Danny Phantom: A Game of Shad...

By KatherineRWaggoner

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Now that the world has become more accepting of ghosts due to them helping save the world, the ghosts have lo... More

Chapter 1: A Face Amongst The Shadows
Chapter 2: A Danger Cowering Within Shock
Chapter 3: Seeking Answers Amongst Allies and Foes
Chapter 4: Ensured Safety Through Trials
Chapter 5: Unknown Issues Arise
Chapter 6: A Battle of Sacrifice and Will
Chapter 7: A Fight for Love and Safety
Chapter 9: An Old Problem for a New Generation
Chapter 10: Ghosts, Magic, Demons, and the Future

Chapter 8: The Final Cries of Death

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By KatherineRWaggoner

Danny found himself by Lake Eeree. Danny landed on the ground and sat down as he thought about what was going on. It had been very quiet for a while and then Danny heard something he didn't expect.

"What are you doing son?" Jack's voice came from behind Danny and Danny stood up and saw his father in a ghost form.

"I'm doing what I have to, to protect everybody." Danny replied emotionally.

"Are you protecting everyone, or are you pushing them away?" Jack asked this and Danny looked away and shook his head.

"Don't act like you EVER knew me. I was a ghost for years and you couldn't even tell. I snuck behind your back constantly and you didn't even notice." Danny snapped and he tried to walk away but Jack let out a long sigh.

"You're not wrong Danny." There was a heaviness in Jack's voice that Danny had never heard before. Danny stopped and turned to his fathers spirit and looked to him sadly. "But whenever you did need me, I was there. It's not exactly my fault that you didn't take that opportunity while I was alive. Then again, I can't help but wonder if you ever realized how much I love you." Jack then looked to Danny regretfully. "Son, you are ten times the man I ever was. You're braver, smarter, and that's because you have every good gene from your mother, and the few good genes from me." Jack then looked out at the lake. "The only time I EVER felt like a real father to you was when we fought ghosts on this lake. It was the only time I saved your life, and yet you have saved mine and Amity Park's lives for years."

"They sure seem to appreciate it now." Danny said sarcastically.

"Son they're just looking for someone to blame. That's what people do in times like this, but eventually they WILL see the truth, and the worst part is that you KNOW it because they always have. They may blame you for a while, but they do see the truth in the end. That's because, even though humans aren't always the brightest, we were born with the instinct to know when someone is good and when someone is bad. We just tend to let our feelings get in the way." Jack said this as he started to walk over to Danny.

"I don't think it's going to happen this time Dad." Danny admitted.

"I understand more than you know Danny." Jack said this and then he put his hand on Danny's shoulder. "But I can tell you one thing for sure Son. Things NEVER turn out the way you think they will. I mean, look at me, I've become the very thing I hunted my entire life. Sometimes it takes the worst thing imaginable to change a person for the better. I am now more free than I've ever been and yet I will always be one portal away from you and the family. I never really appreciated how great my family is until I had to watch you from the distance, living your lives without me. I'm just glad I left everybody that I have grown to love over the years in good hands." Jack said surely.

"Yeah, and who's hands are they?" Danny asked as he expected Jack to say Jazz or Maddie's name.

"Yours." Jack said this and Danny looked to him hopefully and he then looked down at the ground.

"Then how come every time I feel like I've done the best thing for everybody it backfires in my face?" Danny asked and Jack smirked.

"Nobody ever made a difference playing it safe Danny. I assure you son, everything will be just fine. Some things just take time." Jack assured Danny and for the first time in a while, Danny felt like he could believe in himself. Then he looked to Jack with mixed emotions.

"It sucks that we're just now getting this close, and you're dead." Danny cried as he emotionally smiled.

"No Danny," Jack said and then he patted Danny on the shoulder. "it's a blessing, because I know that you will rebuild the ghost portal so that I can spend as much time with everyone as possible. You are your mother's son after all." Jack said proudly.

"No, I'm nothing like Mom." Danny said as he let out a short laugh. "Jazz is Mom's twin. Me? I'm just like you." Danny expressed his love and acceptance towards his father and Jack hugged him. After a while Jack parted with Danny. Just then there was a massive red energy that went through the entire world and Danny looked around and saw that there was a portal opening up.

"I think you have a date with destiny son. A dance with death itself." Jack stated and then Danny turned to him.

"Get out of here. I don't want him destroying you." Danny expressed his worry.

"I'm already dead Danny. But, just so you can have a clear mind, I will take my leave." Jack then side-hugged Danny. "Go get'em Danny Phantom." Jack then flew away and Danny pulled his device out. Just then a black smoke filled the land and Danny saw death come out of the portal and Danny shot the device immediately. The portal was forced shut but Death stood strongly and Danny realized that this wasn't going to be easy. The blaster didn't affect the female horseman at all.

"So.....you are the one who has destroyed my family?" Death asked and Danny started walking towards the villain.

"They've destroyed more than I have by a landslide. I assure you." Danny replied bluntly. That's when Danny saw that news reporters had followed him. Death looked to them and let out a demented laugh.

"They honestly think I'm like my family who prefers an audience. Let's show the world what I am. Shall we?" Death said and she shot a black energy out of her hands. Danny saw the energy going towards the film crew and Danny flew as fast as he could. He landed in front of them and formed a white ghost shield that managed to deflect the attack.

"Not on my watch Bellatrix Lestrange. But please, try again." Danny taunted the evil being and she laughed.

"We haven't been introduced have we?" Death sighed and Danny rolled his eyes as he crossed his arms.

"After you eliminated a massive portion of my planet, including one of my friends, I'm not exactly in the mood to exchange pleasantries. So can we just get to the part of this where we fight?" Danny snapped.

"YOU TELL THE BITCH!!!" The camera man shouted and Danny saw Death frown and Danny turned to the guy.

"Do you have a death wish, or what?" Danny asked and the camera guy felt bad.

"Sorry." The camera guy said.

"Just.. just stay behind the shield and shut up for your own good." Danny sighed and then he started walking back towards Death.

"My name is Thana, and I have no interest in destroying you young ghost." Death revealed this and the gears started turning in Danny's head.

"What DOES interest you then?" Danny asked.

"You. My brothers and sister are very strong and yet you defeated them single handedly. I would love nothing more than for you to rule this world by my side and we will make all of them suffer! Those who have treated you with nothing but anger will be burned to the ground." Thana said as she raised her hands and there were red storm clouds forming. The clouds started glowing and then fire and brimstone started falling from the skies. Danny turned to the reporter.

"EVERYBODY TAKE SHELTER!" Danny shouted at the people who were watching the news.....

Sam was outside when she saw the skies start to rain down burning hail of massive proportions.

"Danny." Sam sighed as all she could feel was worry. Sam went to walk into the streets and a man pulled her back underneath a roofed area.

"Danny Phantom says to stay inside. What are you doing?" The man was a baker and Sam had just bought a piece of vegan vanilla cake. The baker shut his doors and Sam saw the news and saw what was happening.

"Why did it have to be so soon?" Sam sighed and the baker raised an eyebrow.

"Whats the ghost boy to you?" The baker asked.

"He's my boyfriend...or my ex....or... I don't know." Sam replied and the baker looked to Sam with a kind smile. "Please don't hurt me. It's not his fault."

"Trust me, I know." The baker replied in a kind voice and Sam looked to him in slight surprise and then the baker turned the tv off.

"I need to watch that!" Sam cried and the baker shook his head.

"Nobody should have to watch the person they love most suffer. You and I need to have a talk about that boy." The baker said.

"Why do you care?" Sam snapped.

"I noticed you were holding a picture of your family. Did you lose one of them when every first born was taken?" The baker asked and Sam looked incredibly sad.

"I lost them both. They were both first borns and they were out looking for me when they died. I didn't even tell Danny because I didn't want him getting even more upset." Sam explained. She was a common customer at this baker's store and he nodded in understanding.

"Alright then. We definitely need to talk about this." The baker said and Sam nodded in acceptance...........

The female evil stared at Danny with intensely vivid eyes.

"Join me. Destroy the people who have betrayed you. There's no point in fighting me and you know it. No matter what you will have no life after this." The woman spun her sinister web.

Danny walked over to her and shook his head.

"I can't let you hurt my people any longer. They may be angry and they may be trying to blame someone they can beat the hell out of, but I would never betray both of my kinds. I have the ghosts on my side which is all I need to know that I'm doing what's right." Danny said this and the woman changed very quickly. The black she was covered in faded and revealed that she had taken the form of Sam but a few things were different. She was wearing a long purple dress with black glitter and her hair was long and she wore a purple tiara.

"Fight me now Danny." Thana said this and it was in Sam's voice. Danny couldn't. Thana raised her hand to him and a red energy went out of it and it hit Danny and Danny was flung pretty far. He was slammed against a tree as he was in agonizing pain. Just then he saw a ghost portal open up and Pandora, Skulker, Walker, Nocturne, and Vlad flew out and got in front of Danny.

"He might not fight you, but we will." Vlad said surely.

  "No." Danny grunted and then he got to his feet as he knew that this was going to end badly. Thana smirked and then she pulled her hands back as they started to glow green. "No more death." Danny crawled as he started to glow a mix of white, green, and blue. "No more pain." Danny said and the glowing became more intense as Danny no longer crawled and started levitating in the air and his eyes started glowing blue, and then green, and then white. "THIS ENDS NOW!!!" Danny shouted as Thana released a massive surge of energy and it was barreling towards all of the ghosts and the ghosts were ready to accept their end. Then Danny released a massive burst of white energy that pretty much went on for miles. Everybody closed their eyes as Danny was in the middle of the air and the light wouldn't end.

Thana screamed as she was on her knees. The light finally faded as Thana was withering away like dust in the wind, but she was stubbornly trying to hold on. Danny landed and all of the ghosts looked at him and saw that he was wearing a white cape that was lined with a blue glow. Danny walked over to Thana and Thana was in her original form. She was no longer Sam. She grabbed his hands and tried to send darkness and pain through his body but her hands started burning and she let go.

"How have you done this?" Thana choked as she was blowing away with the wind but was still desperately fighting.

"I'm not just any average ghost. I'm also not an average guy. You may think that me being half human makes me weak, but it makes me stronger by a landslide. You come to destroy my worlds and cause them pain and suffering. You cause innocent people to die? And you are asking for war. That's what your brother War had right, in this universe, it really is an eye for an eye. He hurt my people, from both the ghost zone and the human world, and I've eliminated every single one of you. So...Thana, any last words?" Danny asked as he created an orb of light in his hand.

"We weakened you in every way possible. We made the world think you were the enemy. We hurt your girlfriend. Killed millions of people. Killed the King of the Ghosts. We sent plagues and made every single person suffer and you had to deal with all of the blame. Pestilence sickened that ghost Ember so she would hurt you even further." Thana said bitterly.

"So what?" Danny replied simply.

"So how could you possibly defend ANY of them after all of that?!" Thana shouted.

"That's what none of you understood. You are all demons, creatures who have no souls, no emotions. Your existence is to destroy. Ghosts may be dead, but they are very much still the humans they once were, if not better. And humans, well they're still living on. That's one thing you can count on when it comes to those who either are human or were once human." Danny said with a smirk.

"Oh yeah? What can we count on ghost-boy?" Thana taunted Danny and Danny smiled.

"We are one stubborn race and even when you tear us down and destroy everything we have, we still keep going, and in my case, because I have the power to, I avenge every single person that has been wronged, hurt, or murdered." Danny replied and then he smirked again. "And one last thing." Danny said and Thana looked at him lividly.

"What?!" Thana shouted.

"It's not ghost-boy. It's Danny Phantom." Danny said and then he blasted the last of the horsemen with the light beam and then the last of her ashes were obliterated. Danny saw that she was gone and turned to the ghosts and saw that they were all kneeling. A massive ghost portal opened up and the ghosts walked through and they all kneeled in front of Danny. To Danny's shock even Nocturne was kneeling. Danny felt tears well up in his eyes and Walker stood up and raised his cane in the air.

"All hail the new Ghost King." Walker said and then the ghosts started repeating him as they stood and raised whatever they had in the air. Pandora raised her box, the box ghost raised his feather duster of pain, Skulker raised his gun, Ember who looked at Danny regretfully raised her new guitar, Young Blood raised his hook, Desiree raised her lamp, Fright Night raised his sword, Lunch Lady raised her spoon, Johnny 13 raised his hand and his shadow went up into the air and raised it's hands, Kitty raised her ring, Bertrand and Klemper raised all they had which were their fists, Technus raised a computer chip, Ghost Writer and Sidney Poindexter both raised pens, Spectra raised her hand in a fabulous fashion, Wolf raised his claw, Clockwork and Dairy King both raised their staffs, and Princess Dorathea raised her necklace as Vortex shot a lightning bolt into the air.

Danny smiled happily as he looked out at his new kingdom of people. Then Skulker walked over to him and held a crown made of silver and then bowed.

"Don't let this go to your head.." Skulker then looked to Danny and winked. "Danny Phantom." Danny then grabbed the crown and placed it on his head.

"That is a kingdom I will proudly accept." Danny said with genuine pride.

"I told you things never turn out the way we expect it to." Danny heard his father's voice and he turned and saw his Dad with his arm wrapped around Vlad and Vlad had Dani at his side. Danny quickly looked to Skulker. "What about the 5th horseman?" Danny asked and Skulker smirked.

"Millions of the 5th horseman died due to Deaths minions. It's over Danny." Skulker said this and Danny let out an intense sigh of relief.

"They're coming." Dani said and Danny turned to her and then he noticed that there were about 500 cars coming towards them.

"Oh great." Danny sighed and then he looked to Skulker. "I guess I'll be living in the ghost zone form now on." Danny said this and Dani interrupted him.

  "Don't be so sure." Dani said this and then Danny watched as people got out of their cars. The first ones he saw were Maddie, Jazz, Dash, Kwan, Valerie, and Tucker. They all were incredibly happy to see him. Maddie rushed over and hugged him.

"Oh my baby." Maddie sighed and then she looked to him in concern. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?" Maddie asked.

"I'm fine Mom." Danny said surely and Maddie smiled at him.

"My baby's a king." Maddie stated proudly.

"He always was." Jack said and Maddie saw his ghost and smiled as tears filled her eyes.

"I never thought I could love a ghost and now I have 4 who are family members." Maddie laughed.

"4?" Danny said and Maddie smiled.

"You, Danielle, Jack, and Vlad." Maddie said this and Vlad looked shocked but honored and Danny smiled at him.

"You are Dani's dad and Dani is my cousin so in an odd way that makes you my Uncle, or something like that." Danny said this and then let out a laugh. "That is really ironic. All of this is actually."

"Danny look." Dani whispered to Danny and Danny saw the direction she was pointing in and he saw a car pull up and Sam got out. Sam saw Danny and Danny immediately went into human form and he started running over to her. They stopped in front of each other and Danny hesitated.

"Are we good, because I don't wanna push boundaries if," Danny started and Sam snapped at him.

"Oh would you just kiss me?!" Sam snapped and Danny smirked and then he put his hand behind Sam's neck and kissed her passionately.

Danny pulled away from Sam and he looked at her and noticed that they were being filmed.

"So what's this about you being a king?" Sam asked and Danny blushed.

"I'm the new Ghost King, appointed by the ghost's themselves. And it turns out that Kieras was messing with Ember. She made her do what she did." Danny revealed and Sam nodded in understanding.

"So... the whole world knows who you are again, and I don't think this time you can sneak into the crowd just by dying your hair a single shade lighter. Maybe you could go blonde and be twinsies with Dash." Sam joked and Danny let out a quiet giggle.

"I'm not going anywhere." Danny said and Sam smiled widely and then hugged him.....

Danny pretty much was dealing with the press all day. They wouldn't leave him alone. He did his best to answer as many questions as possible. Danny was tiredly sitting in front of roughly 50 reporters and his family and friends were beside him. Sam kept her hand on his knee for support.

"Mr.Phantom," A woman said and Danny looked to her and nodded. "Can you please explain to us just how you and your girlfriend manage to handle the stress of ghost hunting and your super hero life?" Danny looked surprised because there hadn't been any questions about anything but him and his fighting. Now they were bringing Sam into it.

"Um, we just....we do. I don't really know how to answer that." Danny replied as he was seriously caught off guard.

"I'm shocked you guys are still together after her parents were killed by the last horseman." The reporter said this and Sam felt her heart stop and Danny looked to Sam and Sam looked away from him. "Oh interesting. She didn't tell you. Well that's a headline. The Hero's Girlfriend Is Keeping Secrets From Him."

"Hold on, that's not fair." Danny immediately protected Sam and then he looked to Sam. "Why didn't you tell me?" Danny asked and Sam looked like she felt awful.

"You were already going through so much. I didn't know how you would react if I told you. I didn't want to hurt you any more than you were already hurting." Sam explained and Danny hugged her.

"I'm so sorry Sam." Danny sighed as he felt terrible for her. The crowd was silent for the first time in hours. Danny then parted from Sam and bent down to a microphone. "That will be all today guys. We're going to head home." The crowd didn't really say anything and the family left........

Danny laid with Sam as he watched her sleep with loving eyes. He loved her more than pretty much anything. Sam slowly woke up and turned and saw Danny looking at her and tiredly smiled.

"What?" Sam sighed.

"Nothing. You're just beautiful." Danny replied and Sam snuggled closer and Danny wrapped his arms around her. "I love you Sam."

"I love you too Danny." Sam yawned and then she fell asleep. A few hours later Danny noticed the window opened. Danny looked at it and saw Ember hop in and she looked at him sadly.

"I know I'm really risking things, but I have to apologize." Ember said this and Danny nodded in understanding.

"Its ok Ember. I heard what that hack said. I know you weren't acting under your own fruition." Danny replied and then he got curious. "Just wondering, was anything you said true?"

"I couldn't tell yah honestly. I don't remember it either." Ember admitted and just then Sam spoke.

"And you have about 5 seconds before I suck you up into the Fenton Thermos." Sam threatened tiredly as she didn't move away from Danny and Ember smirked and nodded.

"It's nice to know that our King has a pretty fierce Queen to help him manage. Who knows, maybe there will be a little princess or prince running around soon enough." Ember said and she was about to leave when Sam jumped out of bed and pulled a fenton thermos out of nowhere.

"Whats that supposed to mean Ember?" Sam snapped

"It means exactly what I said. Im just saying that you and your ghost boy have been together since you started ghost hunting, so" Ember started and both Danny and Sam shouted at the same time.

"WE WERE'NT TOGETHER!!" They both yelled and Ember rolled her eyes as she jumped up on the window like it was a seat.

"Whatever you say your majesties." Ember said and then she fell backward and flew into the sky. Sam then turned to Danny.

"I wonder if we will EVER break that force of habit." Sam said awkwardly and Danny thought about it.

"Probably in about ten years or so." Danny replied. "Come on, let's go back to bed.".......

2 Months Later:

Danny, Tucker, Walker, Johnny 13, Skulker, and Dash were playing poker at the table in Maddie's new house when Sam came in and sat down on Danny's knee.

"Hey Sam." Danny said awkwardly. "I thought you, Jazz, Dani, and Valerie were going to watch a movie."

"We WERE, but that got ruined. They're still at the movies." Sam snapped.

"What happened?" Danny asked as he moved Sam towards him. Sam looked at him unsurely.

"Turns out Ember was onto something." Sam sighed and Danny looked confused.

"What do you mean?" Danny asked and Sam looked at him sadly and waited for him to put one and two together. Danny just stared at her for a moment and then he remembered what Ember had said and looked like he was going to shit himself.

"Now.....THAT'S...." Danny started to say and then he felt the words fall out of his mouth. " Just fantastic." Sam nodded in agreement.

"I don't want a kid right now either, trust me." Sam said this and Walker let out a short chuckle.

"That's against the rules." Walker laughed and both Sam and Danny turned to him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Both Danny and Sam asked at the same time.

"Actually, it literally means nothing. We've never had any other ghost king other than Pariah Dark. I just missed saying those words and it felt like an opportunity to say them." Walker responded awkwardly and everybody kind of just stared at him like he was being stupid.

"Are you sure?" Danny asked Sam and Walker got the wrong idea.

"Well, you're half human so you're ruling of the ghost zone will pretty much be a completely different scenario than anything before. Also the people WANT you as their king so it would be weird if they got angry about anything going on in your personal life so," Walker started to say and Danny rolled his eyes. Johnny hit Walker on the shoulder and Walker frowned.

"Now THAT is definitely against the rules." Walker said and Johnny didn't look intimidated at all.

"He's talking to his girl man." Johnny said and Walker nodded.

"That makes a lot more sense." Walker sighed. Sam looked to Danny and seemed unsure.

"I threw up for twenty minutes in the movie theater bathroom, I'm super moody, I don't even know if my period is late because I started birth control after the first time we had sex." Sam said this and Skulker let out a chuckle.

"Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of it if you took it after you had sexual intercourse?" Skulker asked as Maddie walked in carrying drinks.

"Maybe the first time, but the other twenty something times it proved to be pretty helpful." Danny said as he just looked through his cards.

"Daniel Fenton!" Maddie shouted and Danny tossed his cards in the air not expecting her to be in the room for this conversation.

"Oh well his Majesty and his girlfriend may be expecting a child. Isn't that wonderful Maddie?" Skulker asked as he seemed to be enjoying the situation.

"Please tell me he's joking." Maddie said as she slammed the drinks down and crossed her arms.

"I told you that the first time we did it, things kind of just happened. So it's possible." Danny explained. "But we're not sure. She could just have a stomach bug." Clearly Danny was nervous. Maddie looked to Sam.

"I always keep EVERYTHING stocked up here. Jazz has had a few pregnancy scares so I have some extra tests. Come on." Maddie sighed as she was worried for both Sam and Danny. Sam looked to Danny nervously.

"Are you coming?" Sam asked and Danny thought about it and threw his cards on the table.

"I fold guys." Danny sighed and then he left with Maddie and Sam. After they were gone Dash immediately decided to start a new gamble.

"Who wants to bet that Fenton knocked Sam up?" Dash asked and Johnny looked to Walker.

"Is that against the rules?" Johnny asked.

"I don't know. Theoretically anything that disrespects the king IS." Walker explained.

"Some would argue that this would honor the king's legacy." Skulker argued.

"But we would be doubting the existence of a prince or princess." Walker reiterated.

"It depends on how we bet. If we bet that she is pregnant then you could say that we're defending the princess or prince to be." Johnny added and Walker thought about it.

"Ill wager 15 that the royal couple becomes a family." Walker said and Skulker nodded.

"Ill add 15 to that." Skulker said.

"I'll add 5 as well." Johnny agreed.

"I'll bet $25 that Fenton couldn't even get it deep enough to get her pregnant." Dash gave his slightly cruel bet.

"That's just plain mean man." Tucker pointed out. "Ill second it though cause I'm pretty sure you're accurate." Tucker replied.....

Danny paced outside the bathroom as he waited nervously.

"Im sorry Mom." Danny sighed and Maddie shook her head.

"Danny things happen. Its ok. We will figure it out." Maddie replied and just then Sam came out with tears in her eyes as she was clearly panicking.

"Im pregnant. This means we have to get married and we have to settle down and," Sam started to panic and Danny went over and kissed her. He soon parted with her and looked at her as he was clearly very nervous as well.

"We will be ok Sam. And if you're not ready to get married that's fine. We don't have to. There are plenty of married couples without kids and plenty of non-married couples with kids. This is all up to us." Danny assured Sam and Sam looked worried.

"Im terrible with kids Danny. What's gonna happen if you have to go off and fight some huge force again?" Sam asked the difficult question and Danny wrapped his arms around Sam.

"Ill always come back. And now I'll have yet another amazing person in my life that I'll protect and fight for. We'll be alright Sam." Danny was so sure and this calmed Sam's nerves and Sam hugged him.

"I love you Danny. I couldn't do this without you." Sam sighed and Danny smiled as he held her. Just then a new but familiar voice chimed in.

"Wait a go Danny." Jacks voice said and Danny and Sam parted and saw Jacks spirit beside Vlad.

"Thanks Dad." Danny sighed awkwardly and then he parted with Sam and Sam seemed a little green in the face and she rushed into the bathroom and started throwing up again.

"I thought we talked about you showering son." Jack sighed in disappointment. "Now you've got your girlfriend throwing up."

"Its morning sickness Dad." Danny replied bluntly as he frowned.

"Really Danny? You're blaming the woman who is carrying your baby?" Jack asked.

"I just took a shower this morning and Sam can vouch for that." Danny stated awkwardly and Vlad smirked and nodded in approval.

"Well maybe you should spend less time on canoodling and more time on the 3 step method. Lather rinse repeat son, don't let'er rinse'n beat." Jack crossed over the line and Danny cringed.

"If I didn't love Sam, I would move her out of the way so I could hurl right now." Danny said in a slightly ill voice.

"Jack stop it. Sams sick because she's pregnant." Maddie insisted and Jack caved.

"Whatever you say Dear." Jack agreed. Danny went into the bathroom.

"Danny I don't want you to see me like this." Sam coughed and Danny got on his knees beside her and rubbed her back as he held her hair back.

"I know that eventually I may have limited times where I can do this, so I'm going to. I don't care what you look like Sam. You'll always be beautiful to me." Danny said and Sam slightly leaned near him as she continued to get sick....  

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