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By _Rainberry_

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Please take me with you I don't wanna live my life through needles More

ยฒโท 'ยฒ'


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By _Rainberry_

Chapter- 30 (Drunk)


"Perhaps I don't deserve nice things,
Cause I'm paying for sins I don't remember..."


He woke up in a completely dark place, so dark he couldn't even see the sleeping figure next to him.... he could only hear dogs howling and barking around, and the cold wind blowing, directly hitting his right ear and cheek. He tried to open his eyes, rubbing away the left over sleep with his fist and when he was finally wide awake he realized he was asleep in a sitting position... and what seems like a-- car?

He looked around only he see he was surrounded by a thick forest, nothing but tall trees and the overpowering winds blowing.. he tried to roll back the window, felling too cold.. but his hand hurts too much to put a pressure... then he remembered, his hand was injected. He remembers the Zayn himself forced it to happen. He remembered his helpless cries and screams in the hospital room,..begging the nurses to stop, asking Zayn for some help..

But none came.

He remembers everything right now.. and he have never felt so helpless. He thought he was safe and protected, he was loved and cared...

But he was wrong. And he's here now alone in the dark... how could he go wrong? How could he even think someone will care for him. When his own parents who birthed him rejected him...

He looked at the calm and silent road, both the paths surrounded by thick forest... did his "Zee" threw him and left him all alone on this forest. Tears filled in her eyes, wetting his lashes. His heart thumping loudly, his foot and head ached, everything hurts too bad... but he kept quiet, not wanting to cry.. probably scared out of his wits, scared he'd attract more attention to the angry wild street dogs... still thinking he was all alone in the thick dark forest.

But his silent cries did not last too long.. when the street dog growl one more time at their loudest, growling and biting angrily at the other mates.. that's when he burst out in fear.. and sobbed loudly, harder.

"Heyyy.. shit..---- what's wrong----" He slured... Zayn woke up in a haste, his eyes drowsy and tired.

"W-who?" He wispered, he felt more frightened.

"It's me... " He quickly turned on the lights on the car, hearing the panic in his voice.

"It's--- it's Z-Zee?" He questioned.. not so sure with what he's seeing.

"M-hm.. " Zayn hummed, he's probably too drunk to keep his eyes open.

"Zee?--- "


"D-don't leave me here" at that Zayn fluttered his eyes open and turned to glance at Harry, whose cheeks were stained with tears, nose red, his emerald eyes glossy. And with the only light shining in a dim place he looked ethereal... 𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥. Though he was too drunk, but he could stared at this beauty forever.

"No one's leaving you here" He replied.

"Then-- then why I-I 'm here?"

"I don't know" He slured.. holding his head between his palms..
"I kinda lost the way... and-- and my phone battery is dead-- I bought food for you though.."

He turned back and extended his hands to grab the food that he kept on his back seat.

"D-don't want food... I- I want go home"

Zayn glanced at him, and saw the fear in his eyes. Unlike those times when Harry just saw hope and love whenever he'll looked at Zayn.. he'd stare at him like he's the sky hung with thousands of stars, like he's his whole world, his god... and now all once his guilt flushed inn. He ruined him. He destroyed the trust Harry had in him. He suddenly wanted to throw up. Feeling disgusted at his own actions.

"I-- I can't take you home now love.. I'm not in the condition to drive, I've lost way and I cannot track my GPS since my--- my phone is off"

There was silence all over again, and Zayn's hands were shaking and sweaty... the type of silence he never liked, it was not comfortable.. but kind of disturbing...

"H-harry wants to be a-alone now- " And Zayn was to slow to process things, in his drunken mind right now..

"What?" He asked, trying to stay calm, though he already heard the first time.
to say he felt guilty was just an understatement. He's embarrassed, ashamed, disgusted at his actions.

"G-go away... I- I don't like you.. Zee p-promised that I'll-- he'll protect me.. no protect. Don't want to take niddels but-- but Zee did for-ce-fully.. Harry was scared.. thought Zee will help him.. felt alone.. it's was scary-- kept saying, no needles.. no needles. And --and I ask help.. nobody help me.. Harry felt so alone, and scared.. you were w-with me.. bu-but not with me--- I- I don't want to be w-with you now"

That's all it take for Zayn drown in embarrassment and he was already floating in his guilt.

"I'm sorry" Sorry can never fix this anymore.

"Go out" and Zayn did. Walking clumsily and tripping around from the alcohol.. but somehow managed to cross the road and sank down on the floor.


It was just 20 minutes that Zayn was out of the car. Sitting aimlessly at the cold ground and leaning on a tree that was almost out from the forest and peering in through the road. Sitting exactly opposite his car so he could see Harry. Though yes he was out of the car but cannot at all leave Harry to be on his own, alone...

And Harry was also not in a good condition that Zayn was now out. He kept on looking from the window and saw Zayn was not feeling good, he's holding his head between his hands and massaging his own head, and at once he threw up on the forest grass a little far from the tree he was now leaning on.. and Harry felt like crying all over again... But the poor thing would never know how alcohol works.

Later he thought he just couldn't sit there and watch Zayn getting sick all alone, while just sitting in the cold road near a forest while he himself was sitting cozily in a warm car... he felt too overwhelmed and sad... though his head and feet were aching, his back painfully uncomfortable as he was only sitting in same position for more than 13 hours... then his stomach growled in hunger and emptiness, he looked at the food Zayn have given him... but then glanced again at Zayn who was now not even in the condition to sit, bu praticically lying on the floor.

Harry quickly opened the door, and shoot up from the car and walked towards Zayn, ignoring his painful feets and his hungry stomach to felt too tired and heavy to even stand properly.

"Z-Zee-- ?" He voiced out, when he reached there.

"Uh-m.." his voice was only a faint wisper, filled with sleepiness.

"Can I-i sit here?"

"Harry let me sit here atleast. Please... I can't--- can't get up anymore right now" Zayn slured... still sleeping on the grass, beside the road- leaning his head on his hand.

"Ok... Harry just wants to s-sit. No disturb"

"M-hm ka-y" and Harry sat down, right next to Zayn toying with his hands nervously. He wants to call him back inside the car. But too scared he'll get shouted or yelled.

After a while Harry groaned uncomfortably, and Zayn though in his drunken mind was quick enough to noticed that.

"Go sit in the car, Harry. Get some rest there"

"You'll come with me there?" At that Zayn chuckled. Covering himself more with the jacket he's wearing upto his shoulders.

"I don't think so I'm allowed" Zayn joked, lazily broke a chuckled. But Harry took that in a whole different way. And burst out crying.. feeling guilty for his actions. And he spreaded out himself in the floor with Zayn and cried on his chest.

"Allowed" He spoke, crying harder. Zayn holded him tight, rubbing his arms and shoulders. Patting his back.

"Stop crying babe... I'll take you home tomorrow I promise" He slured, tiredly.

"Zee's sick?" He asked, lazily touching Zayn's bottom lip.

"I'm not sick love, just a lil'--- tipsy"

"Zee's sick-- want to take care of you" He wispered again, laying on his chest again.. Zayn lifted his head a little to glance at Harry who was now sobbing and laying flat against chest, on the floor

"You're taking care of me" Zayn replied, stroking his curls, closing his eyes again and sigh

"Noo.. w-want to take care you li-like Zee does. You give me soup and food in bed.. w-when I'm sick. And when Zee's sick Harry s-said you to go out.. and sleep out" He cried, trying to stop his loud sobs with his palms.

"Sh-- stop crying now... I'm not sick... and you're already taking enough care of me"

"Zee let's go to the car.. please, please"

"I don't think I can walk right now.. I'll just sleep here an hour or so alright? Then when I'm fresh enough I'll come inn the car... for now you go take a rest there, eat the food-- and drink lots of water. Go now baby, take a rest yeah?" Zayn said, as Harry got up on his feet, ready to help Zayn to stand and walk towards the car.

"Noo... let's go, we go together Harry help you"

"You won't be able too... just--- just go have your dinner yeah.. I kept it on the back seat"

"Noo.. get up. We go together" Harry answered, trying to pull Zayn on his feet.

Later when Harry helped Zayn to get on his feet and also helped him to walk in the car, Zayn slept in the front seat in a sitting position. While Harry ate all his food, he was hungry enough right from the time he went to convince Zayn to get back in the car. But pushed his thoughts away when he saw Zayn wasn't in a good condition.

But now as he lay there on the back seat, using Zayn's jacket as a pillow.. which Zayn give him to warm himself, but instead Harry used it as a pillow. It was past 2 hours that was laying in the car and his back is already killing him. And now his feet and thighs too started to hurt furiously.

"Zee" He wispered, it hurt too much to even move, hurts to much to turn on the other side. So he lay there laying flat on the seat, facing the ceiling of the car..

"Zee--- please l-listen" He tried again... when he felt too tired to even call or voice out. He tried shaking the seat Zayn was sitting.. and well that was success since instantly woke up and the first thing he did was turn behind to check on Harry.

"You okay love?" His voice rough and hoarse. Dripped with sleepiness, his hungover still not fully recovered.. but he was ready to do anything right now, seeing the love of his life laying there and not moving, and saw tears running down through the corner of his eyes.

"I-it hurts" He groaned.

"What hurts?" Zayn asked, his heart already thumping loudly. His head feeling like it's gonna burst out. His head aching heavily.

"My b-back and feet and my thighs too" He whimpered, not moving an inch.

"O-Okay Okay... j-just hold up a minute.. " Zayn quickly rushed to the back seat, opening the door and scooped Harry in his arms. Trying to make him less uncomfortable..

But that wouldn't at all work since Harry was still a whimpering mess, crying and sobbing.. whispering "I want to go home" again and again.

"I'll--- I'll just try driving then... we-- we can find some house or something.. we ask for a night to stay... ok? Just--- just bare with me for sometime" He spoke.

Harry could only nod..

Half an hour later Zayn saw a low light coming from between the forest area, and it seemed quite peaceful there, he stopped the car in the road, since he cannot enter the forest with a car. He clumsily tried to atleast make it till the same but cosy looking house. It was built with wood and furniture it looked quite old but Zayn was sure there were people living inside. So he walked towards, helping Harry, holding his waist tightly to get some grip.

When he reached there, he lazily knocked at the door, the wood making a creaking noise from it. Harry was there leaning his body all over Zayn, he wasn't even in the right condition to even stand.

And immediately the door opened, and there was a woman standing there, he looked in her, she looks like she's her mid fourty's and started at Zayn, her eyes looking tired and sleepy. But of course she'll be sleepy since it's 2 in the morning already. Then she looked over Harry and her eyes went soft. He was there looking sick and tired his eyes half shut, his body completely leaning all over Zayn's. If Zayn wasn't drunk he would have just carried him probably.. but now he himself knew that he would not be able to do that. Plus his headache increasing more by more

"Yes..? How can I help you?" She asked gently.. later a girl who was about, 5 waked inn, lazily and sleepily rubbing her eye... and came towards the woman to hug her waist.

"Ug-m ma'am I'm sorry for the disturbance.. but I really really need a night to stay inn. He's not in a good condition ma'am.. and I kinda--- kinda lost the way back home and my phone battery is dead.. please let us stay for the night ma'am"

"I'm so sorry. I can't let this happen, I just-- I can't I can't let you inn. You're-- drunk and I cannot let that happen in my house" Zayn started at her for a second then looked at Harry who was now practically half asleep in his arms.

"-- just for a night ma'am.. I won't cause any trouble I promise"

"No.. I can't. Afrer that incident-- I've promised myself, that I'll never let a alcoholic get into my house... my life" she spoke. Seeming Los and her eyes showed disappointment. And Zayn too understood that the woman might have face something with the situation.

"Okay-- " Zayn said as he turned around, trying walk back and leave.

"Excuse me... he can stay though" she pointed towards Harry.

"He looks like he's about to pass out.. let him stay.. " Zayn at once looked at Harry. And thought it was quite okay.. Harry atleast will get a good, proper rest. .

"Yes please.. thankyou so much ma'am.. t-take care of him please.. I'll just wait her outside your door. If he needs something please do call me" he slowly shake Harry, to get him back to his senses. And detached himself from him.

"Don't worry about it.. " she smile.

"Z--- Zee.. what happened?"

"Go in with her okay.. take a good rest inside yeah?"

"--kay" He asked answered. Pulling Zayn from his arm.

"I'm not going in love. Only you have to go in" at that Harry stared at Zayn... his eyes wide open.

"N-no ---m not going"

"Please just one night love... then tomorrow I'll take you home"

"You don't wanna come in with me?" He whimpered, thinking Zayn is mad at him

"I can't love... but don't worry.. I'll wait for you here"

"Why ?... why you can't come in" the lady was looking at the whole scene standing there, she felt guilty about it but if she let's an alcoholic home, then what's the between her--- husband and the guest right now.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I cannot let him in.. he's drunk and I don't let alcoholics to enter me house" she spoke.. and Harry started at her. Confused

"Z-Zee's is sick.. let him in. Please"

"He's not sick sweetie. He's drunk" she answered again

"What's drunk?" He questioned innocently, looking at Zayn.

"Ug-hm um-- " He chuckled nervously, when the woman confusingly looked at Harry's behavior.

"He's um--- actually behind his age.. and won't understand some things" Zayn quickly added.

"Oh--- im so sorry for that.. hey sweetie. What's your name"

"Harry" he answered, clinging onto Zayn's

"Okayy Harry. C'mon let's get you to sleep"

"Zee can come in?"

"Noo... I'm so sorry for that but he can't come in"

"Why? He's sick.. let Zee com-in"

After sometime Zayn convince Harry to stay inside. And that he will just be here in the door. And made him understand that he wouldn't be able to even return back to the car right now. Since they have to cross the Jungle.

And by great difficulty Harry agreed to go in and sleep in the women's house.

But little did Zayn knew that Harry would not really be able to sleep there alone..


Hi. 😋

I've finally updated

I've just completed my exams🤧

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