homegrown 》v. hacker

By timetrooper

37.9K 671 41

How did he do it? Manage to mess up everything? How did she go from a normal citizen of Seattle, working a 9... More

cast + credits
A Jamba Juice Card, Really
Pietro's Iconic Liver and Onions
Cockblocked by a 13 Year Old
Smells Like Miami
Just Like Peter Parker
Life Is A Highway
Too Pussy To Make A Move
Boo You Whore
Drew The Loose Screw
Airports and Highways Go Brrrr
8pm On A Thursday
I Think It's Sinister
Too Much For Human Words
Matching Tats
I'm Trying
I Hate You
Such A Tease
I Like How You Think
Pitchforks Are Great For Stabbing
Vinnie Needs A Self Help Book
Last Night As An Unmarried Woman
For Now
Whatever You Say
The Maple Tree
You Best Hide It Well
Major Lack Of Info
Step Sister
How's The Playboy
Absolutely Perfect
She Looks Just Like Me
Digging In The Pit Of Truths
Meet In The Middle
Out In The Open
I Need You
I Always Am
You'd Kill It
Thanks Thomas
Glad I Moved To LA
Fight Me
I Do
Interstate 101
Sleeping Beauty
Free Roaming

He Wishes

1K 17 0
By timetrooper

Um...the amount of traction this has getting...I think I'm going to pass out. This isn't my best work but it's a chapter. Thank you guys again for all the support this book has getting, it does mean a lot to me. :)

Don't forget to vote and text them back!

I changed into a loose shirt and shorts before wrapping my hair in a towel and leaving the bathroom to find Vinnie. I pattered downstairs to find Vinnie making toast while he and Calvin talk animatedly.

"Vinnie. Calvin."

"Max." Vinnie smirked and I resisted the urge to smack him.

"So you were here last night!" I nodded and Calvin looked to Vinnie. "I told you. Oh and your cat is in my bedroom."

"Okay. Anything good to eat around here?"

"Just toast."

"Vinnie's toast? Don't mind if I do." I slid next to Vinnie and plucked a piece of toast from Vinnie's plate.

"I hate you."

"Kiss my ass."

"An true love." I looked at Calvin and stuck out my tongue.

"As if. Vinnie's a fucking asshat who's ego is bigger than his bank account."

"Oh. I though you were going to say dick." Calvin frowned and I laughed.

"I'm guessing his dick is small."


I nodded. "Yeah, it's not like I've seen it. I'm not into fucking until the third date."

"Oh. I thought you two were, y'know. Fuckbuddies or whatever."

"She wishes."

"He wishes." Vinnie spoke at the same time as me and I glared at him.



"Suck my dick." I rolled my eyes and sat down next to Calvin.

"Is that an invitation?"


"You guys have tension."

"Calvin shut up." Vinnie grabbed his plate of toast and flipped us off as he took the back stairway to his room. I laughed and Calvin smiled.

"I think he likes you."

I smirked. "I think he does too."

"Wow. You guys are embarrassing." I watched Calvin and Jake swat at each other and Thomas laughed.

"You get used to it."


"So what do we have planned for tomorrow? Or do I get to sleep in?" Jack asked, placing his glass down, glancing at Thomas.

"Bryce invited us to a party later in the day and we're using it to celebrate Michael's departure."

"Michael's moving out?" I looked down the table to see Michael nodding. "Lame ass. I barely got to annoy him."

"You can come over anytime you want."

"Really?" Michael nodded and I smiled. "Bad idea. So do we wear to this party anyway? Do we have to bring anything?"

"We usually end up in somewhat decent clothes. Nothing too much." Kouvr explained. "And no. We just show up for some clout and go."

"So I can't flash my tits?"

"No." Vinnie rolled his eyes and I laughed.

"Fine. You guys are boring."

"So boring." Calvin laughed and I smiled.

"See, he gets it."

"Vinnie! Over here! Vinnie! Look this way. What are you doing now that the fight is over?! Are you planning on more?" I glanced at Vinnie and he sighed before breaking away from the group to answer questions.

"This happen frequently?"


"Alex! How are you? Dinner party?" A man separated from the group and approached Alex, his spotlight blinding those behind it.

"Fletcher! I'm doing great, yourself?"

"The usual."

"Uh yeah, just a regular dinner party. Got to treat ourselves somehow."

"And is everyone here?"

"Yup. The usual crew."

The man behind the camera glanced at me and smiled. "Anyone new?"

"No new members, just an extra friend." I glanced at Michael and shoved my hands into my pockets. This was actually happening. I was about to be exposed to the internet. Oh god. What if I look greasy? No one told me anything about paparazzi. Why did I fucking agree to come? We went to the best steakhouse, known for the paparazzi waiting like vultures outside.

I felt my stomach start to churn. "I'm leaving before he gets any further."

"I'll go with." Jack placed his hand on my shoulder and steered me towards the car, purposely blocking me from the flashing lights. I pulled my hands out of my pockets and wiped them on my pants, trying to get rid of the sweat. "Don't worry Max. I got you."

"Thank you Jack."


We stood by Alex's car for a few minutes before the group came into view. Vinnie looked upset and Alex looked very flustered. I hesitated asking about the encounter. I wanted to know about it but neither looked happy. The ride home was silent until Alex spoke up.

"No more exposing Max to the paparazzi."

"I second that." I sighed and everyone hummed in agreement. I paused and popped the question. "What'd you tell them?"

"You were a home friend of Mia's visiting for a few days. They won't know you're staying with us if we're careful with the vlogs."

"Good. No offense but I didn't really plan on being in them in the first place." The ride home was silent, everyone in their own little world. Everyone was too deep in thought to speak. I didn't mind, the silence was better than Jake and Calvin arguing. I think it also had to do with Michael leaving.

I wasn't friends with them very long but I know he was and him moving out was going to hit these people hard. They just lost a good part of them, Vinnie especially. They seemed really close in the vlogs and even closer up close. I can't imagine how he must be handling this.

I tossed my shoes into the ground and flopped onto the bed, wiggling into Vinnie's arms. "You okay? You seemed off today."

Vinnie sighed. "Yeah. Just, upset he's leaving."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I know he's doing this for himself."

"Just because he's more than 5 seconds away doesn't mean you guys will drift apart."

"I know."

"You'll still be able to call and text everyday."

"Obviously." I paused and fell silent. I knew how to take a hint. "I'm going to bed. You can stay up if you want."

"Okay." I gave him a reassuring smile and watched him strip off his shirt, tossing it aside. I glanced at his alarm clock and sighed. It was only 9.

Vinnie pulled the blankets over himself and I carefully stood up. I grabbed a blanket and turned off the lights before heading downstairs. I'd sleep on the couch for tonight. Maybe stay up and watch some movies.

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