Burning Rose (A Cinder Fall S...

By XSummerRoseX

2.5K 164 72

As Summer embraces her new identity as Cinder Fall, she must gather recruits to aid her cause. Finding these... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 16

92 8 0
By XSummerRoseX

Training went well for the past several weeks. During that time, I had ordered some uniforms from Haven Academy. I figured it would be easier to get into the school as a team that way.

I got the package today and carried it into the living room, sitting it on the table.

"What's that, Cinder?" Emerald asked.

"Our uniforms," I said. "Instead of posing as students of Beacon Academy, I figured it would be much easier to get into the school as another team from another kingdom."

"Not a bad idea," Mercury said.

I opened the box and saw four uniforms inside. Three came with matching grey and black skirts along with a matching top, while the other had a pair of slacks.

I passed the uniforms around.

"Try these on," I told them. "I need to be sure that they fit you all."

I watch as Emerald, Mercury, and Neo went into their own private room and changed. After a few minutes they all came from their rooms.

"Wow! The uniforms look and fit great!" Emerald said.

"Mine seems to fit well, too," Mercury said. "It even hides my prosthetic legs."

I saw Neo smile and nod in approval.

" I'm glad they fit well," I said. "Classes will be back in session tomorrow. So I suggest we leave by tonight. Think you can find us some transportation, Watts?"

Watts turned to me and nodded. "Of course. Shouldn't be too complicated."

"Good. It's getting dark anyway. So I suggest you find one now. We don't have much time."

I saw Watts typing on his scroll a bit before looking over to me.
"Transportation is taken care of. It should arrive in an hour."

I nodded. "Excellent. We'll get some rest until then."

The hour passed by quickly. I soon heard the sound of an airship nearby.

"I'm assuming that's for us?" Emerald asked.

I nodded. "Yes. Does everyone have their weapons?"

Neo nodded, holding her parasol.

"I do," Emerald said, strapping her weapons to her skirt.

Mercury smirked. "My weapons are hidden. No one should see."

"Then let's get going," I said, heading outside towards the airship.

"You must be the ones heading to Beacon. Is that right?" the pilot asked.

"Yes," I told him. "We're students from another kingdom, and we can't wait to explore the school. I heard that the Vytal Festival is supposed to be held there as well."

The pilot nodded. "Alright then. Get in and I'll have you there in no time."

Emerald was right behind me. Neo as well. Mercury and Roman joined us a few minutes later, along with Watts.

"Is this everyone?" the pilot asked.

I nodded and smiled. "Yes."

The pilot said nothing else as the airship took off. Soon enough, we were close to the academy when I saw that girl with the red cloak again. It looked like she was fighting with a few people with a red scythe. I grinned and opened the door.

"Hey!" What do you think you're doing?!" The pilot asked.

"Just do your job," I snapped.

I watched her closely. She moved quite fast and there was another woman assisting her. She had blonde hair and green eyes. My memory of her was clear. It was Glynda Goodwitch herself.

"This will be fun," I said to myself. "Let's see how well they fair with some magic?"

I shot a blaze of fire with my right hand. Glynda was the one who noticed it at first, and pushed the girl, Ruby, slightly back. She then countered my magic by sending it straight back towards me. I snarled and summoned some ice to prevent us from getting damaged.

I closed the door. "Well, that was annoying," I said. "How'd Glynda send that fire back to me?"

"Telekinesis," Watts responded. "It's her semblance."

I sighed. "Of course it is."

"Alright. If you guys are going to be doing this on my airship, I'm afraid I'll have to drop you all off now," the pilot said, beginning to land the airship.

"That's fine," I told him. "Just don't expect any payment from us."

As soon as the airship landed, we all got off and started walking towards the academy. I heard the airship take off into the distance.

"We've finally reached our destination," I said. "Let's head inside and get enrolled shall we? I'll need both Roman and Watts to stay outside until then."

"Understandable," Roman said. "I'll see if I can find any White Fang members. Hopefully their leader specifically."

"Ah yes," Watts said. "Adam Taurus. He'll be hard to convince. Unless you bribe or blackmail him."

"I think I can do both," Roman said.

"I've got to see this," Watts said, following Roman into the night.

"Catch up with us later," I called to them.

"Can we get checked in now?" Mercury asked. "I'm getting impatient."

We walked inside the school and we were greeted by a man in his mid to late twenties. He had tanned skin, brown messy hair, and hazel eyes. He also had a cane with him. It had designs on the handle. I immediately recognized him as Ozpin. But... he was supposed to be dead. And yet, here he was reincarnated once again.

"Hello," the man said, "my name is Professor Ozpin. I see you're wearing the uniforms from Haven. Might I ask why you're here?"

I smiled at him. "We're students from Haven Academy, and we're known as team CMSN (crimson). We just couldn't wait for the Vytal Festival this year. So we've transferred here for the time being."

"I see. Well, the Vytal Festival is still months away. But you're welcome to stay here and train as a team if you'd like. Initiation is set to begin tomorrow as well. So if you're interested in seeing our new teams, I highly suggest you join and watch," he said, sipping from his mug.

"That sounds wonderful," I told him. "May we get checked in, please?"

"Of course. The woman at the front desk should help you get you set up. It was nice to meet you, team CMSN. I wish you luck during the festival," Ozpin said, walking away.

We walked up to the front desk. I had created false IDs just in case.

"Hello," the woman asked. "How can I help you?"

"We're here to check in. We're from Haven Academy. And want to participate in the Vytal Festival," I said, handing her the IDs I had made.

She looked them over a bit before typing something into the computer.

"Alright. We have officially checked you all in. There's dorms here if you'd like to stay," she told us, handing back our IDs.

I shook my head. "No thank you. We'll stay nearby the academy if you don't mind."

The woman smiled. "That's perfectly fine. Welcome to Beacon. I hope you enjoy your time here."

I smiled back as we walked outside.

"Where are we supposed to stay? There aren't any rented houses around here," Mercury said.

"That's because I rented the last one that was available," I heard Watts say.

He stepped out from the darkness and grinned. "Roman is busy with Adam at the moment. So he won't be back for a while. Let's get some rest until then, shall we?"

"Sounds good to me," I said, "lead the way."

I smiled as we headed towards the house. Luckily it wasn't too far from Beacon.

"Cinder... why do you keep smiling? It's getting kinda creepy," Mercury said.

"I'm just happy our little plan worked out," I told him.

My grin turned into a glare once I remembered Ozpin.

Just you wait, Ozpin. I'll kill you twice if I have to in order to get the maiden powers...

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