Kpop Oneshots (mainly NCT)

By JakeHoon18

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~I am not a writer so don't expect too much from me~ ~ Just my little collection of kpop oneshots ~ It cons... More

Wilted Flower - Yungi
You - Seongjoong
You (pt2)
You (pt3)
You (pt4)
Alone - Xiaodery
One Day - Xiaodery
Nothing I Can Do - Xiaodery
My Hero - Luwoo
Win the War - Nomin
After the storm - Nomin
The Day You Fell - Xiaodery
In My Mind (JohnTen)
Just Friends - nomin
Liar (pt1) - nomin
Mafia Man - nomin
36 Hours - chenji
liar (pt2)
liar (pt3)
Sink or Swim - W
Sink or Swim - A
A Shadow of His Glory - Nichojoo
In the Stars - wonton
Until I See You Again - YumaTaki

Impact - Luwoo

233 1 0
By JakeHoon18

Everyone always saw Lucas as the dumb jock. Nothing more than a pretty face and a strong body. Boy were they wrong. Yes, he had a pretty face and a strong body, but he also had a beautiful heart and had so much love to give. But when you're pretty and popular, people tend to overlook the other stuff. They only ever got as far as the surface. No one knew that Lucas loves kids and wants to be a teacher. They only know that he won the basketball game against SM High's biggest rivals last night.

No one ever saw Jungwoo as anything other than a filler body in class. He didn't do sports or make a ton of friends. He kept to himself and did his work quietly. He went unnoticed by almost everyone in the school. Everyone except his close friends and Lucas. Lucas saw how kind Jungwoo is, he saw how beautiful Jungwoo is, and he was utterly in love with the quiet unnoticed boy.


It was Monday afternoon and Jungwoo, Doyoung, and Taeil were in the cafeteria eating lunch and laughing at whatever dad joke Taeil had made. On the other side of the room, Lucas watched with a smile plastered on his face. He was so absorbed into Jungwoos honey laugh he didn't hear the lunch bell ring and instead felt Johnny jab his ribcage.

"Dude you're staring again" -Jy

"I was not" - L

"Bullshit. Let's go we have class" - Jy

"I was not!" - L


The final bell rang signaling the end of another day and Lucas and Jungwoo couldn't be happier. Both for completely different reasons I'm afraid. Jungwoo was happy because he hadn't run into Lucas all day and thought he was in the clear. Lucas was happy because he was on his way to see his crush. He turned the corner and sure enough there he was. Jungwoo was grabbing things out of his locker and packing his bag. Lucas channeled his inner flirty douchebag alter ego and walked up to him.

"Hey" - L

"Hello Lucas" - J (insert exasperated sigh and eye roll)

"Is that a new shirt cause your body looks exquisite in it" - L

Lucas grabbed Jungwoos arm pretending to inspect the sleeve. He raised his arm and dropped it letting out an obnoxious scoff.

"Thanks" - J (his voice is very monotone and sarcastic this whole convo)

Lucas grabs Jungwoos chin and pulls his head up so he was looking directly into his eyes.

"It brings out the color of your eyes" - L

"Are you done? I have somewhere to be today" - J

"What you got a hot date or something?"

"No. I have to get my brother from school and I can't be late. Why am I even telling you this I don't have to explain myself to you" - J

Lucas lets go of Jungwoos face, smiles, and walks away.


Jungwoo left his school, annoyed once again, and headed to his younger brother, Jeno's, pre-school. He entered the building and was greeted by a four old Jeno running into his legs.

"Jungwoo!" - Je

"Hi, Jeno! Do you want to go to the park today?" - J

"Yes!" - Je

"Okay! Go get your shoes on and grab your bag. I'll wait for you right here." - J

"Okay!" - Je

Together they walked to the park and once they arrived Jeno took off running to the slides. Jungwoo followed closely behind, watching Jeno's every move. However, he turned around for three seconds to go sit on the swings when he heard a bone-chilling scream.

"JUNGWOO!!!" - Je

Jungwoo got up and ran to where he heard the sound. To his alarm, someone was trying to drag Jeno away from the park. He ran at the man trying to pry Jeno from his arms but he wasn't strong enough to fight the man off.


Lucas had decided to walk home today because the sun was out for the first time in weeks. He was crossing a field when he heard frantic shouts coming from the park. He got closer and saw Jungwoo trying to fight off a man who was dragging a little boy away. He saw Jungwoo fall and he sprinted to where he was. Jungwoo saw Lucas coming and got up running back to the man who had gotten farther from him.

"He's trying to take my brother!" - J

"Not if I can help it!" - L

Lucas charged at the man swinging for any part of his body Jeno wasn't covering. He managed to hit his ribs causing him to drop Jeno and gasp for air. Jungwoo ran towards his now free brother and pulled him into his grasp collapsing to the ground with tears streaming down his face. In front of them, Lucas had managed to scare the man off by throwing one last punch breaking the man's nose. Out of breath and panting, he turned around to find a panicked Jungwoo crying while he held his little brother in his lap. Without hesitation, Lucas walked over to them and sat down pulling them both into his lap.

"It's okay. He's gone and I'm here" - L

Lucas reached out to jungwoos face turning it towards him and he wiped away his tears. He bent forward kissing his forehead and turned to kiss the top of Jenos head. He looked back at Jungwoo, who was staring at him and started to stroke the back of his head, calming him down.

"Let me walk you two home" - L

"Thank you" - J
Lucas got up and reached out to pick Jeno up, and while he held Jeno in one arm he reached with his other to hold Jungwoo's hand. To his surprise Jungwoo didn't rip his hand away or fight back, instead, he let Lucas hold his hand.

They arrived at Jungwoo's house and rather than letting go of Lucas and letting him leave Jungwoo dragged him inside. He led him to Jeno's room and took Jeno from Lucas's arms, placing him in his bed since he was now fast asleep from the events that took place earlier. He kissed Jeno's forehead and got up to leave, dragging Lucas with him, to go to his room.

"You can sit on the bed. I'll be right back" - J

"Okay" - L

Jungwoo left a baffled Lucas sitting on his bed as he went to get an ice pack from the freezer.

"Here. put this on your bruise" - J

"Thank you" - L

Jungwoo hummed in response and sat down next to Lucas, and he began to fiddle with his fingers.

"Thank you for saving my brother. I don't know what I would do if I lost him. " -J

Lucas let go of the ice pack and intertwined his fingers with Jungwoos. He lifted their hands and kissed the back of Jungwoos hand.

"I'd do anything for you" - L

"After today I don't doubt that. But why were you always teasing me before?" - J

"I'm sorry. That was wrong of me and I'd like to start over with you if you'd let me" - L

"Okay" - J

"Really!?!?" - L

"How could I say no? You saved my brother's life. I'm forever grateful for that" - J

"Thank you" - L

"Will you stay the night? My parents are out of town and I don't want to be alone tonight. I can give you clothes for school tomorrow and pajamas." - J

"I'd love to"- L

"Thanks" - J

Jungwoo got up to go find pajamas that would fit Lucas and he came back with grey sweats and a black hoodie. He gave them to Lucas to change into and showed him where the bathroom was. Lucas had come out noticing that Jungwoo had changed as well and began cooking dinner.

Jungwoo finished cooking and placed two bowls at the kitchen table. He jumped slightly when he felt Lucas lean over his shoulder.

"It looks delicious" - L

"Let's eat then" - J

Both boys sat at the table and ate in comfortable silence. Jungwoo was the first to break the silence causing Lucas to snap out of his daydream.

"You can sleep in my bed and I'll stay on the couch tonight" - J

"Are you sure? I can sleep on the couch." - L

"No, it's okay. You're my guest you can take the bed" - J

"I'll sleep on the bed only if you stay with me" - L

"Are you being serious?" - J

"Very" - L

"Okay then I'll stay with you" - J

When both boys had finished eating Lucas took the dishes and washed them. Jungwoo just watched from the table with a smile slowly forming. When Lucas had finished he turned around to find Jungwoo staring at him. Lucas returned the smile and walked over to him. He grabbed both of Jungwoos hands pulling him up from the chair and picked him up to where Jungwoo was holding him like a koala.

"What are you doing?" - J

"Taking you to bed" - L

"I can walk you know" - J

"I know" - L

Jungwoo rolled his eyes at Lucas but his smile never left his face. They got to Jungwoos' room and Lucas laid him down on the bed climbing in after him. He wrapped his arms around Jungwoos waist and snuggled into his neck. Minutes later both boys were fast asleep in each other's arms.

The next morning Lucas got up early to make breakfast for Jeno and Jungwoo. Jungwoo woke up to find Lucas gone and he went out to investigate. He found him in the kitchen cooking something that smelled delicious. He walked over to Lucas and stood next to him.

"That smells amazing" - J

"Good morning, beautiful. Did you sleep well?"- L

Jungwoo just hummed in response and Lucas leaned down to kiss his forehead. Jungwoo smiled and turned around walking to Jeno's room to wake him up.

"Good morning"- J

"Good morning" - Je

"Do you want breakfast? Lucas made something yummy" - J

Jenos eyes lit up at the mention of Lucas. He took off running to the kitchen and Jungwoo followed behind. Jungwoo turned the corner and smiled even bigger when he saw Jeno in Lucas's arms hugging him. He walked over to Lucas and took Jeno from his arms.

"Let's let Lucas finish cooking and then we can hug him all we want okay?" - J

"What if I want my hugs now?" - L

Jeno leaned forward making grabby hands at Lucas forcing Jungwoo to walk forward. Lucas wrapped his arms around both Jeno and Jungwoo and, again, kissed both of their foreheads.

"Okay! Who's ready to eat?" - L

Lucas placed three plates down on the table and they began eating.


Later that day, Lucas ran up to Jungwoo in the halls panting.

"I've been looking for you everywhere" - L

"I didn't know we were on civil speaking terms at school" - J

"Well, we are now. Get used to it beautiful." - L

"Why do you keep calling me beautiful?" - J

"Because you are. Stop changing the subject!" - L

"Fine. What do you want." - J

"Are you picking Jeno up again today?" - L

"Yes. and we won't be going to the park again" - J

"And your parents are still out of town?" - L

"Yes, get to the point" - J

"I want to stay with you again" - L

"Look I know I was a little panicked yesterday, but you don't need to feel obligated to stay with us" - J

"Jungwoo, I WANT to stay with you." - L

"Oh. Well I guess you can stay again if you really want to" - J

"I do" - L

"Well let's go get Jeno then" - J

Lucas grabbed Jungwoos hand and pulled him towards the exit.

"Let's go" - L

They went and got Jeno and all three boys made their way back to Jungwoo and Jenos house. Lucas went and sat at the kitchen counter while he waited for Jungoo to put Jeno down for a nap. Jungwoo walked up behind Lucas and asked if he was hungry. Lucas said no but he did have something he wanted to tell Jungwoo. Taking a deep breath he decided to put everything out on the table.

"Jungwoo I just want to say I'm so sorry for bugging you all the time. I never did any of it with the intention of being mean to you. I did it because I didn't know how to confront my feelings and I took that out on you. I wanted to talk to you so bad but I was afraid you wouldn't want to talk to me so I resorted to teasing you. I like you so much and I hope that you letting me stay with you is a sign that you're giving me a second chance to prove myself to you. I don't expect anything from you but I hope you'll give me a chance to make it up to you." - L

"I never hated you for the teasing. I just never responded to it because I hated the fact that I liked the compliments even when I knew you were teasing" - J

"I meant everything I said. I just wish I had said it a more meaningful way because you really do look beautiful all the time" - L

"Now you're over-exaggerating" - J

"I'm not" - L

Lucas got up from the stool he was sitting on and rested his hands on Jungwoos face. He rubbed his thumb against his cheekbone and leaned his forehead against Jungwoos. Jungwoo brought his hands up and rested them on top of Lucas's. Both boys stood like this, soaking each other's presence in until Lucas dropped his hands to Jungwoos waist pulling him in closer. Jungwoo wrapped his arms around Lucas's neck and laughed softly.

"Are you gonna kiss me or something"- J

"Yes." - L

At this, Lucas smashed his lips against Jungwoos startling him. However, it wasn't long before Jungwoo had melted into the kiss. Lucas bit Jungwoos bottom lip forcing his mouth open deepening the kiss. They fought for dominance but Lucas ultimately won as he explored the mouth of the boy he loved. They broke away, out of breath, happily content with the way their story would end.

"Can I stay with you forever?" - L

"I wouldn't want it any other way" - J

And so it would be. Lucas would eventually marry the boy standing in front of him and they would both live happily ever after.

(I sort of gave up on this story halfway through cause I didn't know where I wanted it to go :/ I hope it isn't too bad.)

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