so bad after all.

Without permission, he took the cup and ate some more. He smiled satisfied with himself, smiling at the May.

"That's not fair!" She protested. "You have to buy me some more now. I'm still hungry." She said grabbing his hand dragging him towards the ttekbokki stand. The truth is, she didn't just want to eat some more but she wanted them to have a real conversation. With more food, they can communicate more. He'd stay a little bit longer.

He's more than glad to buy her some more but a big black car stopped in front of them, and suddenly his father came out. "I told you not to leave the school premises without a driver. We were so worried about you." He said and took him inside the car, leaving the May staring at them driving away. She didn't even know his same.

That's the second car she wish she could chase for today. But this is different. That person is clearly studying at the school in front of the playground. He's wearing their fancy uniform.

She noticed he left his bloody handkerchief on the bench so she grabbed it and waved but the car didn't stop. She decided to keep it until she see him again. After all, his school is just close to the playground.

When May got home that day, she saw her mother packing her things as well. She said she and May are moving to Japan, but she refused to go. Even if her father left here, she can't just leave school and move to another country that speaks a different language. She'd have a hard time.

Besides, Natalie is here.

Another reason is, she still wants to give back the weird guy's handkerchief.

Each and everyday she would wait outside the school but she never saw him again. It's like he vanished or never existed. Or maybe she has forgotten his facial features. Every time she tried to recall, the more she couldn't remember.

All she knew is that he's intimidating but thoughtful.

Her classmates would say she's a gold digger just like his mother just because she would wait outside the prestige school day by day after class. They say she's waiting for a rich guy to notice her and date her. She didn't listen to them and kept waiting, until she got tired and just accepted that she might be delusional because her father left her that day.

She wanted someone to take away the pain and she made up her own knight in shining armor, not knowing Jay moved away that day.

(End of Flashback)


"We're here, get up." Jay excitedly told May, while waking her up.

"Exactly where are we?" She asked.

"Kristiansand, Norway. My family don't own anything in this place, so this is like a new adventure for me. Let's go check out the hotels and restaurants. I bet they have something interesting." He said and led May outside the plane.

"I've watched documentaries of this place before but this is my first time here. They said there are islands here that we can hike and such." Jay excitedly told her.

"Aren't you scared that you won't be treated as special?" May teased him.

Jay didn't care about that right now. His number one priority right now are the cuisines in this place.

"Don't worry too much about me. It's not like living a simple life is hard. I mean you don't have a lot of responsibilities. People aren't waiting for you to fail. Nobody's expecting anything from you." He teased May as well, not knowing that he sounds like a total assh8le again.

"Cool." May told him, expecting him to have a serious culture shock a little later.

The moment they're booking on a 5 star hotel, a problem suddenly started to arise. The were told that they should've reserved beforehand.

Five more hotels and they don't have a choice anymore but stay on a cheap one.

"What if I buy a house right now?" Jay suggests.

May smiled in victory. "Don't give up just yet Mr. Rich guy. We still have more choices. We can book a transient home. I have seen two close ones." She told Jay, showing him the photos.

"How does this work?" Jay asked her.

"Like a hotel, we book a house we desire and rent it for how long we need." She told him.

"This is too cheap. What if it's not as clean as the pictures?" He doubtsd.

"We can clean it to your standard." May tried to convince him.

Jay gave up and just nodded allowing May to book the house.

"Done. Now let's ride a bus to get there." She told him.

"A bus? Public transportation again, Lee May?" He asked in disbelief. She's enjoying her frustration right now.

"Aww. Living a simple life isn't that hard Mr. Park." She said and walked towards the nearest bus station. Jay lazily walked with her.

"How are you sure that they're not fully booked?" He asked, still hoping they can find at least a three star hotel.

"I'm currently talking to the owner right now." She told him, showing her phone to Jay. It looks like May has chosen a house with own kitchen, two room and two separate bathrooms.

"Good thing we didn't prepare for this, or we're both carrying heavy luggage right now." She said but Jay doesn't look so thankful. He still couldn't get used to the stress of navigating where to go on a foreign land. He's used to having a car or a driver and a GPS.

May on the other hand is enjoying the feeling of being lost. She always wanted to be in a place where she's allowed to get lost and slow down for a second. She just wishes Ni-ki's here with her to explore and make good memories.

"There's our bus. The landlord said this is the bus we should ride to get there." She said and pulled Jay inside. "We don't have a bus card. Can we pay cash?" She asked. The driver let them get away with it since they don't look like locals.

Jay's impressed at how charming May's smile is that the driver just let them get away with it. She's be good for his marketing team.

"Wow! There's so many trees. This is amazing." May said taking pictures of the view.

Jay stared and observed at how happy she seems. So apparently traveling can make this girl happy after all. Jay raised his phone and took a picture of the two of them but May's not aware of it.

Jay just wants to have a picture with someone else, not just him taking a selca.

That would do for now.

"It's a 40 minute drive by the way." May told him making Jay sigh in frustration.

"You should've told me beforehand. Lee May, when choosing a place to stay, you have to make sure it's close to the city. A place where you can get supplies easily." He tried to lecture her. He sounds like a parent once again.

"I figured out that if it's far from civilization, nobody's there. We can surely book a place to stay." She justified her actions.

"You mean a place that we don't need. Of course nobody would book a place this far. This is a waste of time. How are we supposed to enjoy the landmarks if we need to travel 40 minutes everyday?" Jay asked in fury.

May noticed Jay's muscles became tense. She grabbed his hand and started massaging it like what he would do to her mother when she's angry. It worked on Jay because his facial expression relaxed right away.

"Long travels are therapeutic especially if the view is this breathtaking." May told him. "Add in some music and it's a perfect way to clear your mind." She said placing her old school earphones in her ear.

Jay thought it would be funny if he pulls the other one and take a listen to the songs that May listens to. He's shocked to hear her listening to rock music.

"What the hell!" He pulled May's earphones from her ear. "This is how you clear your mind? Through listening to Bring Me The Horizon songs?" He looked like he's judging her big time. "You clear your mind through listening to 'The Shadow Moses'? Who even listen to this stuff?"

Normally this would sound insulting to May because almost everyone she knows doesn't like the music she listens to, and would even share their negative thoughts about this band, but the fact that Jay knows the title without looking at the music player of her phone gave her excitement.

This means Jay is familiar of this song and actually knows it, the fact that he knows the title by just listening to it for at least 5 seconds.

"You, silly." She quickly responds.

"You're really a hopeless case, you know that? No wonder you're sui..." he stopped when he realized it's not a nice thing to blame anything for someone's suicidal thoughts, because you don't know if it's their coping mechanism or it's the only thing that's keeping them alive especially if it's music.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have crossed the line." Jay apologized.

"It's ok, you're not the only one who thinks that way about me." She smiled. "She listens to depressing lyrics that's why she's pretending to be depressed. She listens to loud noises that's why her mind is messed up. I've heard it all from I'm just trying to seek attention from I'm trying to look tough and scary." She stopped the music and focused on Jay.

"The thing is, it's the only music loud enough to block my scary thoughts. I listen to music is like reading a novel, except there's a melody. I forget about myself and listen to someone else's story. And it's enough to survive another day." She opened up. She never tells this thing to everyone. She only trusts a few people with this. Only those who would understand.

"Would it be loud enough to block my thoughts as well?" Jay asked making May smile and pass him her other earphones. They both listened to rock music for 40 minutes and just enjoyed the view.

Somehow May wished the driver would drive slower. She didn't want this moment to end.

The only good memory she had ever since she was a child was listening to music while in a road trip. This is exactly just like how she remembered it. Just jamming to music while looking out the window.

Except her father is not driving, and her mother is not singing along with her.

It's nostalgic, but definitely not the same.

"I must admit, this is quite fun. You're not bad, Lee May." Jay admitted. May knew he wasn't lying because his intimidating huge eyes turned to slits because of his huge smile. It turns out he's not an uptight person after all. He's just trying to keep it all together even when he has a lot of concerns in his mind.

He deserves this vacation. He deserves to loosen up for a short while.

"Maybe simple living isn't so bad after all." He muttered to himself even though it was loud enough for May to hear. "Do you still hate your life?" He asked.

May smiled and looked away. "Not anymore."

Because I'm with you now.

Jay smiled back at her after hearing her answer.


A/N: Album Preview in a few hours. Even though my night shift sucked so bad last night. Maybe it'll turn around tonight.

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