Hopelessly devoted to you

By Romanogersroyalty

3.3K 111 18

Greaser's era Natasha Romanoff is sister to the leader of the bully's, Tony Stark. She's known as the hottest... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8

Part 7

310 13 1
By Romanogersroyalty

It had been a week since Steve and Natasha's kiss and news about it was spreading like wildfire. Steve and Natasha never really addressed it she didn't feel the need to. It was a one time thing that was it.

"So, you and Steve, huh" Clint asked with a smirk and a cocked eyebrow

"No, it was a one time thing" Natasha replied

"Sure" he said stretching it out

Natasha rolled her eyes "I'm serious. He was just jealous that's why he did that"

"Does he know that" he asked

"Of course he does" she replied

"20 bucks says he'll ask you to be his girlfriend within the next week" he said

"Bet" she replied

"Shake on it" he asked with his hand held out

Natasha rolled her eyes as she shook his hand

"What's going on" Maria asked as she entered the room

"Nothing" Natasha replied before Clint could actually tell her what was going on "we're waiting on T'challa"

Maria nodded and sat down on the floor

"Sorry I'm late" T'challa said as he entered the room

"It's okay" Natasha replied and they all started to talk about phase 3 of their plan

The next day at school Steve ran up to Natasha and grabbed her hand. Natasha looked at him confused.

"What are you doing" she asked

Steve looked at her with a smile plastered on his face "you'll see"

Natasha looked at him with her eyebrows furrowed "I don't like surprises" she said

He just chuckled

Next thing Natasha knew they were standing in the cafeteria, Steve stood up on the table, that the 'greasers' normally sat at, everyone looked at him confused, except for Tony who looked more furious then confused.

"What are you doing" Natasha asked him in a whisper in a yelling manner

Steve gave her a smile and a wink "attention everybody, I have an announcement to make" he shouted as he looked over at Natasha his smile not fading

'what the hell does he have planned' she wondered

All eyes were now on the blonde

"I'm in love, with this doll right here" he stated pointing to Natasha causing her to blush "With that being said. I have one question for you Natasha Romanova Stark. Will you be my girlfriend" he asked

Natasha gave him a smile before she to hopped on to the table. She knew she shouldn't have but she kissed him the whole cafeteria gasped but she didn't care. She just kept kissing him until she needed air then she nodded "I would love too" she replied with a huge smile on her face

The whole cafeteria clapped, everyone except for Tony who was furious. Once they got off the table, Tony threw a punch at Steve making him fall back a little.

"You stay the hell away from my sister" Tony said in anger

Tony didn't like guys looking at Natasha let alone dating her. She's his little sister it's his job to protect her.

"You have no right to say who she can and can not date" Steve shot back with same anger in his tone

"Your not man enough to be with her" Tony shot back which made Steve furious

Steve punch Tony causing him to drop to the floor, Steve kept on punching him. Natasha decided to break it up

"That's enough" she said as she got close to them trying to break them apart when Tony punched her in the nose causing it to bleed

"Shit, Nat you okay" Tony asked his voice was no longer filled with anger but it was filled with concerned

"Nothing a little make-up can't fix" she replied with a small smirk on her face as she whipped the blood from her nose

In reality it did hurt but she didn't want Tony to feel bad. She knows he cares about her and never wants to see her hurt. She could see the look of sadness, regret and concern written on his face, so she pulled him into a hug, which shocked everyone, even Steve.

"I forgive you" she whispered into his ear

Natasha could feel him smile, he then pulled away and hopped on the table that Steve and Natasha were just on top of.

"Everyone" he called as he took a deep breath

Everyone turned their attention to the brunette as he spoke

"It has come to my attention, that my sister here" he said pointing to the red head "is right. From this day forward there will be no more, greasers vs sox's" he then looked at Natasha giving her a sympathetic look "Nat I'm sorry, I hope one day you can forgive me, for all the terrible things I've done and said" he finished

Everyone clapped

Once Tony was off the table Natasha gave him a huge hug "I love you" she whispered into his ear

"I love you too" he whispered back with a smile on his face

"I guess this means, I don't have to make my own turf anymore" she said

Tony chuckled lightly "no you don't"

Yes I did accidentally post this earlier, I wasn't finished with it that's why I deleted it and posted it again. Sorry this was a short chapter, this story doesn't really inspire me anymore, any way I hope you liked the chapter, I think I'll post one or two more parts.

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