I Will Protect You (Josuke x...

Da FreeFlyer68

138K 5.5K 4.8K

Y/n was close friends with Josuke Higashikata in the town of Morioh. Without having a stand she was left defe... Altro

A Turtle
It's Called a Stand
Angelo the Rock
Death by an Arrow
Waking up Differently
A Father's Love
The Nijimura Brothers
Dating Josuke Higashikata
A Lock of Guilt
Hazamada's Surface
Meeting Koichi's Girlfriend
A Love Letter
True Love
Death and Resurrection
Akira Otoishi
It's Today
A Baby Stand
A Visitor to Morioh
Heaven's Door
A Blinded Rage
A Normal Day in Morioh
Another Meeting
A New Stand User
Morning Tea
A Fight For Love
Shigekiyo Yangu: Harvest
Yoshikage Kira
A Vow of Silence
Casper: The Not So Friendly Ghost
Leaving the Murderers House
Three Words
A Friendly Alien
A Cheated Game
July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 1
July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 2
July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 3
July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 4
The Aftermath
The Killer Known as Yoshikage Kira
The Summer of 1999

Delicious and Authentic Italian Food

3.9K 148 175
Da FreeFlyer68

You walked through the streets of Morioh on a sunny day. After a few days of rest, you felt better after the Yukako incident. Koichi always apologizes to you, though even though you told him not to worry about it. But now, you were looking for a place to eat. You didn't want to cook anything or grab anything fast food. Instead, you wanted to go inside somewhere and sit down. 

   ' I don't wanna think right now. '

Your thoughts were consumed with thinking about what Josuke said a few days ago. You didn't want to think about it, and you walked past a couple of buildings until a new restaurant came into your view. You stopped and looked at the signs outside of the building. 

   ' An Italian restaurant? I don't remember this being in the area, this building was actually abandoned. Maybe the food will be good. '

You walked up the steps to the restaurant and opened the door. The bell above the door rang, and you shut the door behind you. The restaurant looked classy and expensive. There were a few tables, and they had table cloths that were clean with silver wear on the tops of that tables. There was a singular candle on the table with a small basket of flowers. 

   ' I didn't want to think about going on a date with Josuke, but here I am at a restaurant that looks like a perfect place for a date. '

   " Benvenuto. "

You looked towards the doorway to the kitchen, and the chief stepped out. His blonde hair was hidden in his chief's hat, but his blue eyes were calm. He had a small smile as he walked closer towards you, with a pitcher in his hands.

   " A table for one, today? Please have a seat. " He said with an Italian accent.

The man walked towards one of the tables and pulled out a chair for you. You walked towards the table and sat down in the seat. He pushed the chair to the table gently, and you started to relax a little.

   " Um, thank you. "

In front of you was a plate with a napkin that was rolled up, and on the sides of the plate sat two forks and two spoons on the table. A wine glass sat at the corner of the plate on the table.

   " I don't think I've seen you around here before. And this place seems pretty new. Are you a foreigner? "

   " Sì. I am originally from Italy. My name is Tonio Trussardi. But please call me Tonio. "

   " Okay, I will. I've never had authentic Italian food before, so I'm excited to try it. " You said, showing him a small smile.

   " My role as a chief has taken me to many countries. I use the flavors of my homeland and fuse them with the best culinary traditions in the world. Now, I've made my way to Japan in search of new opportunities. Your Morioh is such a magnificent town. There are several farms with fresh produce. Its seafood is great too. I adore it here. Using Morioh's wonderful ingredients I plan to make you a meal to tickle the tastebuds and delight your senses. "

   " Awesome. I'm looking forward to it. I could use some food to calm my mind and fill my stomach. "

   " I can tell there is something on your mind. And it is causing a great stir in you. I will make you something that can calm you, and stimulate your brain to relax and think of happy things. "

   " Thank you. But um, is there a menu? "

   " Menu? I'm sorry but we don't use those. "

   " How come? "

   " What I serve depends on the patron that comes in. "

   " So, you don't have menus because you make a different dish for everyone that comes in? That's a lot of food resources you have to use though. "

   " Please do not worry about it. I will take care of you, and your meal. "

   " Thanks. "

Tonio bowed his head and walked back into the kitchen, and you sat at your table staring at your plate. The doorbell rang, and you lifted your head to see who had entered the restaurant. Your face turned a slight shade of red seeing Josuke walk through the door with Okuyasu beside him. His eyes traveled around the room before landing on yours. The same small blush that was on your face appeared on his.

   " Oh, Hey, Y/n! Are you here to get some food too!? " Okuyaus shouted.

   " Yeah, I was hungry and I saw this place was new and came in. "

   " Mind if we join you? " Josuke asked, walking up to the table.

   " I don't. "

Okuyasu took one seat beside you while Josuke took the other seat beside you. 

   " So, do you know anything about this place? " Josuke asked.

   " Well, the owner and chief is really nice. His name is Tonio Trussardi. He's from Italy and from what I can tell he really enjoys cooking for others. He doesn't have any menu's though because he cooks different dishes for everyone. "

   " What kind of place doesn't have a menu! " Okuyasu shouted.

   " Benvenuto to my restaurant. " Tonio said, walking out of the kitchen with a pitcher of water. 

He poured the water into your cup, and you thanked him. Okuyasu immediately started asking him about a menu, but Tonio's stance didn't change. His smile faded, but he didn't turn violent or seem violent. He seemed calm. Okuyasu stood up and raised his hand towards Tonio, asking for a menu but, Tonio looked at Okuyasu's hand before gently taking it and speaking.

   " Alright, let's see now. You had diarrhea yesterday. Your intestinal walls are inflamed and it's obvious you're sleep deprived. Yes, you only got four hours last night. Which of course explains the puffy eyes. Now, let's see your left hand. "

Okuyasu lifted his other hand towards the chief, and Tonio took his hand and flipped it. Okuyasu's palm faced the ceiling as Tonio stared at the palm. You looked at Josuke, and he looked at you, questioning the chief. Finally, you shrugged your shoulders and looked back towards Tonio.

   " Mhmm, your right foot is infected with fungus. You also have two cavities and your left shoulder is stiff. Yes? "

   " What!? How the hell did you know that!? Everything you said was right on the money! "

   " It is all in the hands amico mio. They are the guiding principle to the soul. Oh! Please excuse me. "

Tonio filled their glasses with water, and you took a sip of yours. The water was refreshing as it went down your throat. Josuke raised his hand to stop Tonio from filling his glass with water.

   " Uh, I'm not really that hungry. I'll have a cup of coffee if you have any. Make it a cappuccino. "

   " Capisco signore. "

Tonio smiled and walked away from the table. He disappeared behind the walls separating the kitchen from the dining area. You took another sip of your water and kept the glass in your hand so you could drink more.

   " This guy can talk up his fancy dishes as much as he wants. Healthy food tastes like dog shit. Even if it's a little disgusting we don't have to pay for it. Just complain and leave. " Josuke whispered to you and Okuyasu.

   " Roger. "

   " That's rude, Josuke. Why not just say it's not our taste? He just wants to cook food and serve those in the restaurant. "

   " I'm just saying. If it's not that good-- Uh, Y/n, I didn't mean to offend you or your new friend or anything. You don't have to cry. " Josuke said, looking at you with worry.

   ' Huh? I'm crying? '

You raised your hand to your face and felt the skin underneath your eyes. Josuke was right; you were crying. But it wasn't just one tear. More and more tears were falling from your eyes, and it felt like you were crying up a waterfall. Your nose started to run due to the crying, and you grabbed the rolled-up towel and tried to stop the tears, but you couldn't stop crying.

   " Y/n, I really didn't mean to hurt you in any way! I'm sorry, please stop crying! " JOsuke said, reaching towards you.

   " I-I can't stop. I can't stop crying. "

   " What do you mean? "

   " I--I just can't. "

   " I'm the same way! " Okuyasu shouted. 

You looked at Okuyasu through your teary eyes and saw he was crying the same way you were, by the buckets. 

   " I don't want to freak you two out even more but the whites of yours eyes! They're becoming shrivled! " Josuke said, standing up.

   " Aspettare. Try to remain calm. " Tonio said, walking out of the kitchen with two plates and a cappuccino.

   " You bastard! What did you give Y/n and Okuyasu to drink? "

   " Sii tranquillo signore. Their eyes have only temporarily been withered. That mineral water is from the snowy tops of Mt. Kilimanjaro that melted 50,000 years ago. It flushes the eyes of harmful contaminents and it's a treatment for sleep dprivication. The reason you didn't cry after drinking the water is because you got an appropriate amount of sleep last night. "

Your tears slowly started to stop, and you took the towel and wiped your eyes. You didn't feel sleepy anymore. Your body and mind felt better after crying buckets of tears. 

   " Josuke! I feel better! Like I've slept a full ten hours! " Okuyasu shouted.

   " Wait a second! You can't be serious! Are you telling me there's nothing wrong with your eyes!? "

   " Exactly! When you drink water this good it's only natural for tears to flow. Trust me Josuke it's nothing to worry about. "

   " Y/n, what about you? " Josuke asked, looking at you.

   " I do feel more awake, and I don't know why but I feel better after crying. I feel lighter I guess, like I'm starting to relax. "

Josuke sat back down, and Tonio sat his cappuccino in front of Josuke. 

   " Here is your cappacino. "

   " Oh, thanks. "

   " So, shall we continue with the next course? "

Tonio sat a plate of salad with mozzarella cheese and tomatoes in front of Okuyasu.

In front of you, he placed two pieces of bread with steamed chopped tomatoes on top with mozzarella cheese melting on top of the tomatoes. You took your fork and your knife and started to cut into the bread, and you took a bite. Your mouth exploded with flavor, and you loved the taste in front of you. Okuyasu, on the other hand, with Josuke's idea of a refund in mind, had different thoughts on his salad. Okuyasu only took a bite of the cheese and made his decision.

   " Well, it wasn't bad. I dare say, this is very good. But even so the cheese itself doesn't leave much of an impression. Which is a shame after all the hype. "

   " No. No. It's not meant to be eaten by itself. You have to add tomato to it. Y/n here has eaten the food correctly since it is altogether on the finest bread from Italy. "

   " What? Adding a tomato sounds weird. Alright, but her in Japan we have sensitive palates-"

   " Just eat it Okuyasu. " You said, swallowing another piece of food. 

Okuyasu listened and ate the mozzarella cheese together with tomato, and he stood up from his chair.

   " Oh my god! It's so good! "

   " Grazie. Nothing is more delightful than a satisfied customer. And what of your food, caro? " Tonio asked you.

   " It's amazing! Thank you so much. "

   " Grazie. "

Josuke's eyes widened, and he wanted to take a bite of Okuyasu's food, but OKuyasu wouldn't let him. As they argued, you suddenly started to feel your body change. You set your utensils down since you finished your food, and your limbs were shaking. You couldn't control your shaking. You weren't cold or hot, but your body wouldn't stop shaking. Suddenly you felt weak, and you wanted to collapse on the table. Your breathing became ragged, and you felt like your lungs couldn't circulate air. A hand was placed on your shoulder, and your eyes traveled up to Tonio.

   " It will only be a few seconds. Then the pain and shaking will go away. "

   " Y/n, what's going on? " Josuke asked, standing from his seat and walking towards you.

Okuyasu had a different experience, however. He was overheating, and he took off his jacket. But when he scratched the collar of his skin, he peeled off dead skin. There were finger marks on his shoulder where he had scratched. He couldn't help but keep scratching due to the area feeling itchy. Dead skin was falling on the floor and starting to form piles. You, however, felt weak, and you rested your head on the table. A huge headache came to your mind. 

   " The toxins in the air have left your body and you will start circulating fresh air in a few seconds. Your mind needs oxygen and to relax it must be clean so nothing can hurt you. Your muscles are also feeling heavy and weak because they are pumping faster than normal to fix the things wrong in your system. If there is anything wrong your body is fixing it right now, which is why you are shaking and feeling weak. " Tonio said, keeping his hand on your shoulder.

   " Take your hand off of her! "

Josuke took Tonio's hand off your shoulder, but with Okuyasu, he scratched away the skin and muscle on his shoulder. But it was replaced with fresh skin and muscle immediately, and Okuyasu wasn't scratching anymore. 

   " I feel so limber! "

Your shaking started to settle, and you didn't feel weak anymore. Your headache left your head, and you began to breathe regularly. Something started climbing your throat, and you grabbed your throat, feeling it come up. Tonio had already held a bucket and put it towards your lips. You coughed in the bucket and what was in your throat came out. You knew what it was after tasting iron. You kept coughing up blood, and JOsuke took your hair and held it back.

   " It seems you had some bad blood in your system. That is the cause of your system being in distress these last few days and not allowing you to relax. But now that blood is gone and your body can focus on your brain. You'll start to feel your body sag a little, and that is because it can relax knowing that there is nothing toxic in your body. "

What Tonio was saying turned out to be true. You pulled back from the bucket and took the towel, and rubbed the rest of the blood off of your lips. Your figure became slouched in the chair as you leaned against the cushions. You felt relaxed, like you had received a message, and you felt no pain in your stomach or your system at all. Instead, you felt light as a feather.

   " If you'll excuse me I'll head back to the kitchen. I need to make sure the pasta boils properly. "

Tonio quickly swept up the dead skin and took it with him into the kitchen. 

   " He's amazing, that chef Tonio! 

   " Y/n are you sure you're okay? " Josuke asked you.

   " Yeah, I'm fine. I feel a lot better. I feel light and I don't feel any tension in my body and I feel relaxed. I've never felt this good. "

Josuke didn't know what to say after the show he just watched. Okuyasu tore his skin and muscle, and you were on the verge of passing out. He didn't like this Tonio guy, and he knew there was something off about the food. He knew something was either in it, or a stand was involved. 

   " Shall we continue with the meal? This is spaghetti alla meretrice. And for you, caro, I have cacio e pepe. "

You looked at the pasta dish in front of you, and you felt your mouth watering. Tonio left to prepare the main dish, and Okuyasu only took a few strands and twirled them around his fork. He touched the noodles with his tongue before recoiling.

   " That's so spicy. "

Okuyasu decided to set his fork down and drink some water, but you took your fork, twirled some around, and ate a bite.

   " Sorry, Okuyasu, but mine is really creamy, and it's not too spicy. " 

   " Maybe you're lucky that you couldn't eat it. Y/n I don't think you should be eating yours either. "

   " Why? I don't see anything wrong. "

   " Hasn't it crossed your mind that this food and water might be a little too weird? Something's shady. "

   " What do you mean by shady? " OKuyasu asked, trying to eat his pasta.

   " You scratched off a softball size of dead skin, Y/n, you almost passed out and you even coughed up blood. Then both of you cried your eyes out. "

   " Yeah, but it's helping. I feel weird but in all honesty I'm getting more than I bargained for. I get good food and it's helping the stress leave my body and I feel healthy. "

   " Listen! " Josuke said, slamming his hands on that table.

   " Remember that little chat I had with Hazamada in the hospital? He said stand users are attracted to each other. "

   " Ar you saying Tonoi is a stand user? " You asked.

   " We can't say for sure yet. That's why it's suspicious. "

   " Ah, spicy! "

   " If it's so spucy then you should stop trying to stuff your mouth with it! And, Y/n didn't I say to stop eating! " Josuke said yelled.

   " But I can't. It's so good! "

Okuyasu was in the same state. Neither of you could stop eating your food. Eventually, both of your plates were empty, but the reactions started. Okuyasu felt something being pulled from his mouth, and he recognized it as one of his teeth. He spits the tooth out, and he saw that it was the one that has a cavity. 

   " That's the tooth that has the cavity! "

Instantly the tooth started to grow back, making him stand up and clutch his jaw and mouth.

   " Okuyasu! "

You, on the other hand, felt itchy on your shoulders and head. You started scratching, and the same thing that happened to Okuyasu happened to you. You scratched the dead skin off your shoulders and on your head, but the skin grew back, and so did the hair on your head, and your head felt lighter like your hair was as soft as silk, and you couldn't feel it weighing you down. You also felt exhausted. 

   " Y/n. . .that's it Crazy Diamond! "

Crazy Diamond appeared and hit the plate of Spicy pasta Okuyasu had trouble eating, and the pasta reverted to the ingredients used to make it. The noodle strands were stiff, and the tomatoes were reformed, but there was something else that you all saw. There was a tiny stand in the food. It growled at Josuke and flew to the kitchen.

   " Hey, what in the world were those little things! "

   " It's a stand! Tonio Trussardi was a stand user after all. "

You climbed back in your chair, and the sleepiness was starting to take over you. It wasn't a forced unconsciousness or something that had made you collapse and go into a coma. It was just your eyes felt heavy and tired. Okuyasu fell to the ground, feeling pain in his stomach.

   " My stomach! It hurts! "

   " I feel. . .so tired. . ."

Josuke pulled your chair away from the table and put your head between his hands. He examined your face and saw that you were exhausted. Your eyes were starting to close.

   " Stay with me Y/n! Don't fall asleep! Now we know he's a stand user and you both just ate his food, we don't know what's going to happen next. So, stay awake. Just hold on! "

But it was too late. Your head had already fallen limp in his hands. Your breathing was normal, but your eyes were shut, and you weren't responsive. Josuke leaned your head against the seat and stood up. You were in a peaceful sleep getting the rest you needed and relaxing in the soft cushions on the chair, but Josuke thought you were in a coma or worse. He ran to the kitchen to find out more about Tonio, leaving you and Okuyasu in the dining room.

   ' Where is he? '

Josuke entered the kitchen, slowly looking for the stand user. He noticed that the main course was already completed, but he could hear the same growling that he heard earlier further in the kitchen. He walked past the many pots of boiling water and towards the back area. He found a small room, and the door was open. Tonio was standing above a cage with a small dog inside, and the dog was eating a piece of meat.

   " Rallenta. I want you to enjoy it. Judging from this it appears my main dish with apple relish was a success. "

But then the dog had a reaction to the lamb, and it made JOsuke scream out,

   " What!? "

   " What are you doing here? Did you see!? " Tonio yelled, raising a knife.

He threw the knife at Josuke, and the knife landed in the wall beside his face.

   " Did you come in here to spy on me!? Prepare yourself senior! You're going to pay dearly! "

   " Give me one good reason why I should stand here and listen to you throw threats about making me pay when it should be you! What the hell are you trying to do with that food of yours!? "

Behind him, he heard someone run into the kitchen and start eating. He turned around and saw Okuyasu eating the main dish that Tonio had prepared. The same dish he served to the dog.

   " Okuyasu don't eat that! " Josuke yelled, running to him.

But before he could make it, Okuyasu's stomach exploded, and his guts fell out just like the dog's experience. 

   " My stomach's dying! "

Okuyasu felt blood travel up his throat and leave his mouth in a stream, while his stomach opened up even more. Tonio was behind Josuke, and he raised the object in his hand.

   " I'm putting an end to this! "

   " Oh no! "

Josuke turned but was met with an unexpected sight. Tonio was glaring at him, but he was holding out a bar of soap towards Josuke.

   " Wash your disgusting hands with soap this instant! Honestly! Entering a kitchen without permission is unforgivable! The kitchen is priority number one, tu teppista! "

   " Wait, wash my hands? You aren't trying to kill me? "

   " Hey, Josuke. It's like my insides have been rejuvenated! And I'm completely full! " Okuyasu said, standing up.

Josuke turned towards Okuyasu, and he seemed completely fine. Then he looked towards the dog and saw the same thing. The dog was completely fine.

   " Oh, my that's wonderful to hear! I love to hear that my cooking brought happiness and health to my customers. Believe me when I say there is no greater accomplishment. "

   " You mean you just wanted Okuyasu and Y/n to have a good meal? You had no alterior motives? "

   " What else could a chief want? This is what I live for. "

While they talked about stands, you slowly woke up in the dining hall. When you lifted your head off of the chair, you yawned and stretched your limbs. 

   ' I think that's the best sleep I've had in a long time. '

You stood up from the chair, and you felt so happy and rejuvenated. You could feel the energy in your body, and you smiled. Your thoughts were optimistic like nothing could go wrong, and if it did, then it would be okay. You felt ten times better waking up than you did falling asleep.

   " I hope you're ready to put in some work! You're going to clean this kitchen top to bottom! " You heard Tonio yell.

You walked towards the kitchen and looked inside. You didn't step inside, but you saw Jouke with a bucket and cleaning supplies while Okuyasu was led out of the kitchen.

   " What happened? "

   " Y/n! Josuke was right. Tonio does have a stand but he's not evil! He uses it too cook! That's why we feel so great! "

   " Y/n, you're awake! " Josuke said, smiling at you.

   " Yeah, I took a little nap. "

   " How was your sleep, caro? "

   " It was amazing. I've never woken up so refreshed and happy. I feel calm and everything feels right in the world. I've never had a sleep like that. "

   " Wonderful! You are ready for dessert then! "

Tonio guided you out of the kitchen, and you sat down at the same table. Okuyasu joined you, and Tonio placed his hands on your shoulders.

   " Do you feel happy, calm, and relaxed? "

   " I do. You were right when you said that your cooking could fill me up, and make me feel happy and calm. My head feels clear and I can think rationally now. "

   " Buono. You can now think about the issue you walked in here with. But this time with clarity. "

   " Thank you, Tonio. "

   " I did tell you I would take care of you and make you happy. "

   " Hey, that's my line! " Josuke yelled from the kitchen

   " The kitchen won't get clean by itself! " Tonio yelled back.

For dessert, you had flan. It cured Okuyasu's athlete's foot, and it made you feel warm and fuzzy. Josuke continued to scrub the kitchen clean while you enjoyed your dessert with Okuyasu. When you all left, Tonio bowed and smiled at you three.

   " I shall await your return, my new friends. Mille Grazie. "

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