RAGE | Jasper Hale [3]

By typicalwriternerd

22.1K 692 292

Part three, previous parts ---> PAIN | Jasper Hale [1], LONELINESS | Jasper Hale [2] "Regret won't fix this."... More



4.8K 158 98
By typicalwriternerd

CHEMISTRY was more than a failure. Genevieve and I were trying to catch on whatever knowledge during the lesson, just to end up confused and annoyed.

"Well, that was terrible" Vivi said as we left the classroom.

I looked at her, responding "You think?"

We both just sighed. The great and powerful sorceresses defeated by Chemistry...

"So next we have..." said Vivi while looking down at the schedule "History. Finally something easy"

Relaxing, I sighed "Oh yes... it's basically a free period then! Well, if you know what to do that is"

Genevieve frowned "What do you mean by that?"

I grinned "If the teacher asks you a question, don't answer it like you're smart. Answer it in the most basic way you can"

"But why? I'll seem dumb"

"If you answer in a detailed way, the teacher will keep on asking you. He won't let you have even a minute of peace and could drag you into doing some extra stuff. If you don't answer at all, he'll also keep on asking to get you motivated to study. But if you answer in a basic way, he'll just accept it and move on from you"

I explained with a grin, remembering how Jasper was always getting grilled with questions, while I kept things simple and always had free time.

"Huh. That's actually... smart" Genevieve said looking impressed.

I laughed and wrapped my arm around her shoulders "Well, my dear Vivi. I am very smart"

We shared a laugh and together entered the class, the previous annoyance with Chemistry leaving as we both knew that History will go a lot smoother. Since I was always a big history nerd and Genevieve was well... old.

And as predicted, History really went smoothly. In the technical way of things that is...

During the lesson my mind kept on reminding me of many History lessons that I shared with Jasper. It did not help that he was there in the classroom. Sitting right where we sat together, while glancing at the empty chair next to him and then me.

It was tiring me emotionally... I wanted to feel numb again, like I did back in Kaasedera.

But it wasn't working.

Especially when I also glanced at him from time to time, making our eyes meet sadly sometimes. This time there was no smiling, as we sat in the place where our love started blooming.

In the place where we really got to know each other best, in the beginning.

And look at us now... feeling like strangers and looking at each other with empty hollowness that is so close to swallowing us whole...

Thankfully after History the classes moved quickly and peacefully as the Cullens weren't in any of them. Also Genevieve and I were doing very little, so that also helped. For the most part we were talking and fooling around.

"Okay, so now is lunch time?" Vivi asked, watching every student rushing towards the cafeteria.

"Yep" I nodded.

She looked at me, with a raised brow "You wanna go there?"

My thoughts instantly traveled to the past. When I was sitting with the Cullens in the cafeteria, laughing and joking. Jasper's arm protectively around me, Alice's laughter surrounding us, Rosalie's little smirks and eyerolls along with Emmett's idiotic comments. All of it made me feel like I finally belonged.

Like I wasn't alone...

"No" I responded curtly, before looking away from the cafeteria entrance to focus on Vivi's not so familiar brown eyes "How about we go outside? Have a smoke?"

Genevieve stuffed her hands in the pockets of her cream blazer and shrugged "Sure, we can go"

I nodded and with that led us outside with some other students, who decided to spend their lunch break outside. My gaze went over the parking lot, causing me to curse as I saw the Cullens outside by their cars.

Great. We'll have an audience.

We stopped on the other side of the parking lot near a trash can, so that we could later throw out the cigarettes there.

As Vivi passed me a cigarette, my finger instantly went up to light it up with magic. But Genevieve stopped me by, handing me a lighter.

"Human, Dora. We are human"

I blushed and lit up my cigarette with the lighter "Oh, yeah. Kinda got carried away"

Vivi snorted and shook her head, making her golden braids sway gently "What would you do without me, babe?"

"Probably off myself in Chemistry" I answered with a sharp grin.

She shook her head and chuckled "Oh, babe you were ready to do it with me there"

"No, no, no" I said shaking my head "I was ready to burn down the classroom. So that's different"

Genevieve laughed "You're crazy, Dora"

I bowed and said "Thank you"

"But you know who's crazier than you?" she asked, already grinning.

"Carlos" we said together, pointing out cigarettes at each other with a laugh.

When we finished smoking, Vivi glanced at her watch saying "We still have some time... how about we go to that cafeteria?"

Glancing around the parking lot, I frowned "Cullens are there... they always go in a bit later than others. To make an entrance"

"So what? We'll make an entrance of our own and we'll go sit far away from them" Genevieve said with a shrug.

Swallowing down my anxiety, I nodded "Y-Yeah. Let's go..."

Vivi smiled and took my hand, briefly to give it an encouraging squeeze "You'll be fine. It's all just for a few more months... after that you can go as far away from them as you wish"

I smiled back at her and with that together we headed towards the cafeteria.

We entered by the outside entrance, instantly causing everybody to stop and stare at us.

Huh. So that's how they always feel.

Ignoring all of them, I confidently headed towards one of the last empty tables with Genevieve at my side.

When we sat down, I glared at all the people still staring while Vivi just raised her brow at them.

"The staring... these people have a serious problem with it" she commented.

I snorted "You think?"

Momentarily I frowned seeing Edward, Alice and Jasper sitting with Bella and her friends.

"Doesn't look like he's having much fun" Vivi commented, making me jump and stare at her.

"What? Who are you—?" I started asking, my cheeks growing red as she cut me off.

"Oh please, Violette. Of course I'm talking about your soldier" Genevieve said, smirking as the man in question instantly looked towards our table.

I glared at her and pointed my finger at her "Mind your business, Goldie"

She grabbed my finger and tugged my hand down, while rolling her eyes "Oh please, i'm just observing"

"Then do so quietly" I mumbled, trying hard not to look back at Jasper who's eyes lost their heavy look. I blushed and cleared my throat, changing the subject "Anyway, you really think that Carlos will make us dinner?"

Genevieve snorted "Quick change of subject, babe. Totally didn't notice" she ended with a wink.

"Genevieve..." I said, clenching my jaw and fists.

She just rolled her eyes and answered "Nah. I think that he'll get caught up in something and forget about it. Meaning that today's on the menu is pizza or whatever he'll pick up on his way here"

I nodded and chuckled "Which means that a good chance is that he'll buy us booze. In order to try and recompense the lack of food"

Vivi shook her head "No, no, no. No drinking for you young lady! We're in america and I don't think that you're 21"

"Oh, bitch please. We just smoked outside, like five minutes ago. I wasn't 21, five minutes ago"

She narrowed her eyes at me and smirked "Alright then. No smoking then"

My jaw flew open as I stared at her "You've got to be shitting me! It's not like I can get cancer! Or like get ill!"

"Then there's no real point in you smoking. Humans do it because it's forbidden and dangerous, they get a sense of living on edge when they do it. What do you get?" Vivi asked, raising her brow at me.

I glared at her, responding "Enough peace not to beat your ass"

She laughed "Oh please, babe. You're as dangerous to me as a kitten"

Knowing that she's right, I pouted and looked away. I mean. She fought in the war between Vampires, Werewolves and Sorcerers. And I had a bit of a tough time fighting one bitchy vampire.

A hand reached out and ruffled my hair, making me look back at Vivi who was smiling at me.

"Don't pout now, my Violette. Time gives experience, you'll get more skilled"

I smiled back at her, taking comfort in her words. It was always easy to forget that she was the oldest of our group.

Genevieve grinned at me, adding "Also I was joking. I am not your mother to forbid you things. Although I can limit them, as your friend"

Just as I was going to say something to Genevieve, I was stopped by a familiar voice calling out my name.

I froze momentarily and slowly turned to see Alice standing by our table. She was alone, no sign of the Cullens or even Jasper. She looked nervously between me and Vivi.

"Thea... can we talk?" she asked, her golden eyes begging.

At this moment. All I wanted was to just agree and hug my best friend again... just forget everything that happened and listen to Alice for hours like before... My eyes filled with unshed tears and my throat closed up, because I really wanted to be back where I was.

But this heaviness I carried, stopped me and after this one moment of weakness I was filled with all this unleashed, ugly rage.

My eyes hardened and skin got hotter, with my fire as I simply responded.

"I don't think so"

The light in her eyes died, just as the bell rang. Quickly I stood up and walked towards the exit, with Vivi following leaving Alice still standing by the empty table.

For the rest of the day I was absent, having buried myself so deep in my mind. As for the whole day I felt bombarded with so many emotions and feelings, I simply shut down.

I was quiet as we finally left the school, the heaviness still tugging at my heart as the rage inside me subsided.

Genevieve held my hand, knowing that today was hard for me and during the whole day I was just one more interaction away from shutting down, like I did.

We looked around and instantly noticed Carlos waiting for us. He was standing by the car, grinning like an idiot while waving happily.

I let out a chuckle, my heart growing lighter as I stared at this fool.

Glancing at Vivi, I squeezed her hand saying "Come on. Let's go home"

She smiled and nodded "Yeah, let's"

Together we walked towards Carlos but as we got closer, he suddenly broke out into a sprint. Running straight at us.

Genevieve mumbled a quick "Nope" before pushing me towards him.

I cursed and stumbled, just as Carlos collided with me. He laughed and picked me up, spinning me in circles.

"There she is! She survived!"

Feeling the eyes of the entire school on us, I hit his shoulders "Carlos! Put me down you moron!"

He huffed and put me down, while still grinning.

"Oh do brighten up, chica! I had to spend the entire day without you!"

I pulled away and rolled my eyes "You're such a drama queen"

Carlos laughed and then grinned at Genevieve "Hey, kid how was school?"

She huffed "I am older than you, Carl"

"Maybe. But you're the one attending high school" he said with a wink.

As I felt another argument coming on, I grabbed Carlos' cheeks with my hand making him look at me. I raised my brow "Don't start"

He nodded and pulled away from my hand, while massaging his cheeks saying "Yes, madame! Jeez, you have a strong grip"

I just shook my head and took his car keys "Okay, let's head home"

"H-Hey! That's my car!" Carlos called out, trying to take his keys back.

Genevieve rolled her eyes and put her hand on his shoulder "You're in the back. Kid"

Moments later, I was speeding out of the parking lot with rock music blasting, Genevieve next to me and Carlos in the back pouting.

On the way out, I passed by the Cullens. Jasper's black eyes were focused on Carlos, who had his window down but then switched to me. He looked pained. Well more so than normally. I just looked away and pressed on the gas to go faster.

Not looking back at him.

It wasn't long before we got home, with how many laws I just broke to speed.

As Genevieve and Carlos talked about dinner, which Carlos in the end failed to make. I got a text from dad, asking me if I wanted to go and eat dinner with him and Bella.

"Dora?" Vivi asked, seeing how I still stood on the porch.

I looked up and waved my phone "Dad is asking me if I wanna eat dinner with him and Bella"

She frowned "Dora, maybe you should stay in... you weren't doing so good in school today"

"I know... but I don't wanna disappoint him. He really missed me... I was gone for so long"

Carlos joined Vivi at the door and said "Actually. Maybe some family time will help you, Dora. You always missed your father back at Kaasedera, now that you're here you should go and spend some time with him"

I glanced at Genevieve who smiled and nodded.

"Maybe, Carlos is right. Go and see him"

Smiling, I stepped closer to them and wrapped my arms around both of them "I'll see you tonight"

As I pulled back, Carlos ruffled my hair "Stay safe and take the car"

"Really?" I asked.

He shrugged "Yeah, just don't speed and don't scratch it"

Vivi smirked and whispered "Please, do scratch it" before walking away, leaving me laughing and Carlos looking after her, calling out"


I patted his back and said "I won't scratch it, chill"

Carlos smiled, saying "I know"

Soon I was pulling up to the Police Station. The music blasting through the radio, making my sigh unhearable as I noticed who Bella was with.

Edward Cullen.

Couldn't I have one day in Forks, go by without seeing one of the Cullens?

Apparently not.

I glared at the bronze haired vampire for a good amount of time, before finally exiting the car and having no choice but to walk up to them. If the vampires are such masters at self control, then they should see me now.

As Edward's head was still attached to his body.

Bella seemed to notice me first, but I knew that Edward noticed my heavy and almost electric presence the moment I excited the car. Vampires always did have strong reactions to our kind. Especially when we're venting our seidr outside of our bodies, to try not to snap and do something our sisters might hate us for. Not to mention the ex boyfriends.

"Oh, Thea hi. Charlie called you?" Bella asked, looking between me and Edward tensely.

Completely ignoring the vampire attached to my sister, I responded "Yeah, he said to meet up here"

She nodded and then awkwardly pointed towards Carlos' car "Em, nice car. Yours?"

I leaned on the railing "Nah, it's my friend's"

"Cool" she responded awkwardly, while still glancing between me and Edward.

We stayed in uncomfortable silence, until Charlie finally exited with an older couple.

"I'll fax these down, first thing"

"Thank you" the man responded, while leading his wife away.

Charlie smiled at me and Bella, before casting Edward a dirty look.

"Hey" he said to us.

"Hi, dad" I responded, returning his smile.

"You ready for dinner?" asked, Bella.

"Yeah" said Charlie, looking between us and glancing nervously at Edward "It's still just me, you and Thea, right?

Edward smirked "Nah, I'm just dropping her off"

I glared at him, letting my thoughts slip past my defences.

What you'll be dropping is that attitude.

He glanced at me and furrowed his brows, before walking down the steps. But he soon stopped and turned to stare at Bella.

"Oh, Bella? My parents wanted to remind you about the airline ticket you got for your birthday"

My heart dropped at the mention of said birthday, making me look down at my feet.

"What airline ticket?" Charlie, questioned.

"A ticket to see mom, in Florida" Bella, responded.

"Well, that was generous" Charlie said, clearly not happy with such priceful gift.

"It expires soon, so you might wanna use it this weekend" Edward suggested, making me look up at him in suspicion.

What was he planning?

I tried to reach out and read his mind, but his thoughts were so... chaotic. I couldn't make sense out of anything.

Bella looked at me and Charlie, before saying "Well, I can't just drop everything and go"

Edward's face got somber as he said "It might be your last chance to see her before you graduate..."

Seeing the look between Bella and Edward, made me wonder exactly what he meant by that. Surely, Bella would be able to see her mother during the summer? And if not then before going to college.

"Might not be a bad idea" said Charlie looking at Bella "Get out of town for a couple of days. Get some distance"

Bella looked between Edward and Charlie, saying "Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing mom" her eyes finally stopped of her boyfriend as she added "As long as you use the companion ticket"

"There's two tickets?" Charlie and I said at the same time.

Edward smiled, but then shook his head "Actually, I was thinking that you'd take Thea. Since she's never met your mom, it could be nice to introduce them"

Okay. Something definitely is wrong.

Charlie was immediately on board "That's a great idea! You said that your mother asked about Thea a lot"

Bella smiled and nodded, looking very truthful as she said to me "You wanna come? It's really a good idea, we'd spend some more time together"

I looked between all three of them, saying "Oh, I don't know... I mean I just got back and—"

"And nothing. It's a great idea, kiddo and you're going" Charlie said, while wrapping his arm around me.

"Yeah, it's going to be fun" said Bella, smiling.

I grinned awkwardly, saying through my teeth "Yeah... so fun..."

Hello, everyone! I would like to explain something before we head on to the story related stuff. So. Like I said before I'm going to update this story at least once a week. Sometimes these updates might be daily, other times you'll have to wait for them for a few days. With writing it's kind of a love/hate relationship. Sometimes I can write two chapters in one day! Other times I can only write a few words within a day. So please be patient with me. I know that you're excited for this story and already waited longer for this book that I said you would, but I really needed time to figure out how I want to go about this. And I needed time to just get some rest from writing.

Anyway, back to the story. So how did you enjoy this chapter? What did you think about these little moments with Jasper? Do you like the idea of Thea going with Bella to visit Renee?

A mood board showing Thea's new house! Hope you like it! Also yeah I changed the cover and banners cause the purple was too similar to the LONELINESS cover.

As always, if you have any questions or ideas please leave a comment ;)

Love y'all!!

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