The Rising Moon p.2

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NOTE: umm, yea, I made up the Armania city because I've never been to Africa, so I just made up my own place so that way I could see it the way I wanted to :)

I stood on the railing of the balcony outside my room, I deeply inhaled the spring air, allowing the blooming aroma of sunflowers, baby breath, and lilies, invade my nose. The full moon reflected off of the black lake that rested behind the mansion, I shut my eyes, and memories escaped from my deepest thoughts. I tried so desperatly to forget, but I just couldn't shake the thought of my parents away...


It's been 29 days since my parents left me with no return, I knew that the royal guards would come by asking for the monthly taxes. I've seen neighbor's houses that have been vaded by those merciless creatures, they've been thrown into the back of a prison carriage, the people they always take are the men. Wives and children would run out of their homes to cry for their father or husband, they would pray for their safe return. But depending on how much you owed the king, they wouldn't return, and if they did, they would come back with only one hand.

I didn't know what they would do to me, I was only a child, but I prepared myself for the worst. The sun slowly started to sink into the horizon, I ran inside the little building I called home. I saw quick glances of pitty on my way in, I think my neighbors knew that my faith was just minutes away. I didn't need their pitty, and I didn't want it, they should throw it in a bag and burn it. As soon as I hid under my bed, I heard three loud bangs on the front door, I heard a deep voice call out a warning message.

"The Yabashi family, open the door or I'll open it for you!" three seconds later, I heard footsteps raiding every room in the house. I covered my mouth so I wouldn't make a noise, I heard things being thrown on the floor a breaking. My heart raced when one of the royal guards entered my room, I slowed my breathing and calmed down. I could see the feet of my enemy, he started going through my stuff with the means to find something, money perhaps. He walked over to my bed, and stood infront of it, like he could see me underneath it. Just as he was about to bend over and discover me hiding, someone called him

"Niel," he stopped and turned to see the man calling him, "no one is here, maybe they were killed in a home invasion or something." the man got off his knee and walked out of the room, I heard muffled voices talking and the door closed shut. I waited seven mintues just to be sure they were gone. I crawled from under my bed and went to my parents room to sneak out the back window, I knew they would be back later in the night and I didn't want to be here. I unlocked the window, but right when I opened it, an arm was around my waist and a hand around my mouth.

"I knew you were here," the royal guard whispered in my ear, "I could hear the fear in your heart." I tried fighting back, but the guard was too strong. The next thing I knew, my nine year old body was thrown over his shoulder and I was being carried outside. I starting beating at his back and kicking, but I was only hirting myself. I couldn't penetrate his armor with a nail and hammer, I screamed, I couldn't go like this. But I was thrown into the prison carriage, I regained myself quickly and tried to escape to the open door, but it was shut in my face, mocking me, laughing at me. I grabbed the iron bars, looking back at my house as we rode off, all of my neighbors stood outside, watching in horror as I was being taken away from what I had left to remember my old life.

I saw the big gates to the mansion, the mansion was beautiful, it was too dark to give much detail. But it had a beautiful garden, with Africa's most exotic flowers living in it, there was a fountain, and the walls of the mansion where brick. But I stopped staring at the house when the carriage stopped, and the man who captured me opened the door of this cage I was kept in. "Get out." he said waiting for me to obey, I just looked at him and brought my legs to my chest, "I don't like repeating myself." he waited again, but I just sat there. Before I knew it, he was inside with me and he grabbed me by my arm and dragged me out. I screamed and kicked, but he just held my arm tighter, I squealed in pain, I thought he was going to break my arm. He pulled me up the steps to get inside, tears started to blur my vision, so I couldn't see any detail. But I noticed that we were inside, and we must have gotten to where we had to be because I was thrown to the ground.

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