The Rising Moon

By OddBall4

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The Rising Moon p.1
The Rising Moon p.2
The Rising Moon p.3
The Rising Moon p.4
The Rising Moon p.5
The Rising Moon p.6
The Rising Moon p.7
The Rising Moon p.8
The Rising Moon p.9
The Rising Moon p.10
The Rising Moon p.11
The Rising Moon p.12
The Rising Moon p.13
The Rising Moon p. 14

The Rising Moon p. 15

28 0 0
By OddBall4

Unknown  P.O.V

(You'll find out later in the story)

Stars littered the midnight sky, beaming upon the earth and the thick wall of trees the ascended from the ground. My even tempo gradually began to increase when the low hum of the pack became longer and urgent, I chuckled. The thought of my father hammering me about responsibility and growing up, and yada yada. A salty droplet of sweat trickled onto my quenched lips, I slowly removed it with my tongue savoring the foreign taste. The air was crisp, cool and thin, I hardly noticed the amount perspiration that damped my clothes.

The calls stopped- they were aware of my presence. Finally I broke through the blanket of trees, and came across a warehouse.

'So this is where we'll be meeting', I thought. I dried my face with the sleeve of my jacket and opened the thick metal door. I was welcomed by a small group of my friends and a group of royally annoyed and somewhat pissed Alphas. My father stepped forth, "My son, what has occupied you for so long?" he asked calmly but with authority. I shrugged,

"Lost track of time," I wandered over to a near by stool. "You know me for that."

"You know during these times, you cannot just lose track of time. I've talked to you about this and-"  he craned his head towards the others. "Leave us."

Like the dogs they are, they obeyed.

My father slowly walked until he was a few feet in front of me. "You know the situation at hand, the war that's happening, the things, the people, and the lives at stake?" I nodded, "Then why do you seem so insensitive about the topic?"

No answer.

"Son, are you tired of hiding from the world?"

"I'm not hiding from anything." I spat

"And it's the attitude like that, that makes me concerned for the future of our people. If you are to be the next Mega in line, how are you to do so with such childish ways?"

"Well until then, we won't know now will we?" my father sighed

"You know that the rest of the vampires have moved into the city," I nodded. "And they've already launched their first attack." That was something new to me,

"Which village?"

"Red Wood." My heart stopped, I visited a few of my friends there yesterday afternoon.


"Early this morning." My jaw tightened,

"Survivors?" leisurely, he shook his head. Rage ruptured through me, and my fist balled, the nails of my fingers dug deep into my skin. "Where are they?"

"We don't know, we've never known where they inhabit."

"When will we move forward?"

"I'm not sure yet, but vampires, being the creatures that they are- especially the Royal Children, they drown in their victories. Celebrating, drinking, craving, lusting; They are completely blinded for the time of our sorrow and for the time of their rejoice. During this time, is the time to plan, stalk, wait and strike. We don't know exactly when this get together will take place, but we do know it will be sometime in the next 48 hours. So in the time being, I need you, and a few of the Semi's to go into the city and prowl every inch of it." I quickly stood up, knocking the stool over, and started for the door. I placed my hand on the handle of the door, and a warm heavy hand was placed on my shoulder. "Son," his hand trailed down my arm and onto my still clenched fist. "Before you make a move, just remember they're always one step ahead." My hand loosened, and the heavy tang of metallic blood slithered into my nose, the chill air stung my open wounds and a small puddle of blood formed next to my feet.

Before I departed the eerie warehouse my father whispered, "Be careful."

Sorry it's so short, until spring break most of these will be pretty short. Well a new character was introduced in the story, who do you think he is? Do you think he's important, and how so? Lol, Well I got two test to study for!


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