The Rising Moon p.1

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Nine, a dreadful age for me, but even worse for my beloved parents; if only they knew. My mother grazed her small lips upon the top of my forehead, she started for the door, "We'll be back in an hour or two." she smiled at me and left, my father ran to the door to catch up to her. He kissed my check in a hurry,

"Behave Neri, clean up if you have to!" he called when he was already out the door, I got up from the dusty floor and peeked out of the window. I watched as they jogged to catch up to the trolly, even though we live in the city, the nearest market was thirty minutes away. When I made sure they were on the trolly safely, I turned my focus towards the sun, it was almost setting. By the time my parents return, it would be the dark outside, the darkest part of every humans day. When the sun sets, and when the moon was at its highest point, that's when the vampires of Armania start to feed. I try not to think of the worst, but my parents never went out this late before. My father always laughed when I asked him when he or my mother would be back, or if I told them to be careful on their journey.

"My sweet Neri," he would say," that is the father's job. To protect his family, I promise we will be back." he would peck me on my cheek and embrace me into his warm body. I didn't do it as much now, but I would still question them, when the trolly disappeared around the cornor, I ventured down the hallway and into my room. I cuddled into my blanket, and I pulled the blinds open, just enough so I could see my family return and watch the sun set, but just enough so that way no one could see me. Sleep started to creep into my eyes, I tried to fight it, but my body wouldn't obey.

"No, I won't sleep until I see my mother and father." I told myself, but it came to little effect, fourty-five mintues later, I fell into an abyss of sleep.

A small bit of light cut its way through my window an onto my face, I blinked trying to block the light. I got out of my bed and went to the kitchen, "Mom, what's for break-" the kitchen was empty, I cruised to their room, 'Maybe their sleeping', I thought. I knocked on their room door, when I didn't get an answer, I opened it to find an empty bed.

***Flashback inturrupted***

"Neri? Did you hear me?"

"What?" I've never been so distracted before

"I asked if you were okay?" James was always so poliet to me, I smiled at him

"Yes, I'm okay. Thank you for your concern." he knew I was lying, I haven't been "okay" these past few days

"Thinking about your family again?" I couldn't answer that question, I turned my attention back to the moon, 'So beatuiful', I thought, I looked down towards the people below my balcony.

"No." I stated firmly, "Don't you have something to do?" I turned around to face him

"Whatever Neri, if you feel like talking you know where to find me." he was already at the door before I could decline his offer, just when I thought he was making his way out, he was standing next to me again. He brushed the hair off of my face and uttered in my ear, "Just don't let father know." and he was gone.



I wish I could write more, I really do, but I have a busy day ahead of me and I just got the "look" from my dad, but i promise you will get more of the flashback before I continue with the story.

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