
Por purple_lollipop_

11.3K 457 156

Bonnie was used to letting her light be dimmed. But when she becomes friends with Rebekah, that changes. What... Mais



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Por purple_lollipop_

hello everyone! this fic is out of my comfort zone but i really like writing it so far! it's definitely not everybody's cup of tea, but for those of you who are greedy like me and love harem stories, this one's for you. this fic was inspired by distortion by jazzywazzy08! you can find her work on wattpad and, it's all definitely worth reading. my story isn't that similar to distortion (the plot is going in a completely different direction and some of the pairings are different) but that was the fic that got my wheels turning for this one so credit to distortion! enjoy the story, pretty people!

pairings: bonnie x mikaelson siblings, bonnie x salvatore brothers, bonnie x katherine


Bonnie's alarm startled her awake and she fell out of her queen sized bed in a heap of blankets and sheets. Instead of struggling to escape the comforter that was tangled around her, she just laid on the ground silently, her lips folded into a scowl.

Her alarm continued to beep wildly and there was now a bump on her elbow that hurt, but she stayed down without moving an inch. It was her way of saying 'screw you' to the universe. I mean, really? Five seconds into the day and she already had a minor injury.

Reluctantly, she decided to be a big girl and start her day instead of laying on the ground in her feelings. She forced her mood to simmer and she sighed, getting up to go to the bathroom.

After brushing her teeth, washing her face and banging her head on the wall a few times, she picked out her clothes for the day.

She was constantly picked on by her friends for her bohemian clothes style, but she loved it. Grams was just as groovy as she was in the fashion department and she always told Bonnie that clothing is a way to show who you really are. And Bonnie, like her Grams, was a crystal carrying hippie, so she showed that with her outfits.

Even throughout all the supernatural drama that surrounded her life, the one thing she never neglected was how to dress. She couldn't say that for the other aspects of her, though. The last time she'd gotten a full night of sleep, eaten three meals a day or trimmed her nails to a respectable length was long behind her.

She tried to take care of herself, but when the Original hybrid is coming after your best friend you have to let some things go, right?

Her commute to school was easy. She drove her little white Prius and took a deep breath as she parked it, questioning if she really wanted to enter that building. She'd had moments like that all the time lately. Did she really want to complete the task of living her life when it felt like just that? A task?

Stop getting existential at 7:30 in the morning, Bonnie, she scolded herself, stepping out of her car and dragging her feet to the open doors of the school.


Bonnie took a seat at her desk, ready for AP chem. That morning she was much too tired for human interaction, which made navigating the halls of the school very difficult.

When she first entered the home of the Timberwolves, she spotted Caroline and Elena chatting near Elena's locker. She hoped they didn't see her. She loved those two to death but she really wasn't in the mood for them today.

She waved to Tyler, Matt and Jeremy but when they opened their mouths to start a conversation with her, her pace picked up increasingly.

And of course, when she was parking her car she got a glimpse of Stefan (slash Ripper slash asshole) sweet talking some freshman girls by his motorcycle in the parking lot. That earned an instant eye roll from her.

She and Stefan had worked together to open that one damn coffin of Klaus' for weeks. They successfully opened it (with Abby's help), accidentally unleashed the mother of all the demons that had been haunting them lately. Esther Mikaelson. She hadn't met Esther, but anyone who raised the Mikaelson siblings had to be pure evil. The Mikaelson's hadn't attacked yet, though, so the scooby gang was laying low.

Anyways, over the time they were working on the coffin, Bonnie had grown to despise Stefan and vice versa. She thought he was a douchey murderer and he thought she was a judgey flower child. They could barely stand being in the same room as each other anymore.

Finally, she made it to her first class of the day. Chemistry. Her teacher, Mrs. Watson was droning on about science changing her life and Bonnie almost dozed off by the time attendance finally started.

"Bonnie Bennett?" Mrs. Watson called out for a roll call.

"Here." The witch said, snapping out of her near sleep.

Mrs. Watson put a check next to Bonnie's name and moved on with attendance. When Mrs. W got to the letter 'M', she called a name that made Bonnie's eyes widen.

"Rebekah Mikaelson?"

"Present." The blonde said as she gave the teacher a charming smile.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Mrs. Watson chirped, "Everybody give a warm welcome to our newest student, Rebekah Mikaelson!"

The sleepy students who were actually listening to the teacher (which was about a fourth of them) gave Rebekah weak waves and flat smiles. The blonde frowned at her new classmate's lack of enthusiasm.

Rebekah looked over to the Bennett witch who was sitting in the back corner of the classroom and they locked eyes. Rebekah wasn't the witch's biggest fan, but for the sake of being a normal teenager, she gave Bonnie a half smile. The Bennett deadpanned in response. Rebekah was prepared for a reaction much worse than that so she wasn't phased at all.

To tell the truth, Rebekah was grateful that the little witch had freed her mother from her coffin, even if it was purely accidental. She supposed she hated Bonnie the least of the bland-as-cardboard Mystic Falls gang. But don't get her wrong... Rebekah still didn't like her.

Mrs. Watson explained the assignment (dropping mentos in coke and documenting the eruption), and decided to assign the group to pairs of two.

"Okay, so here are the partners..." Mrs. Watson started. When she got to Bonnie's name, the witch almost let out an audible groan. "...Bonnie and Rebekah, Sarah and Lilliana..."

She just couldn't believe her luck. Out of the twenty something students in this class, Bonnie had to be partnered with Rebekah? Rebekah the psychopath murder barbie. Damn it.

When the teacher finished announcing partners, Rebekah waltzed her way over to the grumpy Bonnie.

"Hello, witch." The blonde greeted with a mischievous grin. As annoyed as she was that she would be stuck with the judgy little sorceress, Rebekah could admit that she would have fun tormenting her.

"Cinderella Klaus." Bonnie replied dryly.

Rebekah slipped into the chair next to Bonnie and crossed her legs, her movements graceful and elegant.

They sat quietly as Mrs. Watson handed out supplies, waiting for her to get to their table.

Rebekah sighed, bored with the silence. "I'm surprised we're doing an experiment as juvenile as this in AP Chemistry. AP. Does advanced placement mean nothing to this school?"

Bonnie nodded halfheartedly. "Yeah. I guess they're trying to take it slow since it's the beginning of the year."

Rebekah hummed in response. They fell back into awkward silence until Mrs. Watson gave them a plastic bottle of Coca Cola and a roll of mentos.

"Do you want to drop it in or should I?" Bonnie asked quietly through the tension.

"I will." Rebekah replied, taking a mento out of the packet while Bonnie opened the coke bottle.

She dropped it in. Instead of it having a little bubbly eruption like the girls expected, it exploded all over Rebekah, getting all over her hair, face and clothes.

Both girls sat still, mouths agape in shock for a minute, until they simultaneously burst in a fit of laughter.

It felt weird for both of them. Bonnie hadn't had a good laugh for months and Rebekah hadn't had a good laugh for like... ninety years?

Their laughter died down a bit when Mrs. Watson marched up to them and forced them to go to the bathroom and get Rebekah cleaned up. Even then they both let a few giggles out.

After they got all the soda out of Rebekah's hair, Bonnie gave her a spare shirt that was in her locker.

Rebekah looked at herself in the mirror distastefully. Her hair was sopping wet and the shirt she was borrowing from Bonnie didn't show off the collarbones that she was oh-so proud of at all.

"I know the shirt isn't really your style-" Bonnie started.

"I look like a hippie nun." Rebekah interrupted.

"And there's nothing wrong with that." Bonnie said.

"You look like a hippie nun every day, so I'm not going to take your advice." Rebekah protested. She turned to Bonnie. "But...thank you for helping me. You didn't have to."

Bonnie was thrown off by how genuinely grateful the Original's smile looked. "Of course."

"Maybe... we should go shopping sometime. To help you out with that awful fashion sense of yours, of course."

Bonnie chuckled. "I happen to think I'm very stylish. But I still might take you up on that offer."

Rebekah nodded and took a piece of gum from the front pocket of Bonnie's bag. She popped the gum in her mouth and wrote her number on the wrapper. "Call me." She said, handing Bonnie the gum wrapper.

Bonnie smiled up at her new friend and nodded wordlessly.

The bell rang, signalling the period end. "Toodaloo." Rebekah said with a small wave goodbye. She strutted off to her next class, leaving Bonnie with a stunned expression and a gum wrapper with a phone number on it. This day is definitely not going how I expected it to.


Rebekah had a grin on her face for the rest of the day. She made a friend! Well, she wasn't really sure if she did. She'd never had a real friend before, she didn't really know how they worked. Did she need to pay Bonnie in exchange for her company? No, that was stupid. Well, whatever happened between Bonnie and herself was making Rebekah feel extremely bubbly. And her family noticed.

First, it was Kol.

"You're awfully chipper today, aren't you, sister?" Kol inquired as they pulled the car into the long driveway to the Mikaelson Manor.

"Very." She said, before he could ask why, she hopped out of the car and skipped up to the large double doors leading to the foyer. She rang the bell, her smile still in place.

Next, it was Esther.

The mother of the original siblings opened the door for her daughter, expecting her youngest child to have a scowl on her face, raving about how superficial today's teenagers were.

So imagine her surprise when Rebekah wore a bright beam, eyes crinkled from her apparent smile.

"Afternoon, mother." Rebekah said, giving her mother a quick peck on the cheek.

When the rest of her brothers noticed her odd behavior, the family confronted her about it. And that was where she was right now.

The Mikaelson's took their places at the dinner table, Esther at the head. They sat in silence for a moment, waiting for somebody else to make the first move. Rebekah still had a little smirk on her face.

"Alright, then," Klaus started, "Let's just address the elephant in the room. Rebekah, what in the bloody hell's got you acting intoxicated all of the sudden?"

Everybody turned to her in question.

"Well, if you must know," Rebekah hummed, scooping some food onto her plate, "I made a new friend today."

"Didn't see that coming." Kol remarked with a chuckle.

Rebekah glared at him. "Mmm, Kol, if I valued your opinion I'd be so very offended."

Before Kol could reply, Esther cleared her throat.

"Let's let Rebekah speak, Kol." Elijah said. Leave it to him to be the mediator.

Kol rolled his eyes and Rebekah continued. "As I was saying, I made a friend today."

"Who is it then?" Kol asked, stuffing his mouth full.

"Bonnie Bennett." She replied like it was the most nonchalant thing in the world.

Elijah's eyebrows shot up, Klaus almost choked on his food, Esther tilted her head thoughtfully and Finn and Kol looked at everybody's reactions confusedly.

"Who is Bonnie Bennett?" Finn asked, not understanding the fuss.

"Only the most self righteous little witch in the world." Klaus muttered. Rebekah slapped his arm.

"I'll have you know that she's actually quite lovely." Rebekah shot back.

Esther took this in. Had the young witch had transformed her daughter into a teenager? Something that was lost to Rebekah many years ago? If Bonnie had this effect on Rebekah, imagine what she could do for the family as a whole!

Plus it couldn't hurt to befriend somebody as powerful as a Bennett witch in case things were to go astray. Her dearest friend Ayanna was Bonnie's ancestor, and if those two were anything alike, the young witch would get along great with her family.

"I think it's a good thing that you're making friends. Especially those that you don't have to hide your supernatural nature from." Esther said, making Klaus glare at her accusingly.

"Mother, that's ridiculous! Did you see how close that little witch got to killing me?" He argued,

"Settle down, Niklaus. That's exactly my point. Nobody has gotten that close to killing you before. Wouldn't you want her on your side?"

Klaus thought for a second and then sighed in resignation, but the scowl on his face hadn't wavered.

"That's what I thought." Esther said triumphantly, "Now, we have a ball to plan and when the event occurs, I suggest you all be on your best behavior towards the Bennett witch."

The Mikaelson siblings nodded their heads, knowing that once their mother's mind was set on something, she was going to get it. In this case they didn't know what it was - perhaps the witch's friendship? - no matter what it was, Esther would be getting her way very soon.

sooo what do you think? chapter two? lemme know. thanks for reading!

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