A Victim Of My Own Creation

By RebylXander21

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Jayde doesn't usually have dreams, at least not since her parents died two years ago. So what happens when sh... More

CHAP 1- The Beginning
CHAP 3- Are You A Hobo?
CHAP 4- You Know Who I Am
CHAP 5- Whatever You Say Bob...
CHAP 6- 'Cuz I'm A Ninja
CHAP 7- Handsome Please
CHAP 8-You Killed My Fish!
CHAP 9- I'm His Girlfriend! :)
CHAP 10- The Date

CHAP 2- I Own This Look Dude!

331 7 6
By RebylXander21

Sorry I took a while to upload........hope you liked the first chapter and i hope that this chapter is even better!...ENJOY :D..!!! and thanx for reading...

------------------------------> That's a pic of Jayde!! :D




I wasn't exactly sure if waking Jayde would be the best idea. The last time I did that she almost clawed my eyes out.

I watched intently as she stirred slightly and then began to scream about something and asking, "Is this a fucking joke?!" I want to help her so badly but it wouldn't be wise to wake her.

Suddenly she shot up and slowly started to swing her legs of the bed when she realised that she couldn't since I was holding her in place. There was a panicked expression on her face which slowly changed to relief when she saw that it was only me and then moved to pure anger, her cheeks growing red and hot.

"What the hell! Blade, why in God's name are you in my bed?" Jayde screamed at me, "Get your hand off of me!" I immediately did as I was told, not wanting to truly feel her wrath. She crossed over me and ran from the bed quickly as I mumbled a 'sorry', hoping that she would hear me because I really hated to apologize. Thankfully she did, since she came back over to the bed and sat beside me, resting her hand on my knee.

"Look Blade, I didn't really mean to act like that. It's just that I had a really bad dream that brought back some memories I tried hard to bury."

"It's ok Jayde. So, wanna talk about it?" I asked hoping that she would say yes.

"Not really. You still didn't answer my question though. Why the hell were you in my bed, or house for that matter, without my permission?!"

Should I tell her about the fact that I snagged her keys one day when she wasn't looking and made a copy of every single one? Probably not. She would probably murder me and then find a way to murder me again. If that was even possible.

"Ummmmmmmmmmm..........you left the door unlocked" I answered more like a question.

"Crap!" Jayde mumbled as she walked over to her closet looking for something to change into, "Chase is gonna kill me if he knew I did that. You know he even made me recite a list of rules he made before he left? And locking the door at all times was one of them. It's great to be me, isn't it? You have to promise that you won't tell him, OK?"

"I promise I won't."

"Thanks. Ughhhhhh!! Can you get your ass out of my room so I can change into clothes a little more appropriate than this?" she asked while motioning her hand over the way too big Marylin Manson t-shirt that she was wearing.

"Ok ok. I guess I'll wait downstairs then."

A few minutes later Jayde came downstairs wearing faded denim capris and a plain purple V-neck t-shirt that looked really great on her, with a pair of black flip flops. It's amazing how this girl can make anything look good. She could probably be dressed in a penguin suit and still look as stunning as ever!

She walked into the kitchen and headed straight for the fridge where she took out two bottles of water. After gulping down half of one bottle she tossed the other to me which I caught with ease.


I guess I'm glad kind of glad that Blade is here. I really could use someone right now. I just wished that it would've been Chase instead. He would understand what I'm feeling more than Blade. Wait, what am I feeling?      Anger? Sadness? Lonliness?

Don't get me wrong though.... I mean there's a hot dude in my bedroom.....why wouldn't I be happy? Besides the fact that I'm standing here in nothing but a t-shirt! Jeez I like the dude but I'm not going to be throwing myself at him!

After Blade goes downstairs I throw on a plain purple t-shirt, faded denim capris and a pair of black flip flops then plug my headphones into my ears. I turn up the volume pretty loud until I drown out the sound of everything around me and all I can hear are the lyrics to The Last Night by Skillet blasting through my eardrums. On an average day this song would be one of my favourites but now it just makes me feel to cry and I don't want to end up crying in front of Blade, now do I? I obviously don't want him thinking I'm a wuss. While switching the song to Party Poison by My Chemical Romance I make my way downstairs feeling my mood lighten a bit and head into the kitchen. I got two bottles of water out of the fridge and tossed one to Blade after hungrily gulping down about half of mine.

Blade signalled for me to come join him in the living room. As I got nearer to the couch he patted the spot next to him, motioning for me to sit down. We sat in silence for a while just enjoying each other's company. I had to try my hardest to fight back a flood of tears as I recalled the events of my dream....or maybe I should call it a NIGHTMARE instead because that dream seriously scared the shit out of me.

I ran back to kitchen when my tears threatened to overflow from my eyes. I sat at the table and buried my faced in my hands sobbing like a little girl.

'C'mon....MAN UP!!....You CANNOT let Blade see you like this!...What's he gonna think of you?...You're gonna be a joke to him now...All you'll be to him is 'Jayde who can't control her emotions and who's a little cry baby.' the little voice in my head pressed. How can a little voice be so loud!?


 It just laughed back at me and said, 'Ok..well don't say I didn't try...and you're really mean, you know that?' I actually think it sounded hurt.

'I try my best' I replied, hoping that it would leave me alone.

I couldn't get the image of my father out of my head, God I loved him so much. He was the best dad in the world. Every evening he would make time to finish up at the office early just to come home and play with Chase and I, and every Saturday we would watch movies together. I missed that the most. Now it's just Chase and I.

I sat there for a couple of minutes before there was a knock on the wall but I didn't need to raise my head to know that it was Blade. I quickly gathered myself, dried my eyes and turned to face him.

"Jayde? You ok? Crap I shouldn't have asked that. You're clearly not. Is there anything I can do to help?" Blade asked as he walked over to me and knelt down.


"Okay then. Is this about your dream?"

I nodded and bit my lip.

"Oh" was all he said as a new wave of tears washed over me.

I probably bawled my eyes out for what seemed like hours while Blade just sat there and held me. I'm grateful that he was there to comfort me but I wish he was someone else though. I wonder what he thinks of me now that he's seen me crying? An emotional wreck probably?....Haha

"Sssshh. Everything's gonna be ok. It was just a dream" he cooed in my ear while rubbing small circles on my back.

I pulled away from Blade looking up to his face. "Are you feeling a little better now?" he asked.

"Kind of"

"Ok well that's good. Are you sure you don't want to talk about your dream?"

"Yea" I said, knowing that talking would probably make me feel better but I didn't have the courage to talk about this with Blade.

Blade jumped up smiling, excitement clearly showing in his eyes. "Then we're going for ice cream!" he shouted.

I stared at him in disbelief. I was practically falling apart here and all he was thinking about was ice cream?!.....UGH!!GUYS! "Are you serious?" I laughed.

"Of course! Ice cream makes the world go round Jay and plus it'll make you feel better" he said with a smile.

"But it's freakin' 2 o'clock in the morning. Who's gonna be selling ice cream at this hour?!"

"EVERYONE silly" Blade chuckled.

"UGH OK FINE! Let's go get some ice cream then, seeing as though it makes the world go round" I said sarcastically and ran out of the house towards the car, wanting to reach it before Blade did so that I could drive. When I reached the car I realised that I didn't have the keys. "Stupid, Stupid me" I muttered while hitting my head with my fist. Just as I was about to hit myself again my hand stopped in mid air. I looked up to see a smirking  Blade holding my fist away from my head with his right hand, while dangling the car keys from the fingers of his other hand.

"Jay I think you need to go see a doctor. You may be going crazy." He said while laughing as though he'd just seen a monkey doing the Macarena, "First talking to yourself and now hitting yourself? Hmmmmmmmm..Not normal Jay." I felt to kick him where the sun doesn't shine!

"Stupid jerk-face" I mumbled. He just smiled, got into the car and started it up as the engine roared to life. I guess I have no other choice but to ride shotgun. I sat down, crossed my arms over my chest and pouted, deciding not to talk to Blade for the entire ride which would hopefully be a short one since I have no idea where he's taking me.

It wasn't long before he pulled out of the driveway heading down the street with my house.

"So how was your day?" Blade asked while taking his eyes of the road for a few seconds to look at me.

I ignored him and turned on the radio so that it was the only sound that filled the car. We drove for a while in silence but Blade decided to break it by asking, "Are you really gonna be angry with me Jay?"

"Can you please not disturb me when I'm trying to ignore you Blade?

"Aww Jay I was just kidding. I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?" he asked giving me a puppy dog face.

"FINE. Just hurry up get to this place already. We've been driving for over fifteen minutes"

"Chill-lax Jayde. Be patient. We're almost there."

After driving for what seemed like forever I asked, "Are we there yet?"

"Yea we're here."

"Thank Goodness" I yelled as I jumped out of the car before Blade had the chance to park it properly. We were at the beach! I looked around at the sand and water everywhere. It's been a while since I've been to the beach. My dad used to take us(Chase and I) when we were younger but I never really bothered to come after the accident- it brought back too many memories. The cold winds nipped at my bare hands and feet, blowing my hair wildly around my face and I didn't notice that I was shivering until Blade came up from behind me and draped his jacket over my shoulders. I smiled up at him gratefully and let him guide me into a small café that only had one or two people in it. The café was really nice and felt warm and welcoming. I shrugged off Blade's jacket and handed it back to him since it wasn't cold anymore. While Blade ordered the ice creams I got us a table and I picked one by the window so that I could look at the sea.

Blade came to the table with two ice cream cones. He handed one to me and I took a big bite out of my scoop of cookies and cream ice cream while he looked at me quizzically. I laughed, making the ice cream ALMOST fall out of my mouth which caused Blade to erupt into a fit of laughter. Soon we were both laughing and then Blade shoved his ice cream into my face.

"WHAT THE FUCK DUDE! What'd you do that for?" I practically screamed at him.

He shrugged," I just wanted to see how you look wearing ice cream. I must say you look very good, almost edible." I tried send him a death glare but I ended up laughing until my stomach hurt and the ice cream was dripping off of my face and onto my lap.



"I THINK I OWN THIS LOOK DUDE!" And with that I got up and started modelling in the middle of the café, my hip swinging vigorously and a smile plastered on my face. I received a few confused looks from the people who were sitting enjoying their ice creams but I didn't care. I was having too much fun. Blade looked as though he was about to pee himself from all this laughter. I walked back over to our table and licked some of the ice cream from my fingers.

"Seriously Blade? Pistachio?" I asked

"Sure, why not? I'm sorry if your taste buds have gone all Micheal Jackson on you, but I think it tastes great. And now because of you I didn't get to enjoy it!" he complained while putting his finger to my face and taking some off then tasting it. "YUMMMMMMMMMMMM" I just stared at him in total disgust.

"C'mon" he says, taking my hand," I'll help you get cleaned up and I think I have an extra shirt in the car that you can borrow."

I punched him on his arm..............HARD.

"Owwwwwww. What was that for?" He whined.

"That was for eating my ice cream jerk-face! I just realised I don't have it!"

"Well you got all of mine so I thought it would be fair if I ate yours" he said while looking a bit uneasy, waiting to see if I would punch him again.

"You're gonna pay! Now help me get your junk off of me jerk-face!"

"Alrighty then. Let's go." He pulled me into the men's bathroom and proceeded to start cleaning my face with a wet paper towel but stopped when I cleared my throat.

"Do we have to be in the men's bathroom? It's so disgusting!" Blade rolled his eyes at me and started cleaning the ice cream off of my face. I stood waiting patiently for him to finish.

"Close your eyes."

"What? Why?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

"Shut up will you and just close your damn eyes." What's up his butt? "You have ice cream on your eyelashes as well." I did as I was told.

As he was almost finished cleaning the ice cream off of my shirt the bathroom door swung open and a tall, blonde, muscular guy walked in and made his way to one of the urinals.( hehe...urinals is a funny word :P..hehe) My eyes were glued on him the entire time until I heard the sound of a zipper which brought me back to reality. Crap! He's about to pee. I don't want to watch a guy pee. That's gross! I quickly diverted my gaze downwards and covered my eyes with my hands but removed them when I heard laughter. My head snapped towards Blade "What're you laughing at jerk-face?"

"YOU!" This time the other guys joined in the laughter after zipping back up his pants.

"You're such a big baby" Blade says to me while laughing and shaking hands with the other guy. Wait! Did he even was his hands? Ewwwww. "You're not gonna die if you watch someone pee."

When the other guy leaves I step away from Blade sending him death glares while motioning for him to wash his hands. Blade responds with a chuckle and an eye roll, after which he agrees to wash his hands  and continues to clean my shirt.

"You know I hate you right?"I say but Blade just sighs.

"You shouldn't be so mean to the person who's giving you a shirt. I could let you walk out of here with a shirt that's soaking wet or no shirt at all." He says with a smirk.

"You wouldn't." I stare at him in disbelief.

"Yup" he answers back popping the 'p', "Try me."

I guess I'll shut up now. This is so not fair! I stand quietly waiting for him to finish which isn't very long because after about five minutes Blade says, "Ok. All done. Now just wait here and I'll go to the car and get a shirt."

"Are you gonna leave all by myself in a MEN'S bathroom? What if someone creepy comes in? I don't want to look at guys pee Blade." I try giving him my best puppy dog face but he doesn't buy it.

"You're not going to die Jayde. Just stay right here, unless you want to come with me."

"Yes! C'mon let's get out of here" I grab Blade's hands and lead him to the car while he just laughed at me.

When we get to the car Blade unlocks it and gets out a shirt and holds it out to me. I hurriedly change into the big t-shirt since it's so cold and jump into the front seat where Blade sits waiting patiently, tapping his hands on the steering wheel and singing along to Ride to California by Paper Tongues.

"I've set mind to break free now my body is getting loose while I'll sinking like a dancing tree. I've been up but I ain't down. I've been lost but now I'm found. I need to leave this for sure-"

I cut him off, "Blade shut up. You sound like a whale giving birth." He shot me a glare which told me to shut up or else I'd be hitching a ride from a stranger if I didn't.

I drifted off into a dreamless sleep as soon as the car stared moving and awoke on my couch to the sound of a muffled laughter by Blade while he was trying to get two baby carrots to stick up my nose. I slapped away his hand and kicked him in his shin. I think I heard a bone break....HEHE....SUCKER!

"WHAT THE FUCK JAY! I was just having some fun. You didn't have to kick me!" he yelled in obvious pain.

"Well you shouldn't try to put carrots up my nose. What if they got stuck huh? I wouldn't be able to smell again or worse yet my nose could turn orange!"

"Stop getting so worked up. They were not going to get stuck in there although that would've been funny, especially if you ended up with an orange nose." That just got him another kick from me. This time he didn't take it so easily. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder so that my head was almost touching his butt. I poked his butt which made him jump and loosen his grip on me so that I almost fell head first to the tiled floor. Luckily he regained his grip on my waist just in time so that I didn't plummet to floor and break my neck.

"YOU STUPID FAGGOT!!! Put me down. I don't like looking at your butt you know. It's creepy!" I screamed at him and then shuddered.

Blade ignored me and walked to the front door, but I could tell that he was being careful not to drop me as his body was a little tense. I poked his butt cheek with my finger again hoping that he would drop me this time and I could run away, but there was no such luck. He knew that I would do it again so he was ready for it. Blade chuckled and continued to make his way to the door this time skipping like a little girl which brought my face in contact with his butt every time he jumped.

"Would you stop skipping? My face is hurting from hitting your butt."

He laughed again and when he made it to the front door he opened it, dropped me on the lawn and ran back inside to lock the door so that I couldn't get in.

"BLADE YOU BETTER OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR RIGHT NOW!!! Or I swear to God, when I get a hold of you I will rip your balls out!"

"No can do Jay. This is what you get for being a big bum bum to me," He whispered.

"A bum bum Blade? That's the best you could come up with? And why the hell are you whispering?"

"Stop being so mean or else you'll end up staying out there all night." I could hear him walking away and turning on the television, "Oh and I was whispering because I didn't want to wake up your alter ego, but I guess she's already up" he burst into a fit of laughter.

"Okay I'm sorry Blade. Can you open the door now?"

"What's the magic woooooooord?" he asked like a five year old.

"Can you open the door PLEASE Blade?"

"Nope" he laughed, popping the 'p'.

A minute later I heard keys jingling and the back door opening. Before I could even make it to the back of the house Blade's car stopped alongside me and he poked his head out the window. I didn't even have time to tell him anything before he flung a key at me and then sped off laughing, "SUCKER!!"

"YOU STUPID FAGGOT-FACE!!!!!" I yelled after him and looked down at the key in my hand. Thank God he at least gave me the key for my house before leaving. He's such a thoughtful guy I thought sarcastically. I quickly made my way to door, unlocked it and then went up to my room. This time I remembered to lock the door!

As I lay in my bed I looked down at myself and realised that I still had on Blade's shirt. Oh well, I guess he's not getting this back...HEHE, I thought to myself. I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was half past four. Oh Great! I'm hardly getting any sleep tonight.... My eyelids began to feel heavy and soon a wave of tiredness washed over me and I fell into another dreamless sleep.....


Thank you again for reading.......i really hope you enjoyed it. and i'll try to upload soon....i tried my hardest to make this chapter a bit funny..... and i know that there are a bit of errors..but this is my first attempt at ever writing a book..so i hope that it's at least ok-ish...oh and any critism is greatly appreciated..anything i can do to make this a better book :)


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