Love is with you | on going

By softysugr

66.6K 1K 276

Book #2 of the love series "π‘˜π‘’π‘’π‘ π‘”π‘œπ‘–π‘›π‘” π‘Žπ‘™π‘’π‘ π‘ π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘œ π‘Žπ‘›π‘‘ π‘‘π‘œπ‘›π‘‘ π‘™π‘œπ‘œπ‘˜ π‘π‘Žπ‘π‘˜ π‘›π‘œοΏ½... More

chapter one | sorry
chapter 2 | no
Chapter 3 | why
Chapter 4 | trouble
Chapter 6 | promise
Chapter 7 | cute
Chapter 8 | appreciate
Chapter 9 | dead
Chapter 10 | birthday
Chapter 11 | like a date
Chapter 12 | the date
Chapter 13 | danger
Chapter 14 | leaving
Chapter 15 | Mom
Chapter 16 | left
Chapter 17 | helpless
Chapter 18 | back
Chapter 19 | yours
Chapter 20 | safe

Chapter 5 | as good as dead

3.4K 67 11
By softysugr

After what felt like hours we finally busted the door open at firsts the room was completely dark but then I found a light switch and turned on the light in the corner of the room we saw a women maybe in her thirties. She looked fucking miserable I mean she didn't look sad or anything she just didn't look like she wanted to be here and I mean of course she doesn't want to be here who would.

"So your the famous Azrael De Rey" the woman says and we all just give her a confused look wondering how she knows my dad "nico talks a lot about you, I'm sorry about what he did to your wife by the way" my dad looks taken back by what she said my dad asks her what she's talking about because Kaiden had killed her not nico "nico was the one who ordered the guy to kill your wife" when she said that I could see the anger in my dads eyes nico is as good as dead now.

Once we got her out and made sure she was alright we let her go dad and all the guys got to the car and I got into mine I drove off home and as soon as I got there I walked straight to dads office where he was already explaining to the guys what the woman had told us "we need to find nico and kill him!" He yelled everyone in the room was just as mad as he was. We are going to kill nico even if we have to die doing so.

Dad had ordered some of the men to find nico and bring him to us, Nico wasn't a hard man to find that dumb ass never kept hidden that's why he always had new cuts and bruises on him when people saw him. He did have guards on him but they were all shitty.

"Sir someone is on the phone trying to contact you" clay one of our men tells me while handing me a phone "what" I say trying to get this conversation over with to try and find nico "Alessandro I have some information that might be useful to you" the person on the other line says and I instantly know who it is.

"Meet me at heavens cafe in twenty minutes" I say before hanging up and leaving the office to change. As I'm heading out the door Recce asks me where I'm off to and I just tell him I have to take care of some things, at first he was asking a lot of questions but he finally let me leave and I got in my car then drove off to the cafe.

Once I arrived I made my way towards the back booth of the cafe where he is waiting "what do you have for me Apollo" I asked him "corrigan is planning on making a move on your family" he says to me with a straight face the whole time.

"How do you know this" I ask wanting straight answers from him "Alessandro I've been under cover at the school his son goes to for four years now, I know everything he has a big mouth" he tells me with a serious expression "well that's all I got for you I have to go now" he says while getting up and walking away.

I let out a sigh while getting up, I pull out my phone to call my dad and let him know what Apollo just told me but I accidentally bumped into something when I look down I see the girl from the clearing Maeve she had on a cheer uniform that had the school name on it, it was the same school Apollo is under cover at I wonder if they know each other.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going I'm sorry" she says to me looking scared as hell she looked kind of cute "it's alright darling no need to worry" I tell her giving her a slight smile "oh thank you so much, come on Attis we have to get to the game" she tells me with a smile then turns to her friend, he looks kind of weak if you ask me.

She says bye to me then leaves the cafe, when I get to my car I smile a little thinking of the small girl.

I'm sorry it took me so long to update.

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